Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1319 The Ancient Demon Greedy Demon is roaring!

The ancient demon is greedy!

Hearing this, Luo Li couldn't help but take a breath of air.

In the ancient era of gods and demons, the demon refers to these ancient demons. Luo Li once encountered the altar of the eating demon, and the appearance of the eating demon was extremely terrifying.

But that one was just a projection, and this one was the real body, a living ancient demon. Luo Li was immediately extremely cautious.

Huchan Zhenyi stared at the ancient demon Greedy. In addition to Huchan Zhenyi, Shenmu Zhenyi and Fanwujie were also on guard.

At this moment, someone else came here, Tuhuang Zhenyi, Xin Yuan, Feng Shuang Zhenyi came here one after another!

As soon as Feng Shuangzhen arrived here, he asked:

"Miaotong, where is Miaotong?"

But no one answered.

No one saw Miao Tong Zhenjun and never saw him again. However, the ancient demon greedy seemed to be chewing something. Needless to say, everyone knew where Miao Tong Zhenjun was going.

Feng Shuang Shinichi immediately cursed: "Asshole!"

Tiger Zen Shinichi said: "Don't be excited, be careful, this is the Greedy Ancient Demon. Even in ancient times, it was extremely powerful among the demon gods, second only to the Thirteen Demon Emperors of Darkness!

Be careful! "

This fat mountain of flesh seemed to be very angry when everyone stared at it. It wanted to get up, but its limbs were too short, and it suddenly fell down with a thud.

The fleshy body rolled back and forth several times on the ground, and then the fleshy mountain got up again, seeming to be very angry, roaring at the people in the void.

Xin Yuan laughed and said, "Idiots like this also need to be careful?

Maybe he was very powerful in the past and will be very powerful in the future. But now that the world has just stabilized, it is only resurrected for a short period of time, relying only on instinct, just like a pig, why keep him and kill him! "

After speaking, Xin Yuan stretched out his hand, and a small whirlwind appeared in the palm of his hand. The tornado was endless, and countless sword shadows were looming in it.

Beside the greedy ancient demon. Three thousand three hundred and sixty-five golden divine swords suddenly appeared. They were all at the seventh level. They flew and exploded into a huge tornado, trapping the ancient demon!

That golden sword. Fly. All turned into living creatures. Like a swimming fish, swimming wildly, driving endless storms. In this storm, countless strong winds turned into sharp blades, cutting everything.

The ancient demon immediately howled, and his body, which was like a mountain of flesh, was sliced ​​off piece by piece. The flesh and blood flew in all directions and disappeared immediately.

Xin Yuan smiled coldly, stretched out his left hand suddenly, and slapped it hard from top to bottom!


With this beat, the storm above his left hand was shattered and extinguished in an instant. The 365 seventh-level divine swords flying around the ancient demon were all shattered into pieces at this moment, as if they had been hit hard.

In an instant, the storm and the divine sword disappeared.

By that slap, it was completely wiped out and turned into powder.

But the moment they dissipated, a power rose up on them!

There are three hundred and sixty-five of these divine swords, but they are all seventh-level divine swords. Such smashing immediately triggered a lot of power on them.

This power is Xin Yuan's real trump card. The divine sword and the storm are all things that exist to trigger this power.

Under this power, everything is shattered, it is the power of heaven's shattering!

Under the power of the shattering power of Heaven, everything was shattered. The ancient demon greedily screamed and was shattered into thousands of fragments, dissipating in all directions.

Xin Yuan looked at Hu Chan, smiled coldly, and said:

"What kind of ancient demon can fly into ashes? Nephew of Zen Master Tiger, sometimes don't think too much."

Hu Chan said nothing and looked there, frowning.

Fan Wujie said from the side: "Master, is the cost of destroying 3,365 seventh-level divine swords with this strike a bit high?"

When Luo Li was asked this question, Luo Li was stunned. In fact, Fan Wujie shouldn't ask this question. No matter how much the sword was damaged by his master's blow, it was not his disciple's place to ask.

Xin Yuan chuckled and replied: "This divine sword was refined by me using the laws of heaven to return to the origin. Even if it is broken into thousands of pieces, it can be restored automatically!"

As soon as he said this, Luo Li immediately understood that Fan Wujie was entrusted with flattery and quoted Xin Yuan's words so that Xin Yuan could show off.

After Xin Yuan finished speaking, he reached out and grabbed it. On his left hand, countless fly ash effects appeared. In the place where the ancient demon was crushed in the distance, countless fly ash fragments also appeared, and then those fragments gradually condensed into golden swords. .

Luo Li couldn't help but nod. This move was really strong. If a normal person returns to the void and receives this blow, he will definitely die.

In the blink of an eye, 3,365 seventh-level divine swords returned to normal, suspended in the air, their handles emitting golden light, extremely dazzling.

Xin Yuan and Fan Wujie looked at each other. This move was a return-to-empty technique that they had created over the past three years. They used it today to overwhelm everyone and it was very enjoyable.

Tiger Zen Shinichi suddenly said: "No, be careful!"

Xin Yuanyi frowned, checked carefully, and said, "What's wrong? It's nonsense..."

Before he finished speaking, the golden divine swords disappeared one by one, as if being slowly swallowed by an invisible mouth. On the golden swords that did not disappear, black lights began to appear, and then disappeared.

