Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1339: Fight him against the enemy and I will help you!

The sword god over there was still studying, she said slowly:

"When we get there, if we want to get this treasure, we must be extremely careful not to disturb that person!"

Ever since they determined to seize the heart of the Great Brahma God Lord, Luo Li and the others have always been extremely careful when talking about the Great Brahma God Lord, or the heart of the Great Brahma God Lord. Lord Brahma inspired everyone.

Then the Sword God looked at Tiger Zen Shinichi and said: "Fellow Tiger Zen, I know that you are fighting against Huaying in the Brahma God Realm. There is no one who is more familiar with the path than you. Please lead the way!"

She looked at Luo Li again and said: "The two of us are responsible for killing. Only by killing countless divine servants in the Brahma God Realm and making them painful to deal with will the Lord Brahma God feel our presence!"

The name used by the Lord Brahma and the God of Swords here means this!

At this moment, the sword god is sharp and sharp, but there is still a trace of laziness like before. When trouble comes, she will definitely turn the tide!

Luo Li nodded, but looked at the other two hesitantly. The three of them had something to do, what were they doing?

The Sword God said: "Please, fellow Taoist Qingyun, use the secret technique of chaos to seduce Lord Brahma and lead him to appear!"

Then the Sword God explained to Luo Li: "The Great Brahma God Realm can be said to be the true divine body of the Great Brahma God Lord. If he does not want to appear, we will use all means, even if we destroy the Great Brahma God Realm, we will still find him." You can't reach him, so you must lure him out!

The Chaos Demon Sect has supreme demon power. Even though he is the God Lord, he can still be tempted and lured into appearing!

However, using this method, fellow Taoist Qingyun cannot move even a single inch! All big battles. I won’t take action! "

Then the Sword God looked at Master Xuanci and said: "Master Xuanci, Lord Brahma has appeared. Please take action and capture the heart of God!"

Master Xuanci nodded and said, "Okay, I understand!"

He answered with ease, as simple as picking up a stone.

Luo Li was stunned, this attitude? The Lord Brahma is a god, so he is a bit too arrogant!

The Sword God seemed to notice Luo Li's question and replied with a smile:

"The Master's Six Divine Techniques. Extraordinary. It can be said to be truly the best in the world!

In this universe, no creature that appears in front of Master Xuanci can block his iron fist!

Back then, I was the so-called number one in the world. This is the general trend of the sect. Master Xuanci deliberately let me. Otherwise, I am no match for the master! "

Master Xuanci smiled and said: "It was also time for the world's masters to change their names. Besides, it was just a false name!

However, after all these years, I dare not say that you can block your sword now! "

Upon hearing this, the Sword God smiled and said, "Master, you are so humble!"

Master Xuanci looked at the Sword God and said: "If you take back your clone, merge the two into one, and restore your true body, don't talk about me. I'm afraid there won't be any creature in this universe that can block your sword!

I really don’t understand. I split into six to gain strength, but you split into two and lost strength! "

Master Xuanci, an old monk, was like this. He pointed out the ways of Luo Li and Hu Chan when they met, and now he also revealed the secret of the Sword God.

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was stunned. What did it mean? Suddenly Luo Li thought of Ye Xiaoyu!

The sword god turned pale, shook his head and said, "Okay, it's getting late, so get ready to go!"

She changed the subject, not wanting to dwell on the matter.

Master Xuanci looked at Luo Li and suddenly said: "I think Luo Li's donor does not believe in my strength. Let's do this. In order for our actions to go smoothly, let's deduce it!"

Luo Li looked at Master Xuanci and said slowly: "Master, please give me some advice!"

Master Xuanci smiled and said, "It's not really a teaching!"

The two looked at each other, and Luo Li instantly began to mobilize the true energy, true fire, true water, and true earth all over his body. The four tenth-level magic weapons were ready to be activated!

Master Xuanci suddenly put on a boxing stance, standing on a horse, clenching his hands into fists at his waist, and then punched lightly!

This punch is clearly the most common Arhat Boxing in the world. Even among mortals, it is also the most common and simplest boxing technique. Only children of six or seven years old who have just started practicing boxing can practice it and use it to lay the foundation.

But this punch was so simple, so primitive, but it carried a terrifying and indescribable power!

This kind of power is extremely terrifying, infinitely powerful, endless, and infinitely ultimate!

This power, integrated into one, is one punch, so precise and sincere that it is invincible in the world!

Even the true fire, which is the origin of the universe, was dimmed under this punch, even the true water, the source of all water, was shattered at once, and even the true soil that can build the earth was shattered!

With this punch, Luo Li felt that everything about him was shattered. His body, his soul, and everything he owned were all dissipated under this punch!

Luo Li said: "Okay, awesome!"

Everything, that punch was an illusion, the two looked at each other, and their consciousness struck!

Master Xuanci smiled and said: "This is the power of Tathagata in my Six Divine Arts!

After I was promoted to Guiyuan, the six gods were determined: Tathagata Power, Bodhi Mind, Avalokitesvara Mindfulness, Vajra Heart, Arhat Mantra, and Thunder God Sound. Not to mention Da Brahma, even if they are the clones of the Tao Lord and the Demon Lord, I dare to fight them! "

There was incomparable confidence in his words. He wanted to inject his invincible belief into Luo Li's mind and bury his invincible belief. Such a terrible enemy would torture Luo Li little by little!

