Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,314: The Horse Head Sees Eternity!

After rescuing the old beggar and seeing the hundreds of thousands of people he had rescued at the same time, Luo Li was overjoyed. His actions were not in vain. He was happier than anything else if he saved a life!

Of course, there was also a reward. These rescued people were extremely grateful to Luo Li, and immediately the good deeds came slowly and were injected into Luo Li's body.

It is strange to say that these good deeds are different from the previous good deeds. They have a strange power, as if they are caused by the changes in heaven and earth.

But Luo Li didn't take a closer look, he flew up and rushed towards the Evil Demon Sect.

The old beggar lay there for a long time, recovered, and shouted:

"Luo Li, be careful. In this great change of heaven and earth, some strange heaven and earth spirits were born. I don't know what they are, and they have no sanity, but they want to destroy everything!

If it weren't for them, my mountain gate of the Tuntian Sect would not collapse! "

Luo Li nodded, indicating that he knew, and continued to fly away.

Along the way, the world was in chaos. The earth was trembling all the time. Everything on the ground was rolled into the earth.

However, God is also good at life, and even the most terrible adversity will leave a glimmer of hope.

Along the way, Luo Li encountered three or four remaining human races.

On a strange high mountain, even if the sky collapses and the earth breaks apart, this red stone peak will never move. There is a group of creatures on that mountain.

Among them were nearly a hundred human monks, as well as some tigers, cheetahs, rabbits, bears, poisonous snakes and frogs. Although they were all natural enemies, at this moment, they were all surviving the catastrophe on the cliff.

When Luo Li gets here, it's just a matter of time!

Regardless of the human race. They are still wild beasts. Since they have survived until now, if I encounter them, I will save them once.

Suddenly they all put away. Luo Li took a look at the cliff. It seemed ordinary, but it contained powerful power, so it existed until now. However, if Luo Li came a little later, the cliff would probably collapse.

Luo Li stretched out his hand. He shouted: "Collect it from me!"

The cliff was immediately put away by Luo Li. There must be a treasure in this cliff.

Sure enough, after entering Taichu Cave Heaven, Luo Li immediately knew that there were seven heaven-level spiritual objects, Jiukun Tianzang Stone, in this cliff. They are innate and natural. Form a group. It suppressed all the spiritual energy and evaded the searches of countless monks, and has existed until now.

The catastrophe is coming. They emit spiritual energy and resist the catastrophe, so the cliffs of Hongshan Mountain are not broken. They feel the uniqueness of this place and those creatures take refuge here.

Continuing to fly, whenever he encountered a living person or a wild beast along the way, Luo Li would always come to his rescue.

These people and beasts are all extremely grateful to Luo Li for bringing them many good deeds.

In the Taichu Cave Heaven, after the last transformation, it has become a wonderful world that moves according to Luo Li's mind.

The income of those beasts automatically formed an area to accommodate them. Among them, Taichufang City was under heavy protection, and even if it returned to the void, it could not be seen.

However, this person really had nothing to say. Luo Li encountered a flying boat and was about to collapse. He immediately rescued people and rescued the two men and one woman in the flying boat into the Taichu Cave.

Who would have expected that when these three people entered, the woman was not grateful, but blamed Luo Li, why she didn't save them earlier, causing her lover to be swept away by the big waves.

The two men hurriedly explained that the eldest daughter of their family had forgotten everything because of excessive sadness, and girls were not sensible.

Everything is so natural, as if the world revolves around them.

Luo Li was speechless. In this case, he stretched out his hand, put the woman back into the destruction flying boat, and threw it out. The two men cherished each other, let's go together!

If you fail to save someone, and instead end up making enemies, then you might as well not save them and just take matters into your own hands.

After the flying boat was thrown out, the three of them were scared and begged for mercy, but Luo Li was gone and they could only watch the flying boat decompose and collapse little by little.

Continuing forward, the sea ahead was rolling, and suddenly Luo Li saw a giant whale, struggling for life on the sea.

There are all kinds of strange creatures lying on the giant whale, including monkeys, wild boars, sharks, and all kinds of creatures.

They rely on the back of the giant whale to survive. This giant whale is not an ordinary giant whale. The creatures on its back are not ordinary creatures either. They are all monsters, and now they have taken their true form!

The giant whale ran away desperately, because behind it, there was a large group of water elves chasing the giant whale.

These water elves are the strange creatures that the old beggar said. Luo Li looked over and felt that they were lives condensed from water. They had no mind and only had an instinct to destroy all living things.

The world is reshaped, heaven and earth are restored. When the old and new worlds change, some strange beings will be born. Their duty is to destroy all life in the old world, and then everything will be the same.

These elves are all innate elves, without intelligence, only instinct. As the world is perfectly formed, they will all disperse.

Seeing Luo Li flying by, a crane demon on the back of the giant whale immediately shouted:

"But Senior Luo Li from Hunyuan Sect, please help me?"

Luo Li looked and saw that it was the crane demon that Bai Yiqing had sent to create the heaven book.

Since we are destined, then save them!

Luo Li immediately fell down and shouted: "Do you want to survive?"

The giant whale wailed towards Luo Li and shouted:

"Fellow Taoist, help me..."

Luo Li said: "Then don't move!"

The real water flashed, and a stream of water vapor covered their bodies, and then Luo Li shouted: "There is no spirit here, disperse!"

With the meaning of true water, the aura of all the demon clan was covered up, and Luo Li's order, with the meaning of true water, the countless water elves gave in instinctively and dispersed immediately!

Luo Li stretched out his hand and took it!

Immediately, the giant whale and the demon clan were immediately put away and sent to Taichu Cave Heaven.

These demon tribes are very grateful. The demon tribe is relatively simple and not as careless as the human race.

Luo Li didn't ask any more questions and continued moving forward!

Finally, ahead was the place where the Evil Demon Sect spread its message, but there was no sect at all there. There was only a piece of sewage that turned into a whirlpool, sweeping endlessly.

Luo Li immediately shouted loudly:

"Fellow Daoist from the ancient path, I'm here! I'm here to save you!"

Suddenly, in the sewage, Kodo Shinichi's voice came.

"How is it possible? Is there really a fool? Is there really someone coming to save us?"

There was a tone of endless disbelief in the voice, and at the same time there was a hint of vibrato and a hint of hope!

Luo Li shouted: "Yes, there are fools, I, Luo Li, are here!"

After a long time, Furuichi Shinichi's voice appeared again, but he was choked with sobs!

"Luo Li, you, you, you are such a fool, you actually came to save us!"

"You're going to die!"

Then Furuichi Shinichi shouted firmly!

"Heaven above, I, the Ancient Dao, swear here that from today on, the seven thousand disciples of my Evil Demon Sect will die for you!"

"Always look after your horse's head, forever!"


I'm so confused. I almost have to use my feet to write words in the future. Give me some time to reply to the status. Tomorrow will be better! :) (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

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