Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1306: Return to the Yuan and enter the Mahayana!


With one strike from the two of them, the clone of the Abandoned Ghost Saint that day was turned into ashes. They didn't care at all and continued to move forward.

This fish washing platform has no meaning to them. They want to return to the world of the Middle God.

Fan Wujie said: "Senior brother, how did you get here? How do we return to Hunyuan Sect?"

Luo Li said: "I have a talisman here that can return to the Chunan region through the Jade Tower and Golden Tower."

Fan Wujie looked into the distance, frowned and said, "This vast spiritual sea? How can we attract the ferryman to the Jade Tower and Golden Tower?"

Luo Li shook his head, smiled, and said, "Why do we need a ferryman? We can just go by ourselves!"

After saying that, he took a gentle step, stepped on the surface of the spiritual sea, and crossed through the void.

Seeing this scene, Fan Wujie was stunned and said, "How is that possible!"

But he gritted his teeth and said: "I never thought you could cross the spiritual sea. If you can do it, I can do it too!"

Fan Wujie walked on the edge of the spiritual sea, constantly touching the spiritual sea, watching Luo Li's virtual crossing, and studying it carefully.

Luo Li was not in a hurry to leave. He was just on top of this spiritual sea, like a duckweed, drifting with the current, gradually revealing the secret of crossing the spiritual sea.

Fan Wujie is a genius. Seeing Luo Li's display, he quickly mastered it. After watching it for a while, he sneered:

"That's it, that's it. It's actually nothing. I just didn't expect it. You can do it, and so can I!"

After saying that, Fan Wujie stretched out his legs, stepped on the spiritual sea, and stepped out slowly. Although both feet were inserted into the water, like Luo Li, he began to fly across the waves.

At first, his movements were stiff, but he soon adapted, just like Luo Li. You can ride the waves of the spiritual sea by yourself and fly easily.

Luo Li smiled and said: "Let's go. Junior brother, let's go! You have to catch up with me. Don't be dragged thousands of miles away by me!"

After saying that, Luo Li fled towards Fang Fang. Fan Wujie sneered and said: "I am a strong Guiyuan man. You want to pull me down in a dream!"

Fan Wujie was chasing after him, and the two of them flew one after another on the spiritual sea.

In the blink of an eye, the two of them flew thousands of miles away, and soon Fan Wujie caught up with Luo Li. The two of them were not far apart, walking side by side!

Luo Li asked: "Junior brother, are you still in the Guiyuan realm now? Are you still so good at controlling the laws of heaven?"

"Hmph, if I am oppressed to the realm of returning to the virtual world, will I be the first strong person to return to the original state? Let me tell you, my Avenue of Light is complete, and the seven heavenly ways and ninety-seven laws that I control are completely integrated into my body. In the way of light, be at ease under my control!”

Luo Li smiled, there was so much preparation ahead. He started asking!

"Ah, junior brother, you are really powerful. It seems that you have just entered the Guiyuan realm and are fighting me. If you have been practicing for ten years and a hundred years, I will definitely not be your opponent!

Alas, senior brother, I know nothing about the realm of Guiyuan. You have now found your own way of light, and you don’t know the way of light and the laws of heaven. what is the relationship? "

Fan Wujie had just received the flying method taught by Luo Li, and now he was catching up with Luo Li. When Luo Li asked sincerely, he started to answer!

"Why not! The Guiyuan realm has mastered its own Tao. This Tao forms a world of its own within the body throughout one's life.

In this world, you can easily control and use the laws of heaven that you control perfectly, and there will be no danger of returning to dust..."

Fan Wujie started talking, and Luo Li couldn't help but start asking questions one by one.

In fact, from the beginning of the war, Luo Li said that he knew nothing about the Guiyuan realm. He was lying to Fan Wujie!

During the battle with Lu Zhou, Luo Li was extremely familiar with the Guiyuan realm.

However, that kind of understanding was just talk on paper and a dream in the dark world. Luo Li had doubts about that knowledge.

If there is even the slightest mistake in this knowledge, if you make a wrong step, you will be doomed!

Therefore, he pretended to know nothing and asked Brahma Wujie here. From defeating him at the beginning and not letting him go to teaching him the method of controlling waves, he was all trying to ask about this knowledge to verify what he knew. ,is it right or not.

Fan Wujie was unprepared and said anything. Luo Li compared these with the knowledge he had mastered one by one, and finally nodded and said:

"Guiyuan, Guiyuan, in fact, the original heavenly way born in the Guiyuan realm, to be precise, can only be regarded as the inner heavenly way, the inner universe, the way of one person, and the power of one person.

Only in the realm of Hedao, one's own way of heaven, from the inside to the outside, can be transformed into the laws of heaven. Only then can one establish a way for all ages, spread the power to all living beings, and gain endless power.

After successfully joining the path, you can now enter the Mahayana, break through the heavenly calamity, and truly ascend to the immortal world! "

As soon as he said this, Fan Wujie was stunned and asked:

"Really ascended to the Immortal Realm? Then where did the Returning Void Shinichi among us who ascended to the Heavenly Lord World some time ago go?"

Luo Li smiled and said: "The Immortal World is just like our Hunyuan Sect, which is divided into inner and outer sects. Maybe the Immortal World is also divided into inner and outer sects, and there are also authenticity.

I have never told anyone about this thing because I don’t know whether it is true or not and there is no way to verify it.

It's true. If you tell them that there is another world after ascension, it will be too shocking to them.

