Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,350 The Destroyer! You are the destroyer of worlds!

Without saying a word, Luo Li ran straight there. He was as fast as lightning and arrived there in a blink of an eye.

I saw that the original mountain peak here has been completely reduced to ashes, but there is a powerful force here, floating a bead here!

It's a bit wrong to say it's a bead, but it's actually a strange treasure formed by endless essence gathered here.

The demon lord's clones were shattered into pieces and dissipated completely, but they were so powerful that they were not stiff. Even if they died, they would slowly gather together after death and prepare for rebirth.

It's a step too late, Luo Li is here!

Luo Li immediately stretched out his hand, took out the Hunyuan Golden Dou, and then put it away.

The golden bucket emits thousands of auspicious lights, and endless Sanskrit sounds sound:

"The three talents of heaven and earth are hidden within, and the universe is contained and the world is harmonious!"

The bead was collected by Luo Li. Looking over it, half of the bead was dark and translucent like a black crystal, and the other half was pure white and translucent like ice and snow. When combined together, it looked like a round gemstone.

He didn't know what this thing was, but Luo Li knew that this treasure was absolutely worth a fortune, so he took it immediately.

After collecting it, Luo Li took a long breath, looked in all directions, and was suddenly stunned!

The entire Yuxu world has now been reduced to ruins, and some places are even still burning. In some places, you can still see some huge skeletons. They are all super powerful aliens. Although they are dead, their skeletons are still there.

In this world, resentment is soaring!

In this area, among all the races, there are nearly a million strong people in the realm of returning to the virtual world, tens of millions of strong people in the realm of transformation into gods, and billions of strong people in the Nascent Soul realm. At this moment. They are all death.

Although the body is dead, the soul is really unwilling!

Reluctant and angry, their remaining souls turned into dead souls and lingered around!

If this area continues as it is, in less than a hundred years, it will turn into a world of underworld, where countless ghosts and gods will be reborn.

But Luo Li smiled. Said: "You are not willing to give in. Who can you go to to reason with the sentient beings in the Yuxu world who died in your hands?"

Then he moved, flew to the side, and shone there. There is treasure here.

There are impressively three thousand gems here. Luo Li picked it up. If you look closely, you will see that all the gems are eyeballs.

This is when Luo Li fled. The Demonic Eyes Monarch attacked him, and now the Demonic Eyes Monarch is dead, leaving only these three thousand Demonic Eyes.

Luo Li immediately put it away and collected the three thousand magic eyes together. Suddenly Luo Li discovered that this magic eye could actually be fused with the only one, turning it into a jade magic eye that was three feet in size. The eye left by the Demon Eye Lord, as expected, wonderful.

At this moment, Xiao Hui, the clone in the distance, shouted: "Master, come quickly!"

Luo Li was at his side instantly and said, "What's the matter!"

Xiao Hui said: "Master, master, Xuanhuang Blood!"

Luo Li looked around and saw several drops of blood not far away, dancing in the wind, but implying rules. , Xuan is the sky, which is also Yang, yellow is earth, which is also Yin. This spiritual thing is called Xuanhuang's blood!

Luo Li saw it and identified it carefully, and was immediately overjoyed!

The so-called black and yellow blood is the spiritual creature of heaven and earth that is born when yin and yang collide. This kind of thing can only occur in places where yin and yang collide, and it does not exist in the Yuxu world. I don’t know why this big explosion created a vortex of Yin and Yang, and by chance, Xuanhuang blood was produced. It is full of the chaotic energy of heaven and earth and has infinite magical effects. It can only be encountered but not sought!

Luo Li immediately went over to collect it. At this moment, there was a rumble in the distance and a golden cicada appeared!

Luo Li frowned and said, "Ancestor Jin Chan?"

But looking at it, this golden cicada has lost its original majesty. It is less than a foot long and extremely weak. Just now in the big explosion, it used the golden cicada to escape from its shell, shed the body of thousands of years of cultivation, and survived!

The golden cicada appeared and seemed to have not recovered yet. Luo Li hurriedly collected the Xuanhuang blood!

One drop, two drops, three drops...

Luo Li used the Hunyuan Sect Jindou to collect all seven drops of Xuanhuang blood in one breath. At this time, Jin Chan looked at Luo Li. He didn't move for a long time and suddenly shouted:

"You, you, who are you?"

"You destroyed the world of Yuxu, and you killed hundreds of millions of powerful people from all races. You are definitely not an ordinary monk. Who are you!"

After Luo Li collected the Xuanhuang blood, he looked at the Jin Chan Ancestor and replied: "One breath generates all kinds of laws, Hunyuan destroys the universe, I am the Huode Zhenyi of the Hunyuan Sect in the world of the Lord of Heaven, Luo Li, I will not change my name if I am a man, sit here Don’t change your last name!”

Jin Chan looked at Luo Li with a look of complete disbelief.

At this moment, in the distant land, another strong man's aura appeared. Countless runes automatically combined and then turned into a runic life, but it was also extremely weak. This strong man was called Ether True Gold, and he was a wanderer in the outside world. The strange life that came here calls itself a sojourner.

This life is extremely powerful and is immortal. Even if there is a big explosion, it will be resurrected in the end!

He also looked at Luo Li and said in a trembling voice: "I can feel the aura of destruction on your body, you are not a human monk!

