Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,349 Evil will be punished with evil and all races will be destroyed!

The artifact explodes!

Under Qinghen's guidance, the world-destroying artifact exploded!

For a moment, the entire earth's lungs seemed to be suspended for an instant, as if frozen in time, everything was motionless!

Then, this stagnation quickly expanded in all directions.

The Yuxu world is different from other worlds. One hundred and eight of the earth's spiritual veins are all connected to the earth's lungs. This stagnation expands crazily outward along those spiritual veins.

In less than an instant, one hundred and eight spiritual veins were all stagnant, and then along these one hundred and eight spiritual veins, all the earth's veins were infected by this stagnation...

This means that all the spiritual veins in the Yuxu world are stagnant at this moment, and then the mountains and rivers that the spiritual veins pass through are all stagnant!

Not only the earth and mountains are stagnant, but the wind in the sky, the flowing water, and the white clouds in the void are as if time has stagnated!

This kind of stagnation is extremely terrifying. Under the earth, above the earth, in the sky, in the blue world, all the foreign races see this kind of stagnation.

This stagnation was transmitted to them, not as the stagnation of heaven and earth, but as a sound, Ding!

Because they are also stagnant!

Suddenly, the instinct of life lets them know that danger is coming and death is right in front of them!

At this most critical moment, only one person can resist!

That was the Demon Lord's clone. He appeared again and screamed: "No!"

With this scream, it hit him. Endless power exploded, and this power began to confront the vision of this world.

At this moment, the demon lord's clone is like the sword god who changed the world and the world with one sword in the Liaodong region, changed the laws of heaven, and saved the world. He also wants to change the laws of heaven and save all races!

At this moment, endless demonic thoughts appeared here. The demon lord's clone used his own power. Against the Yuxu world, he wants to reverse the big explosion in the Yuxu world!

Suddenly this moment turned into eternity. Everything in the world. All are at a standstill. This is still and unchanging!

It seems that it is motionless, but in fact it is the power of the demon lord's clone that is fighting against the power of the entire world's explosion.

This is different from the Sword God back then, and the Sword God's confrontational power. It's just the Divine Thunder Tower. Now the Demon Lord is fighting against the entire world!

In fact, things in this world are not static. On the ground, there are more than a dozen figures slowly flying up. They want to leave this world.

These figures are all the ancestors of Jin Chan, the Lord of Dust. There are dozens of such powerful people in this world, but only a dozen can escape!

At this moment, they wanted to escape from here, but due to the antagonism between the two forces, their actions were slow to the limit.

This kind of stagnation cannot last forever, and finally a force gained the upper hand.

The demon lord's clone is extremely powerful and has endless power, but during this confrontation, he suddenly found a small flaw in his power.

The human race's Return to the Void True One who self-destructed just now, although he was unharmed, consumed his power and created a small flaw in his power.

This flaw is so insignificant that it requires almost no treatment for the Demon Lord's clone. It will recover automatically as time goes by.

However, after returning to the void, the world collapsed, and he needed all his strength to prevent the destruction of the Yuxu world. This small flaw did not have time to repair, but this moment became the last straw that broke the camel's back!

Ju Shiqi would never have imagined that it was his blow that injured the Demon Lord and avenged the entire Yuxu world!

A nail is missing, a horseshoe is missing, a horseshoe is missing, a war horse is lost, a war horse is missing, a battle is lost, a battle is lost, a country is lost.

This can also be regarded as the cycle of heaven, where retribution is unpleasant, evil will be rewarded with evil, and good will be rewarded with good!

It was this small flaw that caused the Demon Lord's power to fluctuate. It was just a small fluctuation. The explosion of the Yuxu World overwhelmed the Demon Lord's power and was unstoppable!

The stagnation disappeared instantly, and many creatures present could not help but curse at this moment:

"It's over!"



But it was meaningless, and then everything in the Yuxu world turned into flames!

Whether it was the earth, the mountains, the rivers, the breeze, or the aura, everything, at this moment, under the influence of the artifact and the burning of the Heart of Brahma, all turned into flames!

Fire, explosion, destruction!


The entire world is in this flame.

The first person to die was the Demon Lord's clone!

If he hadn't struggled with this world, he could have completely avoided the flames, escaped, or even resisted in the flames!

But his power was all acting on the heaven and earth, and he was unable to extricate himself, so he was the first to be injured and die!

With a bang, the Demon Lord's clone's whole body turned into flames. This flame was a terrifying fire that destroyed everything. In this flame, the Demon Lord's clone immediately turned into fly ash, refining to death!

Even if you are powerful, terrifying, and with the power of a world, you will still be unable to resist!

Then there are thousands of alien races!

All alien races, whether underground, on the ground, or in the air, are all burning in this flame!

Whether it was an ordinary soldier, a strong man in the realm of returning to the void, or a supreme strong man who was famous in the universe, they all died in this flame!

This explosion, this destruction, is not just as simple as the explosion of the mainland, but the entire world, the Yuxu World Qingming Space, explodes with it!

