Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1318 Brave New World!

There must be a mystery in the aura!

However, Luo Li and others looked at each other and could only ignore it.

At that time, figures like Wang Yangming, the founder of ZTE, could not solve this secret, let alone now.

This secret can only be slowly unlocked over time.

Everyone looked at each other and Jin Shengzhenyi said: "This is it!"

Kogami Shinichi said: "Have you ever felt that your aura has doubled compared to before?"

Luo Li took a breath and said: "Two times one point!"

Fan Wujie suddenly said: "The world has changed drastically, it seems that Huixu will no longer be the highest power in this world!

Maybe, it is no longer difficult to be promoted to Guiyuan! "

Everyone nodded, and Shinichi Kogami said: "Unexpectedly, we left this place after a catastrophe, and now we are back here again, in a dream!"

The Fire Dragon controlled by Luo Li slowly fell, and landed here again.

As the Earth Fire Dragon fell, all the small islands that appeared after the great catastrophe were covered and disappeared by the returning Xuanzhou Continent. However, at the same distance above the Xuanzhou Continent, those suppressed and covered small islands slowly appeared. , as if they were already there, nothing strange about them.

And what’s even more amazing is that you can’t even find out the number of these small islands.

I can only vaguely feel their existence, but when I count them and pay attention to them, I quickly forget them. I only have a vague feeling and cannot accurately identify them.

However, there is one island that Luo Li will never forget. It is the place where he first realized the Tao and where he became the world's only island!

The Xuanzhou Continent fell, causing huge waves of hundreds of feet, sweeping across all directions!

In fact, this sea is not very deep, and the shallowest point is only a hundred feet. Soon Xuanzhou Continent will touch the bottom of the sea, but the coastline of Xuanzhou Continent is still hanging in the air.

Many Huixu looked at each other, and they worked together, and boom, Xuanzhou Continent continued to sink, squeezing out the reefs on the seabed, and the continent continued to land towards the water. In the end, the coastline was the same as before.

Under the leadership of the three great Huixu, everyone came to the ancestral hall of Hunyuan Sect. Led by the three great Huixu, they all knelt down!

Jin Shengzhenyi said: "Thanks to all the ancestors for protecting me, the younger disciples of the Hunyuan Sect have finally avoided the catastrophe and the catastrophe. The Hunyuan Sect will live forever!"

Everyone kowtowed in front of them, worshiped the ancestor, and thanked the ancestor for his help in avoiding the catastrophe.

After everyone finished the ceremony, Kogami Shinichi said in surprise: "The spiritual fire of the Patriarch Hall has been ignited again and has returned!"

Suddenly everyone looked at me and I looked at you, the spiritual fire returned and the Patriarch Hall returned to normal, they were all extremely happy.

It seems that this place is indeed the place where Hunyuan Sect flourished!

After worshiping the ancestor, Earth Emperor Shinichi said: "Come on, let's get started! Countless jobs are waiting for us!"

Suddenly many monks all took action.

Many returning spirits dived into the seabed, looking for the spiritual veins of heaven and earth in the sea, connecting with Xuanzhou Continent, and building spiritual energy channels. Only when this step is done well, and Xuanzhou Continent is re-integrated into the cycle of heaven and earth spiritual energy, can it be considered as returning to the world of Zhongtian Lord.

Now they are just connecting the spiritual veins. In the future, they will have to search for spiritual veins in various places and transfer the spiritual veins here.

At the same time, many God-Transforming True Masters sneaked into the ground and used magic to fill some places where Xuanzhou Continent was not closely connected with the earth due to the abyss and trenches, so as to avoid hollow holes.

Because of the trial of the outer Jingwei reclamation, all Hunyuan Sect disciples are masters of civil engineering, so this is a small problem for them.

At the same time, there were also the True God Transformers who dived under the earth until they reached the lungs of the earth. They were unable to dive, and then they began to set up formations.

Restrictions were laid down one after another to block the earth's lungs and solidify the ground to prevent the other party from destroying the earth's lungs, causing catastrophe and destroying the Hunyuan Sect.

Only in this way can Hunyuan Sect survive the siege last time.

It can be said that countless jobs are waiting for the Hunyuan Sect monks.

At the same time, countless Nascent Soul Lords were flying around. They released their forest clones and explored in all directions with Xuanzhou Continent as the starting point.

Search for the continent, draw a map, search for treasures, explore resources on the continent, and see if it is suitable for human survival.

Below the Golden Core, people were flying in all directions, some were in the sea to explore the situation, some were flying high into the sky, and all the Hunyuan Sect monks took action.

Soon the good news came. A continent was found in the East, covering an area of ​​30,000 miles. On the continent, there was sufficient spiritual energy and an excellent environment. It could inhabit the human race, and there was also a paradise for monks to settle down.

Immediately, everyone started naming, and renamed that continent Xingzhou to commemorate the past Xingzhou continent.

Then the good news came again. Two more continents were discovered in the south and southeast, suitable for monks and mortals to live.

Then north, west, northeast, in all directions of the Xuanzhou continent, eight continents were discovered in succession.

Beyond these eight continents, another continent must be at least tens of thousands of miles away.

Luo Li said: "It seems that our subsidiary sect of Hunyuan Sect needs eight side sects!"

As soon as this was said, everyone immediately laughed and agreed.

It turns out that the Hunyuan Sect has five affiliated continents outside of Xuanzhou, so under the sect, there are five affiliated side sects to manage these continents for the Hunyuan Sect.

There are now eight continents around, and it seems that we need to add three side doors!

