Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,342: The Examination of the Dead Attendant God!

Seeing the appearance of the demon commander, the mighty demon body, the eyes of the sword god lit up. At this moment, her eyes were extremely gentle, looking at the demon commander as if she saw a beloved toy!

She said: "He is mine, none of you should move! I want to use it to sacrifice the sword!"

After that, endless sword intent burst out from her body, and she jumped into the air!

Twelve sword lights burst out from the sword god, each sword light represents a sword intent, there is the unstoppable thunder sword intent, there is the feminine and continuous Xuanyin sword intent, there is the vast and endless desert sword intent, there is the death sword intent without loneliness...

Twelve kinds of sword intents burst out continuously, like the sword of the sky, slashing down angrily. I don't know how many sword lights were shot out in an instant, wrapping the hundred-foot charcoal giant into a crystal ball of light.

Endless flames gushed out of the charcoal giant's body, surrounding himself. Twelve kinds of sword lights with different powers were swallowed by the flames at the same time, and they did not cause any ripples.

The charcoal giant suddenly roared, and I don't know how far this roar was heard. On this land, countless fire demons that had turned to ashes began to crawl up and revive, and were about to join the battle!

At this moment, the Sword God pointed his sword, and the dissipated sword intent suddenly exploded!

With the charcoal giant as the center, billions of sword lights suddenly burst out. For a moment, the world was colorless, and the stars and the moon were about to be destroyed.

Whether it was this world or the charcoal giant, they were all submerged in the water-colored sword light. Everything was shattered into countless flying ashes. For a moment, within a radius of dozens of miles, there was nothing else except the crystal sword light.

With this sword, the charcoal giant immediately turned into ashes. Killed by the Sword God!

The Sword God slowly fell down, holding a beating flame heart in his hand, and threw it to Luo Li!

Luo Li immediately put it away. This thing can be integrated into the Forest of All Living Things, and a clone puppet in the Return to Void Realm can be obtained. It is a good thing!

The Sword God smiled and said, "There is a spatial fluctuation in this world. It seems that we have disturbed another world. We are leaving!"

Luo Li nodded. Just about to speak. Suddenly, the space flashed, and they were sent away again!

This time, Luo Li looked around and saw a dark green forest. The forest was endless. Even with Luo Li's divine eyes, he could not see the end. Such a magnificent forest was enough to shock everyone. Luo Li was also shocked.

This forest was extremely lush. If it were not for the thick smoke rising in the distant forest, Luo Li would have thought that he had left the Great Brahma Realm.

Luo Li was teleported here and did not see his master and the Sword God, but he was not panicked. He began to search slowly through voice transmission.

In less than a moment, there was a connection. The Sword God received Luo Li's voice transmission and appeared in front of Luo Li.

Looking at the forest under his feet, the Sword God pointed to the thick smoke in the distance and said:

"This should be the Star Fire Blazing Heaven!"

Luo Li nodded, and the two flew there, only to see that there was an active crater, with magma constantly flowing out.

Near the crater, there was actually a group of elves.

The Sword God looked over and said, "Wood God Mudujia Elf?"

This is a kind of void elf. They are one foot in size, like flower fairies, with a pair of wings on their backs, flying with the wind.

These Wood God Mudujia elves are using magic near the crater to build ditches to divert clean water and isolate the magma that keeps erupting from the crater.

Seeing this scene, Luo Li and the Sword God felt cold in their hearts!

They knew that no matter how hard these elves tried, their world was about to burn.

This place was transformed from the world of ash. When this world was completely turned into ash, the Great Brahma God Lord invested various wood spirits. They grew in this world and turned it into a prosperous kingdom of creatures, and then attracted the void elves.

The ancestors of these Wood God Mudujia elves were fooled. They didn't know that this was the Great Brahma God Realm. They came to this world and began to build their own forest world with the help of the extremely fertile nutrients.

When the forest reaches a certain level, Lord Brahma locks the world, and they cannot leave. Then the world is ignited little by little. These wood gods, Moduga elves, try their best to put out the fire, but they don't know that in the end, the flames will devour them all. This is their fate and cannot be stopped!

Luo Li frowned and said, "Seeing is believing! I have ruined his plans several times. I have always thought that Lord Brahma is just so-so, but, but, look at this world!"

Sword God also let out a long sigh and said, "Yes, so do I! A terrible guy!"

A glimpse of the leopard, through this world in front of them, Luo Li and Sword God gradually discovered the horror of Lord Brahma!

They thought they had seen Lord Brahma's strength, but they found that they still underestimated Lord Brahma!

Luo Li said: "We are destroying so much with a clear purpose, will it be fooled? If it never appears, we can't do anything to it!"

Sword God shook his head and said: "Don't worry, Qingyun's chaos magic changes everything!

Even if it sees through everything we do, it is useless, it will be attracted by the chaos magic, and finally the real body will appear!

Because this chaos magic is the power of the Chaos God Lord, the Chaos God Lord is the first one who doesn't want to see the Demon Lord return to the Zhongtian Lord World. In places we can't see, it has already taken action!

What I am worried about now is Master Xuanci, can he really defeat the real body of the Great Brahma God Lord and seize the Great Brahma Heart?"