But Luo Li smiled and just struck with his spiritual consciousness. Luo Li only used the three true intentions, but the four treasures did not move at all. No matter how powerful the Tathagata is, his divine whip is not a vegetarian!

Suddenly, Luo Li felt a strange power, as if he was awakened. The power came from his Taichu Dongtian storage room.

Luo Li looked at the power and was stunned. The power came from a stone tablet.

This stone tablet is quite old. Luo Li bought it in the ghost world before he entered the Hunyuan Sect.

The stele is somewhat incomplete, with the head and base broken off, but the body is seven feet long. The full scale can still be seen. On the front of this stone tablet, there is the word "Landa" engraved on it. It is written in seal script. It looks like it has an inexplicable aura, swallowing up the heaven and earth!

However, the inscription on the back was too terrible to look at. It seemed like a heavy blow had been struck in the middle. The blow penetrated the stone several times and almost penetrated the monument. There were spider web-like cracks around it, causing scales to fall off the surface of the monument. Only fragments of the originally dense inscriptions remain. Overall. It makes people wonder if the monument will fall apart if it shakes just a little bit.

After buying this stone tablet, it has been placed in the storage space. Luo Li checked it several times and found nothing unusual. Finally today. Received a powerful blow from Master Xuanci. This stone tablet seems to be awakening.

However, to study the stone tablets, you need to calm down. For a lot of time, Luo Li could only study it when he had the opportunity later.

Just then the Sword God said: "Okay, let's go and start taking action to wrong Taoist fellow Qingyun and Master Xuanci!"

Hua Qingyun nodded and said: "This time the matter is over, then the favor I owe your old man will be repaid in full!"

After saying that, he sat down cross-legged and silently recited the incantation. His whole person changed and turned into a ring only the size of a fingernail.

The Sword God picked it up, carried it in his hand, and then looked at Master Xuanci.

Master Xuanci said slowly: "Okay, I hope this trip goes well and saves the common people!"

After saying that, he also changed and turned into a wooden fish!

At this point, Master Xuanci has completely cut off contact with the outside world until the Sword God awakens him. Otherwise, there is no way to avoid the divine consciousness of Brahma.

The Sword God also put away the wooden fish, then looked at Hu Chan and said, "It's our turn!"

Hu Chanzhen nodded and immediately took Luo Li Sword God and sneaked into Fuyao Sect.

Although this Fuyao Sect is just a side sect, due to the mutation of heaven and earth, two Huixu were born in the sect, but they are very different from Luo Li and others. Luo Li and others were not discovered at all, and Luo Li and the others easily sneaked in.

The three of them walked through the sect. In this sect, monks came and went. They walked by everyone, but no one could see them or feel their presence.

Hu Chan led the way, and after three turns and two turns, he came to a big mountain.

This mountain is an active volcano, and the crater of the volcano is constantly spewing clouds of fire. However, the fire clouds are controlled by Fuyao Sect's magic. From a distance, the fire smoke reaches straight into the sky.

This volcano can be said to be the foundation of the Fuyao Sect. There are countless buildings on the mountain, and many disciples are waiting in line to enter. This is the alchemy and weapon refining palace of the Fuyao Sect.

The soaring fire cloud in the crater is where the Fuyao Sect practices. The disciples use the power of the fire cloud to soar into the sky to practice the Fuyao secret method. Without this volcano, Fuyao Sect would be in ruins.

Hu Chan led the way. Suddenly the Sword God stretched out his hand and a shield appeared, blocking Hu Chan's senses. She faced Luo Li and asked hesitantly:

"Luo Li, when did you offend Master Xuanci?"

Although the Sword God smiled when facing others, it was just a formulaic smile, but only when facing Luo Li, her smile was a real smile.

Luo Li and Ci Yun had just had a spiritual battle, and she also saw the heart of Master Xuan Ci.

Luo Li began to explain and clarify the reasons. When Luo Li finished speaking, Sword God frowned and said:

"This is troublesome! Of all the people in the world, there are only three of them that I can't see clearly!

One is you and the other is Xuanci! "

There is another person whom the Sword God did not mention!

"This Xuanci is really strong. The six divine skills he has cultivated have been divided into six. Each clone has mastered the twelve unique skills of Landa Temple.

It can be said that he is the third person in the history of Landa Temple, second only to Patriarch Bodhidharma and Master Jiumozhi.

When I fight with him, I dare not say who will win!

He won't do anything in this operation, at least he won't take action during this trip to Brahma, but when the catastrophe of all races is over, he will definitely take action against you! "

Luo Li smiled and said: "I'm not afraid. If the soldiers come, they will block the water and the earth will cover them up. If he comes, then come!"

The Sword God nodded and said: "Yes, this is how we, the cultivators, should be!

When you talk in normal times, you can be humble, but when things get tough and you have a sharp knife in front of you, you will never give in! "

Then the Sword God took a few more steps and suddenly said:

"You, you helped me several times. If you are against him, you can call me, I, I will help you...!"

The last few words were spoken in a weak and difficult to distinguish voice, but when Luo Li heard them, he was filled with ecstasy! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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