Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1317 The peerless spiritual light hides the secret!

For a long time, Luo Li stopped looking. All those who needed to be saved had been saved, and he could no longer find any other living creatures.

With a long breath, Luo Li ended his search and returned to the flying land above the nine heavens.

The Earth Fire Dragon was still there, waiting for Luo Li's return. Luo Li slowly flew onto the Earth Fire Dragon.

Seeing Luo Li return, everyone from the Hunyuan Sect immediately gathered around, looking at Luo Li anxiously, looking forward to the result of Luo Li's rescue!

Luo Li said: "I saved a lot of people, but we need to make proper arrangements!"

The world is in chaos, and it will not return to normal in a short time. There are many vassal monks and mortals of the Hunyuan Sect above Xuanzhou, so arrangements must be made.

It is easy for people to have problems in this kind of environment, so arrangements must be made so that everyone can live peacefully and survive the disaster in this lonely continent.

Immediately, the Hunyuan Sect's magic spirit began to make arrangements according to the number of people provided by Luo Li. After a while, the arrangements were almost completed, and Luo Li began to let everyone out.

Groups of monks and mortals walked out of Luo Li's Taichu Cave and came to the Xuanzhou Continent.

Everyone was very excited. Once they got here, they were truly rescued. Many people cried bitterly.

The Hunyuan Sect's magic spirits began to make arrangements, whether they were sects like the Luofu Sword Sect or Galaxy Star Sword Sect, or ordinary mortals, they would all be given a place above Xuanzhou.

Including the insects, birds and beasts that Luo Li rescued, they were all put into Xuanzhou Continent to survive this disaster.

Those mortals were assigned jobs. Those who could cultivate the land had to farm, and those who couldn't cultivate the land had to work. Then dig trenches and build roads.

In short, we can't let them be idle. When people are idle, they will have random thoughts and miscellaneous thoughts, and things will happen.

The same goes for the ordinary monks who refine elixirs and refine weapons. They send their true energy to the Earth Fire Dragon every few days. Although it has no effect. But it is also arranged in this way.

Let them all move and work hard. At the same time, Hunyuan Sect can also benefit from their work. Let them adapt to life on the Earth Fire Dragon without even realizing it.

Those who come to return to the virtual reality. It is received by the three major return to virtual worlds. Discuss important matters together.

Many people who returned to the void gathered together and began to analyze and study when this catastrophe would end and what changes would there be?

Luo Li did not participate in these tedious matters. He looked at the Chunan area under his feet. It was roaring and changing constantly. He didn't know what year or month it would take to return to the paradise of the human world.

Time passed little by little, and as time passed, the chaos at the feet gradually subsided.

The earth stopped roaring and gradually stabilized. The sea also ended its endless tsunami and gradually became calm.

The landslide disappeared, the erupting volcanoes fell asleep one by one, and the endless wind above the nine heavens also gradually disappeared.

The world gradually returned to normal, and it looked no different from the original Chunan area.

This is why the three morals released by Luo Li are gradually guiding the evolution of the world invisibly.

In the blink of an eye, three years later!

The various elemental spirits that once ravaged the earth also dissipated one by one, and the earth gradually returned to normal.

Many Huixu looked at the earth, Luo Li took a long breath and said: "Okay, it's time for us to return to the earth!"

Long Suzhen nodded and said, "Yes, return to the earth!"

Kozen Shinichi added: "Return to our land!"

Jian Wu Zun, the leader of the Luofu Sect, said slowly: "They abandoned the Chunan area back then, so don't come back!

This Chunan region belongs to us! "

In the past three years, several sects, headed by Hunyuan Sect, Luofu Sword Sect, Galaxy Star Sword Sect, Xinchan Sword Sect, Shenwei Sect, Hui Mo Sect, plus Qingyuan Sect of Xuantian World, formed an alliance. .

They survived the catastrophe here, and now the Chunan region is under their control!

Any sect that wants to build a mountain gate on this land and occupy the land must obtain their consent.

In fact, land does not mean much to monks. What is useful to monks are the treasures of heaven and earth, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. But to mortals, land is the source of everything.

Monks come from mortals, and mortals are the foundation of monks. Mortals occupy the land, multiply, and have a large number of people, so that they can provide excellent disciples and discover those precious mineral veins and valuable resources.

Among these sects, there is also the Shenwei Sect. Although Li Douliang did not return to the Hunyuan Sect, the Shenwei Sect has become different from before after his transformation. Those monks who have experienced the destruction of their sects and have great hatred for the Hunyuan Sect are dead. The remaining monks were all trained by Li Douliang.

The hatred is dim. In addition, everyone has also experienced this terrible catastrophe. Being able to survive is extremely lucky. Thanks to Luo Li for saving his life, many Shenwei Sect disciples vowed not to seek revenge from the Hunyuan Sect and obey Luo Li's orders.

In this case, as long as the Shenwei Sect no longer refines gods alone, the Hunyuan Sect will no longer be the enemy of the Shenwei Sect, and the Shenwei Sect will once again return to visit.

Although the Qing Yuan Sect is an outside sect, there are many strong people in the sect, including Hui Xu Zhen, a total of seventeen people.

Many of them are not monks from the Qingyuan Sect. During the catastrophe, other Xuantian Continent sects hid in the Qingyuan Sect because the Qingyuan Sect had the best defense system in the Xuantian Continent.

The Qingyuan Sect was strong enough and a human race, so the Hunyuan Sect and other sects accepted them.

