Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,312 The path to immortality also requires a ranger!

"I want to live well!

Live happily! Live your own wonderful life!

Live freely and never be influenced by others! "

This is Luo Li's belief and ideal in life. As he becomes stronger in practice, step by step he realizes his dream and takes control of his own destiny!

But today, this catastrophe gave Luo Li a big mouth!

This is a catastrophe, and human power cannot resist it. Before the catastrophe, returning to the void was nothing more than an ant.

"Originally, I thought that I had returned to the True One, mastered the four tenth-level magic weapons, and was invincible."

"It seems that I am still proud and short-sighted. In the face of this catastrophe, Return to the Void is just like an ant!"

"Returning to the void is not enough! I have to continue to get stronger, get stronger!"

"Return to the Yuan, unite with the Tao, Mahayana, and become an immortal!"

"You must become an immortal, become a true immortal, and live forever!"

Luo Li took a deep breath, and became more determined to become an immortal. If he wanted to be truly immortal and free, he still had a long way to go.

The world was in catastrophe, and everyone could only watch the world under their feet changing little by little.

Looking at the Chunan area, it gradually changed from familiar to unfamiliar.

The truly terrifying thing about this catastrophe is that the heaven and earth are changing and the way of heaven is unstable. It's like a world is in the process of collapse and birth, and everything that was originally changed.

Whether they are monks, spiritual beasts, or the mighty powers of heaven and earth, their power comes from the world itself. Now that the world is unstable, their power is chaos.

The divine sword magic weapon that used to work freely is now malfunctioning. The spells that can change the world are all ineffective here. This is the truly terrifying thing!

The powers that still exist in this Hunyuan world are the power of one's own body and the power of the origin of the universe.

Only when the power of the origin of the universe transcends heaven and the world can we control power in this chaotic place.

Luo Li looked at the world in the distance, and suddenly, he felt a movement within his body.

The real fire in Luo Li's body. It seemed to burn endlessly.

Luo Li was stunned. How is this going?

After savoring it carefully, I immediately understood that in the Chunan region, the heaven and earth had mutated. Countless areas. A fire broke out. The earth's fire boiled and countless volcanoes appeared.

The world changed drastically, and my own true fire was affected by this. So it started burning.

This true fire, this is the power of the origin of the universe, it is extremely powerful, but it is just a power of the origin of the universe, which is useless in this chaotic world.

Not only Luo Li himself, he looked over, the master Tiger Zen Shinichi was also like this, but Tiger Zen Shinichi's was true water, while Mu Shen and Jin Sheng's whole body's true energy was dim.

The God of Wood also refined the Qi of True Wood, but during the mutation of heaven and earth, the Qi of True Wood was immediately affected and began to wither and dim.

However, the power of Jin Sheng's real gold is reflected in different ways, sometimes dimly, sometimes violently.

In the earth, countless metals are subjected to this sacrifice, some are refined, and some are condensed, so the power of real gold that affects Jin Sheng Zhenyi is constantly changing.

Earth Emperor Shinichi, however, has not refined the power of true earth, so he is not affected.

Just as Luo Li was watching, suddenly, the mountain magic in his body seemed to tremble!

Although the mountain's Dharma has refined the origin of True Earth, it is unable to evolve the power of True Earth.

The reason for this is because this world of heaven and earth has very limited restrictions on this kind of original power, and living beings can only have one.

Back then, Luo Li practiced hard, burned his body with earth fire, and mastered the true fire. He already had the first source of heaven and earth, so no matter how hard he practiced, he could not master the second source of heaven and earth. This was the way of heaven. !

But for some reason, this true earth power started to squirm.

If you feel it carefully, it is actually very simple. Fire generates earth, the way of the five elements of heaven and earth!

Moreover, in the Chunan area, the earth rolled and the earth dragon turned over. The earth had never been so active. Luo Li has not left the Chunan world yet. Drawn by this, Luo Li's mountain magic intention began to move.

Luo Li thought: "Is it possible, is it possible! The world is shattered and changed, so the original restriction that restricts the origin of heaven and earth can only be loosened?"

Immediately overjoyed!

Indeed, the world of Zhongtian Lord is now in the fusion of collapse and regeneration, and it cannot protect itself. So what are the restrictions of heaven and earth? Let everything be relaxed!

Thinking of this, Luo Li immediately sat down and began to practice. On his body, the earthy air rolled and the mountains transformed.

Everyone on the side suddenly saw that Kozen Shinichi looked at it hesitantly for a few times and immediately became overjoyed and shouted:

"Master Tuhuang, come and help!"

Tuhuang Zhenyi appeared immediately, looked at Luo Li, and said excitedly:

“True earth origin, true earth origin!

I have been practicing for nine thousand years, but I have not yet been able to refine the true earth source! "

"Boy, let me wish you!"

After saying that, he dared to take action. Jin Sheng suddenly took action and said:

"This, this, if Luo Li regenerates other true spirits, our plan..."

As soon as he said this, Hu Chan and Tu Huang were all stunned and looked at each other!

Jin Sheng gritted his teeth and said: "Forget it, the world is in chaos. Whatever plans you have, go to hell. Second brother, let's take action!"

Tu Huang nodded and said: "Disciple, we have a great opportunity ahead of us, so we can't control it so much!"

As soon as he stretched out his hand, mountains, heaven and earth appeared in his hand, injecting into Luo Li's true energy.

With the injection of this true energy, Luo Li's mountains became larger and larger, becoming more and more transformed. But at this moment, boom, beside Luo Li, endless rivers, seas and lakes appeared on the other side!

He removed the legal meaning of light from all over the world, leaving only the essence of water, and refined several true water sources. The true meaning of water, stimulated by the true meaning of earth, suddenly appeared!

