Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,348 The Demon Lord’s clone fights Luo Li!

Turning back and slashing with his sword, Luo Li immediately ran away frantically. Using a four-nine escape technique, he flew thousands of miles away and came to the underground hall just now.

When I thought about how to escape with the Four-Nine Escape Technique, I suddenly realized that as soon as the world changed, the escape technique immediately became ineffective. The laws of heaven that run the Four-Nine Escape Technique were locked by the Heavenly Butcher Kou Lightning and could not be used.

Luo Li smiled and continued to escape. This time it was not the Four-Nine Escape Technique, but the Divine Escape Technique. In an instant, he rushed towards the ground.

Behind Luo Li, the Heavenly Butcher Kou Lei, the Wounded Emperor Rampant, and the Lord of Dust followed closely!

Seeing Luo Li, Wanjie Wound Emperor Rampant let out a scream. With this scream, all the creatures underground made wailing sounds and were all injured.

Not only them, but the Tiandao Butcher Kou Zhailei and the Lord of Dust were also injured.

But Luo Li didn't. In Luo Li's hand, the Hunyuan golden lamp lit up. At the same time, the golden morning light on Luo Li's body activated. The golden light and the light merged into one, and his defense immediately increased endlessly!

Under the light of the golden lamp, there were no taboos. The rampant scream of the King of All-Destroying Trauma was blocked by the golden lamp. Luo Li was unscathed, but the lamp oil was reduced.

Luo Li escaped again, flying quickly towards the earth.

Passing through the earth, breaking through rocks and sand, it suddenly rushed to the earth. The rays of the sun in the distance immediately fell and came to the earth!

But as the sun set, there were thousands of spells blasting towards Luo Li.

On the ground, there were at least hundreds of strong aliens who were equivalent to the realm of returning to the virtual world, forming a battle formation to prevent Luo Li from escaping.

See Luo Li rushing out. Many powerful foreigners cast spells immediately, and the whole world seemed to be shaking. Luo Li roared, accelerated instantly, and fled away wildly.

The God of Fighting Xiao Sun appeared in form and merged with Luo Li. With the power of the God of Fighting, Luo Li seemed to have seventy-two transformations among the thousands of spells. Countless variations. Walking around in the courtyard, he forcefully opened a flaw in the flawless attack and passed by in an instant.

Among those hundreds of returning to the void. Luo Li is like a swimming fish. A flash of inspiration. Passing through the crowd.

Boom, on that land, there was a curtain of death that spanned hundreds of miles. Slowly rising, some powerful men named Kou Zhuilei and the Tiandao Butcher took action to stop Luo Li.

Luo Li roared, and Xiaoxue, the God of Life, appeared, and the endless breath of life was immediately released, fighting against the death sky, and Luo Li passed through the death sky in an instant.

But immediately there were more than a hundred powerful foreigners who surrounded and killed them.

Some of them are armed with sharp blades, and some have sharp spikes and sharp claws. These strong aliens are all strong men who like close combat. If they surround Luo Li, they will kill him.

Luo Li groaned, and instantly, ten figures appeared on him!

Xiaobai, Xiaohong, Xiaoshi, and many true spirits appeared immediately and fought with the many strong men who blocked Luo Li.

And Xiao Hei also recovered automatically, took Luo Li, jumped and disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Li appeared thousands of miles high in the sky, and Xiao Hei used the power of time to run a few breaths longer in an instant.

Luo Li suddenly stamped his feet, soared into the sky, straight into the sky, and flew towards the outer space of Qingming without stopping!

Just like that, Luo Li jumped into the air, and the many true spirits fighting on the ground immediately disappeared and appeared next to Luo Li, continuing to guard him.

Seeing Luo Li reach the third level of the clouds in a blink of an eye, this is not bad, could it be that he escaped like this?

On the ground, there was a roar, and a giant beast appeared.

This giant beast was like an octopus, with countless tentacles flying in the wind, and three thousand magic eyes suddenly appeared on his body!

This is the Demon Eye Monarch, the most beloved pet of the Demon Lord's avatar. He controls the entire world for him. He will run away when he sees Luo Li, so take action immediately!

Those three thousand demonic eyes immediately erupted, and instantly three thousand terrifying attacks rose above the earth, beeping, almost covering the world, and blasting towards Luo Li.

Seeing this terrible spell coming out, whether it was the Tiandao Butcher Kou Thunder or the Wounded Emperor Rampant, they all retreated. They did not dare to block this terrible magic and were very afraid.

At this critical moment of life and death, Luo Li had a little goat on his body, and he screamed!

Suddenly, a miracle occurred. Those three thousand terrifying spell attacks all failed. They passed by Luo Li and almost hit Luo Li, but none of them hit.

This is exactly the hill of the Demon God of Destiny transformed into the demon lord's avatar. With a sheep's cry, destiny changes, and all the magic spells that must be hit suddenly turn out to be empty!

However, as the sheep brayed, a roar came from the earth:

"If you dare to use my avatar to refine the true spirit, you are committing treason and will die!"

This voice, neither male nor female, was the avatar of the Demon Lord who ruled all races. When he found out that the hill was his avatar, which was refined by Luo Li, he became furious!

Following his words, a magical talisman suddenly appeared on Luo Li's body!