The reason for this is actually an unspeakable reason. After the Chunan region merged with the Xuantian world, the geographical scope expanded at least two or three times. However, the original fourteen branches came to visit, the Five Poison Sect and the Nine Nether Ghost Sect died out, and the ancient trees Ling's life and death are unknown, the Light Demon Sect has been severely damaged, and the Illusion Demon Sect, the Supreme Induction Sect, and the Divine Escape Sect have betrayed each other. If you want to defend this area, it's not something that just one or two people can do, so one more ally will give you more strength!

Everyone was waiting, and finally a blue bird came back and fell into the hands of Qingyuan Zong Mansheng Zhenyi.

Mansheng Zhenyi is a female cultivator. She is not actually a disciple of the Qingyuan Sect, but a cultivator of the original Xuantian World Yukong Sect. However, the original sect was destroyed by the Catastrophe Sect.

This Yukong Sect is good at controlling flying spirits. The blue bird she released fell to the earth and turned into an ordinary mortal to see if ordinary people could rest and recuperate on this earth.

She looked at the blue bird flying back and said, "That's enough. The continent is now stable and ordinary mortals can live on it!"

Suddenly the news came out, and bursts of cheers came from the mainland!

After all. The foundation of the monk. We are still mortals. If mortals can survive, monks will be fine!

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, everyone. Let's go!"

boom. The Dihuolong began to descend, taking Xuanzhou Continent into the atmosphere.

As Xuanzhou Continent fell, the friction flame appeared. Falling slowly.

Finally breaking through the nine layers of clouds and only three hundred feet away from the ground, Xuanzhou Continent stopped falling and flew slowly in the sky.

All the monks began to feel this new world.

They were adapting to the new Chunan area. Longsu Shinichi opened his eyes and said: "Okay, the world is indeed stable. Although I only have 70% of my strength left, it is enough!"

Other monks also said the same thing: "Great, I can finally fly away with my sword again!"

"It's back to normal, great!"

"In times of catastrophe, if I had this power, I wouldn't be afraid at all!"

"It's strange. Why do I feel like I have a lot more spiritual energy than before?"

"Yeah, at least half as much!"

"Ah, so it will become easier for us to cultivate immortality?"

"Yes, yes, it should be so!"

Watching many monks gradually adapt to the new world.

Luo Li said: "Okay, everyone, let's disperse. Let's find a suitable place to practice!"

When the land was stable, many monks redefined the Chunan region. Now it's everyone's turn to find a new home!

Zen Master Yuanci of the Heart Sword Zen Sect said slowly: "Thank you very much, donor Luo Li, for your help. I cannot thank you enough for your kindness. We will see you in the future!"

Shinichi Ryusu of the Evil Demon Sect also said: "When I fell, I discovered that there was a desperate place in the northeast. Countless corpses gathered there during the great tribulation. Maybe that is the treasure land of our Evil Demon Sect. Goodbye, everyone!"

Many monks, after thanking Luo Li, immediately fled and flew in all directions.

It looks scattered, but it is not the case. On the Earth Fire Dragon, they have already planned the world well.

At the same time, there are no more casual cultivators on the Earth Fire Dragon, and they have all joined these affiliated sects. This is a great opportunity for the surviving casual cultivators.

Watching everyone leave, with only the Hunyuan Sect and its affiliated sects remaining, Tiger Zen Shinichi pointed towards the south and said:

"Let's fly there!"

In this division, the Hunyuan Sect has the largest territory. It still follows the original location of the Hunyuan Sect in the Chunan region, but only a quarter of the new world is counted as the Hunyuan Sect's territory.

This area is actually too big, in a sense!

At that time, Patriarch Wang Yangming was number one in the world, and the Hunyuan Sect only occupied six states.

Xuanzhou Continent flew towards the south, and everyone took off, traveling between heaven and earth, looking for a place for the Earth Fire Dragon to land.

That place of landing will be the foundation of the Hunyuan Sect in the future.

Suddenly, Patriarch Wood God sent a message: "Everyone, come quickly!"

There was great joy in his words!

Many of the Returning Void True Ones immediately flew away and arrived at the place where the Wood God Patriarch was.

When they got there, everyone was stunned. This was a sea area that looked very familiar.

Earth Emperor Shinichi couldn't help but said: "This, how does this look like our original South China Sea region?"

Yes, this sea area is endless, but looking over it, some of the small islands look very familiar. They are not much different from the mainland world of Hunyuan Sect before the catastrophe!

Luo Li unexpectedly found the small island where he had achieved a breakthrough in cultivation, and there he cultivated himself into the world!

The catastrophe of heaven and earth, the destruction of the world, the huge continent of Xuantian World fell here, but after the catastrophe, it seems that this place has not changed!

Patriarch Mu Shen was also very excited. He pointed to a place in the sea and said:

"Look carefully!"

Everyone followed his guidance and immediately saw a looming light in the sea!

When Luo Li saw the aura, he was very familiar with it and couldn't help but say: "The aura of the Patriarch Hall!"

Patriarch Mu Shen nodded and said: "Yes, it is the aura of the Patriarch Hall, and that location is where our Hunyuan Sect Patriarch Hall is located!

When our Earth Fire Dragon left the earth, I found that the aura of the Ancestral Master Hall was extinguished, and I thought we had completely lost this treasure!

Unexpectedly, when I return here, the aura is still there! "

Tiger Zen Shinichi said slowly: "It is for this aura that Patriarch Wang Yangming defeated all powerful enemies and became the best in the world. He returned here and established the Hunyuan Sect!

In the past, we always thought that this spiritual light was extremely magical, but now, we still underestimate it! "

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded!

Even if the heaven and earth collapse and the world is destroyed, this spiritual light will not dissipate. This world will automatically recover after the catastrophe. Under this spiritual light, there must be a shocking secret hidden! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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