Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,334 The flying eagle crosses the boundary and enters Yuxu!

Hearing that Taoist Tianzang was so confident, everyone let out a sigh of relief, and Luo Li asked:

"Well, when do we set off? Sneak into the world of Yuxu?

I'm always worried if I don't go there to see it with my own eyes. "

Luo Li had an intuition. Although the allied forces of all races in the Yuxu world were fierce, he always felt that there was some opportunity there, as if calling him!

This is the monk's intuition, innate induction.

Taoist Tianzang said immediately: "We can set off right away!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, let's go!"

Taoist Tianzang hesitated for a moment and said softly:

"But, but..."

Luo Li asked: "But what?"

Taoist Tianzang said: "However, I can only bring one person there!"

I originally heard that I could leave now, but many people had already stood up and were ready to leave. When I heard this, you looked at me, I looked at you, who is going?

Luo Li said: "It's better for me to go. I have the skills to escape. Master, you can take charge of the overall situation!"

After hearing what Luo Li said, Hu Chan thought for a while and said:

"Okay, go ahead and be careful!

I will contact other sects. With such a catastrophe, we must gather all the power we can! "

Luo Li nodded and looked at Taoist Tianzang.

Taoist Tianzang said: "Let's go! Let's go into Qingming first."

Luo Li knew that he had a unique secret technique and didn't want to use it in front of everyone, so he ran away as soon as he caught Taoist Tianzang.

Luo Li's speed was very fast. In less than a moment, he rushed out of the sky and into the Qingming universe.

Taoist Tianzang was still worried and said: "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, if you fly for a while, I will use the unique secret method of my Tibetan God Sect!"

Luo Li said: "Okay!"

After saying that, Luo Li took Taoist Tianzang and flew towards the great world of Yuxu. He flew millions of miles away in one breath. In the void, there was nothing but green and nothing else.

Taoist Tianzang then said: "Okay, okay, no one should be able to monitor us. Fellow Taoist Luo Li, wait for me and wait for me to cast the spell!"

Luo Li waited, wondering what kind of spell Tianzang Taoist used, which could actually evade the powerful man's prophetic scan.

To Luo Li's surprise, Taoist Tianzang did not cast any spells. He just used all his strength to take out an object in his own dimensional cave.

That thing is a mechanism. It looks like a flying vulture, or a huge kite. It is completely made of metal and is shaped into a triangle, about ten feet. Under the flying vulture, there are several wheels, among which the flying vulture is triangular. In the center, there are cabins made of pieces of colored glass.

There are no runes on this mechanism, and there is no spiritual energy. It looks cold and completely different from all the magic weapons in the world of immortality.

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What is this?"

Taoist Tianzang said: "This is the most precious treasure of our Tibetan God Sect, called Night Eagle.

This object does not contain any talismans and spells from our world of immortality, does not require any spiritual energy or spiritual stones, does not have any breath of life, and does not even contain a single bit of magic. The magical effects contained in it are all activated by mechanical mechanisms.

Because of this, if it doesn’t contain a bit of moral aura or a bit of demonic talisman, no matter whether he is a Taoist or a demon lord, he will not discover its existence!

If this is the treasure of our Hidden God Sect! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "It's dark under the lamp! How did you do this?"

Tianzang Taoist said proudly: "In order to survive, our Tibetan God Sect has used every concealment method we can think of.

Even though this thing is simple, how many seniors have sacrificed their lives to get it. This is already the one hundred and seventeenth change, Nighthawk one hundred and seventeen! "

Then he lightly touched the flying eagle, and the hatch immediately opened. Taoist Tianzang said: "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, to enter it, you need to enter the most primitive state of breath-holding. There must be no trace of life or any trace of truth." Qi flows!

And no matter what happens along the way, don’t move and stay in this state! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Don't worry, I can still do this!"

He entered the cabin. There was no space magic here. The cabin was extremely small, with only two seats. Luo Li sat in the back, and a ribbon automatically wrapped around it, locking Luo Li on the seat.

Taoist Tianzang entered the seat in front, also in a closed breath state, and then used his hands to control the rows of buttons in front of his seat.

Following his movements, the cabin closed, as if something was activated. With a bang, something like a pill furnace opened on top of this mechanism, bringing power.

Under the control of Tianzang Taoist, the flying eagle immediately took off and flew towards the great world of Yuxu in the distance.

But Luo Li frowned, the flying speed was too slow, it would take half an hour to fly to a place thousands of miles away, and it would take a long time to reach the great world of Yuxu.

Luo Li closed his eyes and waited silently. He flew for about ten days. Suddenly, various sirens sounded inside the flying vulture.

