Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,303 Hunyuan returns to the void and is destroyed!

"I am number one in the Zhongtian world!"

The voice of Brahma Wujie resounded throughout the world, as if the whole world was resonating, celebrating his words, cheering for him, and jumping for joy for him!

Luo Li looked at him, motionless, and said for a long time:

"Junior Brother Wujie, is there something wrong with your practice of One Yuan Dream? Can't you distinguish between reality and dreams? Are you hallucinating?"

"Guiyuan realm? What nonsense are you talking about?

The world of Zhongtian can only return to the void, not just the world of Zhongtian. According to my observation, the highest state of the one hundred and fifty-three big worlds in our sea of ​​stars is to return to the void, and not only that, other seas of stars, whether they are Junjili Star Sea, Yan Nalou Star Sea, Jinque Star Sea, Fire Demon Star Sea, the highest state is just returning to the void, so what's the point of returning to the original state!

Even in the lower realm of immortals, when they reach our star sea, they will only return to the void, and no one can be promoted to return to the original state!

Don't talk about being promoted to the Guiyuan realm, it is the Guiyuan realm. I don't know what the reason is and what the magical effect is. Wujie, you are crazy! "

Following Luo Li's words, Fan Wujie smiled, shook his head slightly, and said:

"Brother, you really don't understand!

Just because you don’t understand doesn’t mean others don’t understand!

This side of the world is not just Guiyuan. In this side of the world, Guiyuan, Hedao, Mahayana, Virtual Immortal, Flying Immortal, Earth Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, True Immortal, and Golden Immortal are all within reach!

It's just that the world has changed drastically and the path to immortality has been cut off. As a result, the level of cultivation that the entire world can achieve is constantly declining, and finally returning to the void is the highest level.

But now the world has changed and the vitality has improved. The world is recovering bit by bit, giving us the opportunity to break through the void and advance to the original state. "

Luo Li nodded and said: "This is the truth, but that's just the truth!"

Fan Wujie laughed and said: "In addition, there is luck!

This Nine Heavens Dimension Island was transformed by Kunlun Yuxu Peak back then, and later the master fought here. Buried into the void. Out of this world, on the edge of heaven and earth.

With the improvement of the vitality of heaven and earth, this nine-dimensional island reappeared by coincidence. Got by me.

Here. I take the body of the God of Light. I realized the way of the Taoist Lord, the devil of the devil, and found my own way through it. So I was promoted to the Guiyuan realm and became number one in the world! "

Luo Li looked at him and said, "What is Guiyuan?"

Luo Li really didn't know, so he asked!

Fan Wujie nodded and said: "Returning to the void is when a monk understands the laws of heaven and controls the power of heaven, so as to create the world and destroy it.

However, this so-called power and law of heaven are the eternal natural force of heaven and earth, which runs through ancient and modern times and spreads throughout the universe.

They will not make any changes with the comprehension and control of the returning monks, but those returning monks will be invaded and dissolved by them and become a part of those laws of heaven.

Therefore, if you don’t enter Guiyuan, you will be turned into dust by heaven!

Return to the realm of return! The so-called return to Yuan means returning to Yuan!

It’s the monk’s own way! "

Luo Li repeated softly: "My own way?"

Fan Wujie nodded, talked eloquently, and said:

"Yes, my own way!

No matter how many laws of heaven you understand, they will become more powerful!

That is also the law of heaven and earth, not yours, Luo Li!

When we cultivate immortality, we are cultivating truth and cultivating the Tao!

We must find our own way!

A unique way!

Therefore, the invasion of the laws of heaven is no longer assimilated by them.

My own way, my own life’s cultivation, my life’s pursuit, my life’s hard work, my own self, everything!

Integrate all of this into one, turn it into your own power of Tao, find your own origin, and return all things to one. This is the realm of returning to origin!

Returning to the original one, the self-generated inner world is different from the dimensional space of those magical treasures, but the true inner self space of oneself!

Senior Brother Luo Li, this Nine Heavens Dimension Island has been assimilated by me and belongs to my inner world!

Therefore, you are here, attacked by countless demonic tribulations. Those demonic tribulations are actually just transformed by my thoughts. This is the power of Guiyuan! "

Luo Li nodded and said:

“Understand the way of heaven, practice the laws, and master the power.

Then with the help of strength, find your own way, your unique way, and finally get rid of the way of heaven and the law!

At this point, I have found my own original path, understood everything about myself, and everything is unified. This is my return to my origin! "

Luo Li remained motionless for a long time, as if he was comprehending something. Then, he bowed to Fan Wujie and said:

"Thank you, junior brother, for giving me the method!"

Brahma accepts it calmly.

After Luo Li finished his salute, he looked at Fan Wujie and said:

"Okay, let's move on to the next item. Junior Brother Wujie, I don't know Qizhu Tiandu, how are my senior brothers doing?"

