Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,340 The Fourth Heaven of the Brahma God Realm!

The three of them entered the crater and walked down the crater.

Under the crater, bubbles appeared from time to time in the gurgling magma. The bubbles exploded on top of the magma, releasing countless fiery heat instantly.

Hu Chan came in and was the first to invade the magma. Luo Li followed closely behind. When he entered the magma, he felt that it was just a heat outside. Under the Earth Fire Immortal Body, the magma automatically separated, making way for Luo Li.

The Sword God was at the end, and the sword intent appeared slightly on her body, cutting through everything. The three of them were sinking in the magma.

Luo Li felt like he was sinking for dozens of miles, and the magma was getting hotter and hotter. But for Luo Li, it was like returning home, extremely comfortable, without any impact at all.

Hu Chan leads the way, not sinking, but advancing underground in the opposite direction of the magma flow.

After turning three times and five times in countless circles, the space in front of them suddenly became cold. The three of them left the magma river and appeared in an underground sky cave.

This cave is dozens of miles in size. Hu Chan said: "Okay, we're here, the passage is just ahead!"

He flew up and went straight to the center of the cave dome, followed by Luo Li.

When they arrived at the dome, Hu Chan said: "Passing through here is the Brahma God Realm, but the shield between these two realms is very strong. The last time I passed through, it was all a coincidence, and I could only rely on brute force. ”

After saying that, a strange power appeared on Hu Chan. Luo Li had actually seen this power before, but never paid attention to it.

All along, Luo Li thought that his master was practicing Shuijue Dao, but who knew he would meet Master Xuanci. Only then did Luo Li find out what kind of Universe Nine Tailor Master was practicing.

Luo Li knew about the Five Innate Empresses, but he really didn't know what the Nine Empresses of the Universe were.

Hu Chan has used this kind of power in front of Luo Li before, but Luo Li didn't pay attention. Today is the first time that Luo Li noticed the difference in his master's power!

This power is actually not powerful, just a trace, but it is extremely mysterious. Tiger Zen Shinichi just hit it. Suddenly it seemed as if some world shield had been broken. Disappear.

Luo Li took a long breath and came to the place where his master disappeared. On his shoulder, Xiao Hong appeared. Toward that shield. Just a shout!

A bird chirps!

The wall suddenly flashed. The channel shielding was no longer stable, and then Luo Li bumped lightly, and the space changed instantly!

This little red was born from the refining of the Great Brahma God's mark. Transformed into a flame god, it can be said that it has an extremely close connection with the Great Brahma God, so when it called out, it blocked the Great Brahma God Realm over there, causing chaos and destruction. Luo Li easily passed through.

This space teleportation was extremely unstable and swaying. Suddenly Luo Li flashed and appeared in a strange world.

Looking at this world, it is far beyond the underground magma just now. It is ten times hotter than there!

The whole world seems to be above the sun, as if the earth and sky are burning. The ground you step on has no real feeling at all, as if you are stepping on magma. From time to time, flames rise on the earth.

In this world, countless flames burned. Luo Li looked and immediately recognized those flames.

Raging wind! Holy Light Hellfire! Darkly destroy the demonic hellfire! The third world-destroying Hell Flame...

Flames that are difficult to appear in the outside world, those heaven and earth spiritual fires, are everywhere in this world!

Behind Luo Li, the Sword God appeared in an instant. On the Sword God's body, the sword light flickered. She used her sword to break through the shield of time and space and enter this world.

The Sword God came here, looked in all directions, and said: "I hate this world!"

Luo Li took a deep breath and said, "I like it here, it feels so warm."

Hu Chan appeared not far away, looked at the two of them, and said:

"I didn't expect that the world would have evolved to this extent after we said goodbye!"

Then he pointed to the distance and said: "The Great Brahma God Realm is divided into eighty-one regional worlds. These eighty-one regional worlds form the fourth heaven."

Neither Luo Li nor Sword God knew this, so they listened intently.

Hu Chan continued: "The first level of the sky is the Star Fire Sky. The flames in that world do not dominate, but there are just flames rising, which represents the beginning of fire.

The second sky is burning with fire. The world of sparks is burning bit by bit, and the flames are expanding. The whole world is like a burning torch, attracting all the elements in the universe into its own world. , and then set them on fire.

Burn everything, absorb everything, devour everything, refine everything!

The third heaven is the ultimate heaven of flames. The whole world reaches the maximum extent of flames, the burning reaches the greatest extent, and the fire is the most prosperous!

After the flame reaches its peak, it begins to extinguish!

The fourth heaven is a scorching sky hidden by ashes. The flames of this world have been extinguished, and the earth is ashes. Everything has been burned out, but within the ashes, there is endless high-temperature fire. As long as it is touched slightly, it will rekindle. .

After the world turned into ashes, it began to sediment, sinking little by little in the Brahma God Realm, falling to the final level. During this fall, it continued to absorb external elements.