I saw in the control center water mirror in front of the Tibetan Taoist that day that there was an endless scanning wave appearing in the distance. It was boundless, spread tens of millions of miles, and swept across.

Taoist Tianzang hurriedly activated several mechanisms, and in a flash, an unknown mechanism outside the flying eagle was activated. It was not any magic or Taoism. The entire flying eagle immediately disappeared and became invisible.

The scanning wave swept over the flying eagle, and it turned around, as if it also found something different, but in the end it was judged that this thing did not contain any spiritual energy, no trace of any spells, and no trace of any energy. It was just a big stone or something like that, and the scanning wave left.

This scanning wave, Luo Li looked very familiar, it was the great god's mind technique of penetrating the air and crossing the boundary!

However, the opponent's great god's mind technique was countless times beyond his own, and could scan billions of miles of time and space. No wonder he was discovered when he sneaked into the Yuxu world. It was not a foresight at all, but the scanning of such a great god's mind technique.

In fact, this flying eagle was also discovered, but there was no spiritual energy restriction and it was ignored by the opponent!

After a long time, Tianzang Taoist let out a long breath and said, "Okay, we have dodged it and continue to move forward. However, in about a quarter of an hour, the scanning will continue!

I don't know how strong the strong in the Yuxu world is, but this scan is too scary!"

Continuing to fly away, as expected, the scanning of the great god's mind technique was once in less than a quarter of an hour, sweeping across the universe, but this flying eagle was misjudged and passed every time.

After flying forward for more than ten days, the traces of the Yuxu World in front of them gradually appeared.

Tianzang Taoist let out a long sigh and said, "Senior Luo Li, we have finally passed the most dangerous place.

The strong man's scan will not be so thorough here. After this, it is not him who is in danger, but other members of the Ten Thousand Races. Don't let them find out."

After that, he took Luo Li away from the flying eagle and put it away. Then he took out something, which was an ordinary magic weapon. He activated the spell in it and turned into a flying demon.

The flying demon looked like a huge head, like an old woman, with no body, only a head, but this head was more than ten feet in size, with yellow teeth and thousands of hair flying like snakes.

When the flying demon appeared, it opened its mouth and bit Luo Li and Tianzang Taoist into it, and then flew to the Yuxu World.

This journey was extremely safe. The scanning fluctuations were much weaker here, but there were many flying people of the Ten Thousand Races on the road!

Those flying people of the Ten Thousand Races sometimes killed each other in the Qingming, but the alien races avoided the Feiming race because it was too fierce!

In this way, they flew hundreds of thousands of miles and reached the periphery of the Yuxu World. Tianzang Taoist began to change clothes.

He changed a magic weapon, disguised as a flying shuttle race this time, and then flew 100,000 miles and changed clothes again.

In this way, five times, he entered the atmosphere of the Yuxu World, fell from the sky, and soon reached the ground.

Looking over, from a distance, on this land, it was really a group of demons dancing, and there were all kinds of alien races everywhere.

Those alien races were not peaceful, and countless battles began on that land.

Slaughter, devouring, bloody fights, chaos everywhere, fighting everywhere!

However, some places were extremely peaceful. That was the habitat chosen by the powerful divine consciousness for the Ten Thousand Races. There could be no fighting on this habitat.

But as long as the members of the Ten Thousand Races leave their habitat, they can fight each other and eat each other.

Taoist Tianzang let out a long sigh and said, "Lord Luo Li, we have arrived at the Yuxu World! The rest of the things..." Luo Li said, "Leave it to me!" He stretched out his hand and took Taoist Tianzang into his Taichu Cave Heaven, then strolled on the Yuxu Continent. With his footsteps, he changed and turned into an ancient spirit! Luo Li has the skin of the God of Divine Power, which can transform all living things, so he can turn into an ancient spirit. Walking on the land, Luo Li encountered seven or eight attacks in less than a moment, but the strength of the ancient spirit immediately let those attackers know that they kicked the iron plate. Gradually, the attacks stopped, and only Luo Li moved forward. Looking at the land, Luo Li frowned, because there was a road under his feet. This road was a driveway built by the human race, and there were broken wheel marks on it. Following this driveway, walking forward, about a hundred miles away, a city appeared in front! To be precise, it was just a city relic, ruins, no living people, and a group of giant apes occupied this place. In a square in the city, countless skeletons were thrown everywhere. They were all human skeletons. The flesh and blood on the skeletons were eaten clean!

Countless skeletons, tens of thousands in total. Some of them looked like children. They were specially piled together, as if they were thrown away after being carefully eaten!

These were all the natives of the Yuxu World, and they were completely dead now!

Luo Li's eyes stood up, and anger rose in his heart! r1152


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