Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,308 The catastrophe is approaching and the waves are shocked!

The Sword God looked at Luo Li, as if he remembered something, and suddenly said:

"Luo Li, in the world of Zhongtian Lord recently, the vitality has been changing strangely, and the way of heaven is unstable. What may happen, you have to be careful!"

She changed the subject.

Luo Li thought of what he saw along the way back and said, "I know, what I saw and heard along the way was a lot abnormal. I wonder if the catastrophe is coming early?"

The Sword God shook his head and said: "I don't know, I don't know!

Regardless of divination or prediction, no one knows what the future catastrophe will look like.

But one thing is certain, the previously expelled tribes are slowly gathering in the void in the distance, watching eagerly, as if they are waiting for something. "

Luo Li nodded and said: "The coalition of all races is not scary when they arrive, but what is scary is what's behind them..."

The Sword God shushed slightly and said: "Don't say it, as long as you mention their names, they will immediately feel the connection and admire you in their hearts.

The future is so unpredictable!

However, it doesn't matter, as long as the sword is still there, no matter what twists and turns or dangers he has, just kill him, that's it! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "Yes, no matter what he does, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it! We will take care of it!"

The two looked at each other and smiled. No one knew what the future would bring, but the countermeasures had been decided.

The Sword God said: "Okay, I will go back to Kunlun first to see what the future will be like!

If you really can't withstand this catastrophe, come to Kunlun. As long as I have my breath, I can protect your Hunyuan Sect! "

Luo Li shook his head and smiled: "Thank you. But, Shinichi, don't underestimate us!

My Hunyuan Sect still has a solid foundation! Catastrophe, catastrophe, come on! "

The Sword God said: "Okay, I hope everyone can survive the catastrophe! I'm leaving!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Have a good trip! Take care!"

The Sword God glanced at Luo Li one last time and said, "Take care!"

After saying that, she turned around and left, running away in the blink of an eye. Luo Li watched from the sidelines. It wasn't until the figure disappeared from the sky that Luo Li took a deep breath and returned to Hunyuan Sect.

Before returning to Hunyuan Sect, suddenly there was a sword light in the distance. Came in an instant.

Flying sword to pass the book. Luo Li took it. The flying sword brought something, which was a golden vial. This was a gift given to Luo Li by the Sword God.

Luo Li opened the vial. Inside was a drop of a strange object like sand and stone.

Seeing this object, Luo Li knew that this was the origin of earth, which was the same thing as the origin of water he had obtained in the spiritual water world!

Suddenly, Luo Li felt warm in his heart. These things were extremely treasured. As long as they were refined, it was possible to get a trace of true water or a grain of true earth. They were the same treasured things from the supreme origin of heaven and earth as his own true fire.

Of course, this refining is not that easy, it can be said to be extremely difficult. In addition, the origin of this earth is Kunlun, and I am afraid there is only such a grain!

The true spirit of the spiritual water realm has existed for countless thousands of years. The master of a realm only possesses a few drops of the source of true water, which shows how precious this thing is.

Luo Li put this thing away and wanted to return to Hunyuan Sect to refine this treasure.

Returning to Hunyuan and entering the sect, Luo Li immediately felt the tense atmosphere in the sect. All the defensive formations of the Hunyuan Sect were opened to the maximum.

As soon as he returned to the sect, Luo Li was immediately introduced into the central hall of the Hunyuan Sect, where all the returning gods of the Hunyuan Sect were present.

Fan Wujie, Qizhu Tiandu and others are all here.

What about the Nine Heavens Dimension Island, what kind of crisis they encountered, everyone here didn't pay attention at all, they were all discussing one thing.

They were discussing something nervously. Seeing Luo Li return, Hu Chan took a deep breath and said:

"Disciple, you are back. We are now discussing whether to activate the Earth Fire Dragon to protect all the monks and mortals from the five states affiliated with the Hunyuan Sect?"

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "As for it? To this extent?"

Mu Shen also said: "I don't think that's the case?"

Jin Sheng also said: "This is the last move of our Hunyuan Sect. The Earth Fire Dragon is activated, merges with Xuanzhou, and turns into a flying continent.

But if this happens, our Xuanzhou land line will be completely cut off from the Zhongtian Lord World. This will have endless consequences. The medicinal fields, spiritual stone mines, and Cave Heaven Paradise that we have cultivated for thousands of years will be affected. I think it is still Isn't that what it is? "

The Tuhuang also said: "There are only a few types of catastrophes in the world. Even if the earth is overturned and the world is turned upside down, we still have the Earth Fire Dragon. What's so scary?

I also don’t agree with Hu Chan’s decision, it’s a bit extreme! "

In the main hall, there are two factions, one is Tiger Zen, and the other is Three Great Returning Void.

Everyone looked at Luo Li, waiting for his opinion.

Luo Li, to be honest, really didn't care much about this matter.

One step early, one step late, it doesn't matter. Because the situation was not yet like this, he was about to speak when suddenly, everyone looked outside.

I saw countless creatures above Xuanzhou caught in strange movements!

Birds all over the sky flew up in groups, almost covering the sky, and flew into the distance.

On the earth, whether they were tigers, leopards or wolves, they were wailing and running around.

Rats, poisonous snakes, and toads were everywhere on the ground, running around in confusion.

It turns out that only monks can feel the changes in the world, and all animals can feel it!

Seeing such a vision, everyone was speechless. There was no need to choose. Everyone immediately knew how to deal with it!

Luo Li said: "Let's activate the Earth Fire Dragon!

Even if there will be countless losses, at least people will live. The root of everything is people. As long as people live, everything will happen! "

Feeling the strange phenomenon of heaven and earth, the three great returners no longer persisted. They also nodded and said:

"Yes, activate the emergency plan. All monks and mortals affiliated with the Hunyuan Sect will be brought into Xuanzhou and into the Earth Fire Dragon!"

Immediately, an order was issued. The five branches of the Hunyuan Sect, the five states, the five side sects, and the sixty-six left paths all immediately took action. Whether they were monks or mortals, they all moved to Xuanzhou.

Immediately, all the monks in the five major states began to take action.

This panic has lasted for more than a day or two. All the affiliated sects have already packed up and prepared to flee to Xuanzhou Hunyuan Sect.

With the excitement of the last Hunyuan catastrophe, the monks and mortals who stayed in the five major states suffered heavy casualties, and no one would insist on staying at home.

This time after hearing the news, everyone immediately moved quickly.

Flying boats appeared all over the sky, and all the monks began to move. Even the mountain gates of the five side gates were uprooted and moved to Xuanzhou.

The mortals in the five major states did not abandon them. Countless monks flew in all directions, using magic weapons and magic weapons to bring all the mortals to Xuanzhou.

In less than three days, all the monks and mortals from the five major states affiliated to the Hunyuan Sect moved to Xuanzhou.

However, after three days, everything, including birds, animals, insects, and fish, returned to normal, and everything was calm, as if nothing had happened!

At this moment, a word appeared in everyone's mind, the calm before the storm. Everyone was waiting for the arrival of the storm after this tranquility.

One hour, two hours, one day, two days, one month, two months, three years later.

Nothing happened! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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