Among the five elements of heaven and earth, earth controls water, and water controls fire. If earth and fire are boiling, how can the water not move?

So immediately around Luo Li, the water-based Qi was boiling!

Tiger Zen Shinichi immediately reached out and started to help!

With the help of the two of them, within a moment, Luo Li roared!

A grain of soil appeared under his feet, and a drop of water appeared above his head!

This is the true fire of heaven and earth with Luo Li. The equally powerful true soil of heaven and earth, and the true water of heaven and earth, all appear at this moment!

With a bang, another vision suddenly appeared next to Luo Li.

When that glimmer of true fire appeared, nine major visions of heaven and earth appeared.

Heavenly fire comes to worship, earthly fire comes to worship, human fire boils, past fire, future fire, reality fire, illusion fire, chaos fire, all kinds of fire come to court!

Now that the true water and true earth appear, the vision of separation also appears immediately.

Thousands of waters come to worship, all lands come to worship!

but. The world is really in chaos right now. The visions of heaven and earth only appear for a moment and then dissipate or become chaotic. There was no real vision.

If this were a stable world. There must be eighteen major visions. But having said that, if the world is stable, Luo Li will not be able to refine true earth and true water in his lifetime!

That's a real life. Immediately it merged with the mountain's Dharma, and the true water suddenly became one with the scattered oceans from all over the world.

Luo Li gasped for air, his whole body was shaking, and his face looked surprised!

I never thought that such a terrible catastrophe would be my opportunity to achieve great things!

Other Huixu came over to congratulate!

"Congratulations to Luo Li, you have obtained the seed of the great road. The great road can be expected!"

"This is a miracle that has never been seen before, good, good, good!"

"Senior Brother Luo Li, you are so awesome! Congratulations!"

"Luo Li, don't be happy, I will still surpass you!"

This is Brahma without calamity!

Just when everyone was happy for Luo Li, suddenly, a sad voice sounded in their ears:

"Comrades in the world of Zhongtian Lord, for the sake of your lineage of cultivating immortals, can you save us?

The sect's great formation is about to be broken. I will die without regrets, but don't let these children die with us. Don't let the sect that we have passed down for countless years be destroyed like this!

I am incompetent in the world, so sorry for my ancestors! "

The voice was extremely miserable, and everyone immediately recognized it. It was the cry for help from the Luofu Sword Sect's Return to the Void Dust Dao Zhenyi.

He used a shocking secret method to transmit his cry for help to all directions in the world.

This is a call for help that is completely desperate, and there is no hope at all, because the Luofu Sword Sect's mountain-protecting formation is about to collapse!

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked at me and I looked at you. Luo Li's joy at attaining enlightenment immediately dissipated.

A feeling of powerlessness appeared in their hearts. They had no way to save each other. This was a catastrophe. Even if Hui Xu Zhenyi entered this world, it would be difficult to control his own destiny.

Just then, another voice sounded:

"Hahaha, Chen Dao, it's you!

Well, on the road to Huangquan, with you Luofu accompanying us, we are not lonely! "

Tiger Zen Shinichi couldn't help but said: "Fellow Taoist from the Ancient Path of the Evil Demon Sect!"

It turns out that this is the Ancient Dao True One of the Evil Demon Sect, an ally of the Hunyuan Sect. Although this sect regards filth as its law, it is upright and upright. During the war, the two Great True Ones, the Ancient Dao and Longsu, all came to help!

Although this person has a bad mouth, never speaks mercilessly, and has offended countless people, he is still a sharp-tongued person with a soft heart. Luo Li received his help and guidance when the Eight Gods View was shattered.

Kozen Shinichi slapped the table hard, there was no way, nothing could be done to save him!

No matter how strong and powerful you are, in this chaotic place of heaven and earth, you can't fly in the air, and you can't save anyone at all!

It was easy for the Fire Dragon to fly out, but it was extremely difficult to fly back. If someone were not careful, they would not save people, but they would both die together.

Suddenly something happened and a voice sounded:

"Have heard that you should have great compassion. Observe all living beings. Never give up. Think about all dharma. No rest. Perform supreme deeds. Do not ask for retribution. Understand the realm. Like illusion, like dream. Like shadow, like echo. Also like. Variety."

Someone chanted Buddhist sutras loudly. This is the Heart Zen Sword Sect. When death is approaching, chant sutras and pray!

Tiger Zen shook his head and said: "There is no way, there is no way! Fortunately, the Gumuling lineage has sunk into the earth, so it should be fine!"

Na Chendao Zhenyi suddenly sang loudly:

"A pair of dragons and lakes have blue eyes, and the world is wandering alone relying on the sword.

Baiyun is a place worthy of burying bones, and the dream on the top of Jingxian Mountain has never returned. "

He was completely desperate and began to sing his last words.

Luo Li suddenly remembered how much he loved him back then and how much he respected him!

The feelings of those days are all in my heart, just thinking about yesterday!

Looking at the chaotic Chunan area under his feet, Luo Li suddenly said:

"I'm here to save you!"

Everyone was shocked, and Hu Chan said, "Luo Li, what did you say?"

Luo Li said: "I have mastered the three original powers of the universe. I still have some of the original mana left. I will save them!"

Mu Shen said: "No, it's too dangerous, you will die!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "Senior Chen Dao helped me back then, and Gu Dao gave me guidance!

If you receive a favor from someone, you must repay it with a spring of water. Although many people think this is a joke, for me, it is indeed my belief!

Are we just going to watch them die? I am not willing to give in. Since God has given me the power of true earth and true water, and God has given me strength, then I will save them!

Save one, yes one! "(To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels will be better and updated faster!

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