Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,313 There is life and death in the catastrophic world!

Luo Li slowly left Xuanzhou Continent and flew away.

However, he did not return to the Chunan area immediately, but flew over the Xuanzhou Continent.

As soon as he left the protective range of the Earth Fire Dragon, Luo Li immediately felt how easy it was to escape. It was so easy to escape, but at this moment, all the familiar feelings disappeared and became uncontrollable.

Fortunately, the true fire in the body burns endlessly, the true earth is thick and powerful, and the true water nourishes all things. These three origins of heaven and earth, the ultimate essence of the five elements, slowly gave Luo Li endless power, making him confused here. In the world, regain control of mana.

Luo Li flew away here for a moment. With his ability to return to the virtual reality, he immediately mastered countless tricks. Then Luo Li took a long breath and fled downwards.

All the way down, falling into the nine heavens.

At this time, the two worlds have almost merged. There are no longer those terrible flying meteorites, but the environment of the entire world has completely changed.

It turned out that the nine layers of clouds in the world of God, at this moment, everything changed.

The Yunxiao is no longer there, but has transformed into various strange existences.

The outermost clouds actually carried a kind of cold air. All the white clouds turned into a sea of ​​frozen clouds, and all the original white clouds turned into sharp ice!

The ice clouds are like countless sharp blades, and what's even more terrifying is that they are still rolling, just like a meat grinder. No matter who you are, if you are caught by them, they will be instantly ground into powder.

Seeing them, Luo Li took a long breath and roared, "Boom, take action!"

The meaning of the mountain suddenly rose up and turned into a mountain beside Luo Li. Protect Luo Li, and then Luo Li fell from the sky, smashed the ice cloud at once, and fell down.

Boom, no matter how the ice blade rolls, the mountain law in Luo Li's body is constantly born, as stable as Mount Tai, firmly protecting Luo Li.

Under the protection of the mountain's legal will, Luo Li broke through the sky. The madness continues to decline.

The sky below. Some turned into fire clouds, and some turned into wind and clouds. Luo Li's breakthroughs suddenly made the sky fall. The earth appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes.

Read on. Luo Li suddenly frowned. All the familiar scenery was gone, and the land was in chaos. It's a mess, everything is falling apart.

He immediately let out a loud roar, shouting in all directions with the thought of returning to the true unity:

"I am Luo Li of the Hunyuan Sect. If you need help, please call me right away!"

The voice shook the heaven and the earth, and as he shouted, there was an immediate response!

"Luo Li, Luo Li, I am from the ancient path of the Evil Demon Sect, please help me!"

"I am Chen Dao of the Luofu Sword Sect, please save us!"

"Galaxy Star Sword Sect, Fu Gongming, please help!"

"Heart Zen Sword Sect, please help!"

Suddenly several of them started calling for help. The only monk who can respond like this is the True One of Return to the Void.

Those who responded were the Evil Demon Sect, the Luofu Sword Sect, the Galaxy Star Sword Sect, and the Heart Zen Sword Sect.

Others who came to visit were the Five Poison Sect, the Phantom Demon Sect, the Supreme Induction Sect, the Divine Escape Sect, the Gumuling Sect, the Nine Nether Ghost Sect...

None of them responded. The Light Demon Sect had already determined to be safe because of Brahma Wujie and would not respond.

The other sects didn't know if their sects were destroyed or if they simply didn't believe that Luo Li would save them.

Luo Li immediately locked their direction according to their shouts, and then immediately flew towards the nearest place.

There is the Evil Demon Sect, which is the closest to Luo Li. A little further away is the Luofu Sword Sect, then the Galaxy Star Sword Sect, and the Heart Zen Sword Sect!

Even though they are rescuing people, they are also arranged in order. Naturally, allies are saved first, and others are saved later.

There is another place that Luo Li must go to, and that is the Tuntian Sect. I wonder what happened to the old beggar.

Luo Li flew towards the Evil Demon Sect, and suddenly heard someone in the distance respond:

"Luo Li, I'm here!"

The voice was dim, and Luo Li immediately turned around and flew there, abandoning the Evil Demon Sect.

That voice is that of the old beggar!

There are countless dangers when flying in this world. Although there are no meteorites, there are often strong winds exploding on this earth. Some of the strong winds are like sharp blades, cutting all things, and some contain poisonous fire, burning the world.

