Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1337: Soaring to 90,000 miles!

It can both create and destroy the world!

The God of Destruction once said that he was the God of Creation, and then he destroyed the world, ending the era of gods and demons.

The Age of Gods and Demons was started by the Demon Lord Taoist, who tried every possible means to find some legendary treasure.

Luo Li shook his head vigorously and hypnotized himself. He didn't care about me or any nonsense. He forgot all about it and pretended that he didn't hear it.

He left Qizhu, Qinghen, and Ju Shiqi behind, and then left quietly.

Transformed into an ancient spirit, he flew out quietly and came to an uninhabited valley. After checking that everything was okay, Luo Li released Taoist Tianzang and said, "Okay, let's go!"

Taoist Tianzang released him, nodded, and said, "Okay, let's go!"

He released the nighthawk mechanism again. Luo Li and he entered it and sat down. They started it slowly and the eagle flew up, then soared into the sky and flew towards the sky.

Flying to the third level of Qingming Yunxiao, Luo Li felt countless great spiritual consciousness sweep across it. This great world of Yuxu was heavily defended. No wonder Qizhu and the others tried to rush out several times, but failed in the end.

However, this flying eagle has a special structure and has no characteristics of the civilization of cultivating immortals. It has no aura, no talismans, no spiritual thoughts, and no characteristics. Even under the divine thoughts of the super being, it is no different from Shitou Baiyun. Although the spiritual thoughts entangled him countless times, he finally let them go.

Entering Qingming, the flying vulture automatically became invisible and flew away quietly without making any sound.

The only shortcoming of this flying vulture is that it is too slow, even if it is thousands of miles away. It also takes a long time to fly.

This time when it flew out, the direction of the flying eagle was not the Zhongtian Lord World, but the opposite direction. Here, the ten thousand races were sparse and the defenses were not tight.

After flying a million miles away, Luo Li let out a long breath, suddenly stood up, stretched out his hand, and took the flying eagle and Taoist Tianzang into his Taichu Cave. Then it’s a step forward. The Forty-nine Escape Technique can reach thousands of miles in an instant.

Luo Li changed direction and returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord.

Soon, Luo Li returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord. Gradually falling. Return to the world.

The first thing Luo Li did was to use his divine power to reward good and punish evil. Looking for the replacement that destroyed the world of Yuxu.

"The sky is above! The soil is below! Good things are sure, and rewards for good will be behind!"

Following Luo Li's words, the good deeds in his body began to decompose. One after another good deeds dissipated, attracting the power of heaven and earth to fall. Luo Li suddenly remembered why he felt that the world-destroying artifact of Yuxu Great World looked a bit familiar.

That thing is somewhat similar to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Inanimate Vacuum Divine Thunder Tower that was used in the Lishuizong catastrophe in the Liaodong region.

In a trance, a figure appeared in Luo Li's consciousness. It was his master. It seemed that the substitute had something to do with his master.

Luo Li woke up, but he didn't expect that after thousands of twists and turns, he finally fell on his master. Luo Li hurriedly returned to Hunyuan Sect.

After returning to Hunyuan Sect, many Huixu immediately surrounded him and asked about the situation.

Luo Li released everyone. The monks left Taichu Cave and returned to heaven and earth. They saw countless human monks. This was a safe place. Thinking of their dead relatives, some people suddenly burst into tears.

Everyone gathered around and inquired about the situation. It was really chilling to hear these monks from the Yuxu world talk about the tragic situation of the catastrophe.

Luo Li quietly told Tiandao Wuchang and others not to tell anyone about Yuxu's world-destroying artifact. He did not publicize it in a big way. Instead, he went to his master and the three great masters of Hunyuan Sect to tell them about it quietly.

Hearing Luo Li's narration, the three major return to the void frowned, and Mu Shen said: "What exactly is this replacement? The world is so big, where can I find it?"

Jin Sheng said: "It's difficult, it's difficult, it's difficult! It's too difficult!"