Fan Wujie smiled and said:

"Here, I understand the thoughts of the Taoist master, understand the demonic heart of the demon lord, advance to the realm of Guiyuan, and annex the Nine Heavens Dimensional Island!

They said I was rebellious and tried to stop me, but I blocked them all.

Since you want it, senior brother, then I’ll give it to you! "

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and eleven brilliance flew out from his hand. In each of the brilliance, there was one person who was in a comatose state.

Tiandu Qizhu was among them, appearing to be fighting hard from time to time.

Luo Li stretched out his hand to take it and said:

"What a one-dimensional dream, they are in the dream and don't know it!"

After saying that, Luo Li put away the eleven brilliance and put them into his Taichu Cave, then looked at Fan Wujie and said:

"You just mentioned the Demon Lord and the Taoist Lord. Why do I feel like there must be something wrong with them appearing here?"

Fan Wujie laughed and said: "I know, this is their old trick, to give me divine power and induce me to do things for them!

However, they underestimate me, Fanwujie!

No matter it's the ancient God of Light, or the so-called Taoist Lord, or the Demon Lord, they can't control my life!

I, Brahma Wujie, am the unique Brahma Wujie in the world. No one can control my life. I will only eat their bait and spit out their golden hooks! "

Luo Li looked at Fan Wujie, remained silent for a long time, and then said:

"Junior Brother Wujie, it seems you are leaving Hunyuan Sect too?"

Fan Wujie took a long breath and said: "I don't want to leave, my master is like a biological father to me!

However, even though I have refined the Nine Heavens Dimension Island, can the Hunyuan Sect still tolerate me?

I can only return to the light demon and be my supreme demon king! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "If it can be accommodated, there is nothing that cannot be tolerated!

As long as everyone doesn't know about the emergence of the Nine Heavens Dimension Island, that's fine! Qizhu, Senior Brother Tiandao, they listen to me, and for the rest, I can modify their memories! "

Fan Wujie looked at Luo Li in surprise and said, "You want me to leave?"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Although you are annoying, I don't want you to leave!

There are too many people leaving, and I don’t want to! "

Fan Wujie laughed and said, "You don't want to if you don't want to?

who do you think You Are?

I didn't want to leave at first, but after you said this, I decided to leave! "

Luo Li shook his head and said: "It's okay if I don't know, but I'm here, don't even think about leaving, just go back to Hunyuan Sect with me!

If you don't obey, I will beat you until you obey! "

Hearing this, Fan Wujie laughed loudly:

"Do you know why I didn't leave? I was just waiting for you to defeat you and bully you!

Luo Li, Luo Li, I have lost to you many times in my life, but this time I am different!

I have been promoted to the Guiyuan realm, and I also have a tenth-level magic weapon!

Why should I listen to you? I will defeat you, trample on you, insult you, make you cry loudly, and make you regret forever.

To avenge me for many years!

Happy grudge!

This is my life! "

After saying that, a light wheel appeared on him!

This light wheel is extremely huge, a full foot in size, and seems to be composed of countless tiny light wheels!

When Luo Li saw this treasure, he frowned and said:

"Three Lights of Hao Demon Purple Gold Wheel!"

Fan Wujie shook his head and said: "Thousand-light Divine Demon Heaven and Earth Wheel!

I used the body of the God of Light to separate the ninth-level magic weapon of the Light Demon Sect, the Purple Gold Wheel of Three Lights and Hao Demons, and cultivated it using secret methods. Everyone in the world thought that I mastered the method of refining the ninth-level magic weapon. In fact, the Purple Gold Wheel of Three Lights and Haomo that they obtained was, It’s not really the complete Purple Gold Wheel of Three Lights and Hao Demons, it’s just a part of it!

Senior Brother Luo Li, you have refined several tenth-level magic weapons and become popular all over the world. You can do it, why can't I?

One day, I suddenly felt, why split it up, why can’t it be combined?

So I, the Purple Gold Wheel of the Three Lights and the Great Demon, gathered together and combined the Thousand Wheels, and finally got this tenth-level magic weapon! "

Luo Li nodded and said: "Okay, but I think your heaven and earth wheel has an unstable core. Let me help you, break it for you, and ruin your dream!"

Fan Wujie laughed loudly and said: "Senior brother, you can really joke. I am Guiyuan, and you are just returning to the void. Who are you and my opponent?"

Luo Li shook his head and said: "Junior brother, you have forgotten our Hunyuan Sect's old tradition!

The golden elixir fights against the Yuanying, the Yuanying destroys the transformed god, and the transformed god fights against returning to the void!

Now let me tell you, in addition to these, there will be another one in the future, Return to the Void and Return to the Origin!

Come on, fight, let me beat you until you cry bitterly, wake up to your past mistakes, and return to the Hunyuan Sect with me! "

After saying that, Luo Li suddenly emitted thousands of auspicious lights and rushed towards Fan Wujie! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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