Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1307 This is another step forward!

Upon hearing this drop of true water, Luo Li's eyes suddenly lit up and he said:

"I can give birth to spiritual beasts for you in the spiritual water realm!

However, a drop of true water is not enough! We two senior fellow apprentices, at least each of us has a drop!

I still have a master, two apprentices, and many senior brothers, at least a hundred drops! "

The spiritual water realm stood there stupidly for a while, looking at Luo Li, and then said after a long time:

"This true water source is the original power of the water elemental world and contains all the heavenly laws of water. Even I don't have that many true water sources, so a hundred drops are absolutely impossible!

I can only give you three drops! "

Luo Li shook his head and said: "That's not possible. I am changing the world by resorting to the supreme method and paying a huge price. Three drops are definitely not enough. Let's do this, ten drops!"

The two began to bargain here. The true spirit of the spiritual water realm didn't know how to bargain at all. In the end, all the true water sources he owned were exploited by Luo Li, a total of five drops!

This was all his origin, slowly flying out of his body, and then the human form couldn't hold on and collapsed with a loud noise.

Luo Li put away the five drops of true water, thought for a while, and handed a drop to Fan Wujie.

Fan Wujie was stunned, he didn't expect that he still had his own?

Luo Li said: "I broke your tenth-level magic weapon. I'm really sorry. Anyone who saw it has a share. This can be considered compensation!"

Fan Wujie put it away, looked at Luo Li, and said for a long time: "Even if I take advantage of you, I will defeat you in the future!"

Luo Li said: "Don't worry, I won't let you get it for nothing. I'll need your help later!"

Fan Wujie said: "Okay, wherever I am needed, I will do my best!"

Luo Li nodded and put away the remaining four drops of true water.

Fan Wujie couldn't help but ask: "How do you allow spiritual beasts to be born in this spiritual water realm?"

Luo Li said: "Not even an immortal can be born out of thin air!

However, there is actually a way. Let's go back. Return to the fish washing station! "

He brought Brahman Wukong with him. Back to the fish washing station.

The spiritual water near the fish washing platform is blood red, which is incompatible with the spiritual water world.

Luo Li arrived here and said: "This is it. This is the source of opportunity!

Although the spiritual water here. Contaminated mutations. But after all, the blood and water here are still part of the spiritual water world.

True spirits can be born in this blood and water, as long as this place is changed. Let the true spirits in the blood sea adapt to the spiritual water world, and our mission will be completed! "

After speaking, Luo Li pointed at this place and shouted:

"Proliferation, prosperity of life, and advancement of the world are the original meaning of Tao!"

"So, my morality, please show your power and change the world!"

In an instant, one of the four morals in Luo Li's body slowly flew out and turned into a Tao character in this world!

As soon as this Dao word came out, the blood sea illuminated by the light emitted by this Dao word immediately began to be purified, and the blood-colored sea water turned into spiritual water.

At the same time, the creatures in the sea of ​​blood began to howl and change silently!

But this purification requires a lot of vitality, and the morality will soon become dim.

Luo Li hurriedly said to Fan Wujie: "Junior brother, hurry up and inject your light into this way! You have endless light, this is suitable for you!"

Fan Wujie looked at this Daode in shock and couldn't help but said: "Daode Sect!"

As he speaks, his light rises, infuses morality, and the purification continues!

Promising a thousand pieces of gold, he exerted all his strength and began to inject vitality into this morality.

Suddenly, all the blood sea near Xiyu Island was undergoing moral purification. With the moral purification, the color of the sea water began to change.

Among them, the creatures in the sea began to mutate!

Fan Wujie tried his best to inject vitality and couldn't help but said:

"I've been fooled again, the source of true water is indeed not for nothing!"

Luo Li said from the side: "Hold on, hold on, it will be over soon! Just hold on a little longer!"

Luo Li didn't wait either. He was analyzing Fan Wujie's vitality. Just listening to what he said would not work. Seeing is believing. Study carefully to find the way to promotion and return to the Yuan Dynasty.

During this purification, the original creatures in the sea suddenly screamed. They were tortured by this purification, and dissipated and shattered one by one, disappearing together with the sea of ​​blood.

But there are also some powerful sea spirits that withstood this terrible invasion, began to mutate, became suitable for survival in the spiritual sea, and survived strongly!

After a long time, there was a roar, and the morality was completely shattered. Fan Wujie suddenly collapsed on the sea, unable to move.

Fan Wujie tried his best to keep his promise!

The blood color of the entire sea disappeared and became part of the spiritual sea.

Luo Li started looking for one, two, three...

In this mutated spiritual sea, living things came to life, and there were eleven types, more than three hundred of them. The big octopus also survived, but it became smaller and pitiful.

Luo Li said: "Okay, to fulfill my mission, I have created a creature that can survive in the spiritual sea!

They will survive and reproduce on their own, and from now on, this spiritual sea will have a life of its own.

Our contract is made! "

The waves of the spiritual sea rolled over, confirming that the contract with Luo Li was concluded!

Luo Li stretched out his hand, picked up Fan Wujie and started to leave.

This time, I successfully returned to the Jade Tower and Golden Tower, then came to the reef and waited silently.

Above the reef is the teleportation entrance here. From time to time, creatures from other big worlds are teleported here. Luo Li waited for three days before the entrance to the ghost market appeared.

