Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1336 The Legend of Zhongtian World!

When Luo Li heard the news, his eyes suddenly lit up and he asked: "What method can be used to destroy the world of Yuxu and let all races be buried together?"

Ju Shiqi and others looked at each other, and Ju Shiqi let out a long sigh, his harsh expression gradually dissipated, and finally he just looked helpless, and then said: "Oh, it was actually just a harsh word from us!

If it was possible, I would have done it long ago, why wait until now! "

Tian Dao Wuchang took over the words and said slowly: "Our Yuxu Great World, the Twelve Holy Temples, and the Eighty-eight Palaces, do have a method that can destroy the Yuxu Great World.

Our Yuxu world's earth veins are composed of a total of one hundred and eight super spiritual veins. These spiritual veins are gathered into the earth's lungs. It can be said that the entire world is connected together.

As long as the special artifact of our Yuxu world is detonated in the earth's lungs, the explosion of the earth's lungs will detonate all one hundred and eight super spiritual veins, causing the entire world to completely collapse.


Luo Li nodded, knowing that this matter would never be that simple, there must be something wrong!

“However, this explosion is very slow, and it will take at least ten days for the entire Yuxu world to collapse.

Those alien races could easily escape when they felt the collapse of the Yuxu world. None of them could die, but they blinded the Yuxu world in vain! "

It turns out that it takes time to detonate the lungs of the earth and destroy the world. Those Wanzu are not fools. They ran away long ago when they saw that the situation was not good. How could they wait here to die? So this is really just a harsh word and useless!

But Luo Li was unwilling to give in and asked: "What special artifact?"

Tiandao Wuchang replied: "In the past, our Yuxu world was constantly fighting, with many forces trying to destroy each other and occupy the entire world.

At that time, the people were in despair. The people are miserable, the monks are in danger, and the world is in chaos.

Later there was another genius. Named Yuxu, he created this world-destroying artifact. Pass this method to the Twelve Holy Temples and the Eighty-Eighth Palace in the Yuxu world.

In this way, everyone has the world-destroying artifact to destroy the world. The end result of the endless battle is the collapse of the world, and no one can get this world.

Thus, after the birth of this world-destroying artifact. The war in our Yuxu world has ended, and there will no longer be bloody battles. The world is ruled by the Twelve Holy Temples and the Eighty-eight Palaces.

World peace and common people are saved. In order to commemorate this great hero, we name this world Yuxu Great World! The original world-destroying artifact, we become the artifact of peace! "

So that’s it, Luo Li asked again:

"You three. Do you have this artifact?"

Tiandao Wuchang nodded and said: "My Tiandao Temple artifact is in my hands."

Ju Shiqi also said: "My Cancer Palace artifact is also in my hands!"

Luo Li said: "Can you take it out and take a look?"

Suddenly the other two looked at Qizhu, and Qizhu said: "They are all here with me, I am studying them."

Finished. In Qizhu's hands, he took out two metal balls that were three feet in size. The balls were shining with dazzling light.

Qizhu tapped one of the metal balls, and the ball immediately opened and turned into tens of thousands of tiny parts.

Qizhu said: "After getting this artifact, I can't leave this world anyway. I conducted repeated research and found that there is actually a way. It can change the power of this artifact!"

He clicked lightly, and there was something in the center of the artifact!

"This object is called the Sacred Heart of Flame, and it is the core mechanism of this artifact.

That can destroy the power of the earth's lungs. It all comes from it. As long as other treasures are used to replace the Sacred Heart of Flame to increase the power of the explosion, the Earth's Lung can emit a more violent explosion.

As long as a critical point can be reached, the earth's lungs and one hundred and eight spiritual veins in the Yuxu world can explode at the same time.

If they explode at the same time, the terrifying power will make people tremble just thinking about it, it is equivalent to the self-destruction of the Yuxu world!

This kind of self-destruction is the real collapse of the world. I am afraid that few of the thousands of races in this great world of Yuxu can survive this explosion. In this way, the catastrophe in the world of God among us will be lifted! "

Luo Li listened carefully and kept nodding.

Qizhu changed his words and said:

"Unfortunately, after countless deductions, I can't find the replacement!"

Luo Li asked: "Can't find it?"

Qizhu said: "Yes, I can't find it!

I thought of all the treasures I could think of, but I couldn't find them!

A treasure that can cause the entire world to shatter and explode is so easy, it can be said that it does not exist! "

Luo Li shook his head and said: "There is nothing that doesn't exist, it's just that we haven't found it. Senior brother taught me how to find it, and I'll do it too!"

Qizhu taught Luo Li how to search, and Luo Li also started researching. After a day and night, he had no clue.

Looking at the artifact, Luo Li felt as if he had seen it before, but in fact he had not seen it before. Something with the same principle seemed to have appeared there before!

Really unable to remember, Luo Li could only resort to that method, which was to use the divine power of rewarding good and punishing evil to get the answer.

But when the spell came to his lips, Luo Li took it back. This is the great world of Yuxu, and everything is under the surveillance of that terrible divine consciousness. If he uses moral methods, will the other party discover him? It is better not to use them. .

