Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1302 I am number one in Zhongtian World!

Chapter 1,302

Luo Li frowned, looked at the three of them, and shouted:

"Three fellow Taoists, who are you?"

Kunlun Wuji shouted loudly:

"Kunlun Wuji, Hunyuan Luoli, hand over the Kunlun Mirror and I will spare your life!"

Luo Li frowned and said, "Kunlun Wuji? That Taiyi accomplice?"

While they were talking, Master Mingtian suddenly interrupted and said:

"Master Wuji, I have taken you to find him! Please abide by your agreement!"

Then he looked at Luo Li and said, "Well, Lord Huode, I'm just a guide. This matter has nothing to do with me, and I don't know anything about it. If you need to lead the way, just come to me, as long as the price It’s reasonable, I’m willing to help you…”

While he was talking, Wuji Zhenyi slapped him down, and with a crack, Master Mingtian was smashed into pieces by Wuji Zhenyi, turning into thousands of fragments and dissipating in all directions.

However, Luo Li knew that it was one of Master Mingtian's divine clones. Although it was shattered, the original body was only lowered by one level, and there was not much damage.

Moreover, this clone seems to have used some secret method. All the things he has experienced will not be known to the main body. The clone will be destroyed and the news will be dispersed.

Wuji Zhenyi smashed the guide, looked at Luo Li, and said: "Hand over the Kunlun Mirror and I will spare your life!"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "Why are you talking nonsense? You can see the truth in your hands!"

Wuji Zhenyi laughed and said: "You think that having a tenth-level magic weapon means you are invincible!

Let me tell you, you are not the only one who has the tenth level magic weapon! "

Then he looked at the female nun next to him. said:

"Little sister, take action!"

The female nun sighed and said, "Brother, here we come!"

Boom, the female cultivator disappeared, a ray of light fell in the sky, and a colorless hexagonal body appeared in front of Wuji Zhenyi.

A hexagonal body as big as a fist, with a perfect hexagonal structure, colorless and transparent. Observe carefully. You can see little bits of existence like stars in it.

Suddenly, Xiao Jin's voice sounded in Luo Li's ears:

"Be careful, sir, these are our kind!"

It turned out that the female cultivator was not human at all. But the magic spirit of the tenth level magic weapon!

Wuji Shinichi reached out and grabbed the hexagonal body. Scarlet blood actually flowed from his palm. Immediately absorbed by the hexagonal body, he said slowly:

"Six Spirit Divine Weapons, wish me to defeat the enemy. Endless killing of enemies, six changes, transform into my divine weapon, slaughter, kill, kill, destroy, destroy, destroy!"

Following his words, the hexagonal body began to change, and Luo Li could vaguely see that the hexagonal body was changing between sticks, swords, beads, knives and other forms.

A deep voice suddenly appeared in Luo Li's ear:

"Be careful, this is a six-kill demon soldier!

Back then, I once encountered it. It could change into six magic weapon forms according to its owner and enemies.

Slaughter the immortal, kill the demon, kill the emperor, destroy the saint, destroy the god, destroy the yuan, be careful, be careful, it is very powerful! "

This voice was extremely deep. It was the spirit of the magic weapon of the Hunyuan Golden Whip, the voice of the giant dragon. He spoke for the first time after being surrendered by Luo Li.

Luo Li smiled and said, "I want to blow it up, can you blow it up!"

Hunyuan Golden Whip thought about it and said: "It didn't work before, but now I can blow it up, no problem! However, my distance is limited, and I have to get close to the opponent within a hundred feet! So I have to lock him first, and then I give a fatal blow!"

At this moment, the hexagonal body completed its transformation and turned into a long knife!

As soon as the sword came out, for a moment, it seemed as if an infinite galaxy appeared between the heaven and the earth. This long sword seems to be composed of endless silver-white stars, it is ten thousand feet long, mighty and powerful,

The sword energy in it is majestic and exudes endless divine light.

The God-beating Golden Whip said: "Jueshen Sword, be careful!"

This is a sword blade refined from the core of 84,000 stars. The vast and infinite divine will of the galaxy is used as the sword's intention, and the infinite starlight stimulated by the endless stars is used as the blade. With one strike, the sword can kill gods and immortals! "

Wuji Shinichi summoned this sword, and immediately his body changed. His body became taller, burly and majestic. At some point, a mighty black heavy armor appeared all over his body. His steps were powerful and rigid, like a moving mountain. There is a calm and calm atmosphere.

He exudes power such as holiness, solemnity, magnificence, nobility, etc., and is brilliant and outstanding.

But Luo Li stood there quietly,

The inner breath was restrained, and not only did not a trace of light shine, but even the aura became deep and unpredictable. Watching him standing there, it was like falling into a dream, all the senses were blurred, and it was impossible to even confirm whether he really existed.

Two people facing each other!

Wuji shouted: "Die!"

In an instant, he cut it off with one knife!

With one strike, those thousands of galaxies seemed to fall out of thin air!

It is majestic and majestic, and the power in its hand is natural. It is just a simple sword, but it has the power to cut through the sky.