This magical talisman is the word "death". This is the will of God. All living beings who have been hit by this trick will not die!

This is an instant death spell. It is an instant death that cannot be avoided and is extremely resistant!

At this moment of life and death, Xiaobai appeared, opened his mouth suddenly and swallowed, and the magic talisman was actually eaten by him.

Xiaobai is the god of death and resonates with this magic talisman, so he can swallow it. However, after swallowing it, Xiaobai wailed and immediately dissipated, leaving Luo to die!

The voice suddenly became angrier:

"Suicide? If you want to escape, catch him!"

In one sentence, his words became law, and the heaven and earth immediately moved with his words. The ninth layer of clouds in the sky suddenly changed, turning into thousands of seals and countless chains, and no one could think of leaving.

At the same time, around Luo Li, countless clouds suddenly turned into various flying dragons, automatically giving birth to spiritual wisdom. Each of them was in the realm of returning to the virtual world. They rushed towards Luo Li, trying to block Luo Li for a moment.

In addition to these flying dragons, dozens of figures rise above the ground. These are all strong men who are beyond ordinary aliens and are powerful beings like the Jin Chan Ancestor and the Tiandao Butcher Kou Zhilei.

These tyrannical beings were fighting against Luo Li one on one, with dozens of them facing each other. If Luo Li was surrounded by them, he would definitely die.

Luo Li continued to fly away without stopping at all. The flying dragon moved forward, as if trapping Luo Li, and the small stone appeared and roared violently!

Real dragon's voice! A shocking sound!

As he roared, all the flying dragons composed of clouds immediately dissipated, and all disappeared in front of the real dragon!

Losing any resistance, Luo Li rushed under the Nine Heavens in an instant, and saw countless sealing chains, tightly locking the world.

But Luo Li sneered, and a golden bull appeared. Luo Li jumped and lay on the golden bull. The golden bull made a muffled sound and hit it!

This was Xiao Jin, the God of Space. In an instant, Luo Li flew out of the ninth heaven. The seal was useless.

The demon lord's clone was furious, and with a bang, a white-clothed scholar appeared on the top of the highest peak of Mount Timala in the Yuxu world.

In his busy schedule, Luo Li looked back, but couldn't see his appearance clearly. The other party was too strong, and he couldn't even see his appearance.

The demon lord's clone appeared and shouted: "Back and forth, back and forth, heaven's way of time and space, devil's chaos of cause and effect, come back to me!"

In one sentence, it was as if the whole world was stagnant, and then everything reversed. Luo Li suddenly jumped up and seemed to be reversed. In an instant, he reversed and returned from outside the nine heavens.

As long as he comes back, he will never be able to get out again. At this critical moment of life and death, Xiaoqing appears. He sneers and says:

"Cause, cause, effect, irreversible, return to its place!"

Xiao Qing is the witch god, who controls the power of cause and effect and can immediately break the devil's chaotic cause and effect.

In an instant, Luo Li returned to his original position. Luo Li immediately took off and flew towards the distance.

The demon lord's clone sneered, cast another spell and shouted: "Chewei Xuanjingmen, radiant and clear, the sky is the same. The most evil is silence..."

At this moment, at the foot of Natimala Mountain, a Void Returning True One suddenly appeared. He roared and rushed towards the Demon Lord. As he flew and charged, he roared!

He yelled: "I'm not a coward! Die, you bastard!"

Self-destruction, a roar, turned into endless flames of destruction, and rushed towards the demon lord's clone!

This person was none other than Ju Shiqi. The demon lord's clone appeared. He seized the opportunity, rushed over immediately, and blew himself up!

This is his most powerful attack. He returns to the void and self-destructs. Within thousands of miles, endless flames rise. The Timala Mountain is burned down by ten feet. However, the Demon Lord's clone cannot stop it at all. This explosion is against He was unharmed!

However, after Ju Shiqi's blow, his magic did not come out. At this time, Luo Li had rushed out of the Yuxu World a million miles away, got rid of countless aliens from the universe outside the Yuxu World, and returned to the Zhongtian Lord World.

The Demon Lord's clone sneered: "Escape. If you can escape this disaster, let me see how you escape in the next one?"

After saying that, his figure slowly disappeared, and the dozens of super beings who were chasing Luo Li also returned one after another. Except for the extremely angry ones, the Tiandao Butcher Kou struck the thunder, the Ten Thousand Destruction Trauma Emperor was rampant, and the Lord of Dust was still chasing.

At this moment, at this moment, suddenly, a ding sounded between heaven and earth, resounding throughout the world of Yuxu. All the creatures here suddenly felt a sense of fear in their hearts, because death was right in front of them!

The Demon Lord's clone suddenly appeared again. He seemed to be looking at the earth and suddenly screamed: "No!"

Then thousands of rays of light erupted from him, sweeping across the entire Yuxu world!

At the same time, in the lungs of Yuxu World, the world-destroying artifact began to explode!


I recommend it with nine stars. The author is a beautiful young woman and the book is also quite exciting!

If one day you die.

You have two options before you:

a, be reborn once, b, travel through another world.

How would you choose?

Raise your fan and sing songs for three thousand miles, and your laughter will attract evil stars into your life palace!

An unknown assassin, with a purple and gold star and a huge fortune, came to this evil and passionate era. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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