Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1304 Volume Comes back from the mountains!

Luo Li takes action, and all over the world are alone!

The brilliant sea of ​​​​light cannot be looked at closely, exuding the supreme power of brilliance, as if it has been condensed into substance.

This sea of ​​light roared towards Brahma Wujie!

Fan Wujie smiled coldly and said:

"I understand the seven heavenly ways of light and the ninety-seven laws of light!

My way is the way of light!

Supreme light, supreme and powerful!

Junior brother, you are like a firefly in front of me, so let me put it out! "

Following his words, Luo Li's world was suddenly extinguished and no light remained.

It's not that Luo Li's world is not as powerful as the other world, but that Fan Wujie's way to return to his origin is the way of light, which is dedicated to Luo Li's Glazed Sea.

Just like Luo Li's true fire, it can restrain all the fires in the world.

Guanghai disappeared, and Luo Li shouted: "Okay! Please show up, baby!"

Following Luo Li's words, there was a roar, and a huge golden bucket appeared in front of Luo Li!

The golden bucket was ten feet in size, engraved with gold and jade, and was extremely luxurious. It was used to weigh all things in the world. A fairy voice sounded:

"The heaven and earth are hidden within the three talents, and the universe is filled with the world!"

As soon as the golden dou came out, endless light burst out in the golden dou, and there was a roar of thunder. Suddenly there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, the sky lit up, and countless purple electric snakes danced in the air, as fast as lightning. The earth gathered together, giving birth to thunder of unparalleled ferocity.

Then, suddenly, nine extremely thick purple thunderbolts fell from the sky and struck Fan Wujie head-on!

These nine thunderbolts undulated continuously, turning into a sharp sword made of thunder and lightning, falling from high in the sky!

Zisha Zhenlei, Tianyan's magic weapon!

It was Lei Mingzhenyi's attack on Luo Li. It was put away by Luo Li with the Hunyuan Golden Dou, and now it is released.

Real thunder falls, thunder moves. The reflections create brilliance and brilliance. Dyeing the sky purple!

Faced with this thunder, Fan Wujie also frowned. He stretched out his hand, and the tenth-level magic weapon Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel flew out, transformed into thousands of rays of light, and formed a halo above his head. The Zisha True Thunder fell, and that The nimbus is just a flash. Unscathed.

In an instant, the thousand light divine and demon heaven and earth wheels roared towards Luo Li!

On the thousand light gods and demons heaven and earth wheel, a demonic shadow appeared, an armored warrior, looming, the shadow wheel merged into one, this was the weapon spirit.

This light was suppressed like a sea and a mountain. It was all this light above the sky and below the earth. There is nothing else, equal to the sky, equal to the earth. Irresistible, irresistible!

Others can't, Luo Li can!

Luo Li's Hunyuan Golden Dou immediately flew away, swallowed the sky and filled the earth, roared into the sky, and exploded with endless power!

With a bang, the Hunyuan Golden Dou and the Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel collided!

Hunyuan Jindou was knocked back thousands of feet!

Boom, boom. boom!

In that Qing Ming, there were three consecutive violent collisions. Every collision caused endless shock waves. The collision of magic weapons shines brightly.

Huge mushroom clouds rose up in the void, and explosions shook thousands of miles and roared.

The Nine Heavens Dimension Island in the distance disappeared silently. It had been refined by Fanwujie, and Fanwujie could control it freely.

Three collisions,

On top of the Hunyuan Golden Dou, Xiao Jin's figure appeared, and she said softly:

"Master, the other party is too powerful, I can't stand it!"

When Fan Wujie heard this, he laughed loudly and said:

"Luo Li, Luo Li, for so many years, you have always bullied me because of your many and good magic weapons!

Didn't you expect that today would happen? It's my turn to deal with you, eat another round! "

But he didn't notice Luo Li smiling!

Xiaojin's words were an agreement with Luo Li. Fan Wujie didn't notice that his tenth-level magic weapon Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel was slowly locked by Hunyuan Jindou. In the void, he could not enter. , you can’t retreat!

Pin it here!

Hunyuan Jindou takes all things, but the opponent is also a tenth-level magic weapon and cannot be collected, so it is locked.

At this fixed moment, Luo Li moved, and in an instant, he flew in front of the tenth-level magic weapon Qianguang Divine Demon World Wheel.

Ever since Hunyuan Jindou appeared in giant size, it was all a plan, which was to attract the Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel, lock it, destroy him, and break one of Fan Wujie's legs!

Now that it was locked, Luo Li stretched out his hand in his arms, took out a bronze mirror, swung his whole body's true energy, and smashed the bronze mirror onto the Thousand Light Gods and Demons Heaven and Earth Wheel.

This bronze mirror was the Kunlun Mirror captured by Luo Li. At that time, the four tenth-level magic weapons moved together and locked it.

This treasure is an eleventh-level magic weapon, extremely powerful!

Luo Li had no way to control it, but Luo Li didn't ask for control. He just used it as a magic weapon, a stone, and a weapon, and smashed it against the Qianguang Divine Demon World Chakra.

The tenth level breaks through the ninth level! The eleventh level breaks through the tenth level!

With a roar, the Kunlun Mirror and the Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel both made loud noises, as if someone was screaming.

Although the Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel is a tenth-level magic weapon, it is extremely strong and will never be damaged, but it encountered the Kunlun Mirror, which is an eleventh-level magic weapon.

There are mountains beyond the mountains, and there is a sky beyond the sky!