In Qingming, thousands of alien races also died together!

Not to mention them, Luo Li, who had flown a million miles away, felt as if a sun appeared behind him, a huge light, burning and exploding behind him!

Then Luo Li didn't know anything at this moment, he was just hit hard by the shock wave of the explosion. Flying in the universe, like a rolling ball, flying around!

The Lord of Dust, who had been chasing behind him, screamed in this explosion and turned into thousands of flying ash, dissipating in all directions!

The Wounded Emperor of Wounds was rampant. This time it was his turn to be injured. With a bang, his whole body was injured. Falling apart!

By this time, they had already traveled millions of miles away. There is also such a terrifying impact and explosion, just imagine what kind of terrible disaster will happen to all the races in the Yuxu world!

Luo Li was flying around in the void. A mouth. Just a mouthful of blood spurting out. The light on the Hunyuan golden lamp ran out of oil with the explosion. It went out immediately.

At this time, Luo Li relied on the golden morning light of the Eternal Buddha to protect his life.

This flying dance traveled a hundred thousand miles until a huge group of meteorites appeared in front of them!

He suddenly hit a meteorite in the distance, and with a bang, the meteorite shattered. Luo Li finally stopped flying and stabilized his body.

The golden morning light of the Eternal Pagoda, no matter how great the trauma, no matter how much torment, this light will never go out, it will never go out, guarding Luo Li, the true meaning of gold that could never be understood before, exploded here , actually understood silently!

But that is still one step away from real fire, real water, real earth, and real gold, and it has not been born!

He immediately took out the elixir and began to swallow it.

This elixir is the seven great elixirs. Now Luo Li has the elixir for instant healing, leaving only the heart of nirvana. The elven water obtained in the Brahma God Realm was also given to the Lord Brahma God.

The heart of nirvana, that he really couldn't bear to part with. As Luo Li's realm improved, these seven medicines not only had the potential to improve, but could also be used to heal injuries when they were injured.

After swallowing the seven medicines, Luo Li's whole body trembled, and the damage he suffered from the aftermath of the explosion slowly recovered.

After about a cup of tea, the explosion in the distance went out. Looking over, there was no Yuxu world there at all. It was dead silent and scary.

Luo Li gasped for air, opened his mouth suddenly, and spat out another mouthful of blood with a pop!

But with this mouthful of blood spurting out, Luo Li immediately recovered, jumped up, and flew crazily towards the Yuxu world.

He wanted to go over and see what the world of Yuxu looked like after this terrible explosion. If there was a strong enemy alive, he wouldn't mind a last-ditch blow!

In addition, the more important thing is that after the big explosion, the strong ones will die, but there will definitely be essence treasures left, and this essence will definitely be priceless.

How can I not be rewarded if I work hard and narrowly escape death?

Luo Li flew away like crazy, and in the blink of an eye, after hundreds of thousands of miles, he suddenly saw something blocking Luo Li in front of him. It was none other than the Wounded Emperor Rampant.

Although Wanjie Wound Emperor Wangjue was blown into several pieces and his body was scattered in all directions, he did not die. His body began to come together and automatically began to recover.

At this time, he saw Luo Li's arrival and became extremely nervous. The tentacles flew up and defended desperately, but he knew that he was dead and Luo Li would not let him go!

Just when the Wanjie Wound Emperor Wangjue thought he was going to die, Luo Li walked around in front of him without even looking at him, passed him in an instant, and continued flying into the distance.

The Wanjie Wound Emperor Wangjue let out a long breath and continued to start treatment. Looking at Luo Li's back, he said through a voice message:

"Thank you, powerful immortal cultivator. I will remember this favor. If you need my help, just call me!"

Luo Li didn't respond at all, and flew away with all his strength. After another two hundred thousand miles, he suddenly found someone fighting in front of him.

In the battle just now, the Lord of Dust was shattered. After the explosion, the remains of the Lord of Dust began to gather together. The butcher Kou Lei of Heaven saw an advantage and wanted to devour the Lord of Dust, seize his power, and make himself stronger. .

The Lord of Dust resisted desperately, and the two powerful beings began to compete with each other in the universe.

Seeing Luo Li, they were all stunned, but Luo Li didn't care about them at all, and passed through them in an instant, flying forward desperately.

Seeing Luo Li leave, these two powerful beings began to fight again. Luo Li smiled and cursed softly: "Idiot!"

After desperately escaping, Luo Li finally returned to the explosion site of Yuxu World.

The huge world has disappeared. The nine clouds in the void have all disappeared. Only one tenth of the endless continent of thousands of miles is left. The spiritual energy that was once abundant has also disappeared.

Now there was only a dark suspended continent. At that time, the debris after the explosion fell down immediately. At the same time, all the clones flew out, and Luo Li shouted:

"Clean the battlefield! Find all the treasures!"

Then his eyes lit up, and where the Demon Lord's clone was, a ray of light illuminated the entire broken continent!

The demon lord's clone died, but the essence remained! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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