However, Tiger Zen Shinichi frowned, remained silent for a long time, and then said, "I thought of something, it should be okay!"

Luo Li and others were all stunned and looked at Hu Chan.

Sure enough, this thing should be on Hu Chan's body!

Hu Chan said: "There is something that should be able to replace the core of the artifact and cause an explosion. It will reach the critical point in an instant, detonating all the earth's lungs and one hundred and eight spiritual veins in an instant, and then detonating the entire Yuxu world as well. , blow up all the races!”

Luo Li said: "Master, what is so powerful?"

Tiger Zen Shinichi did not answer, but continued: "And this thing will also make those super beings without any innate senses feel danger!"

Even Wood God said: "It's so magical, what on earth is this?"

Tiger Zen Shinichi suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "However, this thing is too difficult to obtain!"

Then he told the answer!

“This object is the heart of the Great Brahma God Lord of the Great Brahma God Realm!

The heart of the Lord of God! It is because it is the heart of the God Lord that it can completely block the premonition power of those super beings!

As long as it is detonated and the danger of the artifact is used to destroy the entire Yuxu world, the explosion can suddenly appear and make it inevitable for all races to avoid it. It is entirely possible! "

This answer is so scary!

Luo Li frowned and said, "Master, that's the Lord Brahma!"

Lord Brahma! The deepest entanglement with Luo Li is the Great Brahma God Lord, one of the seven great god lords in the Zhongtian Lord World, who controls the Great Brahma True World, where the fire is raging, the devil wind is rolling, and the real demons are everywhere.

Lord Brahma is evil in the world, doing all kinds of evil and harming the common people. Wherever he goes, there is destruction and death!

His favorite thing is to turn the Zhongtian Lord World into a part of the Brahma God Realm. In the past seven thousand years, he has launched twenty-two terrible attacks on the Zhongtian Lord World.

Among them, the catastrophe of the Li Shui Sect in the East China Sea and the demonic transformation of the Tianya Hai Pavilion were both destroyed by Luo Li. It can be said that they are enemies for eternity.

Hu Chanzhen nodded and said, "Yes, it is his divine heart that makes our plan possible!"

Jin Shengzhenyi said: "It's difficult, it's too difficult!"

Tiger Zen Shinichi let out a long sigh and said: "No matter how difficult it is, it is still easier than facing the invasion of all races head-on!

When all races invade, we will definitely lose in a battle and all of them will die!

We still have at least one in 10,000 chance of stealing the heart of Lord Brahma! "

Luo Li said: "Master, I have a clone of himself. It is the Flame God with the Great Brahma as its source. I wonder if it can replace this core?"

Hu Chan shook his head and said: "No, it's useless! It must be the heart of the Lord Brahma!

In fact, the heart of the Great Brahma God Lord is not his real heart. The Great Brahma God Lord actually does not have a fixed body. The entire Great Brahma God World is his body!

The heart of the Great Brahma God Lord is transformed from the essence of the Great Brahma God's world flame, which has the same meaning as Luo Li's trace of true fire.

Take the essence of this inflammation. Lord Brahma shapes the body. Use this essence to its extreme to control the entire world.

Therefore, there is the heart of the Great Brahma God Lord first, and then there is the body of the Great Brahma God Lord. This object is the most cherished treasure of Lord Brahma!

That is, there is only this thing. The ability explodes instantly. Only by assimilating and detonating the entire Yuxu world can all races be destroyed.

Otherwise, the world of Yuxu will be destroyed. It will also take a certain amount of time. Those ten thousand races are not fools. They have already run away and are of no use! "

After saying this, everyone nodded, the destruction of a world is so easy, it is all step by step, part by part destroyed and exploded, no one is a fool, if things go wrong, they would have run away long ago!

In addition, when the power reaches a certain level, people like Ancestor Jin Chan, King of Snakes and others will have various abilities to predict dangers and avoid crises!

