Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,305 The Mountain’s Dharma Overwhelms the True Light!

As the Sanskrit sounds sounded, fairy mountains appeared one after another.

Back then, Luo Li relied on these mountains to defeat powerful enemies one after another, and today, they appeared again!

Every mountain is lifelike, the rivers are beautiful and vast, the peaks are tall and steep, the mountains and rivers are picturesque and wonderful!

Among them, the clouds are steaming and the clouds are shining, which is really spectacular, like floating in a fairyland, with long clouds, bright rainbows, and an endless sea of ​​clouds, rushing and rolling. The peaks are like isolated islands in this sea of ​​clouds, floating and looming, with endless changes.

But these mountains, before the five elements extinguishing divine light, were like illusions. They were suddenly defeated by the light one by one and turned into powder!

Fan Wujie sneered and said: "Senior brother, you are an old guy from many years ago. If you can't stand on the stage, you should stop offering treasures! You have failed!"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "You are wrong!

What you have broken is only the form, all mountains and mountains will be broken even if you are broken!

So what, as long as you intend it, that's enough!

Abandon the shape of thousands of mountains, leaving behind the meaning of thousands of mountains!

Endless mountains make up the earth, meaning, mountains are there, and heaven and earth are there!

No matter how strong your light is, you still can't destroy me! "

The endless mountains that had been transformed began to fade away little by little. At the same time, a huge pillar of energy slowly rose up!

Suddenly the entire space stagnated, completely still, and the world seemed to be about to collapse at this moment.

The still world is like the glass world being shattered. The world seems to have become an eternal scene at this moment. It suddenly erupted like a landslide and tsunami, and everything in the world collapsed into billions of crystal fragments almost at the same time. The crystal fragments dance lightly under the cold moonlight, making them extremely colorful.

Only one thought stood proudly in the sky. In front of this thought, Brahma Wujie's great five-element extinguishing light suddenly shattered and was completely blown away!

This idea is the simplest idea, the purest idea, thick and incomparably deep!

Fan Wujie looked in surprise. Seeing Luo Li's bright and quiet eyes in the distance. His eyes are clear. Looking at the bottom, in the deepest place, what shines is still the dazzling edge, the only one. No trace of impurities at all.

this moment. Beyond that mountain is the fairy mountain, and beyond is the sky. Great changes have occurred!

Three mountains, five mountains, ten directions and sky, everything disappeared. Only the thought of the mountains is left!

Never give in, have an upright belief!

Now Luo Li is the mountain, he is the earth, he is the heaven and earth!

The will of Dharma is like the tide, and the people's hearts are like mountains!

To a certain extent, that Dharma intention was left behind by the Patriarch!

But the dharma intention of the three mountains, five mountains and ten directions of the sky was created by Luo Li himself!

After many years of hard training, battles with the ancestors of Wusheng, and realizations from all over the world, Luo Li perfectly created his own Dharma!

The law of the earth and mountains!

As Luo Li's legal intention unfolds, the profound legal intention has spread to every corner of the world. The legal intention of the earth and mountains is everywhere, and all the existence of the law of vitality that is inconsistent with its nature is instantly rejected.

Fan Wujie sneered and said: "What a three-mountain, five-mountain and ten-direction sky, what a fairy-mountain-mountain-outside-out-heaven!

Then let's give it a try and see if it's your mountain presence or my dazzling light! "

While Fan Wujie was speaking, it was as if a small sun suddenly rose up on him, and the immeasurable white light illuminated this place thousands of miles away like daylight. Infinite light.

In an instant, the two started fighting here!

The way of light has the will of the earth and mountains!

Boom, boom, boom!

Abandoning all changes in moves, it is a collision of ideas and strength!

But in this collision, there are thousands of changes and endless uses of heaven!

In that void, there are only two things, one is light, and the other is endless mountains.

The light destroys the mountains, and the mountains block the light!

But gradually the mountains cannot block the sharpness of this light. This light is endless and boundless. Even Luo Li's countless years of hard training, countless accumulations, and the power of the Guiyuan realm are now displayed here!

Luo Li suddenly shouted:

"Not strong enough, not strong enough!"

"What a Guiyuan realm, really strong!

Xiaoguang, wish me! "

In an instant, a golden lamp appeared, emitting endless light!

This golden light was originally just for defense, but as soon as Luo Li's mountain thoughts were turned, the golden light was immediately injected into Dao Luoli's mountain thoughts, and it immediately became infinitely strong!

When the divine light was injected, the mountains immediately grew infinitely. Mountains were derived from the mountains. Countless hills appeared and multiplied endlessly. They began to expand from the mountains and turned into a piece of land, facing that terrible light!

Light to the earth! The form changes instantly!

Continue fighting, and there are endless explosions in the void!

During the great war, this world had been reduced to ashes, and the air had been refined and disappeared.

Three days and nights!

The two are tied!

Fan Wujie said coldly: "Senior Brother Luo Li, you are so powerful, you can actually block my way of light!

However, in the three-day war, I didn't suffer any losses. After being promoted to Guiyuan, I am so powerful that you can't imagine! "

Luo Li smiled and said: "My power is beyond your imagination!"

"After three days of fighting, I seem to understand something! My three mountains, five mountains and ten directions are the power of God!"

"Divine power, divine power. If there is no divine power, then come the power!"

