Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,333 Hidden in the sky and nowhere to be found!

Returning to the world of Zhongtian Lord, Luo Li and the old Zen Master Jianxin worked together to repel the countless powerful foreigners who were chasing them. They never dared to take a step further and return to the world of Zhongtian Lord.

Slowly falling in the void, there was a message from the divine consciousness. The two of them turned their direction and came to the new Xuanzhou continent of the Hunyuan Sect.

In the main hall of Hunyuan Sect, all the Returning Void True Ones who control the entire Chunan region are here.

After Luo Li and the old Zen Master Jian Xin left, they immediately discovered that news of the Ten Thousand Clans spread to many people, so everyone gathered to study countermeasures.

Seeing the return of Luo Li and the others, Tiger Zen Shinichi was the first to ask:

"Disciple, how is the situation over there?"

Luo Li knew what his master was worried about. Senior Brother Qinghen's cave was in the Yuxu World. There was no news this time, and he was afraid that the situation would be more dire.

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Master, it can't be done. Before we reach the Yuxu World, countless powerful people will appear on the other side.

There are too many people on the other side, and there are strong people among them, very strong, very strong!

What's even more frightening is that we arrived there quietly and were immediately predicted by the opponent. We couldn't get close to the Yuxu world at all, and we didn't understand the enemy's situation at all. "

Tiger Zen Shinichi frowned and said, "So strict?"

Old Zen Master Jianxin said: "Yes, the two of us have been very careful and used countless methods, but we were still millions of miles away from the big world, and we were discovered!"

Tiger Zen thought for a moment and said, "I'll give it a try. I have a secret hidden body that is free from stains and shocks. I also have an escape technique in my body, and I am seamless in all realms. There should be no problem!"

Many Huixu looked at each other. The Luofu Sword Sect stood up and returned to the virtual world. This person was called Tianqing Zhenyi. He said slowly: "I have been practicing the Luofu Shadowless Invisible Sword all my life. I am the best at evading the form. I will give it a try."

On the seat at the end, a person also stood up. It was Taoist Qigui from Jiuyou Ghost Sect. He said:

"One of my seven ghosts is the Impermanent Ghost, the best at hiding. I'll give it a try too!"

His words were like the sound of celadon rubbing against each other. It was extremely unpleasant to listen to, and in Luo Li's eyes, it was very ghostly.

After the catastrophe of the Nine Nether Ghost Sect, all the disciples were infected by the ghost energy. This was the case. Very spooky.

The three of them set off immediately. Luo Li saw them off. I hope they can explore the reality of the Yuxu world!

The rest of the people are waiting here and studying countermeasures.

Luo Li thought for a while. He did not return to the Hunyuan Sect, but followed in the footsteps of Huchan Shinichi and others, flying to the Yuxu world, about halfway between the two worlds, looking for a meteorite, sitting on it, and waiting silently.

Within a few days, violent energy fluctuations suddenly broke out in the distance. Someone was fighting, and the battle roared.

Luo Li immediately escaped and went to meet him. As expected, the three masters, like Luo Li, were discovered and hunted before they could reach the Yuxu World.

The invisible swords and the impermanent ghosts were all useless, and they were all seen through by the opponent. It was all thanks to Hu Chan to cover the sky with one hand and fight against many strong aliens. Otherwise, Qing Zhenyi, the Taoist Seven Ghosts, would have died long ago!

Luo Li immediately joined the battle to support his master.

As soon as Luo Li made a move, he immediately formed a super tacit understanding with Hu Chan. The two people's fighting power soared. They fought and retreated here. They fought for a million miles and killed 450 foreign warriors who had returned to the virtual state. But as the number of pursuers increased, the situation became more prosperous.

Under this chase, Tianqing Shinichi and the Seven Ghost Taoists were injured one after another and lost the ability to fight. They were rescued by Tiger Zen Shinichi.

Those three divine thoughts appeared again, firmly locking Luo Li and the two of them!

Tiger Zen Shinichi sneered and shouted through the voice: "Your Excellency Jin Chan Patriarch, His Excellency the Great Snake King, and His Excellency Demon Lord Epilu, these three adults are all the masters of a realm, the supreme beings of heaven and earth. Unexpectedly, they are also pawns and minions of others. People are driven away!”

Under these words, the three spiritual thoughts locking Luo Li and the two gradually dimmed, and a divine thought came from the distance!

"Hu Chan, this time, because of our past friendship, we will let you go.

But if you peep into my Yuxu world again, then we will take action with all our strength!

Finally, I give you a warning, Zhongtian Lord’s world is a place of right and wrong. Leave as soon as possible. The further away, the better! "

After these words, the pursuers also retreated. Hu Chan released Tianqing Zhenyi and Qigui Taoist. Everyone gasped for air and began to rest.

Tianqing Zhenyi couldn't help but ask: "Ancestor Jin Chan, but the six-winged golden cicada, the master of Upasai Three Realms?"

Upasaka is the Lord of the Three Realms, the Six-Winged Golden Cicada, and Luo Li also knows his name. Upasaka represents the way of beasts, insects, and monsters. There are thirty-seven changes in total. The ancestor of the six-winged golden cicada is the best among them, the golden cicada transformation!

Ancestor Jin Chan is powerful. He has 1.2 billion Cicada soldiers under his command and controls the three main worlds of Yuanjiu, Tianxiang, and Blood Shura. He is a big customer in Taichufang City, and Luo Li has heard about him for a long time.

Unexpectedly, he would join the allied forces of all races. Luo Li's heart immediately jumped, but he was lucky enough not to see his cicada soldiers.

Suddenly, Luo Li thought of something and couldn't help but ask: "Master, is the Great Snake King the Nine-Headed Dragon Snake of the Dark Sea?"