I can see your past, your existence, is destruction, past, present, future, countless worlds are destroyed because of you, countless gods and demons die because of you, you are the destroyer of the world, the terminator of living things!

I curse you, every member of the tribe who dies here will curse you, curse you! "

As he roared, he flew away, that is, escaped, far away!

The golden cicada also looked at Luo Li and shouted: "World Destroyer, World Destroyer, I have remembered your aura. From now on, everyone in the star sea will know your legend. Every living being will be on guard against you and be careful with you." !

Every powerful person who died will curse you, the terrible destroyer! "

Instantly, the golden cicada flew up, escaped, and fled far away.

But Luo Li just smiled and didn't care at all. In fact, what they saw was the breath of the God of the End of the World, not his own at all. The God of the End of the World had been exiled by himself.

Luo Li just sneered and said: "Fool!"

He began to collect treasures, and Luo Li's many clones also collected them wantonly. It was a great harvest, with countless good things!

But in the process, super strong people were resurrected one after another.

Although this big explosion was powerful, those powerful people at the level of the Golden Cicada Ancestor. Seventeen of the top 100 strong people had the method of crossing the tribulation and survived.

After they were resurrected, they looked at Luo Li, as if they felt the information left by the golden cicada and the ether gold, and they cursed Luo Li one after another!

"Destroyer, destroyer, every powerful person of the ten thousand races who died here will curse you, curse you!"

"Curse you. Until forever! "

Then these strong men left. But Luo Li didn't care at all and continued to pick up treasures. This is really a world of treasures, with countless treasures to collect.

However, Luo Li gradually felt something unusual. It was as if this world was looking at him, spying on him!

It was as if thousands of dead spirits were paying attention to him and cursing him!

After the curses of these 19 powerful men who left, the words became the law. The countless powerful men of all races who died here, among the residual souls, began to silently curse Luo Li, because they all died on Luo Li!

Countless curses, gathered together, gradually became the desire of this world, because The Yuxu World was also destroyed by Luo Li.

Luo Li scratched his head immediately, as if this was not a good thing, what should he do.

However, Luo Li was stunned again. He looked over and found that this world was a little different from when he first arrived here. In addition to the curse of those residual souls, it seemed that this world began to burn.

When Luo Li first arrived here, this world had only weak flames, but now, there were burning flames everywhere, especially those corpses and debris, countless flames rose.

Dafan World, the fourth heaven!

Luo Li was stunned for a moment, and then cursed: "Sure enough, there is a conspiracy! Bastard, Dafan God Lord!"

In an instant, all the clones merged, and Luo Li fled and left this world.

Soaring into the sky, at the moment of leaving, a terrible fire curtain quietly appeared, almost trapping Luo Li in this world.

Then the whole world burned endlessly, and in this flame, a phantom slowly appeared, it was Dafan God Lord!

He looked at Luo Li with a smile and said: "Thank you, Luo Li, no, Lord Destroyer! "

The Great Brahma Lord called Luo Li the title of the Destroyer, and the Great Brahma Lord also recognized Luo Li and was on an equal footing with himself!

Luo Li flew outside that world, looked there, and said: "No wonder you are so generous and gave away the Great Brahma Heart. It turns out that your goal is this Yuxu World!"

The Great Brahma Lord smiled and said: "I don't have any purpose. What Yuxu World is an accident!

The Great Brahma Heart, in your hands, is nothing more than a few uses. I naturally made preparations, but I didn't expect that I would make money this time!

Hundreds of billions of ghosts, among which there are countless powerful ones, and even dozens of existences that are not weaker than me!

I really made money, made money! I'm rich!"

The Great Brahma Lord was laughing endlessly. This time he became the biggest beneficiary!

The core of the explosion of the Yuxu World is the Great Brahma Heart. With this, he spread his divine power throughout the ruins of this world, and then turned this world into a part of his own Great Brahma World.

Luo Li looked at him and said: "Congratulations, congratulations! But thank you too! ”

Those dead souls who cursed Luo Li, they were so sad that they were swallowed by the Great Brahma Lord, and finally they could only turn into the Great Brahma True Demon. The so-called curse was meaningless.

The appearance of the Great Brahma Lord can be said to have relieved Luo Li of his worries!

The Great Brahma Lord looked at Luo Li and said: "Destroyer, I hope we will have a chance to cooperate in the future!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "I don't want to cooperate with you, just don't invade the Zhongtian Lord World!"

The Great Brahma Lord looked into the distance and said: "With so many dead souls, I don't have any energy to open up a new Great Brahma world for at least ten thousand years!

So, don't worry, I won't take the next step in the Zhongtian Lord World within ten thousand years!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "Golden words, okay, thank you Lord!"

The Great Brahma Lord suddenly laughed and said: "I lied to you! Hahaha! Maybe, I will invade the Zhongtian Lord World soon, Destroyer, see if you can stop me then! "

After saying that, the Yuxu Great World slowly disappeared and merged into the Great Brahma Realm of the Great Brahma Lord.

But Luo Li knew that what the Great Brahma Lord said was not necessarily a lie. After devouring so many dead souls, he would not have the energy to continue invading the Zhongtian Lord World without thousands of years!

Looking at the empty world, Luo Li smiled and roared suddenly!

Win, win, I Luo Li won!

So far, the catastrophe of all races has dissipated, and the strong men of all races have all turned to ashes! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!


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