The ashes and residues are the most fertile. Lord Brahma God will release various wood element essences, gradually turning into a wood world. No one can discover that this is part of the world of Brahma God. It is full of vitality and attracts all kinds of truths from the outer universe. The spirit is here.

When the true spirits of the void arrived in this world and multiplied to a certain extent, the flames began to rise and start a prairie fire. Those true spirits who were attracted to this place were unable to leave and were trapped in the Brahma God Realm.

The flames rose, and this regional world began to rise in the Brahma God Realm, entering the first heaven, burning the trapped true spirits, and then using the true spirits as the source, entered the second heaven and swallowed everything in the universe. The elements finally reached their extreme, and then began to extinguish, slowly falling from the highest sky, turning into the final world of ashes.

These four heavens are the four forms of the eighty-one regions of the Brahma God Realm.

Last time, when I left here, this place was just a prairie fire, and there were other trees, grass, and other creatures. Now it has entered the second heaven, and everything is starting to burn! "

Luo Li frowned and said, "Master, don't these four heavens represent the beginning, development, and end of fire?"

Hu Chan nodded!

The Sword God said: "As the world burns and extinguishes again and again, it attracts the true spirits of the outside world and absorbs all elements in the universe. Every transformation of the world is a process of strengthening the world!

Is this the way of evolution of Lord Brahma? Use the immortality of flame to strengthen yourself bit by bit? "

Luo Li said: "That's why he likes to invade other worlds. It's very difficult to attract the true spirits from outside the world. It's not as fast as plundering!

As long as he transforms other worlds into his own Brahma God Realm and joins this evolutionary process, it is equivalent to a part of his strength expansion, and he becomes stronger! "

Hu Chanzhen nodded and said, "Yes, that's it!"

He looked at the world and said again:

“To be honest, I really don’t want to be in this world.

Although this Great Lord Brahma has invaded our Zhongtian Lord world and been destroyed by us every time, he is too powerful and terrifying!

God Lord, the power of God is as great as a mountain, and the power of God is as powerful as a mountain. I didn’t expect that we would come here to kill the God. To be honest, we really had a narrow escape this time! "

The Sword God sighed and said, "I don't want to either!

But there is no way!

Although there are seven great divine masters in our world of Gods, the Buddha, Taoist, and Demon Lords are so high up there that their power spreads throughout the universe. To them, our world of Gods is nothing but a drop in the bucket.

I am not optimistic about us being enemies of them. It can be said that we have no chance of winning at all!

The other four major divine masters, the Chaos Divine Master, the True Dragon Divine Master, the Great Brahma Divine Master, and the Heavenly Witch Divine Master, are just the four major divine masters in the world of gods among us. Compared with the Buddha Lord and the Taoist Lord, they are like a rich man in a rural village and a He is the emperor of the world, and the candles and the sun are really competing for their brilliance!

At least here, if we dare to come, we still have a slim chance of survival. We may escape death, but at least we still have a chance! "

When Luo Li heard this, he couldn't help but said: "In that case, can the Heart of the Flame God block the prying eyes of the Demon Lord's clone?"

The Sword God nodded and said: "It should be possible. Although the Buddha, Taoist, and Demon Lords are superior and they are strong dragons, there is a saying that a strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake.

Dafan and the others are local snakes. Rats have their own ways of rats, and snakes have their own ways of snakes. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. There is no problem in blocking the induction! "

In their words, when talking about the name of the Lord of God, they always use pronouns to avoid attracting the attention of the Lord of God. I won’t modify them one by one here, I know it well!

Tiger Zen looked around and said, "Okay, what should we do when we get to the Brahma God Realm?"

The Sword God said: "Our first step is to attract the Lord Brahma, and first of all, to attract his attention.

As long as he notices us, he will definitely appear under the chaos magic of fellow Taoist Qingyun, so destroy it, destroy it with all your strength!

If you destroy the evolutionary process of this world and make Da Brahma feel distressed, he will appear! "

After saying that, a sword appeared in the hands of the Sword God, and then the sword flashed and turned into nine ninth-level divine swords, several of which were given to her by Luo Li!

When these divine swords appeared, endless sword energy was generated in this world. The flames burning everywhere suddenly dimmed under the sword energy, and the whole world seemed to tremble!

The sword god shouted softly: "Kill!"

Boom, nine pillars of light rose up in this world, and everything on the earth suddenly shattered into pieces, countless ravines appeared, the heaven and earth roared, and the world was about to collapse.

The Sword God just started destroying. Wherever the sword light touched, everything was turned into ashes.

Seeing this scene, Luo Li snorted coldly, and streams of true water appeared. Wherever the true water went, they immediately turned into rivers. In this world, endless water vapor rose.

When this water entered the world, there was a hissing sound everywhere in the world. Although the real water evaporated as soon as it appeared, the endless burning heat and rising momentum of the whole world was immediately blocked, as if the temperature began to drop. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!


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