The Thousand Light Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel, which was said to be indestructible, was suddenly struck by the Kunlun Mirror and cracked into countless pieces.

These fragments are all the ninth-level magic weapon Three-Light Divine Demon Purple Gold Wheel refined by Fan Wujie. When combined together, they become the tenth-level magic weapon Thousand-Light Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel.

Those fragments immediately flew away and scattered in all directions. If they were collected by Brahma Wujie, they would immediately be reassembled into a tenth-level magic weapon without damaging the roots. But at this moment, Hunyuan Jindou locked the Qianguang Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel!

Before those fragments could fly away, Hunyuan Jindou showed his power!

"The heaven and earth are hidden within the three talents, and the universe is filled with the world!"

In an instant, those fragments were collected by Hunyuan Jindou. The tenth-level magic weapon Qianguang Divine Demon World Wheel was shattered and collected by Hunyuan Jindou!

In the blink of an eye, there was only the Kunlun Mirror.

This blow also caused great damage to the Kunlun Mirror. This mirror has supreme power and countless magical functions. No one has ever used it in this way. The Kunlun Mirror screamed and fled away.

Luo Li stretched out his hand and grasped the universe. Grab it and collect it immediately, taking advantage of the Kunlun Mirror's heavy setback. Immediately take it into your Taichu Cave and don't run away!

Hunyuan Jindou collected the opponent's tenth-level magic weapon. Countless fragments were ready to move, so Luo Li immediately put away the Hunyuan Golden Dou and stopped using it.

Then he stretched out his hand, a golden lamp appeared, and a divine sword faced the wind!

Luo Li looked at Fan Wujie and said:

"Junior brother, I have some unfortunate news for you. Your tenth-level magic weapon has been shattered and dissipated!"

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li, remained silent for a long time, and then said:

"Brother, you are still as cunning as before. What is that thing? How is it possible to break my tenth-level magic weapon!"

Luo Li smiled and said: "It seems to be an eleventh-level magic weapon!"

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li and said:

"Eleventh level, eleventh level!

When I get the tenth-level magic weapon, you already have the eleventh-level magic weapon!

But, nothing. In the face of real strength, everything is illusion!

My light is invincible!

The light of heaven and earth. Shining light on the universe. Throughout the ages, in the eight wastelands, no matter when, where, who or what, can escape the light!

Unavoidable and unstoppable!

So brother, go to hell! "

He slowly stood up, Brahma Wujie was floating in the void, and six pairs of white light wings appeared behind him. Vibrate gently. There seemed to be a holy light emanating from him. Incomparably elegant, noble and radiant.

As he stood up, there was a terrifying and powerful force. Rising slowly, the whole world seemed to turn white!

Under this power, there is only one power in the universe, and that is the path of Brahma without calamity!

Suppression, extreme suppression, ordinary return to void, in front of this Brahma Wuxian, the power from the laws of heaven will be completely suppressed, and it will be impossible to control any power at all!

But Luo Li didn’t!

On him, under the suppression of this brilliance, a kind of fire appeared!

This fire looks insignificant, but it has infinite power. The sky-covering light cannot overwhelm the flames, but it seems to be burned by the flames!

A real fire!

But the real fire shines, and it is difficult, difficult, difficult to use the real fire to defeat Brahma's way of light!

Boom, Fan Wujie's six pairs of light wings lightly vibrated and launched a shock wave of white light.

The Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light! If this light is used, it will surely destroy the world. In the hands of Fan Wujie, the power of the Great Five Elements Extinction Divine Light has been increased a thousand times. The power of light turned into an all-destroying shock wave, and launched an all-destroying blow towards Luo Li.

The light beam shot out straight, with countless powers rotating at extremely high speeds according to certain special rules. The terrifying destructive power within the light beam reached its peak in the shortest time. Wherever the destructive impact light beam passed, everything in the space, the air, existence, divine consciousness and laws of heaven, were all shattered!

Behind the light pillar, countless decomposed matter and energy formed a colorful and fantastic flame tail, following the light pillar and moving forward crazily.

Facing this light, this is the way of Brahma without calamity. There is no way to avoid it, you can only fight!

Luo Li looked into the void and suddenly said:

“Mountains, rivers, land, rivers and lakes!

Number one in the world, I think it’s the earth!

The earth is the carrier, the basis for the existence of life, and the foundation for the reproduction of all things!

The earth generates the universe, and the earth generates the sky!

Heaven and earth, heaven and earth, without earth there is no sky!

And the bones of the sinews and bones of the earth are the mountains!

Mountains support the sky, mountains block the sea, and mountains are the backbone of the earth! "

Following Luo Li's words, Sanskrit sounds sounded beside Luo Li!

"The waves roll over the Haimen Stone, and the clouds cross the Tianji Mountain."

"There should be a Chicheng Luanfeng passing by, and a long roar going into the Qingming."

"The heavens overlap, the weather is uneven, the caves are secluded, and the wind and smoke are swift and distant!"

Every time a Sanskrit sound sounded, a mountain appeared behind Luo Li!

It was Luo Li's best stunt back then. Three mountains, five mountains, ten directions and the sky, the fairy mountain outside the mountain and the sky outside the sky!

Ten directions of heaven appeared one after another, blocking the destruction of the holy light!

After the baptism of the battle with the ancestor Wusheng, and the enlightenment from all over the world, Luo Li once again realized the power of his own power! (To be continued)

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