Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1341 If you want to destroy it, then burn it!

The two took action, and at this moment, three auras appeared in the distance, powerful, ferocious, cunning, and terrifying!

Hu Chanzhen nodded and said: "The true demon Dafan appears, it should be the guarding demon commander!"

The Great Brahma Demon Commander, Luo Li suddenly remembered the Great Brahma Demon Commander Zi feared Maru Yi that he had met back then. He was the one who almost killed him and caused countless monks in Tianya Hai Pavilion to die unexpectedly.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, I have become the True One of the Returning Void, and I have reached the Great Brahma God Realm. Maybe by fate, I can also meet the Great Brahma Demon Commander Zi Kumoluo Yi, and then I can repay the kindness of the past!

Those three breaths quickly leapt here, with powerful spiritual thoughts passing through them!

"Who are you, who have invaded our Brahma God Realm and destroyed my world? What do you want?"

Hu Chan smiled and said: "We said goodbye back then, but today I, Hu Chan, am here again! I'm here to meet you!"

Then Hu Chan looked at Luo Li and the two of them and said, "I'll do it, you continue!"

After saying that, Tiger Zen Shinichi ran there, and in an instant, violent explosions sounded thousands of miles away!

Hu Chan fought one against three and fought against the other three demon commanders there.

Luo Li smiled, looked at the Sword God, and said, "Come on, let's continue!"

Continue to destroy and destroy heaven and earth!

In the process of destruction, Luo Li discovered that this extremely desolate, flame-burning world was not without life.

Under the earth, amid Luo Li's destruction, balrogs appeared from time to time, and they fled frantically to avoid the destruction of Luo Li and the two of them.

This flame demon is a resident of the Brahma God Realm, and is said to be a creature transformed from the blood of the Lord Brahma God.

These Balrogs. There are all forms. Some are human-shaped, some are animal-shaped, some are fish-shaped, and some are even birds. They live and breed in this world, but these Balrogs are rarely sane.

They exist only by instinct, but when their strength reaches a certain level, their form is fixed, and a real demon body is born. They will give birth to sanity.

But once sanity is born. He knows astronomy from above, geography from below, and masters teleportation. He is extremely cunning!

They have the power to leap into the air. Take advantage of every opportunity. Invade the outer world.

Come to the outer world. They committed all kinds of evil, burning, killing, looting, and setting fires everywhere!

in their flames. All the things that are burned and the creatures they kill will become part of their origins and be stripped away from the original world.

Even if these Great Brahma True Demons are killed, their origins will return to the Great Brahma God Realm. Those origins that were plundered by them will also follow them to the Great Brahma God Realm, which is equivalent to an extra part of the Great Brahma God Realm. The origin of heaven and earth.

Although this kind of plunder is insignificant to the entire Brahma God Realm, a little adds up to a large amount, and sand becomes a tower. Many of the eighty-one regions in the Great Brahma God Realm come from this way.

When those flame demons saw Luo Li and the two of them, they wreaked havoc. They instinctively sensed Luo Li's power and immediately ran away.

A giant whale-like flame demon flew out of the earth, then fell, trying to burrow into the earth. This flame demon was not one of those weaklings. He had already given birth to a demonic body and possessed sanity!

But with a flash of sword light, the giant whale let out a howl and immediately dissipated.

The Sword God's sword light moved, and after the giant whale shattered, a purple-red gem appeared in the Sword God's hand.

The Sword God smiled and said: "Luo Li, the Flame Demon Essence Stone, this one should be worth ten thousand spirit stones, it is not a waste of time!"

Luo Li looked at the ground, stretched out his hand suddenly, and a giant flaming hand appeared. He grabbed it into the ground and dug it thousands of feet into the earth. Then he pulled it hard. In that hand, there was also a red gem.

Luo Li said: "It's destruction anyway, but this is more appropriate! The earth fire spirit is worth at least tens of millions of spiritual stones!"

As this gem disappeared, the land for thirty miles began to blur, shatter, and disappear, because the essence of this land was extracted by Luo Li.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar in the distance. This was a sign that the true spirit dispersed from the world, similar to the death of a strong man who returned to the void. A demon commander was killed by Tiger Zen Shinichi.

The Sword God said: "Okay, it seems that it is valuable to collect the earth fire essence!"

After saying that, her sword light flew up, and explosions began on the ground, and she dug out the fire spirits one by one!

Someone in the distance shouted: "Asshole, who broke my world...ah!"