And there, slowly, the ancient demon Greed reappeared. Just like before, he still looked very stupid in the past, but he was no longer a flesh and blood body, but turned into a metal body. That metal body was Xin Yuan. Many divine sword bodies.

Xin Yuan was shocked and was about to fight for the divine sword. Fan Wujie shouted from the side: "Master, abandon the sword!"

Before Xin Yuan could react, Fan Wujie struck fiercely, with a blade of light, and Xin Yuan's left arm was immediately cut off.

On that arm, there was a black light, which was eroding silently. The black light was actually reversed through Xin Yuan's spell. One step later, Xin Yuan's whole body would be eroded, and he would definitely die.

The arm fell to the ground and dissipated immediately. The ancient demon over there returned to normal greed, made a delicious gesture, and then continued to look at everyone!

Tiger Zen shook his head and said:

"It's different from the greed in my ancient demonic path, it's even more terrifying and powerful!

This ancient demon has thousands of demonic bodies. As long as a trace of demonic thought is still there, it is immortal and the most terrifying place. Among them, the power of greed is the most terrifying. As long as he wants anything, he can invade and seize it.

No matter what magic weapon or spell hurts him, he can seize and transform it without any harm. Ten thousand soldiers are invincible!

Want to hurt him. There are only two things you can do! "

Luo Li immediately learned from Brahma Wujie and began to cheer and asked: "Master, those two!"

Tiger Zen Shinichi replied:

"One is divine power, and gods and demons are not mutually exclusive. Only divine power can hurt him!

One is the original power. The origin of heaven and earth exists eternally, which cannot be refined by greed. You can hurt him!

Other than that, there is no way to hurt him!

But what I'm talking about is just injuries. The most terrifying thing about this thing is that it has thousands of demonic bodies and is immortal!

We can break him, but we can't destroy him. This is the biggest headache! "

Kogami Shinichi suddenly said: "Catch it in your Forest of Living Beings and seal it?"

Tiger Zen shook his head and said: "Don't look at him acting stupid, it's just pretending, the other seeds have been arranged far away.

With this seal, other seeds will grow and be resurrected! "

Kogami Shinichi couldn't help but said: "Doesn't that mean he is immortal and cannot be destroyed? How about we avoid him?"

Hu Chan shook his head and said: "There is no avoiding it. Judging from his appearance, human flesh tastes delicious. He will keep chasing and eating all the monks!

Bastard, I originally thought that the world was perfect, but in the end, such a heaven-defying thing was born! "

Jin Shengzhenyi snorted coldly and said: "No matter what he is, he is an ancient demon or an ancient god, this world belongs to our human race!

It belongs to us. If you want to rob it from us, you will die!

The power of the origin of heaven and earth, God is really kind to me, Hunyuan Sect. Originally, we prepared the use of the five elements to ascend, and used everything we had. The power of the origin that was born just now, I didn’t expect that it can restrain this monster, so come on, fight first Let’s break it! "

Suddenly, the true energy in Hu Chan, Jin Sheng, and Mu Shen surged, and they all developed a trace of their original power.

Fan Wujie took a long breath and said, "I'm coming too!"

On him, a ray of light appeared!

But the others, Tu Huang, Feng Shuang Zhenyi, and Xin Yuan, could only retreat because they did not have the original power.

Luo Li didn't move, and suddenly said: "I seem to have a way to destroy these guys with countless clone seeds!"

Seeing Hu Chan and others with the original power appearing on their bodies, their stupid greed suddenly seemed to smile.

Its body began to change. It no longer looked like a stupid meat mountain, but turned into a strange tiger-like creature with six wings on its back, six giant claws, and a snake-like tail!

When he was changing, Tiger Zen Shinichi suddenly roared:

"The Ultimate Chaos Strike of Immortal Qin's Destruction!"

Boom, this is a unique move. With one blow, a radius of three thousand miles will be reduced to flying ashes!

The greed suddenly flew thousands of miles away, and suddenly a vine suddenly rose up on the ground. The vine turned into thousands of tributaries, which was transformed by the Wood God.

The vines immediately wrapped around Greedy, and Golden Saint just dodged, and a golden stick of a hundred feet in size appeared in his hand. It was the ninth-level magic weapon Qiankun Supreme Tianjian Shifang Stick, and he hit his head with one blow!

Boom, with one blow, the ground was trembling in a radius of thousands of miles, and it was pressed down ten feet!

The war started immediately, and the three major warriors used their original power to launch wild attacks.

Fan Wujie suddenly rose into the sky, suspended above the nine heavens, and instantly turned into a big sun, emitting endless light. He was preparing for a super attack.

At the same time, Greedy began to rapidly change his body during the battle, looking for the strongest body to fight against everyone.

But Luo Li didn't take action. He just looked at the monks in the deadly fight, looking at the greed, and he was preparing a move!

The great spiritual power that penetrates the sky and the earth and penetrates the sky!

It passes by like a wave, it can be gathered like a bunch, it can be seen as a tiny dust, it can be dispersed by letting it go, it reaches the sky and the earth, it penetrates the sky and crosses the boundary, the stars are boundless, I am the only one in all realms, up and down, left and right, the ancient and modern universe, everything is not tolerated, nothing is Impenetrable.

With one blow of this method, the person hit will die, even if he has countless clones!

This greed should be the same, even the ancient demon should be able to destroy him! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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