Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,335 A sudden turn of events leads to the Milky Way!

His heart was filled with anger, but Luo Li endured it. This time he came to investigate the situation, and his impatience would ruin his big plan.

But Luo Li still turned around. He couldn't bear it, couldn't bear it, kill him!

Entering this city, Xiaobai, Xiaohui, Xiaohong immediately walked down from him...

Luo Li said: "Kill, leave no one behind!"

Immediately, the twelve true spirits rushed over with a bang.

They themselves are not human, and they are consistent with the countless animal-shaped races among these ten thousand races. Coupled with the deliberate changes, their details cannot be seen and they will not be discovered!

The real spirit rushed in and immediately began to slaughter those giant apes.

Among those giant apes, there are also two powerful giant ape beasts that are equivalent to the realm of returning to the virtual world.

The two giant apes sensed danger and immediately stood up to resist.

Among them, Xiaoshi dealt with one, and Xiaoqing dealt with another.

The small stone flashed in an instant, passed by, and then sprayed out!

A breath of dragon's breath hit the face of the giant ape. The giant ape in the realm of returning to the virtual world didn't even have time to resist. It turned into a huge stone and was completely petrified.

As for the giant ape that was attacked by Xiao Qing, Luo Li didn't even understand how it died. It fell down and died, as if it was a dead thing in the first place, which was inexplicable.

As soon as these two giant apes died, the other giant apes suddenly woke up, and then the real spirits came in!

Xiaobai took one bite, and more than a dozen giant apes were bitten into his mouth, and he began to chew, crunching, crunching, and chewed them all.

The small red flame spurted out, roasting a group of giant apes into charcoal bit by bit.

Xiao Hei ran and turned into a black light. As soon as he hit him, the giant ape began to age, and finally turned into a withered skeleton, as if tens of millions of years had passed.

Xiao Sha directly tore apart the giant ape one by one and tore it into pieces!

The battle lasted less than a hundred breaths, and not a single one of the thousands of giant apes that were entrenched in this city was left, and they were all killed.

The twelve true spirits are extremely powerful. After taking action. Soon, all the giant ape aliens here were killed, leaving no one alive, which was regarded as revenge for the people here!

Luo Li came to the human skeleton. Just reach out. A flame passed. All the skeletons turned into ashes, and Luo Li chanted softly:

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust..."

Deliver salvation for them. But this is just a small corner of the big world of Yuxu. Rural villages and towns are just a small microcosm of the many human races in the Yuxu world. A small revenge is meaningless!

Luo Li shook his head and continued to walk forward to explore the situation here.

There are thousands of races here, and there are countless strong ones!

Observing Qi from a distance, this is not a good land. All powerful creatures will release their Qi to avoid the prying eyes of other strong people.

Auras spread all over the earth, like an endless forest of energy. The more Luo Li looked at him, the more frightened he became. They were equivalent to the alien warriors in the realm of returning to the void. There were no less than a million here. I don’t know why they didn’t trigger them. If they took action, they would be able to do it. Flat push the world of God.

Although there are many powerful people in this realm of returning to the void, what is really scary is not them, but some areas that do not have any true energy pillars, but have endless pressure, and are occupied by some unfathomable and terrifying powerful people.

These powerful men were all as terrifying as Patriarch Jin Chan. Luo Li counted them slightly, and there were no less than a hundred!

There was only one such terrifying guy, and there was a catastrophe in the world of God. There were no less than a hundred of them. Luo Li suddenly frowned and was shocked!

"Could it be that this time the catastrophe in the world of God is impossible to survive?"

"Do we, Hunyuan Sect, have to continue to escape and leave the world of Zhongtian Lord?"

"What should we do? What should we do?"

Luo Li couldn't help but feel melancholy, not knowing what the future would bring.

Suddenly, Luo Li was stunned and looked at a pillar of true energy in the distance.

That true vitality pillar was also issued by a strong man in the realm of returning to the void. It looked no different from an ordinary true vitality pillar, but on top of that true vitality pillar, there was a hint of Luo Li's familiar flavor, that of the Hunyuan Sect. mark!

Luo Li was immediately overjoyed. It turned out to be the mark of the Hunyuan Sect. Could it be that it was the third senior brother Qing Hen? Is he still okay?

Qinghen is said to be an immortal who was reborn from the dust and was accepted as a disciple by Hu Chan. He has a lively personality and likes to tell fortunes the most!

When he was traveling in the Yuxu world in the outer realm, he accidentally obtained the ancient inheritance, opened a cave, and has been settling here ever since. Master Huchan was very worried about him during this catastrophe, but it seemed that he was fine.

Luo Li immediately ran there and flew there for several hours.

It was a small island in the lake, with three void-returning auras emerging from it. On the island was a strange creature that lived here.

Luo Li observed these creatures carefully and gradually realized that the lower body looked like a big snake and the humanoid creatures with scales all over their bodies were from the Naga Siren clan.

There are about thousands of Naga Sirens here, among them there are six void-returning Qi pillars, but the two on top have the marks of Hunyuan Sect.

Luo Li frowned, but he would not pass easily, he had to test it first.

The ancient spirit transformed by Luo Li slowly flew over and approached the lake. A group of Naga sea monsters immediately surrounded him. Luo Li released his true energy and also released the unique mark of the Hunyuan Sect.

Immediately, a surprising voice came from the other side: "One breath can produce all kinds of magic!"