The guarding demon commander felt the damage to the earth and immediately became furious, but Hu Chan seized the opportunity and killed him with one blow!

Less than a hundred breaths later, boom, another loud noise came, and the last Demon Commander died.

Hu Chan came back gracefully, holding three strange gems like hearts in his hands. Luo Li had seen these things before. Luo Li had obtained them at auction in the Ice and Snow Palace, and finally transformed into two Flame God guards.

Hu Chan said: "One person per person, it is not a waste of time!"

He gave Luo Li two people, one for each person. Luo Li put it away and continued to destroy the earth and collect the earth's fire essence.

Under their control, the world felt obviously dim, the blazing fire seemed to begin to extinguish, and the world began to reverse and degenerate!

At this moment, suddenly the whole world seemed to be shaking, the sky suddenly became dark, and then there was a flash, and Luo Li found himself in a space turbulence.

Boom, there was a loud noise. Looking over, Luo Li found that he had left the original Brahma world and came to another world.

Here, the world is gray, everything is silent, and countless ashes seem to accumulate on the earth.

Looking at the past, the master and the sword god were both far away and were teleported here together.

Luo Li immediately gathered around and said, "What's going on?"

Kozen Shinichi looked around and said: "That world has reached the limit it can bear, so it eliminates us from that world!"

The Sword God nodded and said: "This should be the fourth heaven, the world of ashes!"

Hu Chan pointed to the distance and said: "It's not a complete world of ashes, there are still flames there!"

Looking at it, in the center of this ashes world, a hundred miles away, it seems to be a pot of charcoal fire, with countless flames like charcoal, still burning silently.

The three of them flew over. The flames there were extremely dim, no longer emitting light and heat, but Luo Li could feel the high temperature contained in the coals!

Endless high temperature. Although there is no light or heat outside, the temperature inside is terrifying to the extreme.

Looking here, the Sword God frowned and said: "What should we do? There are no earthly fire spirits here. We continue to destroy? Extinguish this flame?"

Hu Chan shook his head and said: "It can't be destroyed. It was originally meant to be extinguished. If we destroyed it, it was in line with their original intention, so these guys sent us here."

The Sword God shook his head and said, "What should we do?"

Luo Li smiled and said: "It's too simple!"

"Don't they want this world to burn out? Then let's let this world burn!

Completely destroy the trend of this world and let the fourth heaven of Lord Brahma go to hell! "

After saying that, Luo Li began to take out various items in the Taichu Cave.

Luo Li threw spiritual stones, spiritual materials, and various items into the coals of fire. Suddenly, there were various flames on the coals of fire, and they began to burn.

Looking at the flame, Luo Li smiled. He found that the heaven and earth spirit trees were most suitable for this flame. He lost one, but it burned countless times.

Luo Li began to take out the heaven and earth spirit trees from the Taichu Cave. They were all yellow-grade heaven and earth spirit trees. They were all selected to be larger in size. He threw them into the charcoal with force. Suddenly the charcoal rekindled and began to burn fiercely!

But the Sword God frowned and said, "How to burn? You must use external objects. Luo Li, didn't the heaven and earth spiritual trees you added increase the foundation of the Brahma God Realm?"

Luo Li said: "Yes, but it doesn't matter. There is actually a treasure in this world!"

Hu Chan and Sword God looked at Luo Li and asked, "What treasure?"

Luo Li stepped back, touched the ashes on the ground with his hand, and said, "This is the ashes!

This dead ashes, after being burned countless times, contains endless fertility and is the best fertilizer for flowers and plants!

We gave the Great Brahma Lord the Heaven and Earth Spirit Tree and took away some of his death ashes. He shouldn’t mind, right? "

After saying that, Luo Li started to collect dead ash on the ground in other places. He simply scraped the ground and collected it layer by layer.

The Great Brahma God Master didn't mind not knowing, but when Luo Li collected it to a certain extent, he let out a loud roar, and a huge charcoal giant rose above the earth!

The giant's body was made of charcoal, and it was extremely terrifying. It was a hundred feet tall. After it was born, it roared!

He is the guardian of this world!

Luo Li collected the dead ashes to offset the input of heaven and earth spiritual trees. The world, which was already dim and ashes, burned again. The trajectory of this world in the Brahma God Realm was immediately deflected!

The devil commander couldn't bear it anymore and showed up immediately!


The feeling of reading a book is so refreshing. I can finally unite my mind. There will be another chapter in a while. Please vote for me! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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