Hu Chan looked at Xinghai and said: "No, no, when the nine-headed dragon snake wakes up, the world has been turned upside down!

It should be said that it was just a thought in the dream of the Hydra!

However, this idea is said to have existed for 30 million years! "

The Dark Sea is also one of the big worlds in the star sea where Taichufang City is located, but this big world is different from other big worlds. The main body of this world is like the giant turtle back then, but a nine-headed dragon snake.

This nine-headed dragon snake is extremely huge, and its body is comparable to that of the Middle Heaven Lord World. However, it is in a deep sleep. It is unknown how many thousands of years it has been sleeping. Maybe the world will be destroyed, and it will not wake up.

The dark sea world uses its body to become the cornerstone of the world, and uses the breath of the nine-headed dragon and snake to transform the world of the dark sea into the world.

In this world, there are countless dark beings. It is said that they are all transformed from the dream thoughts of the nine-headed dragon snake in its sleep, and they are born and destroyed as they go.

But some of the strong ones break free from the dream restrictions of the Hydra. Dream Po, continues to exist, this snake king is the dark sea creature that has existed for the longest time, and can be said to be the controller of the dark sea world!

Luo Li asked again: "Master, who is the last Demon Lord Yipilu?"

Tiger Zen Shinichi said: "This Demon Lord is one of the Eighteen Heavenly Demon Lords in our star sea.

Back then, I entered the Great Brahma Flame Realm to find my way!

It happened that they gathered together with the Demon Army to attack the Demon Lord Brahma. That's how he and I got to know each other. It’s a friendship!

Good guy, Zhongtian World is really in trouble this time!

These three powerful men seemed to be just the people in charge of the periphery of the All Nations Alliance, that is, the vanguard officers. How many powerful people are there in the All Nations Alliance Army? It’s really hard to say! "

The more you know the truth. The colder my heart becomes!

The four of them returned to Hunyuan Sect and could only find other ways.

Returning to Hunyuan Sect, everyone saw the four of them returning like this. I immediately knew that the operation had failed.

Galaxy Star Sword Sect Fu Gongming said slowly:

"I contacted our sect allies and received news that the big alliance headed by Kunlun also tried many times and failed in the end."

Hu Chan nodded and said: "Ancestor Jin Chan, the Great Snake King, Demon Lord Zupilu, it's so difficult!"

Everyone is helpless!

Suddenly, Mu Shenzhen's eyes moved and he said: "Wait a minute, I thought of an idea, maybe it's not impossible!"

After saying that, he just flashed and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone seemed a little hopeful when they saw what Shinichi Kogami said.

In less than an hour, Kogami Shinichi returned, and in addition to him, he also brought someone else with him.

The man was dressed in Taoist attire, with a blue jade gentleman's crown on his head, a ceremonial Taoist robe, and a tightly buttoned scholar's shirt. He had slender eyebrows and phoenix eyes, and a long black beard. He looked like a dignified scholar. Originally, this gentleman's ceremonial style, solemnity, and unspoken solemnity were enough to make people feel admiration at first sight.

However, this person is in the state of becoming a god. After arriving here, dozens of people who have returned to the void are suddenly under invisible pressure, suppressing the sweat on their foreheads.

Seeing this person coming here, Ryusu Shinichi of the Evil Demon Sect couldn't help but said:

"Isn't this Xiaotian from the Hidden God Sect? Mu Shen, is this your method?"

This person is Taoist Tianzang, the leader of the Hidden God Sect, but in the face of many returning voids, he is just Xiaotian.

Gudao Shinichi couldn't help but said: "We, Returning to the Void, can't do anything about it. He is just a small transformed god. A random minion can come across from the opposite side and kill him in one breath. What a joke!"

Kugami Shinichi just smiled and said: "You can't accept this! There are specialties in the arts!

Although Tianzang is infinitely weaker than us, he is infinitely stronger than us in terms of hiding and sneaking into the great world of Yuxu! "

As soon as he said this, all the other members of the group shook their heads. No one believed it. Ryusu Shinichi said directly:

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Under the opposition of everyone, the Tibetan Taoist was suppressed by Return to the Void that day, and his suppressed body could not help but tremble, but his eyes were bright, he just smiled, stretched out his hand, took out something, and said:

"After receiving the warning from the Heart Sword Zen Sect, I couldn't help but secretly lurk in the Yuxu Great World. This is the unique magnolia flower I obtained in the Yuxu Great World there. Seniors, please take a look!"

After saying that, he gave the thing away!

Everyone took it over to watch, and the old Zen Master Jianxin said:

"Good guy, it's really a magnolia flower. It can only be found in Yuxu World, and it's just picked, so fresh!"

Suddenly everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Taoist Tianzang!

Taoist Tianzang said with a confident smile:

“I, the Shen Zang Sect, don’t have any other abilities, except for the art of hiding and escaping, which is the best in the world!

Because our sect has been hunted by ancient giant beasts since the day it was born. As long as there is a trace, we will be completely destroyed.

For countless years, countless predecessors have paid the price with their lives to be where we are today, so even if there is a catastrophe, we don’t have to rescue, we can also escape from the past!

Seniors, if you want to sneak into the great world of Yuxu, don’t be embarrassed. There are the Cang Shen Sect, the Golden Chan Ancestor, the Big Snake King, and the Demon Lord Zipi Lu. I will treat them as nothing! "

Taoist Tianzang was talking eloquently in front of this crowd!

Finally, Taoist Tianzang shouted loudly:

"There is no place to hide in heaven and earth. Falseness really depends on people's hearts!"

In the eyes of these visitors, the Hidden God Sect is no more than an ant, and today it finally showed its power and pride! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!


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