Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,311 Watching the Catastrophe from the Nine Heavens!

When the shadow fell, it turned out to be a huge and terrifying continent, slowly falling towards the Chunan region, while Xuanzhou Continent passed by this continent and flew to the nine heavens!

That shadow passed by the Xuanzhou Continent. There were some places where the contact and friction caused tens of thousands of sparks to emit, and all kinds of terrifying sounds erupted at the same time!

The two continents, one at a time, slowly missed each other. At that moment of missing, Luo Li looked at the continent from a distance.

I saw that on this continent, there are mountains, water, fields and land, which is not much different from the Xuanzhou continent!

Suddenly someone shouted: "There is a village there! There are people!"

Luo Li and the others followed the caller's guidance and immediately looked around and discovered that there were villages and towns on that continent, and there were countless mortals there!

However, they were about to face a disaster, and not many people could survive the heavy damage.

At this time, someone else said: "Hey, there seems to be a sect mountain protection formation over there, it seems very powerful!"

Everyone followed their gazes and looked again, and sure enough, on the fallen continent, there really was a sect mountain guard formation, emitting supreme light, guarding their mountain gate.

If this happens, Luo Li and the others will be able to see this, and then they won't be able to see the continent.

But not long after, I heard: Boom!

This loud noise resounded throughout the world, and everyone felt as if their hearts had been shattered!

The continent fell onto the Chunan Sea and burst into pieces. The entire continent was split into countless pieces and scattered in all directions.

All over the land, the sea surges. The ground rolled, and magma was even squeezed out in some places!


In this catastrophe, even if you return to the void, you are like an ant. Before the natural disaster, nothing can stop you!

In this explosion, the sect's mountain-protecting formation on the continent was immediately extinguished, and it was very dangerous.

The Earth Fire Dragon continued to shake during this catastrophe, and many monks could not bear the shaking. Being ejected.

That's the case for mortals. With this continuous shaking, countless mortals broke their bones and bones and cried out in sorrow.

but. Everyone was very happy. He survived. Without the Earth Fire Dragon, the Hunyuan Sect would probably end up being crushed to pieces. Total demise.

Luo Li yelled:

"Up, up!"

Now the only way to be safe is to break out of the world of Zhongtian Lord and break away from this world!

The Earth Fire Dragon flew upwards, heading straight into the ninth heaven.

After the continent fell, looking at the sky again, only a few meteors fell.

Said to be a meteor, it is actually an island in the sea of ​​that world. Now it has turned into a meteor and fallen into the main world of Zhongtian.

Soaring upward, the Nine Heavens is different from before. It has become extremely difficult. The endless wind is flying and blowing everything!

Luo Li ordered: "Earth Fire Dragon, open at full power, everyone input all their energy!"

Luo Li also tried his best to input vitality, urging the Earth Fire Dragon to fly upward.

At the critical moment, one person makes a difference, Brahma has no calamity!

He was promoted to Guiyuan Zhenqi, and when he outputted it vigorously, one person could stand up to more than ten cultivators returning to the void.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth shook, and the entire Earth Fire Dragon was shaken!

After looking over, there were no more meteor fragments. The Earth Fire Dragon rushed out of the ninth heaven and into the atmosphere of Qingming, where it was now safe.

The huge continent was suspended in the sky. Suddenly everyone seemed extremely relaxed. Everyone knew that they were rescued and everything was fine!

Some people suddenly collapsed and lay on the ground, and some began to cry!

Such a catastrophe in the world of Zhongtian Lord, in the Chunan area, I don’t know how many people can survive. The catastrophe of heaven and earth is indeed extremely terrifying!

Luo Li also gasped for air, and then looked towards the Chunan area.

Under the Dihuolong's reconnaissance system, the poor Chunan area was immediately seen.

The five affiliated continents where Hunyuan Sect was originally located were all bulldozed and covered in this catastrophe.

The ghost state has disappeared, and there are only endless sea waves, boiling and rolling.

Liuzhou did not disappear. It seemed to be larger, but it was not the original Liuzhou. It was directly suppressed and buried by the falling mainland.

From a distance in Changzhou, it seems that there is still a horn. I wonder if the old beggar can avoid this disaster.