Tiandao Wuchang on the side suddenly said: "That fellow Taoist Luo Li, do you think you can send our disciples away from here first?"

When Luo Li heard this, he nodded and said, "Yes, one person is trying to outdo each other. I will go back to find the master and let them find a solution!"

After Luo Li said this, he immediately opened the Taichu Cave, allowing thousands of surviving monks to enter his Taichu Cave.

The crowd decreased one by one, and there were only a few people left here. Luo Li immediately saw Third Senior Brother Qing Hen!

Third senior brother Qing Hen was sitting on a stone platform, motionless like a puppet, as if he were dead, without a trace of energy.

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Senior brother, what's wrong with you?"

Qizhu let out a long sigh and said: "During the catastrophe, senior brother's disciples, family members and children here died tragically one by one. Senior brother tried his best. But he still couldn't protect them. He was stimulated and was in a trance. It has been a long time!"

Luo Li said: "Why, how could this happen?"

Qizhu said: "There is nothing we can do about all the medicinal stones and talismans. This is the inner demon of senior brother. The inner wounds are of no use to external forces!"

Luo Li thought of the cheerful senior brother back then, and then looked at this dead senior brother, and didn't know what to say!

"How about this? Take your senior brother back and ask the master to heal you?"

Finished. Luo Li was about to take Qing Hen away, but to Luo Li's surprise, Qing Hen refused to leave!

Luo Li couldn't bring him into Taichu Cave Heaven. He completely resisted. He wouldn't leave, he wanted to stay here!

Not just him, Ju Shiqi also smiled and said:

"I'm not leaving, I'm here to maintain this stronghold and control those Naga Sea Tribes!

If you find a way to destroy all races. When the time comes to return here, I will have a place to stay! "

Tiandao Wuchang looked at Ju Shiqi and said, "Let's go. Shiqi, although the world of Yuxu is gone, our inheritance of the Holy Temple will continue!"

Ju Shiqi shook his head and said: "If you don't avenge yourself, you will never be a human being!"

Qizhu also said: "Junior brother, please take them away!

I believe you can definitely find a replacement that destroys the world of Yuxu, and I will stay here, waiting for you! "

Qizhu actually wants to stay here and take care of Qinghen.

Luo Li sighed. Said: "Okay, wait until I return! I don't know when these ten thousand races will take action. Invasion of the Central God World?"

Tian Dao Wuchang said: "Don't worry, that super existence is too powerful!

If the Nine Heavens World is not integrated, it will not launch an invasion after the integration of heaven and earth!

It cannot come to the incomplete world! "

The super being refers to the powerful divine mind that commands all races. It is either a Taoist clone or a demon master clone!

But no one dared to address him directly. As long as he addressed him directly, the other party would immediately feel the reaction, so he used the super being to refer to him.

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "I really don't understand why a tyrannical super being like him would focus on the Zhongtian Lord World. For a super being like him, the Zhongtian Lord World is just a small place."

The Impermanence of Heaven gritted his teeth and said: "Well, I really heard some legends!"

Luo Li looked at him and asked, "What legend?"

The Impermanence of Heaven does not have the consciousness of Ju Shiqi who is dedicated to revenge and has no regrets. He also thinks that the world of Zhongtian Lord will continue the inheritance of the Temple of Heaven, and he is very respectful to Luo Li, the landlord.

He said slowly: "It is said that the core of our star sea is the Zhongtian Lord World!

But it turns out that it’s not called Zhongtian Lord World, it’s called Jiutian Lord World.

It is said that there is some legendary treasure there. This thing is of great significance to those super beings, so when the world was first born and the beginning of the world, they came to the world and wanted to seize the legendary treasure.

Therefore, the era of gods and demons will appear in the world of Zhongtian Lord. Under the influence of the Taoist Lord, ancient gods are born, and under the temptation of the Demon Lord, ancient demons are born. The gods and demons fight day and night to compete for the legendary treasure!

As a result, the age of gods and demons ended, and the legendary treasure did not appear. Later, the era of all races began, the immortals of Xian Qin came, and the human race rose. As if in order to get rid of the super beings' prying eyes on the world of Zhongtian Lord, Xian Qin divided the main world into nine, and transformed the main world into nine parts. For nine days, fly to all directions for the other eight days!

At this point, the Jiutian World has become the Zhongtian World.

It is said that this catastrophe in the Zhongtian Lord World was also caused by those super beings, who reversed the split of the Eight-Heaven World and returned it, turning the Zhongtian Lord World into the Nine-Heaven World once again!

Only in this way will the legendary treasure reappear!

Therefore, when those super beings stabilize the Central God World, they will not invade, because the Central God World is nothing more than a small projectile in their eyes. What they want is the legendary treasure! "

Luo Li frowned and asked, "How do you know this?"

Tian Dao Wuchang replied: "I saw it in an ancient book of Xian Qin. By the way, the ancient book also introduced that it is said that the legendary treasure has a characteristic and has a magical power that can create or destroy the world! "

Hearing this, Luo Li was stunned. Why did these words sound familiar? Unknowingly, his whole body became cold! (To be continued)r655


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