Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1310 The World Collapses God Lands!

When the shadow appeared, everyone was shocked, including Luo Li!

The shadow slowly fell, covering the sky and the earth. Luo Li was the first to react and shouted:

"The catastrophe is coming, hurry up, activate the Earth Fire Dragon, defend, defend!"

Sharp sirens spread throughout the Xuanzhou Continent, and the barrier restrictions began to be activated. Countless lights flashed, and the moment of crisis finally arrived.

Countless monks were all startled, and countless mortals all had their mouths wide open, looking at the slowly descending world of heavens!

Luo Li grabbed his disciple, and in a flash, he wanted to return to the Hunyuan Sect Hall, but just as he was halfway through the flight, Luo Li fell in the air.

The entire Chunan world seemed to tremble at this moment, as if somewhere, the Chunan region and the world outside the void, two big worlds like eggs, collided!

The egg shell shattered, and the egg white and yolk of the two worlds began to merge.

This collision was like an invisible wave flashing across the world.

At this moment, all spell restrictions in the world are ineffective at this moment.

At that moment, above the Chunan sky, the lighthouse defense and restriction system that endlessly protected the Heavenly Lord's world collapsed and shattered.

The Wuji flying high in the distance suddenly fell down in the sky.

Including the Earth Fire Dragon, all of them failed at this moment, and all the restrictive barriers in the sky over Xuanzhou disappeared in an instant.

The fluctuation was just a flash, and it was over. Everything returned to normal. Luo Li regained control of his power. He flashed again and returned to the Hunyuan Sect Master Hall.

Qinghu, who was brought here by him, couldn't help but scream something and shouted: "What's going on?"

Luo Li let out a long breath and said: "Collision, worlds collide, there is a world colliding with our world of God, the earth trembles and everything is in chaos!"

In the main hall, the Returning Void True Ones arrived one after another. After Luo Li returned, he immediately shouted:

"Earth Fire Dragon, activate in all directions, start with full power!"

With a bang, a huge throne appeared in the empty space!

The throne of the commander of the Earth Fire Dragon Fortress!

Luo Li immediately sat on it, took out his Immortal Qin Dharma Seal, and stamped it on the throne. Suddenly, the Dharma Seal disappeared, and the throne erupted with thousands of rays of light. Above the head.

In an instant, Luo Li perfectly controlled the Earth Fire Dragon. He was the Earth Fire Dragon, and the Earth Fire Dragon was him!

Suddenly, with the control of the Earth Fire Dragon, the entire Chunan region was in Luo Li's heart!

At this moment, a meteor shower began to fall from the sky!

This meteor shower is a real meteor, ranging from tens of feet in size to dozens of miles in size, falling towards the many continents and seas in the Chunan region.

This meteor shower fell with a bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, boom, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, boom, big explosions.

On the sea, countless meteors fell and immediately set off waves. The waves were hundreds of feet high, turbulent and chaotic!

But Luo Li knew that this was just a prelude. The real horror came later. Six or seven continents appeared in the sky!

Each continent is more than a hundred thousand miles above the sky and falling towards the earth.

In addition to the mainland, there are countless Tianhes. The rivers are like oceans, pouring directly into the Chunan region.

This catastrophe is the collision and overlap of two worlds.

The main world of Zhongtian is far beyond the other world, so the integration of the two continents mainly involves the other being swallowed up by the main world of Zhongtian, and the other being integrated into the main world of Zhongtian.

So the opponent fell from the sky, and the Chunan region was suspended in this terrible catastrophe. Fortunately, the Zhongtian Lord World annexed the opponent. If the opponent had annexed the Zhongtian Lord World, then the Chunan region would become a falling meteor instead of avoiding the meteor. This is the truly terrible catastrophe.

At this time, countless meteors had fallen and hit the Xuanzhou continent.

The Earth Fire Dragon was activated with all its strength, and the five illusions of the Hunyuan Sect were fully activated, pushing away the huge meteorites one after another. Otherwise, if the meteorites fell, the Xuanzhou Continent would be a catastrophe.

However, some small meteorites could not be pushed away and fell directly onto the Xuanzhou continent, where explosions immediately erupted.

In this explosion, many mortals and monks who took refuge died accidentally.

The Xuanzhou continent slowly flew up. At this time, everyone watched helplessly as a continent that was a hundred thousand miles away fell in the distance and landed on the Xingzhou.

In the Four-phase Dao above the Star State, all the people let out various miserable screams, and then the entire Star State disappeared and was wiped out!

At this time, it doesn’t matter who you are or what you are, whether you are a mortal or not, in the face of this natural disaster, everyone is equal.

Luo Li immediately shouted: "Activate the Earth Fire Dragon and escape from the Zhongtian Lord World!"

Boom, Xuanzhou Continent is flying, but it’s too slow!

I don’t know why, but the Earth Fire Dragon seems to have insufficient power and is flying slowly.

Luo Li frowned, and Huchan Zhenyi said:

"We made a mistake in our estimation. At this time, the heaven and earth are in great catastrophe, the vitality is chaotic, and the laws of heaven are unstable.

The Earth Fire Dragon can fly, which means it is already very powerful. In the current environment, ordinary monks, even if they transform into gods, cannot fly away! "

The truly terrifying thing about this catastrophe is not the countless meteors and meteorites falling from the sky, but the chaos of the vitality of heaven and earth and the instability of the laws of heaven.

In this environment, the monks are very powerful, but only one point is left in the end. Moreover, the magic weapons and talismans cannot exert their full power due to the changes in the general environment. Even in this environment, the dimensional cave cannot be opened.

