Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,352 The sword points to the top ten questions and ascends!

The war ended here. Everyone was exploring the void, but in the end they determined that this was the place, and everyone returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord.

At the beginning, I didn’t feel much. The more I came back, the more excited I became.

There are hundreds of millions of powerful people in the allied army of all races, including nearly a hundred powerful supreme beings like Patriarch Jin Chan, as well as the terrifying demon lord clone. Although they don’t say it, almost all the monks believe that they are in the world of the Lord of Heaven. Lost.

Who would have known that this catastrophe would end just like this, with billions of powerful men wiped out in ashes, which made everyone feel like they were dreaming.

Halfway through, someone cheered, and everyone cheered suddenly. Even if they had practiced for thousands of years, and even if they had mastered unparalleled power, in their current state, no Return to the Void True One could hide their happiness.

After the crowd cheered, a strong man returning to the void said slowly:

"Fellow Taoists, although the enemy is gone, we must not relax.

In this catastrophe, the Great World Defense Beacon System has completely collapsed. I believe that as a top priority, we should rebuild the Great World Defense Beacon System! "

This person is the Supreme Elder of the Silent Sect, Silent Son, and he keeps his word!

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded, and the Sword God said: "The demon lord's clone is frustrated and angry, which may immediately attract thousands of demons. Therefore, this world defense lighthouse system must be established as soon as possible!"

Master Xuanci of Landa Temple said: "This catastrophe has severely affected all regions.

However, it is urgent to repair the Great World Defense Beacon System. After returning, our eight major Buddhist sects in the Kansai region will use all the Buddhist power prepared to survive the catastrophe to end the catastrophe in the Kansai region and cooperate with everyone's defense of the Great World. The lighthouse system needs to be rebuilt! "

These words represent the end of the catastrophe in the Kansai region.

Tiger Zen Shinichi also said: "In our Chunan region, the catastrophe has ended, and the Great World Defense Beacon System can be perfectly established!"

Luo Li suddenly discovered that the attitude of everyone present towards Huchan Zhenyi was completely different from before. Unknowingly, everyone put Huchan in the same position as the Sword God, Master Xuanci and others.

Luo Li spoke to Mu Shen Zhenyi and asked quietly: "Grandmaster, my master seems to be very popular. What's going on?"

Mu Shenzhen smiled and said: "This time we attacked the Great World of Yuxu, your master stole the show. He defeated hundreds of strong people who returned to the virtual world with one man, and killed seven supreme strongmen including Demon Lord Yipilu. That one dares to look down upon?"

Luo Li nodded, that's it!

Following the expressions of Master Xuanci and Hu Chan, everyone expressed their opinions one by one!

"I am responsible for the Miao and Xiang areas!"

"Our sect can handle the Qingsu area!"

In the end, only the three major regions of Suiyuan, East China Sea, and South China Sea were left, which were still in chaos.

The Sword God said: "I, Kunlun, will be responsible for the East China Sea region and the South China Sea region. Within one year, I will calm down the catastrophe of heaven and earth and build a world defense lighthouse system."

Kunlun has always been the best in the world. Rights are obligations. When he said this, no one was surprised!

Master Xuanci suddenly said: "The battles in the Suiyuan area are endless. It is not a good thing to continue like this. I, Landuo Temple, are willing to send out eighteen Arhat monks to go to the Suiyuan area!"

Those aliens who come here are willing to integrate into our world of God, then give them the right to live. If they don't want to, then just dissipate! "

The eighteen Arhat monks of Landa Temple are the Eighteen Returned Void, extremely powerful! "

Wuyan Zong said: "Okay, I, Wuyan Zong, can dispatch the seven great speech spirits to assist the master!"

"Our Daluo Jinxian Sect is willing to send out the Five Great Returners to assist the master!"

"We, the Haoran Zhengqi Sect, are willing to send out eight returning to the void to quell the catastrophe!"

Everyone tried their best, and Jin Shengzhenyi, who had been silent until now, suddenly said:

"We, the Hunyuan Sect, are willing to come out and assist the master!"

As soon as he said this, there was a sudden silence everywhere!

For many sects, there are countless things going on in the current catastrophe, and each sect needs to return to the virtual world to take charge. Therefore, except for Landuo Temple, which is at the forefront, other sects have ten visiting sects, that is, six or seven returning to the virtual world, and ordinary visiting sects only have one. Two returned to the void.

Only the Hunyuan Sect took action, and Eighteen Returns to the Void, which meant that within the Hunyuan Sect, there were more than 20 Returning to the Void, otherwise, there would be no way to send such a Return to the Void.

At the same time, this also meant that Hunyuan Sect began to speak and make his own voice.

Now that the catastrophe is over, the sect competition that turns out to be once in a thousand years is about to come.

Every sect competition will determine the 108 members of the Zhongtian Lord World. In the past, the Hunyuan Sect didn’t care about this, and the rankings could be any number. Except for the last one, because the sect was severely damaged, so it was Fight for ranking.

But this time is different. The Hunyuan Sect has dispatched the Eighteen Returns to the Void. This time the sect competition will no longer be silent. The top ten in the world will be their goal!

At the scene of the retreat, you looked at me, I looked at you, and everyone's eyes suddenly showed fright.

But think about it, during this catastrophe, the Hunyuan Sect rescued several visitors from the Chunan region. After the catastrophe, the nine major visitors from the Chunan region had completely formed an alliance, led by the Hunyuan Sect.

The Hunyuan Sect can be said to control the Chunan region and is the overlord of a region. It has the full right to say so!