Luo Li said: "If Xuanci can't do it, there are still us!"

Sword God said: "Then I am afraid that we will be entangled and unable to help!

I hope Xuanci will not let us down!"

Just as the two of them were discussing, Hu Chan appeared. He was not alone. Along with him, there were four or five huge wood god Matuga elves.

Hu Chan walked up to them and said: "I have contacted the Wood God Maduga Elf, let's help them!

In this world, there are a total of one hundred and three active volcanoes, let us help them extinguish them! Destroy the trend of this world! "

Hu Chan is really powerful. In less than a moment, he has gained the trust of the wood god Maduga Elf.

Luo Li said: "Then come!"

He and Hu Chan were divided into two, and the spirit of Namu God Mo Dujia had to lead the way. Arriving at the land of one hundred and three active volcanoes, he began to use real water to extinguish the fire.

When the true water fell, the volcano was immediately extinguished, and the surrounding Wood God Mo Dujia elves suddenly burst into cheers.

But they don't know that this is only temporarily extinguished, their fate has been determined, no matter what, the world will eventually turn into a sea of ​​fire.

The craters of the volcano were extinguished one by one, and the trend of the world was suddenly destroyed. Luo Li immediately felt the repulsion of time and space.

Hu Chan bid farewell to the wood god Maduga elves. before leaving. Giving them a hundred true water seeds can extinguish a hundred volcanic eruptions and extend their destiny as much as possible.

Those wood god Maduga elves sent the three people off. Also gave gifts to three people.

There are two kinds of gifts. One is a green seed that looks like a fruit. One is a dozen drops of liquid like spiritual water.

Hu Chan picked up the liquid and said with a smile: "This is Maduga spiritual water, the highest spiritual liquid of the wood elves. No matter how harmed the living being is, one drop will instantly restore it to its original state."

Twelve drops in total, four drops for each of us! "

This was the purpose of Hu Chan's friendship with them. It was to extinguish the fire, so it was such a good thing for nothing.

Luo Li picked up the green seed and asked, "Master, what is this?"

Hu Chan took a look and said: "This is the seed of the wood god Moduga elves. They may have known their fate and handed the seeds to us, hoping that we would take this seed out of the Brahma God Realm!

In the future, we will come to a small, desolate world and plant this seed, hoping that their family can continue to live! "

The three of them didn't have much time here. In a flash, they were sent away.

Suddenly, they came to another world. This world was simply a furnace of hell, extremely hot!

Hu Chan smiled and said: "This is the third level of the ultimate flame sky, the best battlefield for the gods!

Everyone, please pay attention, if we do such damage, the army of divine servants from the Brahma God Realm will soon appear! "

The Divine Attendant is above the Demon Commander and the strongest Demon Emperor under the Divine Lord. If Luo Li and others destroy the operation of the Brahma God Realm and kill several Demon Commanders, the Divine Attendant will appear, kill them, and eliminate them. Hidden dangers in the Brahma world.

The Sword God smiled and said: "Destroy the army of divine servants. I think the Lord Brahma will appear soon, right?"

Hu Chan said: "It should be almost done!"

On him, an endless aura suddenly rose, and the endless aura condensed in the air, as if the prehistoric energy exploded, like a giant standing proudly on the horizon, holding a giant axe, and trying to open the sky and split the earth again.

The terrifying prehistoric aura spurted outwards and collided with the atmosphere, immediately triggering bursts of thunder. It was really rolling thunder, lightning and thunder.

"The Ultimate Chaos Strike of Immortal Qin's Destruction!"

The Sword God also said: "Here they come, they are coming!"

In an instant, in her hand, the Immortal Killing Sword flew out, and the eleventh-level divine sword burst out with endless sword light!

Luo Li also sensed that twelve powerful sources of power appeared in this world!

This power is so powerful that only the Golden Chan ancestor and the Great Snake King in the army of all races can be compared with them!

When they come, let's fight!

Luo Li stretched out his hand, with the Hunyuan Golden Whip in his left hand, the Hunyuan Golden Sword in his right hand, the Hunyuan Golden Dou on his head, and the Hunyuan Golden Lamp on his shoulder. The four treasures came out at once, and the battle began!

Without any words, the terrible battle begins!

In an instant, the terrible flames of the entire world seemed to be extinguished, because a force countless times more powerful than it appeared in this world countless times.

Boom, boom, boom!

In that terrible battle, the Great Brahma God Realm began to roar and tremble endlessly, and the world began to shatter and collapse!

There was a final loud noise, and there was nothing else in this world!

Luo Li was transported to a world of ashes. He gasped for air. The ninth-level magic weapon Great Zhou Tianzhen Gangxing Dou robe and the floating golden Kunwu Feiying crown on his head were all smashed to pieces, leaving only a little remnant. recover.

But Luo Li was overjoyed. He was desperately controlling something, and surprisingly a Great Brahma God Attendant was caught by Luo Li!

Hu Chan was also controlling a Great Brahma God's Attendant, and then said with a smile: "Twelve God's Attendants, nine were killed, two were captured, and one escaped! I don't believe it, Da Brahma doesn't feel sorry for him!"

The Sword God also smiled and said: "I think it's fast, we will see the Lord Brahma soon! We will definitely succeed!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!


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