Mu Shen Zhenyi said: "It turns out that there are Guizhou and Liuzhou. Our Hunyuan Sect's defense has loopholes. Now there are eight continents surrounding Xuanzhou, and it is watertight!" Luo Li nodded and said: "The current Xuanzhou is only 40,000 miles in size. Half of the continent had to be abandoned when ascending. Should we restore Xuanzhou to its original appearance?" Hu Chan Zhenyi shook his head and said: "No, no!" "It turns out that the Xuanzhou continent set by the ancestor is a one-yuan land of 129,600 miles. Countless ancestors searched for famous mountains and rivers everywhere, and filled them with mountains. Sea God, move to the foundation here, and complete 84,000 miles before the catastrophe, including 3,627 beautiful scenery and 187 cave paradises!

Now in the Chunan area, our Hunyuan Sect is the master, so let us complete the unfinished land!

It is necessary to make Xuanzhou reach 129,600 miles, and there must be countless beautiful scenery and countless cave paradises! "

Everyone nodded immediately. The reason why they couldn't expand before was that the Chunan area had been occupied by the sect, and it was not easy to expand. Now with Hunyuan Sect as the master, there are unowned lands everywhere, which can be developed and occupied at will.

However, I don't know if there are still famous mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery of heaven and earth after the catastrophe is over!

Soon the news came that there were countless spiritual objects of heaven and earth on the eight continents discovered.

You can find all kinds of spiritual objects of heaven and earth if you look for them casually. In addition, the continent is not desolate. After the catastrophe, countless dense trees and plants grow, as if stimulated, and they are thriving.

Some spiritual herbs and trees that take hundreds or thousands of years to mature actually matured perfectly in less than two or three years!

When this news came, many returning to the void looked at each other, and Hu Chan Zhenyi said, "What should we do?"

Mu Shen Zhenyi said, "Although our Chunan region encountered a catastrophe and countless people died, the Central Plains and Liaodong regions did not suffer much damage.

If the natural channel is still there, the cultivators from other regions will soon arrive here!"

Hu Chan Zhenyi also said, "Moreover, there are the three major sects. In such an environment, they will definitely return!

And it's not just these three sects, but behind them, there is also the Kunlun Alliance!"

Jin Sheng Zhenyi immediately shouted, "Such a world is related to one's own immortal cultivation path and the immortal cultivation path of one's descendants. There is no room for it! Fight to the death!

All disciples of Hunyuan Sect, put down your work first, and go to the place we originally designated with all your strength, look for various spiritual objects and natural treasures, look for famous mountains and rivers, and move the beautiful scenery of heaven and earth back to Hunyuan Sect!"

Suddenly, all the cultivators of the entire Hunyuan Sect took action, put down all their original tasks, and began to look for treasures in this new world.

At the same time, the five affiliated side sects of the original Hunyuan Sect took mortals to the nearby continents, occupied there, and rebuilt their own civilization.

The Hunyuan Sect selected three powerful sects from the sixty-six left-hand sects and went to the other three new continents. In the future, the Hunyuan Sect will train them and promote them to the side sects.

Luo Li also took action, using the four-nine escape technique, and soon found a continent five hundred thousand miles away.

On that continent, the forest was dense, the grass was prosperous, and countless spiritual energy was flashing.

Flying to a place at random, Luo Li stretched out his hand and grabbed a stone on the ground. After a closer look, he couldn't help but say:

"Xuan-level seven-color flying stone?

No way, this Xuan-level spiritual object of heaven and earth is like cabbage, just everywhere like this?"

Looking with the divine eyes, it was indeed so. On the continent, countless spiritual lights were shining, all of which were spiritual objects of heaven and earth.

Then I won't be polite. Luo Li released his living beings forest clone and started picking them up.

Picking up a few, Luo Li knew what was going on with this spiritual object of heaven and earth.

These so-called spiritual objects of heaven and earth were the natural treasures of the original Chunan area before the catastrophe. After the catastrophe, they survived by chance and evolved from natural treasures to spiritual objects of heaven and earth.

Continuing to pick them up, it was just like bending over to pick up money. Although Luo Li was rich enough to rival a country, he still felt very happy!

Suddenly, in the distance, a heart-felt cry for help came:

"Go away, go away, save me, save me, ah..."

This voice was the voice of Miaotong Zhenjun of Hunyuan Sect. He was the apprentice of Lilong Zhenyi. I don't know what he encountered, but he actually made such a terrifying cry for help.

Luo Li immediately fled there, and in a blink of an eye, he fled 120,000 miles and came to the place where Miaotong Zhenjun called for help. Looking there, it was a quiet valley. Miaotong Zhenjun had disappeared, but there was a strange existence there.

It was a round and strange life, looking like a meat ball, with trembling skin and rolling meat mountains.

On his body, there are four limbs, two hands and two feet, but it is like a bone stick, and it can't support this body like a mountain of flesh.

On the face, there is only one eye and a big mouth, which is huge, as if chewing something.

Seeing this thing, Luo Li was stunned. What is this thing? He was about to attack.

At this time, Hu Chan Zhenyi, Shenmu Zhenyi, Fan Wujie and others rushed over.

Seeing Luo Li attack, Hu Chan suddenly stopped Luo Li, looked at the mountain of flesh vigilantly, and said:

"Don't attack, I didn't expect it to be resurrected!"

Luo Li couldn't help asking: "What is this thing?"

Tiger Zen Shinichi said cautiously: "Don't be deceived by his appearance, it is not an ordinary thing! I am extremely familiar with it, because it exists in my ancient magic path!

This is the greed of the ancient demon! "

The ancient demon is greedy! This means the resurrection of the ancient demon. Since the ancient demon is resurrected, will the ancient god also appear? r1152

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