Luo Li took Fan Wujie into the ghost market.

Luo Li took Fan Wujie and walked through the ghost market without speaking, communicating or looking at any items.

After reaching a certain level, Luo Li activated the talisman and left the ghost market.

Luo Li looked in all directions, hoping for a romantic encounter, but this time, it was very ordinary and he left easily.

But when leaving, Luo Li frowned, and he had a feeling. It seems that the connection between this ghost market and the main world of Zhongtian is unstable and illusory.

Walk out of the ghost city and appear on the land of ghost state.

Fan Wujie frowned and said: "It's strange, why do I feel that the way of heaven is unstable!

It seems like there is terrible spiritual pressure coming from afar? "

Luo Li also frowned and said: "I don't know, but I have a feeling that a disaster is coming. I don't know what the reason is. Let's go back to the sect!"

The two returned to the sect. All the way. More than ten Hunyuan flying talismans were connected one after another.

Hunyuan Sect summons all disciples to return to Hunyuan Sect!

Not only the Hunyuan Sect, but along the way, the two of them found countless flying talismans and some sects above the Ghost State. The mountain gate is locked.

There is a feeling that the storm is coming!

Leave the ghost state. Return to Hunyuan Sect. I saw that the Hunyuan Formation had been fully opened, open to the limit.

He is about to enter Hunyuan Sect. Suddenly Luo Li heard someone calling:

"Luo Li, I have something to ask you!"

Luo Li was stunned, looked into the distance, and said to Fan Wujie: "Junior brother, go back first!"

Then Luo Li released many senior brothers from Qizhu Tiandu to break their illusory dream, and they woke up immediately.

When they woke up, Luo Li immediately jumped into the air and ran straight into the distance.

In the distance, there was a person waiting for Luo Li silently.

Looking from a distance, a figure in white clothes looked like a fairy in the nine heavens. Luo Li's eyes immediately lit up and his heart beat wildly!

It's the Sword God!

Seeing the Sword God, Luo Li was extremely happy and shouted: "Shenyi, are you looking for me?"

The Sword God looked at Luo Li with a gloomy expression, biting his lips and said, "Luo Li, I came to see you for something. Can you return the Kunlun Mirror to me?"

The Sword God has always discussed life and death with the sword, and has never asked anyone for anything. He is very uneasy and embarrassed!

But there is no other way. Everyone in Kunlun has given her this important task. For Kunlun, she can only do this!

This is the eleventh-level treasure, extremely precious, the treasure of heaven and earth. She is asking for it, and feels uneasy, wondering if Luo Li can give it to her.

Without saying a word, Luo Li reached out and took out the Kunlun Mirror, threw it to the Sword God, and said:

"Okay, Shinichi, what a big deal. I keep this thing in my hands. I can't use it, and it has no use. I give it to you!"

The Sword God's eyes lit up, he took it gently and said, "I really don't want to ask you for it, but this thing is too important to me, Kunlun!

Luo Li, thank you! "

Hearing the word "thank you" with endless gratitude, Luo Li's heart trembled!

With a thought in his mind, he stretched out his hand, took out a drop of true water source, and said:

"Here's this for you too!"

The Sword God shook his head and said: "I only practice swordsmanship, this true water source is meaningless to me?"

Luo Li smiled, put away the true water source, and stretched out his hand to take out three ninth-level divine swords! The evil lightning silver frost Tiangang sword, the three magic shadow dragon swords, and the sky falling star sword!

Luo Li said: "Zhenyi, that is meaningless, look at this! Kunlun Mirror, don't worry, this is my gift to you!"

Luo Li did not throw it away, but solemnly handed it over with both hands. When the sword god saw the divine sword, his eyes lit up, and following Luo Li's movements, he solemnly took the divine sword with both hands.

After the handover was completed, the Sword God picked up a divine sword in his right hand and looked at it carefully. She didn't notice that Luo Li's hand grabbed her left hand and held it gently without letting go.

That hand was extremely tender and smooth, as if it were boneless, with an indescribable fragrance, and no calluses from sword refining at all!

Holding it in his hand, Luo Li's heart beat wildly,

The sword god looked at the divine sword in his right hand and said:

"This is the Three Magic Shadow Heavenly Dragon Sword. This sword is shaped like a flying dragon. It is made of the extremely tough Heavenly Dragon body and tempered with three kinds of poisons that are rare in the world. It is extremely ferocious. This sword..."

She wanted to touch it with her left hand, but then she realized that Luo Li was holding her hand tightly. She was stunned for a moment, then she thought of something, her face turned red, and she hurriedly pulled her hand with her left hand.

The sword god used his sword energy to pull, and Luo Li suddenly felt a strong blast. He flew up and flew a hundred miles, and was almost torn into thousands of pieces by the force.

The Sword God looked at Luo Li with anger in his eyes, but there was something else in that anger.

Novelty, heartbeat, blush, shyness...

At this moment, this was the first time in her life that she was treated as a woman!

Luo Li hurriedly got up and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Senior Sword God, I didn't notice it!"

The Sword God made a serious face and said: "If you are so annoying again, I will kill you with one sword!"

Luo Li immediately said: "Never, never! Zhenyi, I will never do this again!"

The title has changed again!

This is another step forward, keep working hard in the future! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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