Luo Li immediately replied: "Hunyuan breaks the world!"

When the other party asked, Luo Li immediately recognized that it was Senior Brother Qizhu. How did he get here, but Luo Li continued to ask!

"The hidden life under the sea of ​​Hunyuan!"

The other party replied: "Lingyuan Town lies with Lord Qiyuan!"

Luo Li asked again: "When it is passed on, it must be in the power of Qiankun, and it will penetrate the three pure and enter the purple micro."

The other party replied: "Mo Yan is a rare Taoist, so his efforts will never end."

Luo Li asked again: "The sun essence has merged with the moonlight!"

The other party replied: "You only need to cultivate your heart to nourish your body!"

This is also the communication method of the Hunyuan Sect. Whether it is the tone of the poem, the pronunciation, or the interval between them, there is a saying. If it is worse, it means that there is no connection!

After the contact was completed, Luo Li said in surprise:

"Senior Brother Qizhu, why are you here?"

Qizhu replied: "Don't say it yet. Be careful coming here!"

Luo Li flew into the lake. None of the Nagas seemed to be able to see him. A giant Naga appeared in front and began to lead Luo Li into a cave.

These Naga Sirens are all controlled by Senior Brother Qizhu, that's why they are like this.

Entering this underground cave, the passage inside was very winding. After twisting and turning, Luo Li was stunned for a moment when he came to a main hall.

I saw people everywhere in the main hall. Thousands of people are here. They were all monks, some old and some children.

This was the first living person Luo Li saw when the world of Yuxu encountered a catastrophe. survivor.

In that crowd. Luo Li saw Senior Brother Qizhu. Except Senior Brother Qizhu. Beside him, there are three monks, and they are all in the realm of returning to the virtual world!

Back then, Senior Brother Qizhu was looking for his own path. After walking away for hundreds of years, when they met this time, Luo Li found that Senior Brother Qizhu had been promoted and returned to the virtual world.

Luo Li was extremely happy and grabbed Senior Brother Qizhu's hand and said, "Senior Brother, you have returned to the void!"

Qizhu smiled and said: "My junior brother has returned to his weak state, how can I not work hard!"

"Brother, why are you here?"

"Ah, it's a long story. I was promoted to the outer realm and returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord. I came here to visit Senior Brother Qinghen. Who knew, alas, catastrophe, catastrophe!"

Luo Li noticed that among the people across from him, there was no Senior Brother Qinghen, and he asked:

"Where's Senior Brother Qinghen?"

Qizhu hesitated for a moment and said: "He will talk about it now... let me introduce a few people to you!"

Then he pointed to the three returning virtual beings around him and said:

"This is Senior Tiandao Wuchang, the master of Yuxu Tiandao Temple!"

This man was a middle-aged man, dressed in white, gentle and elegant, like a gentleman. He responded humbly and said: "Alas, the prodigal dog is no longer the master of the temple!"

Although this great world of Yuxu is also a civilization that cultivates immortals, it is not commensurate with sects. The twelve holy temples and eighty-eight palaces rule this world.

The temple is equivalent to the first door, and the eighty-eighth palace is equivalent to the side door!

Qizhu continued to introduce: "This is Senior Ju Shiqi from Yuxu Cancer Palace, and this is Mr. Mu from Yuxu Aries Palace!"

Although these two people have returned to the void, they are not palace masters. It turns out that those palace masters have all died in the battle. It can be said that these three people are the dead remnants of the Yuxu world!

Ju Shiqi let out a long sigh and said: "Senior, pity our twelve temples, eighty-eight palaces, one hundred and sixty-seven return to the void in the great world of Yuxu, there are only three of us left!"

Mr. Mu gritted his teeth and said: "There are billions of people, and now we may be the only ones left alive! Hate, hate, hate!"

Qizhu looked at Luo Li and said, "Junior brother Luo Li, are you here to investigate?"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Yes! Senior brother!"

Qizhu let out a long breath and said: "That guy guarded this great world of Yuxu without leaking. It turns out that we have thirty-two Return to the Void, but no one can rush out, and only a few of us are left!

Since junior brother you can come in, then you can definitely go out? "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay!"

Although the flying eagle can only seat two people, there is Taichu Cave in Luoli, which can store many people. They can just let them out after returning home. At this time, I don’t know what magic Taoist Tianzang has to sneak in. I didn’t expect it at all. .

As soon as this was said, everyone was overjoyed and all were extremely happy.

Qizhu said: "That's great, take those ordinary disciples away quickly! Send them to our world of Zhongtian Lord, at least there is a way to survive!"

Mr. Mu said fiercely: "Yes, at least we have roots to stay, and then we can take revenge, revenge, revenge!"

There is endless hatred in the words!

Luo Li was stunned and couldn't help but said: "Is there a way to take revenge?"

The three of them looked at each other and nodded to each other. Tiandao Wuchang said:

"Yes, indeed there is!

Our Yuxu Great World, the Twelve Holy Temples, and the Eighty-eight Palaces have been fighting for countless thousands of years, but they have all been able to exist until now, and no one has perished, because we have the means to destroy the Yuxu Great World!

So no one dares to fight too fiercely, lest the other party resort to the last resort and die together with everyone! "

Ju Shiqi smiled miserably and said, "I'm not afraid now, they're all dead, they're all dead!"

Then he gritted his teeth and said: "Then let's all die together, let the world of Yuxu be completely destroyed, and let all the races be buried together!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!


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