Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1316 The Nine Heavens World merges with heaven and earth!

Hearing this voice, Luo Li was stunned for a moment, and replied via voice transmission:

"Dou Liang, but Junior Brother Dou Liang?"

The other side replied: "It's me!"

Luo Li suddenly asked again, his words cold!

"But His Majesty the Supreme God of the Shenwei Sect?"

There was silence for a moment, and then he replied: "It's me, it's me!"

As soon as he said this, Luo Li was speechless!

Shenwei Sect, without them, Luo Li's mother would not have died, and Luo Li's father would not have been imprisoned in Yinzhou Continent.

Luo Li was very disgusted with the Shenwei Sect, especially when he discovered that they used humans to refine gods. There were countless shoes in the canyon, and they killed countless people. He was even more disgusted.

However, Li Douliang has always been his junior brother. He went to Hunyuan Sect with him back then and had a very good relationship. However, Li Douliang became the supreme god of Shenwei Sect and has never been an enemy of Luo Li, leaving Luo Li unable to make a choice.

Luo Li suddenly asked:

"How many people need my rescue? Who are they?"

The Shenwei Sect uses humans to refine gods, and mortals are prey and food to them. If there are no mortals among them, but just monks, then they have not changed their old habits and are not worth saving.

If there were mortals or monks from other sects among them, Luo Li would save them for the sake of these other innocent people.

Li Douliang said: "There are three thousand disciples of Shenwei Sect, and there are 17,000 monks from other sects around, plus 130,000 mortals!"

He seemed to feel something and said: "Since I became the leader of the Shenwei Sect and abandoned all the previous god-refining and evolutionary practices, the Shenwei Sect has never used humans to refine gods anymore, because it is no longer necessary.

Because I am God, the son of Thunder God, the supreme God Emperor! "

The last sentence carries endless momentum and incomparable confidence!

Luo Li sighed after listening to Li Douliang's words. Since there are other mortals, let's save them!

He said: "There you are. I'm going to save you!"

But if I find out. The Shenwei Sect is still using humans to refine gods. Today I can save you, but tomorrow I can destroy you! "

Li Douliang said: "Senior brother, if I tell a lie, I will die without a burial place!"

Luo Li went to where Li Douliang was. It was a hidden place. The secret mountain gate of Shenwei Sect.

The mountain gate is very secretive, but in the catastrophe, it can't hold on for too long. In a few months, it will collapse.

Luo Li started rescuing people there, and rescued more than 100,000 people. Indeed, many of them were mortals, ordinary people saved by the Shenwei Sect during the catastrophe.

After Li Douliang became the leader of the Shenwei Sect, he abandoned all previous methods of using humans to refine gods, thinking that he had a more powerful method of refining gods!

Looking at Li Douliang in front of him, it was completely different from before.

At this time, he had black hair and red eyes, his eyes were serious, and he had a majestic aura.

It seems that the ancient true god has arrived, and his majestic aura can overwhelm all things. Standing there like a god, powerful and inviolable, majestic and inviolable!

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Why, why do you want to leave the Hunyuan Sect?"

Li Douliang was speechless for a long time, and then said: "Senior brother, in fact, the master who taught and inspired me when I was young was the transformation of Patriarch Jin Sheng!

Later, I returned to my hometown and brought back countless life-extending elixirs. I went to see my parents and told them that their son was already promising, but my parents had both died of old age!

In fact, if the founder had only given them a small Qi-refining pill to strengthen their bodies, they would not have died!

But the ancestors did not do that. Because of my departure, there was no labor force in the family, and my parents worked hard at farming. In the end, their bodies collapsed and they died of old age in the fields!

I'm not willing to give in!

In addition, the Shenwei Sect is not as bad as imagined. They also have their own way and their own beliefs. Although the three major members of the Shenwei Sect all died in my hands, I agree with their way because this way is more powerful. It suits me!

Finally, Senior Brother Luo Li, I am jealous of you and I hate you! "

Luo Li frowned and said, "Why?"

Li Douliang gritted his teeth and said:

"Qianxue, Qianxue, I knew at that time that she was going to take revenge, and I was willing to go with her, even if I was afraid of death!

But she knocked me unconscious and instead of letting me go, she chose you!

Because I'm jealous of you!

And you, who received Qianxue's love, didn't protect her properly and watched her die. I hate you! "

Hearing this, Luo Li was speechless and replied for a long time: "Qianxue..."

Li Douliang took a deep breath and continued:

"I hate my own weakness even more for not helping Qianxue at the most critical moment!

If I were in the Hunyuan Sect, I would never be able to catch up with you. You are the tenth best in the world in the realm of spirit transformation, and I am unknown. If you are promoted to return to the void, I can only transform into a spirit, and I will never be able to even be promoted to the middle stage of the spirit transformation. Only the Shenwei Sect , so that I can gain strength and defeat your strength!

So I chose the Shenwei Sect and became the Supreme God of the Shenwei Sect!

I want to tell Qianxue that she is wrong and I am the strongest! "

Luo Li was speechless for a long time. Li Douliang's view of the Shenwei Sect was entirely due to the secret method of the Shenwei Sect, but his love for Ning Qianxue came from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Luo Li had already rescued those monks and mortals, and Luo Li was about to take Li Douliang into Taichu Cave Heaven.

