Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1343 Don’t treat me like dry food!

Luo Li made a silent move to suppress the Great Brahma God Servant in his hand.

At the last moment of this battle, Luo Li captured a Great Brahma God Servant alive. Under his true fire, the Great Brahma God Servant was firmly locked by Luo Li.

If this Great Brahma God Servant can be subdued and refined, and integrated into the Forest of All Living Beings of Hunyuan Sect, then it will be infinitely useful. It is not just a clone of the Return to Void God Servant. From this Great Brahma God Servant, the foundation of all the divine arts of the Great Brahma God Lord can be deduced, the method of the birth of the God Lord and the God Servant can be mastered, and even a new Forest of All Living Beings Dao method can be born.

Luo Li tried his best to subdue it. Not only Luo Li, but also Luo Li's master Hu Chan Zhenyi was subduing a Great Brahma God Servant.

The Great Brahma God Servant struggled desperately, but it was meaningless. Under Luo Li's true fire, he was refined by Luo Li bit by bit, and finally let out a wail and turned into a purple-red metal iron ball.

This metal ball is about the size of a fist, with 365 talismans engraved on it. These talismans are all related to fire, and emit endless purple-red light outward.

Luo Li took it in his hand and looked at it carefully. He felt that there were countless secrets and countless laws of fire in this metal ball.

Not far away, Hu Chan Zhenyi also roared. In an instant, in his hand, the Great Brahma God Servant was also subdued and refined, but his turned into a green metal iron ball.

Luo Li looked over and said, "Master, it's strange, why is yours green?"

Hu Chan took the God Servant and compared it with Luo Li, saying, "Yes, mine is green, and yours is purple-red.

But the rest of this God Servant is exactly the same. It can be confirmed that this color is the key part of the so-called God Servant."

The Sword God also studied together. She slowly said, "This purple-red God Servant is based on the law of heaven of high-temperature combustion and instant explosion and destruction. The green God Servant is based on the law of heaven of continuous continuous burning and burning more and more vigorously. Although these God Servants look the same, they master different laws of heaven!"

The three began to study here and discuss the secrets of the Great Brahma God Servant, which is very beneficial to their cultivation.

Luo Li said, "Yes. When we fought just now, I remember that there were several other changes to the other Brahma God Servant. Let me think about it, besides these two, there seem to be three other flame heavenly laws?" Hu Chan shook his head and said, "No, besides these two, there are more than three, there are at least four other types of flame heavenly laws." Luo Li frowned and said, "Master, I know why you think so. You must think that the fourth and fifth Brahma God Servant we eliminated are of two types. Actually, they are not. Although their flames are different, they are essentially the same. They are of the same type..." Hu Chan continued to shake his head and said, "No, no, I can feel that there should be four other types!" The master and the apprentice discussed this, and neither could convince the other. At this moment, someone beside them said, "The two you mentioned are actually one type and two manifestations. However, besides these two, there are indeed four other flame heavenly laws!" As soon as this was said, Luo Li and Hu Chan nodded and agreed with each other. Suddenly, they looked up together. Unknowingly, there was one more person around the three of them, joining their conversation! This man appeared silently. If he attacked the three people, the three people would have been alerted.

However, the other party did not attack the three people, but cleverly used the momentum between the three people to hide his breath and quietly appeared here!

This man is a handsome man with purple clothes and a golden crown on his head. Two strands of black hair hang from the white jade cheeks to the shoulders. He smiles gently, and his clothes flutter. He is really like a fairy. His eyes are bright, his spirit is clear, and he has the posture of a crane out of the world. His black hair shows the vicissitudes of time. On each of those hairs, the years have left traces of knife carving and axe chiseling. But his face is soft and delicate, like a baby, handsome, unrestrained, and majestic.

He stands here, as if he is the master of this world, he is everything, and he is the future!

Seeing him here, Luo Li and the other two shouted almost in unison: "Great Brahma God Lord?!!!"

This man is exactly the purpose of their coming here, the master of the Great Brahma God Realm, the Great Brahma God Lord!

Originally, they thought that they had to kill at least a few waves of attacks by the gods before the Great Brahma Lord would appear, but they never expected that things would not be as they thought. The Great Brahma Lord appeared quietly!

He appeared very suddenly!

Luo Li was about to attack, and the Sword God was about to draw his sword, but this person stretched out his hand and made a stroke.

The space changed instantly, and Luo Li and the other two left the original space and appeared in a hall in the blink of an eye!

This hall was extremely sacred and tall, magnificent and golden. The walls looked like diamonds, full of primitive beauty, and the whole body was shining with a faint glow.

At first glance, the glow did not seem to be anything special, but if you stare at it, you will immediately feel dizzy and confused, so that you can't tell the material. Countless crystals were embedded in the walls and domes like stars, and they emitted purple glows of varying depths, coating everything in the room with a layer of dreamy fire color. The ground was as smooth as a mirror. I don't know what stone it was made of. I didn't feel hot when I stepped on it, but it was ice-cold and very comfortable.

Standing here, the scene reflected on the ground is actually a starry sky. Suddenly, Luo Li and others felt that they had arrived at the center of the universe, looking around at the endless sea of ​​stars.

In the center of the temple, there was a throne. On the throne, Lord Brahma sat there comfortably, looking at the three of them!