Moreover, the tiger Zen really just fought, the tiger came out of the cage, it was really super strong, and everyone admired it in their hearts.

What's more important is that this catastrophe caused all races to be destroyed. Although we don't know the specific circumstances, it was Huode Zhenyi's fault. This can be determined.

In addition, the person who detonated the Yuxu world was also Hu Chan's disciple. In summary, the Hunyuan Sect has the strength to be promoted to the top ten disciples in the world.

Everyone nodded, and then looked at the visiting monks from the Great Luo Jinxian Sect, the Heart Demon Sect, and the Wuyan Sect among the crowd.

Among the top ten sects, Kunlun represents the origin of the monks, the Xianqin orthodoxy, Landuo Temple represents the power of the Buddhist sect, Tianmo Sect represents the many demon sects, Ten Thousand Demons Valley represents all the demon clans in the world, Taibai Sword Sect represents the ancestral sword cultivator, Zhen Yangtian Wu Sect represents the power of the Wu clan. Their six major sects have never changed since ancient times and will always be one of the top ten sects.

Among the top ten sects, there are only Haoran Zhengqi Sect, Daluo Jinxian Sect, and Heart Demon Sect. The Buyan Sect was later promoted to the top ten sects. The Hunyuan Sect rose up and was promoted to the top ten sects. Among them, one sect must have withdrawn. Top 10 door-to-door queues.

This means that a battle between dragons and tigers in the future is about to begin!

The Sword God frowned and said: "Okay, then we will disperse separately. Everyone will prepare for the construction of the Great World Defense Lighthouse System in their own regions. We will strive to build the basic framework within one year, complete the defense system within ten years, and complete the defense system within a hundred years. A powerful defense system has been completely built. At this point, it will be even more difficult for the demons from the outside world or the alien races from the outside world to invade our world of the Lord of Heaven!"

The Great World Defense Beacon System is a powerful system built using the consciousness of heaven and earth in the Main World of Central Heaven. It integrates the world thoughts of the Main World of Central Heaven into a whole. If the aliens from the outer realm and the alien races from the outer realm come to invade again, they will be regarded as viruses that invade the body. , heaven and earth cannot tolerate it.

Everyone nodded, then dispersed and returned to their own sects.

Luo Li and others returned to Hunyuan Sect.

Back at Hunyuan Sect, Hu Chan looked at Luo Li and said:

"Qinghen, is he gone?"

Luo Li knelt down, kowtowed three times respectfully, and said:

"Master, this is what Senior Brother Qinghen asked me to bring to you!

He asked me to say sorry to you, and he was very peaceful when he left..."

Luo Li spoke slowly, Hu Chan closed his eyes, shook his head and said: "Qinghen, Qinghen!"

I feel so distressed!

Luo Li thought for a moment, then hurriedly released Senior Brother Qizhu and said, "Master, Senior Brother Qizhu has been promoted to the Void!"

Hu Chan opened his eyes and looked at Qizhu, nodded and said: "Okay, okay, okay!"

Qizhu smiled and said: "Unexpectedly, in this life, I will finally be promoted to the void!"

Immediately, Chilong Zhenyi, Jingxuan Zhenyi, Kong Renzhenyi, Mingyan Zhenyi, and everyone came over to congratulate.

However, the Hunyuan Sect has returned too much to the void now, and Qizhu is now seriously injured and his strength is not obvious. Qizhu's promotion to the void is too ordinary, and it will naturally fade away.

However, Luo Li looked at Senior Brother Qizhu. Although he was seriously injured, Luo Li felt the powerful power in his body.

Senior Brother Qizhu could survive under the eyes of the Demon Lord's clone, and also saved many people. How could it be possible if he was not strong enough.

Kogami Shinichi was very happy to see Qizhu promoted and returned to the void, and then he said:

"Fellow disciples, you must be wondering why I am showing off the power of our Hunyuan Sect in a high-profile way this time?"

Everyone immediately looked at Shinichi Kogami!

Shinichi Kugami continued:

"Our Hunyuan Sect, together with Qizhu, already has twenty-eight return to the void! We occupy the Chunan region!

With such strength, even if we don't want to fight, the top ten will not sit idly by if they come to visit us, because we are too strong!

In this case, why be passive, so we take the initiative. In the Millennium Conference and the sect competition in thirteen years, our Hunyuan Sect must make a splash and be promoted to the top ten sects!

With 120,000 years of accumulation, our Hunyuan Sect has the strength to be promoted to the top ten door-to-door disciples in the world! "

Following Mugami Shinichi's words, everyone suddenly cheered, the sect competition, the top ten came to visit, that honor that the sect monks did not want!

Luo Li also cheered, but he cared more about the Five Elements Sect!

Why, my five true meanings cannot complement each other, why are there obstacles coming from the Five Elements Sect?

Five Elements Sect, Five Elements Sect, it seems that I must investigate and solve this problem!

At this moment, Jin Shengzhenyi said slowly:

"My fellow disciples, after our Hunyuan Sect has been promoted to the top ten disciples, there is another more important thing, and that is to ascend to the immortal world!"

Suddenly, everyone was attracted by this statement!

Jin Shengzhenyi said again: "In my Hunyuan Sect, countless ancestors have been struggling hard to find the way to ascend.

I can tell you that after this catastrophe, the path to ascension of our Hunyuan Sect is no longer hopeless. There are already traces to follow. Perhaps, in the past 120,000 years, the first ascended monk of our Hunyuan Sect will soon be Birth! "

After saying this, endless cheers sounded again! r1152


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