But as far as I know, if you don’t follow the Tao, follow the laws of heaven, and don’t enter the Mahayana, you can’t truly become an immortal! "

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li in surprise and asked again:

"There are only three thousand laws of heaven, and one hundred and twenty-nine thousand six hundred laws of derivation. According to what you said, if you join the Tao and enter the Mahayana, and your own path goes from the inside to the outside, wouldn't it mean that there will be one more law of heaven and earth in the world?"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "It won't be much, the number of the law of heaven is always fixed!

It will only replace, dissolve, cover, and merge...

In short, the total number of laws of Tao remains unchanged! "

Fan Wujie frowned and asked: "Then, how can the laws of heaven that have been replaced and dissolved be allowed to be replaced and dissolved by you?"

"If the law of that day is also created by the immortal in this way, then what should we do?"

Luo Li smiled and said: "Fight, fight, life and death!

You want to become an immortal and live forever!

If you don’t want to pay the price, how can it be possible without going through hardships!

Become an immortal, become an immortal! You have to risk your life!

Is the road to the great road so easy to walk? "

Fan Wujie suddenly woke up and said, "How do you know so much? Didn't you say you know nothing?"

Luo Li laughed and said, "Well, you can ask after you catch up with me!"

Finished. Luo Li immediately fled and abandoned Fan Wujie far away.

Fan Wujie immediately chased after him, and the two of them escaped wildly in this spiritual sea!

Suddenly in front of the spiritual sea. A wave of water rose.

The water waves covered the sky and turned into a flood peak. Sweeping towards Luo Li and Fan Wujie, Luo Li immediately stopped, looked at the huge wave, and said:

"No, retreat!"

He and Fan Wujie immediately turned around and retreated!

But in the southeast, northwest, and four directions, huge waves formed, almost covering the sky and the earth. Jiang Luo Li and Fan Wujie simply surrounded them and swept toward them.

Fan Wujie was shocked and said, "What's going on?"

Luo Li said: "I don't know, but don't care, break it!"

With one word spoken, thousands of magical thoughts arose in Luo Li's body, and giant mountain peaks rose one after another. The water will cover the earth!

Seeing Luo Li take action, Fan Wujie immediately took action too: "Light!"

Boom, it seems like a sun appears here. Shine the world! The light breaks through the sky!

Boom, boom, boom!

Two people took action. Suddenly they discovered something that none of them were willing to accept. Their cooperation was perfect, and the Hunyuan Sect's battle formation cooperation reached its limit in their hands!

The power they unleashed was several times greater than the power of the two of them.

Boom, boom, boom!

It seemed that the entire real spiritual world was trembling. They are all boiling, with the huge waves sweeping over them. Explode them all and shatter the world!

for a long time. The big wave calmed down, and Fan Wujie said: "What's going on? How do I feel that we are fighting the whole world?"

Luo Li frowned and said, "I don't know either, but..."

Before he finished speaking, in the distance, endless spiritual water suddenly gathered and turned into a human form.

The figure drove past as if imitating the two of them.

Luo Li intuitively felt that the attack just now was what he called it.

Fan Wujie looked at the opponent and was about to take action.

Luo Li was stunned, grabbed Fan Wujie, watched carefully, and after a long time he said:

"Fellow Taoist, is this the true master spirit of the spiritual water realm? Please ask, fellow Taoist, why did you attack us?"

The humanoid nodded and said, "I...am...the true spirit that dominates the spiritual water world?"

When he started talking, he imitated what Luo Li and the others said. It was still very laborious, but he soon became familiar with it!

"I control the world!

I am the spiritual water world, and the spiritual water world is me!

I got news from the ferryman. I need your power to help me change my predicament! "

Fan Wujie frowned and said, "Are you asking for help like this? If we can't break through the siege of the huge wave, won't we be harmed by you?"

The true spirit, the master of the spiritual water realm, said: "If you can't get out, then I will definitely get your power!

You rushed over, so I showed up to negotiate with you. Because you are qualified to negotiate, I can only exchange for your strength and help! "

Fan Wujie was furious and about to explode. Luo Li shook his head and said:

"He is not a human being, he is just a spirit. There is no reason at all!"

Then Luo Li looked at the true spirit of the spiritual water realm and said:

"Great Lord Zhenling! May I ask if you need our help?"

The true spirit of the spiritual water world said: "If there is no spirit in the world, it will be destroyed!

If there are no living creatures in the spiritual water world, it will only be a dead place, and I will disappear.

Therefore, I am allowing many demonic spirits to exist in Xiyutai, and I am letting monks from outside the realm build seventy-two cities in my realm.

But these are not true spirits that belong to our spiritual water world, and they are not a long-term solution. I want you to use the power to change the world to give birth to real spiritual beasts in my true spiritual world.

Self-reproducing, self-growing, spiritual beasts that exist all over the spiritual water world! "

Suddenly Luo Li knew that the other party asked him to use his golden virtue power to give birth to real spiritual beasts for this spiritual water world, turning this dead spiritual water world into a vibrant paradise.

Luo Li thought for a while, nodded and said, "I can do it, but it's not profitable and I can't afford it early. What reward can you give me?"

The True Spirit of the Spiritual Water Realm looked at Luo Li and said, "I feel the true fire, true earth, and true water in your body!"

Not to mention the true fire, the true soil should be the meaning of the mountains, and the true water should be the meaning of the law from all over the world!

"But your true water intention does not exist, it is too empty and contains impurities!

I can give you a drop of the true water source, which is the original power of my water elemental world. With this true water source, you can have the true meaning of true water, and it can also complement each other with your true fire! "(To be continued)

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