On the earth, magma is rolling, rocks are collapsing, and from time to time, huge waves that are hundreds of feet high appear, which simply violate the laws of nature, are higher than the ground, sweeping across, sweeping everything wherever they go.

What's even more frightening is that there is no reason at all. In this world, everything is in chaos.

Between heaven and earth, it was extremely miserable, and one place was a sea of ​​corpses.

At least millions of corpses gathered there, as if strong winds and ocean currents were sweeping here.

Among them were livestock, wild beasts, human beings, old people, and children. Some were holding each other, mothers holding their children, and husbands holding their wives, trying to help them resist the crisis, but in the end, they all died.

In other places, it can be seen that they are towns, but there is deathly silence inside, which must be caused by poisonous gas. Some of the people there are still drinking in restaurants, and some are still working hard, and all of them died in an instant.

After flying over, Luo Li suddenly saw the ruins of a sect, which was the side sect Seyi Sect. The sect's mountain-protecting formation on the side sect had been shattered. Everyone in the sect was dead, and the corpses of three of the true gods were still preserved. He made a last-ditch effort to protect his disciples.

He couldn't bear to witness the catastrophe of heaven and earth. Luo Li sighed, just a few of the people he could save!

Luo Li flew in the direction of the old beggar asking for help. Suddenly Luo Li suddenly reduced his flying speed and fell towards the ground.

On the ground, there was a ball of light. In that light, there were 17 or 18 human beings, still alive.

One of them should be a cultivator, at least in the realm of transformation, holding a treasure, and holding on.

Beside him, there were many human beings, including two or three mortals, dressed completely different from the cultivators. It seemed that they were rescued by the cultivator.

The treasure emitted a faint light, which was the reason why they did not die, but not far away, there was rolling magma. As long as it reached them, they would definitely die.

The crowd was desperate and wailing continuously, only the true master of transformation was holding on.

Seeing Luo Li flying down from the sky, the cultivator was overjoyed and waved desperately at Luo Li!

When Luo Li arrived here, he flashed, stretched out his hand, used his three major origin powers, opened up the Taichu Cave Heaven, and then grabbed it hard, saying:


In this chaotic area, the Taichu Cave Heaven was not as useful as before. Luo Li opened it with difficulty, and collected it in an instant. The 17 or 18 human beings were immediately collected.

Then Luo Li flew to the distance, flying straight to the old beggar.

Flying quickly, a continent appeared in front of him. Looking vaguely, Luo Li exclaimed, this is Changzhou.

Changzhou, where he once lived, is now completely chaotic and destroyed, turning into ruins.

Continuing forward, the old beggar is not far away. There is a high mountain in front, and traces of the Heaven-Swallowing Sect can still be vaguely seen.

But the mountain gate of the Heaven-Swallowing Sect was completely shattered, and there was a sound of fighting in this mountain gate.

Luo Li flew over and immediately found that the old beggar was besieged by four or five strange creatures.

Looking at that life, it was not a living creature at all. It seemed to be a kind of evil spirit, and there was no consciousness at all. They just pounced on the old beggar.

The old beggar completely turned into a big fat man with a bulging belly. He flexibly avoided the siege of these strange lives and persisted desperately!

What is this thing? Luo Li reached out and broke it!

Suddenly, the true fire spurted out, and the four or five strange creatures, burned by the true fire, screamed and disappeared immediately.

Luo Li said: "What is this?"

The old beggar covered his mouth and didn't speak. Luo Li stretched out his hand and shouted: "Collect!"

In an instant, the old beggar was taken into the Taichu Cave Heaven.

Entering the Taichu Cave Heaven, he opened his mouth, and a bunch of people came out of his mouth.

These people included cultivators from the Jiuzhuan Sect, cultivators from the Binghuo Sect, and many mortals, a total of hundreds of thousands, including cultivators and mortals. Luo Li was completely stunned.

In the catastrophe of heaven and earth, Changzhou had only one Return to Void, so other sects fled here.

When the defense formation of the Swallowing Heaven Sect was broken, in the critical moment, the old beggar swallowed all the people who could be saved in Changzhou into his stomach. At least he was a Return to Void True One, so he could hold on for a longer time than them.

The old beggar collapsed, gasping for breath, and said, "Saved, saved!"

"Luo Li, Luo Li, I was right about you, you are finally saved!"


Tomorrow, I will update again. If it is this late, I will cut off my hands! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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