"My children, give me your divine power!"

Suddenly, in Luo Li's Taichu Cave Heaven, those clones slowly sent out their divine power and injected it into Luo Li's body!

The power of Hades, the power of space, the power of killing, the power of life, the power of dragon, the power of wizard, the power of time, the power of destiny, the power of fighting, the power of fire, the power of death, the power of dreams, the power of Hercules, the power of tree , the divine power of the God of Grass, the divine power of the God of Courage, the divine power of the God of Wisdom, the divine power of the Wolf God, the divine power of the Tiger God, the divine power of the God of Thieves, the divine power of the God of Command, the divine power of the Thunder God, the divine power of the Stone God...

A lot of divine power gathered together, and Luo Li immediately injected it into the mountain's will!

It is strange to say that this divine power is injected. Immediately, the mountain's legal intention began to surge.

These divine powers are like accelerants. If you add a little, the mountain's magical power will immediately increase crazily and skyrocket endlessly!

Luo Li laughed loudly and said: "As expected, the so-called divine power must be supported by divine power! In order to be able to exert its power, junior brother. You have failed again!"

boom. On the land, endless mountain peaks rose, blasting toward the sea of ​​light, and the war changed!

After seven days and seven nights!

There was a loud bang. The last light went out. In this void. Only the endless mountains and nothing else!

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li stupidly, those six pairs of light wings. It has all been shattered, and the robes all over the body are in tatters. The whole person was beaten until his nose and face were bruised and one of his arms was broken.

But all these physical wounds are not as good as the mental wounds.

He could only look at Luo Li stupidly and said:

"How is it possible, how is it possible, how could I lose again?"

"It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense!"

"I have returned to Yuan Dynasty, why did I lose again? It doesn't make sense!"

Luo Li was not intact as before, and his body was also covered in scars. He sat next to him, holding a wine flask in his hand, and drank freely.

After drinking more than half of the pot of wine, Luo Li stopped drinking, looked at Fan Wujie and said:

"Okay, okay, stop being so annoying!

Junior Brother Wujie, have you realized your mistake this time?

Still fighting? "

Fan Wujie shook his head and said, "No, I'm defeated!"

After saying these three words, Fan Wujie lay there motionless, as if he was dead!

Luo Li picked up his wine flask and poured the remaining wine into Fan Wujie's mouth.

After the wine fell, Luo Li said: "Get up, what a big deal it is. The Fan Wujie I know will not be completely depressed like this!"

When the wine fell, Fan Wujie did not open his mouth and let the wine pour into his face. After a long time, he opened his mouth and took a sip!

Then he sat up suddenly and said, "Yes, it's nothing!

I have just entered the Guiyuan realm. I have not mastered the power of the Guiyuan realm, so I am eager to come and challenge it. I am impatient!

In addition, I was careless. You were too cunning. You broke my tenth-level magic weapon and cut off my limbs from the beginning!

in addition……"

Fan Wujie began to summarize.

Finally he said: "This time, although I lost!"


Just because I’m defeated now doesn’t mean I’ll be defeated in the future too!

I am Brahma Wujie, the best in the world, Lord of Light, I am the strongest, the strongest!

So Luo Li, if I lost today, I will definitely defeat you in the future! "

The two looked at each other and smiled. They were lifelong enemies and lifelong friends. Fighting and competing with each other made them stronger!

Fan Wujie took a long breath, looked into the distance, and said: "The road is long, I will surpass you!"

In an instant, Fan Wujie flashed and turned into a ray of light, escaping to the horizon!

Luo Li stretched out his hand, grabbed Fan Wujie and said, "Wait, did I let you go?

Return to the sect with me first and explain the Nine Heavens Dimension Island clearly. Then if you are willing to leave, you are leaving! "

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li, sighed, and returned to Hunyuan Sect with Luo Li without running away.

There is a big battle here, and the world here has collapsed, but the transmission channel still exists because it absorbs the power of the water elemental world.

Immediately, Luo Li and Fan Wujie returned to the fish washing platform through the transmission channel!

As soon as he arrived on the stone platform, a ghost figure rushed toward Luo Li!

Following this pounce, endless ferocious laughter erupted from the ghost shadow!

It was the avatar of the Heavenly Abandoned Ghost Saint who had been lurking here and suddenly attacked!

When the ghost came over, before Luo Li could react, his will moved first. In an instant, it seemed like endless mountain peaks appeared and the earth rose.

The ghost figure rushed towards him and was immediately blocked, unable to get closer.

Fan Wujie stretched out his hand, and a ray of light emitted, shining brightly on the world. With a bang, the ghost shadow turned into fly ash and disappeared from the world.

This ghost shadow is the clone of the Ghost Saint. As long as it is hit by him, even the Daluo gods cannot escape. However, Luo Li's mountain magic intention, the thickness of the earth, and the boundlessness of the earth block the ghost shadow.

Brahma Wujie's way of light was even more sharp, and he was born to be the nemesis of the ghost clan. That day, the ghost saint clone, one of the seventy-two ghost saint clones, disappeared silently.

Luo Li frowned and said, "It seemed like something attacked us just now!"

Fan Wujie said: "Little character, don't worry about it, let's quickly find a way to return to Hunyuan Sect!"

The poor avatar of the Heavenly Abandoned Ghost Saint was just ignored by them! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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