Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,344 The world-destroying artifact is finally taking shape!

It turns out that although the Zhongtian Lord World is known as the Seven God Lords, the Demon Lord, Taoist Lord, and Buddha Lord do not take the faith of the Zhongtian Lord World seriously at all, and they are only God Lords in the sense of the word.

The other four great god lords, the dragon god controls the sea dragon clan, and the chaos god lord, no one knows what he wants? The True Witch God Lord has the faith of the witch tribe, and only the Great Brahma God Lord has a close interactive relationship with the monks in the Zhongtian Lord World.

However, this interaction is that the Great Brahma God Lord is attacking the Zhongtian Lord World again and again, trying to turn the Zhongtian Lord World into a part of the Great Brahma God World, and the monks in the Zhongtian Lord World are desperately trying to stop him.

In the eyes of the Great Brahma God Lord, the world of the Zhongtian Lord is part of his Great Brahma God Realm. Now the demon lord Taoist clone comes to forcefully oppress. Although he dares to be angry and dare not speak out, he dares to secretly destroy it behind his back.

He didn't ask Luo Li what the Heart of Brahma was used for, fearing that it would attract the other party's attention if he told it. However, he believed in Luo Li and gave the Heart of Brahma to Luo Li.

Luo Li put away the Great Brahma Confidant, clasped his fists and said, "Your Majesty the Great Great Brahma God, thank you very much. Don't worry, I will definitely protect the world of Zhongtian Lord and never let any race invade it!"

Lord Brahma nodded and said: "That is my world, you protect it for me first."

This guy still doesn't forget this at this time.

Luo Li looked at the Lord Brahma and suddenly said: "It's strange, why do I always feel that there is something wrong with it!"

Lord Brahma said: "You little bastard, the world of the Lord of Heaven will be gone soon, why do you care so much?"

Luo Li nodded and looked at Hu Chan. Hu Chan thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, the great Lord Brahma, I am grateful. How about we leave first?"

You have obtained the Heart of Brahma, why are you still here?

Master Xuanci, you don’t need to show up, just keep holding it in!

Lord Brahma suddenly said gloomily: "You just left like that?"

Luo Li and the others were suddenly shocked, what do you mean?

Lord Brahma said: "You have destroyed several of my worlds and plundered many things. I gave you the heart of Brahma. Do you want to return those things to me?"

Once you say this. Luo Li and the others were speechless, this God Lord was so stingy!

However, Luo Li and the others still grabbed the various treasures they had plundered some time ago, such as the land of ashes. What a heart of fire. Two divine servants who had just been captured. Even the Matuga spiritual water was left behind, but the seed was not left behind.

Keep these things, Lord Brahma said: "Okay. If you don't want to send them away, just leave!"

He shook his hand, and instantly Luo Li and the other three felt the space rotate and time and space teleported.

Suddenly, the space in front of them changed, and they suddenly discovered that they had left the Brahma God Realm and came to the normal world.

After the transmission, the three of them looked at each other, and each saw the surprise in the other's eyes.

Lord Brahma has always been a cruel and tyrannical image that is spread among the monks. Everyone thinks so, but this time they saw his true form.

The three of them discovered that beneath the brutal appearance of Lord Brahma, there was another side hidden!

The Sword God couldn't help but said: "Sure enough, the divine power is as powerful as the sea, and the divine power is as powerful as the mountains. This divine master is really not simple!"

Hu Chan also said: "Yes, we really underestimated him before. We thought we defeated his invasions time and time again, but in fact it was just a game he played to waste time!"

Luo Li said, "Here, there, why does it look familiar to me?"

Hu Chan looked around and saw endless stars in the sky, and said:

"This is Suiyuan area!"

The Sword God said: "It seems that we have returned to the Zhongtian Lord World!

Then let’s take action!

Luo Li, I don't care what you do. In three days, I will organize all the monks of the Kunlun Alliance to attack the Yuxu World from afar!

Use this as a way to cultivate the humble way, and then organize a wave of strong men to secretly sneak into the world of Yuxu and assassinate the demon lord's clone! This is Chen Cang secretly!

But this is all our cover-up. Regardless of success or failure, it is all to protect your existence, and you are our trump card to destroy the world of Yuxu! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "I understand. In three days, whether you succeed or fail, I will detonate the Yuxu World!"

The Sword God nodded and said: "Okay, from now on, we will no longer contact each other to avoid being discovered by the other party. There are countless traitors and surrenders in the big alliance!

In addition, I have blocked the dimensional world, and Master Xuanci is still waiting for the appearance of Lord Brahma, asking him to wait for a while longer. "

Luo Li nodded, and then said: "I always feel that Dafan has some conspiracy!"

Hu Chan said: "Don't worry about it. There is just some conspiracy. Let's deal with the coalition of all races first. Let's go back!"

At this point, the three of them separated. The Sword God returned to Kunlun alone, and Luo Li returned to the Chunan region.

As soon as they flew thousands of miles away, there was a big battle ahead. On the sea, countless sea people were killing each other.

On one side are endless murlocs. Among the murlocs, there are giant whales, sea monsters, and even human monks. On the other side, there is a strange sea race that has never been seen before. They have strange shapes and are definitely from the world of the Lord of Heaven. creatures outside.

Hu Chan looked over and said, "The murlocs over there are the murlocs of the Night Clan from the Heavenly Lord World, and those monks should be the monks from the Yulongmen of the Left Dao.

On the other side, it should be the outer sea tribe. Sure enough, the catastrophe in the Suiyuan area is a war between the two worlds! "

When Luo Li saw this scene, he was about to help the creatures in the Suiyuan area. At this moment, there was a huge roar in the sea, and a huge sea dragon appeared!

When the sea dragon appeared, countless fishmen cheered, and the other alien race immediately fled in all directions and were defeated!

Seeing the sea dragon, Hu Chan said: "The dragon clan has also joined the big battle. It seems that this is the will of the Dragon God!

But, haha, this kind of fight is meaningless. No matter which one wins, all races will be ashes here! let's go! "

The two people escaped quickly. The natural moat passage from Suiyuan to the Chunan region had been restored. Through the natural moat passage, they returned to the Zhongtian Lord World.

Back here, Luo Li immediately quietly called out to Tian Dao Wuchang, took out their Yuxu world-destroying artifact, and began to assemble it.

Use the Heart of Brahma to replace the core of the artifact, and it was immediately assembled. It no longer looked like a metal ball, but a ball of flame.

Luo Li and Hu Chan began to calculate, and finally determined that as long as this object is thrown into the earth's lungs of the Yuxu World, and the moment it is activated, the entire Yuxu World will explode immediately!

There was no buffering time. In an instant, the whole world exploded, affecting hundreds of millions of miles around and turning into a sea of ​​fire. It was the return to the true one, and it was becoming stronger. In this great world of Yuxu, it was also death!

As soon as this treasure comes out and is activated, all races will be turned into ashes!

Suddenly, Luo Li Huchan was ecstatic.

However, after the ecstasy, they discovered a problem. Due to the modification, this artifact became extremely powerful. When it entered the lungs of the earth and detonated, someone had to control it and detonate it with their own hands, instead of automatically detonating like before.

That person can enter the earth's lungs to become immortal and detonate divine weapons. He must be above Nascent Soul.

In other words, there must be a true god-incarnation, or a true return to the void, who brings the artifact into the lungs of the earth, commits suicide and detonates the artifact, and perishes with all races! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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