Li Douliang shook his head and said, "No need, senior brother!

The reason why I asked for help was not for myself. I was not capable enough to protect them, and I didn’t want to watch them die silently, so I asked for help.

Without them, I would still not be able to survive this catastrophe!

Senior brother, I know that I may be a little extreme and make some mistakes, which actually have nothing to do with you, but I just can't forget it!

Senior brother, thank you for saving them. I don’t have to face this catastrophe myself!

Facing the past, I am the true supreme god. If I cannot face the past, I will go find Qianxue and be with her forever! "

After saying that, Li Douliang turned around. Walking towards the endless wind, he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Seeing Li Douliang disappear, he had his own choice. Even if he was afraid of death, he did not want to be saved by himself. Luo Li took a long breath, continued to fly, and started to save people.

Continue to save people. In this chaotic world, danger is everywhere.

This was once my home. Now it has become like this. Luo Li couldn't help but frown.

It's too chaotic, the way of heaven is disordered, this is not good!

I don’t know what this world will look like when this chaos ends?

Is it still suitable for human race to survive? Will it become a bad land? Survive the hard way.

Don’t say anything else. If the spiritual energy in the sky changes, it will no longer be suitable for ordinary people to absorb. For these survivors, it was catastrophe.

Or it could become a world like fire, a world like ice, a catastrophe.

Following Luo Li's thoughts, a moral suddenly flew out of him and melted into the world!

This morality flew out and Luo Li was stunned. What does this mean?

The morality melted and disappeared in all directions. As the morality dissipated, Luo Li suddenly felt that the world around him seemed to have changed a little.

The originally chaotic world gradually gained order, and the countless possibilities for the end of the chaos gradually disappeared.

After the great chaos, the final world may not be much different from the original Zhongtian Lord world.

This is the power of morality to change the world.

However, just a moral code is not enough.

Suddenly, in Luo Li's body, the remaining two morals dissipated and merged into the world.

Then the last morality flew out and merged into this world.

At this point, the wind, fire, water, and earth have all changed. They are no longer so terrifying and violent, with a feeling familiar to Luo Li. Luo Li knows that his three morals will definitely play a decisive role. It works, but I can't see it yet.

Continue to save people. In this catastrophe, the human race that can still survive is extremely rare.

Back then, the human race in the Chunan area had gone through this catastrophe, leaving no one behind. Luo Li sighed and was about to leave.

Just when he was about to leave, a voice suddenly sounded:

"Tao, fellow Taoist, I wonder if you can save us?"

The words sounded extremely stiff, like metal rubbing against each other.

Luo Li replied: "Where are you, I will save you!"

The voice said: "Thank you!"

Luo Li asked casually: "Which sect are you monks from?"

The other party was speechless for a moment, and it took him a long time to say: "We are not monks in this world, we are monks in other worlds..."

Luo Li was stunned for a moment. This was actually the monk who fell on the mainland?

The other party continued: "We are monks from the Qingyuan Sect of the Xuantian World. Although we are not of the Zhongtian Lord World, we are also human beings. I wonder if fellow Taoists can help?"

Luo Li didn't say anything, and flew there. In the distant sea, a fragment of the continent fell on it. Luo Li saw the other party's mountain gate.

Slowly falling down, looking over, it turns out that the other party's mountain gate is completely different from the mountain gate of the monk sect in the Zhongtian Lord World, but it can be seen that they are also of the monks' lineage.

The mountain door opened, revealing the people inside, densely packed with countless human races.

Looking at them, they are also human beings, with one nose and two eyes, no different from Luo Li and the others, except that they are tall, fair-skinned, and have blue hair.

Luo Li looked at them and said in surprise: "They are really monks from the outside world!"

If it were other people, they might be very curious, but Luo Li, who owns Taichufang City, really doesn't care. Luo Li has seen many guests from Xuantian World.

Unexpectedly, the Xuantian world and the Zhongtian world collided!

One of the leaders, whose state was also returning to virtual reality, looked at Luo Li and said;

"Fellow Daoist Luo Li, I am the Third Master of the Qingyuan Sect of the Xuantian World. During this period, we have been listening to your conversation about saving people for a long time!

You are such a good person and have saved countless lives!

So we have the courage to ask you for help. Our defensive shield has experienced catastrophes and earthquakes, and has been damaged by 80%. It will not last long, so we ask for help! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "We are all humans, I will save you!"

The man took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Luo Li!

In fact, we were also a family in ancient times!

At that time, our ancestors were all human beings in a big world. Later, when thousands of races fought, the world collapsed, this big world was divided into Zhongtian, Xuantian, Juntian, Cangtian, Biantian, Youtian, Zhutian, Yantian, and Yang The nine great worlds in the sky are all under the control of the Xian Qin Empire!

Later, the Xianqin Empire collapsed and disappeared, and we lost contact. Until recently, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth condensed and improved, and the nine-day world reintegrated, so this catastrophe occurred! "

Hearing this, Luo Li nodded. So that's how it is. Only this merged Nine Heavens World might be worthy of the attention of the Dao Lord and the Demon Lord! (To be continued. Please search for Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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