Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1345 Who hesitates before life and death!

With such shortcomings, Luo Li was stunned, what should he do?

The earth's lung is different from other places. It is the core of a world. He can't maintain it if he transforms into a free clone or a spirit transformed by other spells into the earth's lung. Only true monks can resist the power of the earth's lung. Yuan energy interferes and activates this artifact.

Someone needs to sacrifice, what can we do?

Tiandao Wuchang on the side suddenly said: "Actually, it's nothing. Ju Shiqi of Yuxu Cancer Palace, he has always wanted revenge and can't wait to die. With this opportunity, he will definitely go!"

These words immediately reminded Luo Li that Ju Shiqi indeed had endless revenge and just gave him this opportunity.

Hu Chan suddenly said: "This can only be done voluntarily by the other party. No matter how he behaved in the past, many people cannot accept the imminent death!"

Tian Dao Wuchang said: "No, Ju Shiqi is extremely strong and resolute, it won't be like this!"

Hu Chan shook his head and said: "Strong monks will hesitate when facing death.

For such a big event, there must not be a single flaw. Go and take the Heavenly Skull Mind Control Talisman in the sect's warehouse. This is one of the secret treasures of the Shenwei Sect. It can control the existence of the Real God Realm for three hours. At that time, if When Ju Shiqi retreats, you can capture the alien race among all races that is equivalent to the realm of gods, control it with the secret treasure, control it for three hours, and let it detonate the artifact! "

Luo Li nodded, immediately took out this talisman from the sect's treasure house, and then said:

"Okay, then let me set off. Otherwise, in three days, Zhongtian World will start a strong attack. The other side will definitely strengthen its defenses, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to sneak in."

Hu Chan nodded and said: "Go ahead, I'll leave the matter to you! At that time, our Hunyuan Sect and all the sects in the Chunan region will join the Kunlun Alliance. Let's attack together!"

Luo Li nodded and set off immediately without further ado.

Find Taoist Tianzang. Set off immediately.

Flying up again, this time Luo Li still used the method of bypassing. Go to the other side of the Yuxu World, and then take the flying eagle to the Yuxu World.

Nothing happened along the way. Although the divine consciousness scanned again and again, Luo Li avoided them all. However, Luo Li clearly felt the other party's divine consciousness scanning more than before. It seems to be enhanced by three points.

This flying vulture avoided the opponent's detection. The only shortcoming was that its flying speed was too slow. When it approached the Yuxu World, battle waves were heard in the distance. Under the leadership of the Sword God, the monks from the Zhongtian Lord World fled in full force.

The flying eagle landed and slowly landed on the great world of Yuxu. Luo Li took the flying eagle and Taoist Tianzang into the Taichu Cave.

If this artifact is really deployed. Luo Li didn't need the flying eagle to fly out, he had to escape desperately by himself, and the artifact exploded. It causes the great world of Yuxu to be destroyed, and the surrounding starry sky turns into dust for hundreds of millions of miles. If you are too slow to escape, you are seeking your own death.

On this continent, looking over, there is no scene of the battle outside. The many monks from the Central God World are nothing more than a bullet to the coalition of ten thousand races.

Luo Li quietly flew towards where everyone gathered. The lake soon appeared ahead, but Luo Li didn't stop at all. Flying by quickly.

Because the situation there changed and a war broke out there. The island on the lake has been sunk. It seems that Senior Brother Qizhu and the others were discovered. Did they escape?

If something happens to Senior Brother Qizhu and the others, what should I do?

Luo Li couldn't help but frown, and continued to fly forward, looking for the traces left by Senior Brother Qizhu.

Fortunately, not long after flying out, there was the Hunyuan Sect mark left by Senior Brother Qizhu in front of him, and Luo Li let out a sigh of relief.

There was a valley there, extremely quiet. There was a cave in the valley. Luo Li flew there and started to contact his senior brother.

Contacting him quickly, Luo Li flew into the cave and looked over and immediately found that Senior Brother Qizhu was in a very bad condition.

In addition to Qizhu, the same goes for Ju Shiqi, but he is stronger than Qizhu. Senior Brother Qinghen is also beside him, still looking like a dead person.

Luo Li immediately went over to treat him. Under his treatment, Ju Shiqi returned to normal quickly, but Qizhu was seriously injured and difficult to recover. He would need at least decades of rest before he could recover.

Luo Li frowned and asked, "Senior brother, what happened?"

Qizhu let out a long sigh and said: "Alas, the fire at the city gate affected Chiyu, and there was a big battle between two powerful aliens, which affected us. As a result, our hiding place was destroyed, and we were almost discovered by them. We died inexplicably."

So that's it, it seems that all races are gathering here, and chaos gradually begins.

Ju Shiqi said excitedly: "But we won't lose money. In this chaos, we took the opportunity to kill King Wasabi!"

King Wasabi, Luo Li had heard its name before, and it was a powerful being as famous as Ancestor Jin Chan. Unexpectedly, it died in the hands of Ju Shiqi.

Ju Shiqi continued: "It was he who destroyed our Cancer Palace. When the palace owner was eaten alive by him, I remember that scene from the bottom of my heart!

This time, there was a big fight between seven or eight such powerful people. This guy was bitten by the Hydra snake, and we took advantage of it. We beat him up in one go, and it was so satisfying to get revenge! "

There was endless joy in his words, but Luo Li also vaguely felt that there was life in him, and he was no longer the same person who was seeking death and survival!

The master's prophecy is probably going to come true. Looking at him, he doesn't look like he is willing to die.

Qizhu looked at Luo Li and said, "Junior brother, how are you preparing the world-destroying artifact?"

Luo Li said: "It's ready! Now that many cultivators in the Zhongtian main world have launched an invasion, we can deploy the artifact, and after activating it, we can destroy the coalition of all races!"

When this was said, everyone was overjoyed!

But Luo Li said again: "However, this artifact has a flaw. There must be a True God of Transformation, or a True One of Returning to the Void, who must bring the artifact into the Earth Lung, commit suicide and detonate the artifact, and perish with all races!"

When this was said, everyone was stunned. Luo Li looked at Ju Shiqi vaguely. This guy had a heroic attitude of facing death last time, and I don't know what he will do this time.

Sure enough, Luo Li's guess was correct. After Ju Shiqi killed the Wasabi King, his will to die disappeared, and he no longer had the attitude of facing death as before. Seeing Luo Li's eyes, he silently lowered his head and stopped talking.

After a long time, he said softly:

"That, that, I am Fanxu Zhenyi, I will have greater value if I am alive, Cancer Palace is still waiting for me to recover, I, I..."

This guy retreated, no matter how good he said before, when the time came, when he was about to die, he retreated!

Luo Li's eyes were cold, he was about to speak, this guy didn't go, would he let himself and Senior Brother Qizhu go?

Fortunately, he was well prepared, and thought of this, and brought the Tiankuu Control Heart Talisman to the sect!

At this moment, Senior Brother Qinghen, who was like a dead man, suddenly said:

"Let me do it, give me that artifact! Let me do it!"

"My home in Yuxu World is gone, and I don't want my home in Zhongtian World to be gone too!"

"I don't want my master, family and friends to be hurt again!"

"For my home, I am willing to die!" (To be continued)



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