Seeing him, the three of them were about to take action, and the Sword God was about to wake up Master Xuanci. Suddenly Lord Brahma said:

"In my temple, don't use swords or guns. Is there something you can't talk about?"

As soon as these words were said, Luo Li and the three of them were stunned. They immediately sensed the hidden meaning in the words of the Lord Brahma. Maybe there is a possibility of turning this matter around, and it does not necessarily have to be solved by force!

The Sword God withdrew his hand without waking up Master Xuanci. Because there is only one chance for Master Xuanci to appear, you cannot wake him up hastily. At least you have to summon him unexpectedly during the battle to have a chance of success!

The Great Brahma God Lord said again: "You three, you are arrogantly entering our Great Brahma God Realm and destroying the order of our world. Tell me. You are here. What is your purpose?"

Following his words, the Great Brahma God Attendant suddenly appeared on the wall!

These attendants of the Great Brahma God shouted: "What is the purpose!"

"What purpose!..."

"What purpose!..."

The great Brahma God attendants appeared here one by one, ten of them. Hundreds. Thousands. Ten thousand!

They responded together, there were only these four words in this world. What purpose, what purpose!

If there were ten or a hundred Great Brahma God Attendants, Luo Li and the others would not be afraid, but this amounted to more than ten thousand, which was extremely terrifying. The auras of the three of them could not help but falter, but in an instant, the auras of the three of them became stronger again. They were all hard-trained. Seniors, the more enemies you have, the stronger you become!

Hu Chan clasped his fists and said: "Your Majesty, the Great Lord Brahma, the three of us are here today to take the Heart of Brahma from the Lord God!"

Hu Chan directly explained the reason!

The other party has set up a cage, which is completely beyond everyone's expectation. It seems that the matter has been exposed. In this case, let's make it clear and prepare for a fight!

Lord Brahma smiled and said: "The heart of Brahma?

Do you know what this thing is worth to me? "

The three of them could not talk to each other, but he himself said:

"It takes at least 30,000 years to condense the heart of a Brahma. With this heart, I can condense the divine body and control the divine world more perfectly. You want it, but you don't take me, the Brahma, seriously. Bar!"

Following his words, endless flames rose up on him, and the pressure of God was astonishing!

As his pressure increased, the countless divine attendants sang together:

"Hallelujah, our Lord is mighty, our Lord is invincible, and our Lord is eternally number one!"

"Hallelujah, our Lord is mighty, our Lord is invincible, and our Lord is eternally number one!"

"Hallelujah, our Lord is mighty, our Lord is invincible, and our Lord is eternally number one!"

In this hall, endless pressure suddenly formed, but Luo Li and the other three laughed, because the more this happened, the more interesting it was!

Lord Brahma waved his hand, and all the divine sounds suddenly disappeared!

Hu Chan said at the beginning: "Your Majesty, the Great Brahma God, the reason why we want to ask for your Brahma Heart is because..."

The Great Brahma God suddenly stretched out his hand and stopped Hu Chan from continuing. He said:

"Don't say it! I don't want to hear it! I can't listen either!

As long as I know your purpose, I don’t need to know how to use it! "

Then there was a flash in his hand, and suddenly there was a heart-shaped gem in his hand!

This gem is only the size of a fist, but there are little bits of light splattering out, like stars surrounding the sky, gorgeous and bright, as bright as jade!

It is the heart of Brahma!

Lord Great Brahma took a long breath, threw it with all his strength, and threw the Heart of Great Brahma to Luo Li!

The heart of Great Brahma was lost, and the body of God Lord Great Brahma immediately seemed to become sluggish and began to gradually dissipate, making it difficult to maintain his body.

Luo Li was surprised when he took over the Heart of the Great Brahma. What kind of trick was this to get the Heart of the Great Brahma just like that?

Lord Da Brahma looked at Luo Li and said: "You little bastard, you have ruined my plans several times, and you also secretly disturbed my rest and refined my essence. I really want to kill you!

However, you are still a good boy. Compared with those other monks, you are more submissive, more fun, and more pleasing to the eye. At least you can ruin my plan and you are not a useless snack!

This heart of Brahma is given to you, don’t let me down! "

Luo Li said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, the Great Lord Brahma, what do you mean by this? Why do I feel like there is some big conspiracy in this?"

Lord Brahma snorted coldly and said: "No matter what, that Zhongtian Lord's world belongs to me!

In the future, your place will definitely become my Great Brahma God Realm!

If you win the battle between me and your monks, my Brahma God Realm will improve. If you lose, you will consume the real demons that have grown up, and at the same time, the origin of my world will increase. No matter who loses or wins, I will not suffer any loss. It’s my greatest pleasure in passing time!

They, hum, want to swallow it all in one gulp and deprive me of my greatest pleasure, dreaming!

That old guy from Chaos knows how to have a hand in the middle. If I, the Great Brahma, don't take action, wouldn't I be ridiculed by God Lords all over the sky for the rest of my life!

After all, although I am not as good as them, I, Brahma, am also the Lord of God and cannot be blasphemed!

Don't treat me like dry food! "

It turns out that the avatar of the Tao Lord and the Demon Lord invaded the world of the Central God and touched the cake of Da Brahma, so he would rather give up the heart of Da Brahma to stop the other party! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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