Billions of intertwined and oscillating sword energies merge and collide with each other, creating countless changes. One sword falls and cuts through everything!

Luo Li stretched out his hand at the same time, and the sea of ​​time suddenly appeared!

Ling Ding Yang, who understood the true meaning, suddenly appeared here, forming a ten thousand ocean.

The Milky Way versus the Sea of ​​Light!

Suddenly, all the scattered oceans in Luoli's world were split into pieces and dissipated one by one under the light of the sword.

But one lone ocean dissipated, and another lone ocean rose, one after another, endless.

Wuji Shinichi sneered. With his tenth-level blade, even if he tried to block this spell, he couldn't stop it at all!

Following the blow of the Absolute Divine Sword, Ling Dingyang was unfolded and broken down into the simplest vitality, floating away in all directions.

Kill, kill, kill, die!

But this Lingding Ocean continues to rise endlessly and is boundless. Your sharp edge can cut through all things. I turn into an endless sea of ​​abyss, using softness to overcome hardness.

Wuji Shinichi felt as if he was suspended in an endless deep sea. This sea of ​​light could not block his blade, but there was endless sea water with no end.

Wuji Zhenyi laughed, you underestimated my Jueshen Sword, let me explode!

Immediately, the divine sword emitted endless light, and the mighty sword light seemed to submerge the heaven and earth in it. The majestic sword intent penetrated the sky, overwhelming the wisdom of all living beings.

Wuji Zhenyi didn't notice that his Absolute Divine Sword was gradually no longer so invincible. It was completely entangled in Luo Li's sea of ​​light. It no longer flew like lightning. In the sea of ​​light, it began to Stiff.

Opportunity, this is an opportunity, an instant opportunity!

In an instant, Luo Li gave up on being alone in the world. He stretched out his hand and raised his divine whip. In an instant, he was a hundred feet away from Wuji Zhenyi, and then he raised his hand and struck out with the whip!

When the whip was struck, it made an endless sound. All Luo Li's energy and energy were concentrated on this whip. The whip once again showed its power!

That Wuji Zhen was delighted for a moment. The aura of the scattered oceans from all over the world dissipated and was chopped into pieces by his own sword. But at this moment, he saw the whip and hit him head on!

Countless years of training immediately made him realize the terrifying power of this whip. He screamed, and the Jueshen Sword automatically flew in front of him, facing the whip!

Whip it down!



It hit the divine sword right in the middle and hit it with a whip!

Suddenly the Sanskrit sound rang out from heaven to earth!

"One beats the gods, the other beats the immortals, the third beats the universe, the fourth beats the sky, beat! Beat! Beat!"

As this sound sounded, the heaven and earth suddenly stopped for an instant!

Then there was a click, and the Jueshen Sword, which was also a tenth-level magic weapon, let out a mournful cry, and countless cracks appeared on the blade!

With a click, this divine sword shattered!

At the same time, Wuji Zhenyi opened his mouth and spurted blood, cracks appeared in his whole body, he screamed, and immediately escaped through the air.

With a bang, he did not escape along the original path, but roared here and escaped without a trace.

The giant dragon with the divine whip said slowly:

"I see!

This Wuji Zhenyi is actually not a human being! "

Luo Li also saw it and said: "That female cultivator is not a magical weapon spirit at all, but a clone of Wuji. This Wuji is the real weapon spirit of the Six Killing Demon Soldiers!"

The giant dragon said: "Hahaha, don't call it the Six-Kill Demon Soldier, I have already shattered the Jueshen Sword, and there are only five demon soldiers left!

What a joy, I let go of the bad breath from back then!

Boy, it’s great to hang out with you, but I’m also hurt by it. I’m going to sleep too. Don’t call me for a year! "

After saying that, the Hunyuan Golden Whip automatically dissipated and returned to Luo Li's body. It shattered one-sixth of the tenth-level demon soldiers, killed a thousand enemies, and injured 800 self-inflicted wounds. It could not be used within a year.

Luo Li smiled, put away the Golden Whip of Hunyuan, then he looked at the world, and finally looked at the nine-day sun!

Luo Li said slowly: "When I got here, I encountered disaster every step of the way!

But that Wuji, there is no problem at this point!

This world is illusory and misty, except for this big sun, which emits endless brilliance, but this light is not hot!

Everything is so fake, so fake!

Brahma Wukong, is that you? Get out of here! "

The sound of rolling out echoed endlessly in this world!

"Ban Wujie, get out of here!"

"Ban Wujie, get out of here!"

"Ban Wujie, get out of here!"

After a long time, the sound disappeared, and a figure gradually appeared on the fiery red sun!

This man, high in the sky, high and above, he is none other than Fan Wujie!

He looked at Luo Li and laughed!

"Hahaha, Senior Brother Luo Li, it is indeed me!"

"I'm sorry, I made a joke with you, but I really can't hold it back, because I, Fan Wujie, am no longer the same as before!"

"I am the world's number one monk among hundreds of millions of monks in the world of Zhongtian Lord!"

"Because I have broken through the realm of returning to the virtual world and been promoted to return to the original state!"

"I am number one in Zhongtian World!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better novels and faster updates!

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