This catastrophe was a real loss of life. The entire Chunan region seemed to be unstable. There were volcanoes erupting everywhere and the world was in chaos.

Luo Li looked at it and couldn't help but sigh. Eighty percent of his countless friends had died in this disaster.

Qinghu said: "Master, it's okay, the way of heaven will always leave a trace of life!

There will be some people who survive! "

Luo Li said: "I hope, it's too difficult. Maybe in the future, we will be the only ones left in the human race!"

The Earth Fire Dragon continues to fly towards the starry sky, trying to stay far away from this world of God!

Suddenly, Tiger Zen Shinichi said: "Don't leave anymore, let's go back, don't leave the Zhongtian Lord World!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned. The catastrophe was here, the farther away the better, why should we go back.

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Master, what's going on!"

Tiger Zen Shinichi said: "If we abandon the Xuanzhou Continent, the Earth Fire Dragon can take us Hunyuan Sect monks to any world!

But with Xuanzhou and countless mortals around, the Earth Fire Dragon simply couldn't fly too far.

In addition, we are monks in the world of Zhongtian, and our roots are here. If we go to other big worlds, the way of heaven is not consistent, and when we reach those worlds, we will spend our lives in vain, with no hope of ascension in this life.

In the Zhongtian main world, although it is difficult to ascend, there is still a glimmer of opportunity!

Catastrophe, catastrophe, we can say that we have survived the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

Catastrophe, catastrophe, it is both a catastrophe and an opportunity!

This catastrophe is a big world, which is injected into our Chunan area.

The world is changing drastically. As long as we survive the catastrophe, the Chunan world will definitely change drastically. There are countless opportunities. Why should we give up this home with countless opportunities? We must carry forward the Hunyuan Sect opened up by our ancestors and make it stronger! "

As soon as this was said, everyone nodded immediately. It can be said that the catastrophe has been survived. Why go to the universe to find the vague new home? When the time comes, just return to the Zhongtian main world.

Luo Li said: "Yes, we won't leave, our hometown is down there!

When it is stable down there, we will go back!"

Mu Shen said: "It seems that the Guizhou Continent and the Liuzhou Continent are gone. It seems that our allies and enemies are afraid that they will die this time.

Maybe in the future, there will only be our Hunyuan Sect! "

When these words were spoken, everyone's eyes lit up. At least Hunyuan Sect avoided the catastrophe this time. It's hard to say about other sects.

Jin Sheng suddenly said: "Don't be too happy. I received a message from Fanxu Wanli. The news from Daluo Shimo Sect came. They also collided with a big world, but they avoided the catastrophe!

I also sent a message that our Hunyuan Sect safely avoided the catastrophe!"

Hu Chan Zhenyi said: "I also received the news. Tianya Haige is fine.

They are different from us. Suiyuan area also collided with a big world, but it was not fierce. The two worlds were arranged side by side, which is equivalent to adding a big regional world outside our Zhongtian main world.

However, that world has countless beasts and demons, and they launched an invasion on the human race in Suiyuan area. "

Many Fanxu began to contact their allies.

Fan Wujie said: "The Light Demon Sect suffered heavy losses, but survived. But the Death Demon Sect was not so lucky. They were really wiped out! "

Everyone started to contact each other, and gradually everyone found that there were a total of eight worlds that collided and connected with the Zhongtian main world. Among them, the Chunan region, Guanxi region, Mobei region, East China Sea region, South China Sea region, Miaoxiang region, Suiyuan region, and Qingsu region were severely damaged by the collision.

However, some regions, such as the Central Plains region, Liaodong region, and Gaozang region, were only affected, with meteor showers and earthquakes, but there was no such devastating destruction as Chunan, and they were lucky to escape the catastrophe.

Everyone shook their heads immediately, even if it was a heavenly calamity, it was so unfair, some people were lucky, and some were unlucky.

On the ground fire dragon, look down!

In the Chunan region, the sea is boiling, the earth is shaking, the whole world seems to be in a chaotic world, the world is changing, and the world that everyone is familiar with has disappeared!

However, it seems that the Chunan region is slowly getting bigger and expanding, and it has become even bigger on top of the original world! (To be continued, please search for Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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