Otherwise, with the ability to return to the void, he could fly thousands of miles and avoid this danger.

At this time, the Hunyuan Sect monks took a big advantage.

Hunyuan Sect monks do not rely on external forces, but rely entirely on their own inner Five Elements Holy Land. No matter how chaotic the outside world is, they still have endless Qi in their bodies.

In the other five major affiliated sects, the monks were finished. They collapsed on the ground, no different from mortals.

In the past, the calculation of the catastrophe was based on the complete state of the Earth Fire Dragon. Now, due to external influences, the Earth Fire Dragon's speed has slowed down.

Luo Li frowned and shouted:

"The Earth Fire Dragon, cut through Xuanzhou, abandon the land thousands of miles to the east, speed up, and escape from the world of Zhongtian Lord!"

As his order was issued, boom, boom, boom, the ground in Xuanzhou was shaking, and the entire continent thousands of miles to the east began to cut, and the outermost land of thousands of miles immediately collapsed and fell!

These thousands of miles were opened up bit by bit by countless predecessors of the Hunyuan Sect, and now they are all cut off.

But there was no way. The entire Xuanzhou was thousands of miles away and too big. In order to fly as quickly as possible, Luo Li could only do this.

Fortunately, three years ago, the Dongtian Paradise above Xuanzhou was moved to the inner gate of Hunyuan Sect.

With such a cut, the Earth Fire Dragon took the Xuanzhou Continent and flew up into the sky!

The speed increased by 10%!

But all the monks in the Earth Fire Dragon had a breath of cold air!

Above the nine days, a bigger shadow appeared. This shadow completely covered the Xuanzhou Continent, covering the sky and the earth. This continent was hundreds of thousands of miles away. As long as it fell, the Xuanzhou Continent would be hit. Shen!

Before the continent falls, we must leave the shadow range, rush out, and then fly to the nine heavens, completely safe.

Luo Li immediately ordered:

"Continue cutting, abandon half of Xuanzhou, and fly forward and to the left at high speed!"

Boom, a small half of the flying Xuanzhou, a full 40,000 to 50,000 miles away, suddenly broke away from the Xuanzhou continent and fell in the sky.

With such a cut, the Earth Fire Dragon flies into the sky faster and faster!

But the shadow was too big, and the Earth Fire Dragon had to fly at least tens of thousands of miles before it could escape.

Hu Chan looked at Luo Li and said, "Abandon Xuanzhou!

As long as the Hunyuan Zongshan Gate is here and the Earth Fire Dragon is here, we can rebuild Xuanzhou! "

Luo Li shook his head and said: "No need, we should be able to rush out! Xuanzhou is our foundation, we can keep as much as we can!"

He ordered again: "All Hunyuan Sect monks, gather immediately, output their vitality, and speed up the Earth Fire Dragon's flight speed!"

All the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect were immediately teleported to the main hall, and then began to assemble the Dao Demon Formation to send vitality to the Earth Fire Dragon and increase the Earth Fire Dragon's speed!

Suddenly, the Fire Dragon's speed surged and it flew faster!

Luo Li began to desperately calculate whether he could rush out. If he couldn't, he would continue to abandon Xuanzhou.

Suddenly a figure flew up and chased after the Earth Fire Dragon!

Luo Li took a look from a distance and saw that it was Kunlun Sect Wuji.

This guy is really immortal. Even if Xingzhou is wiped out, he is still immortal. His immortality is really amazing.

He waved his hands desperately, and Wanli's spiritual consciousness shouted: "Help me, help me, take me away! Take me away!"

Being able to fly in the air in such an environment and catch up with the Earth Fire Dragon at a speed is already very extraordinary, far surpassing other Void Return True Ones.

But with his speed, he couldn't fly out of the shadow range, so he shouted for help!

Luo Li didn't even look at him and said, "Everyone, please work harder and speed up!"

All the monks immediately began to release their Hunyuan Zhenqi, which is the Five Laws Holy Land of Hunyuan Sect. In this environment, they can release their Zhenqi and inject it into the Earth Fire Dragon Horn.

Suddenly, the Earth Fire Dragon accelerated again and flew towards the distance.

Kunlun Wuji shouted from behind: "I have your ancestor's decree from that year. Let me go up and take me with you!"

Jin Shengzhen frowned for a moment and said, "Is the dharma aimed at him?"

Luo Li immediately said: "What decree? I didn't hear it!"

Jin Shengzhenyi immediately said: "Ah, I heard wrong too, don't worry, let's continue to accelerate!"

The Earth Fire Dragon accelerated again, and the speed soared. Kunlun Wuji gradually couldn't catch up. Looking at the Earth Fire Dragon going away, he cursed:

"You bastards, you are not going to die!"

Then, he looked at the sky and couldn't help but let out a scream!

The huge continent that covers the sky and the earth has fallen, and there is no way to avoid it!

Whoosh, the remaining half of Xuanzhou Continent finally flew out of the shadow at the last moment, and then began to fly upward.

The two continents passed by each other, and the shadow continent showed its true appearance and began to fall.

Kunlun Wuji looked at the falling continent. There was no way to avoid or escape for thousands of miles. The vitality of the world was in chaos. He could no longer escape in the air. He couldn't help but let out a scream, and was suppressed by the continent. Press onto the earth!

Even the powerful warrior who has mastered the immortal body is nothing more than a projectile in this catastrophe!

Kunlun Wuji, death! r1152

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