Only the heart of the Great Brahma God Lord is the heart of the God Lord, which blocks all predictions and can this power be exerted to the limit.

Luo Li said: "It seems that this is the only thing left. Master, shall we go? Enter the world of Brahma God and seize the heart of Brahma!"

Hu Chanzhen nodded and said: "I am familiar with the Brahma God Realm, and I will lead the way!

Without further ado, let’s go! "

After saying that, Huchan Zhenyi took Luo Li on the road.

However, unlike the last time, he did not go to the Kansai region and enter the Great Brahma God Realm through the Abyss. Instead, he went straight to the Central Plains region.

Luo Li asked hesitantly: "Master, are we not going to the Guanxi Diyuan this time?"

Tiger Zen Shinichi said: "The Kansai region is also a fusion of the world. Although it is not as earth-shaking as our Chunan region, the integration there is longer, more complex and changeable.

The road from the abyss to the Brahma God Realm will be extremely unstable, so this time we have to change the road!

This road is the road I discovered when I left the Brahma God Realm. This exit is the Fuyao Sect in the Yongzhou area of ​​the Central Plains! "

When Luo Li heard this, he couldn't help but said: "Fuyao Sect? Soar up to ninety thousand miles, ride on the wind and chase the clouds, the world is wide!"

Soaring up ninety thousand miles, riding on the wind and chasing clouds, the world is wide! This is the poetry number of the Fuyao Sect!

Hu Chanzhen nodded and replied: "Yes, this is the sect. They are the vassal side sect of the upper sect, the Infinite Sect. They have obtained the Infinite Sect's Infinite Way, and they are running on the Flying Escape. They are known as Yi Yue Tian, ​​soaring up to 90,000 miles.

The place where I returned was the crater where this sect refines weapons and makes fire. However, I didn’t alert anyone and left quietly. No one in their sect knew this secret.

This time, we will pass there and head to the Brahma God Realm! "

The two went to the Central Plains area, and under the leadership of Tiger Zen Shinichi, they came to the natural chasm between the two realms.

I saw people coming and going there. Countless monks from the Central Plains region went to the Chunan region. Although when they arrived in the Chunan region, they needed to register their names with the Hunyuan Sect and become vassals of the Hunyuan Sect or other coming vassals, no one resisted. They were all very happy.

The Chunan region encountered a catastrophe, and the number of monks was less than one-tenth of the original number. However, the world expanded twice as much, and there were countless opportunities. Therefore, countless monks from the Central Plains region came here to make a living.

This kind of monks are the bottom and foundation of the world of immortality. This is necessary. Hunyuan Sect can only guide them and use them for their own use. This is enough!

The two passed through the natural chasm and came to the Central Plains area, heading straight to Yongzhou!

Along the way, Luo Li discovered that the Central Plains region had actually encountered a catastrophe. In some places, the original mountains disappeared and turned into lakes. In some places, the flying peaks fell from the sky, and there were more mountains. This place, where the sea originally surged, turned into a piece of land.

The people in the entire Central Plains region also suffered greatly, with one person out of ten. But it can be said that the catastrophe has passed, and gradually everything began to recover.

Generally speaking, after a catastrophe, there will be a major epidemic, but after this catastrophe, farmers found that the crops in the fields had an explosive harvest, hunters found that there were many more wild beasts on the mountains, and workers discovered abandoned mines. A new ore was born...

After this catastrophe, there was a thriving situation.

Soon the two of them arrived at the boundary of Yongzhou Fuyao Sect!

The Fuyao Sect is very easy to find. In their sect, there is a pillar of smoke rising into the sky, and it is soaring for nine days.

Seeing the smoke column, Hu Chan nodded and said, "That's where it leads to the Great Brahma Flame Realm!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, Master, let's go!"

But Hu Chan shook his head and said: "No, we have to wait for a few people! The two of us alone are not enough! We also need some people! (To be continued...)


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