Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,297 I control my storm! (Double, please vote!)

Under the gentle stroke of the ferryman, the small boat flew up and flew towards the distance above the sea of ​​spiritual energy. .

This small boat looks light, but its speed is extremely fast, not much slower than Huixu Zhenyi's Flying Escape in the Sky.

Soon the Jade Tower and Golden Tower disappeared behind them, leaving only Luo Li's small boat flying above the air sea.

This sea of ​​spiritual energy is calm and waveless. It is a blue sea. It is better to say that it is a sea than an earth. There are endless spiritual mists generated by various spiritual energy in it.

The spiritual mist flew up, gathered into clouds, and formed a breeze, swaying in all directions.

Looking here, the world has another kind of scenery.

Luo Li sat cross-legged and looked into the distance. In fact, the ferryman's flying boat did not just move around at will, it also had its own rules.

Those rising auras are not motionless. They gather into mist and sweep into wind. They will also form various air currents and turn into various wind waves.

And this small boat relies on this air current to travel and move with the waves. It can fly and escape with this force, and it has been used to its limit.

Luo Li looked back and saw shadows in the distance, following the boat.

He didn't care. Eighty percent of the waterway was like this, so all ferrymen would fly on such an escape route.

Luo Li never thought that those were his pursuers.

He continued to look at the scenery between heaven and earth, feeling the ferryman's strength to fly away.

This kind of escape through force has reached the realm of Tao. You must know that those ferry people are virtual spirits in this world, in this world. No one understands and understands the existence of spiritual energy in this world better than them.

Luo Li felt the ferryman's flight, and vaguely, a feeling of enlightenment appeared, but he always felt that something was missing. After careful consideration, he still felt that the speed was not enough!

Luo Li suddenly said:

"Brother, can you increase your speed?"

The ferryman looked at Luo Li, then looked back, and suddenly smiled. Said: "Okay. But you need to add spiritual stones!"

Luo Li said: "How many more spiritual stones should I add?"

The ferryman said slowly: "I am Yulou Jinque, the number one ferryman, no one can surpass me!

So if I want to speed up, I must increase my spiritual stones. Please pay another 300 million spirit stones! "

He thought Luo Li was going to get rid of the pursuers behind him. So just speed up and escape.

But Luo Li didn't care at all about the pursuers behind him. He always thought that this was a public waterway and everyone had to fly on this waterway. So there is a before and a after!

Luo Li thought for a while and said, "Okay, three hundred million spirit stones!"

After saying that, he started to take out the spirit stones.

The spiritual stone mine that was transformed into the holy spiritual stone back then can be mined. A large piece of stone does not need to be cut, and it can be directly counted as hundreds of thousands of ordinary spiritual stones.

After the transaction was completed, the ferryman just smiled and said: "Okay, sir, make sure it's done, I'm going to start it!"

He made a strong move, and the ferry boat suddenly flew away like lightning and disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

The presence of Luo Li's pursuers behind him was startled. It seemed that this kid had discovered that he was chasing him. Chase him quickly and don't let him escape.

He immediately escaped from numerous pursuits and began to sail on the spiritual sea.

But Luo Li didn't know about their existence at all, and even if he knew, he didn't care.

The ferryman collected Luo Li's spirit stone and began to speed up desperately. The wind was gradually blowing on the boat, which had no wind and waves. Luo Li's long hair was fluttering in the wind. He felt the wind blowing from the opposite side and the ferryman. With the power of ferrying, he felt the pleasure of flying forward in the countless waves of spiritual energy.

Suddenly, the flying boat rushed to a peak, then slid down violently, and then entered a trough. Following the airflow in the trough, it soared high.

Sometimes, I even row backwards, and then with the help of pressure, I rush up in an instant!

Leverage your strength and go with the flow!

This can be said to have reached the extreme, reaching the level of Tao.

These ferrymen are originally the elves born in this world. There is no one who understands this world better than them and is good at taking advantage of the spiritual energy and waves.

Although they are not good at fighting, they have this heaven-defying ability and can float around in this spiritual sea where no one can fly.

This was a method of borrowing power that Luo Li had not thought of at all, the art of flying and escaping.

Not to mention Luo Li, no one in the entire world of cultivating immortals has this experience!

In addition to this method of borrowing power, Luo Li thought more about all the different places in the world!

This method was learned on a small island in the South China Sea. Relying on this method, he became popular all over the world. Later, he absorbed the endless sea of ​​​​light in the Holy Ruins. The state of transformation into gods is one of the three ** gates of Luo Li.

It's a pity that when you reach the realm of returning to the virtual world, this vast world needs further evolution for your own use.

There are countless similarities and differences between this endless spiritual sea and the Lingding Ocean.

Stones from other hills, can learn!

That’s why Luo Li struggled to understand!

This ferryman was ranked first among the ferrymen. As expected, he accelerated as fast as he could. No matter how many ferrymen behind him tried to catch up, they couldn't catch up. They could only look at Luo Li's shadow from a distance.

Continuing to fly away, Luo Li suddenly frowned and said:

"It's not enough, it's not enough, it's still a little bit behind!"

Luo Li has completely understood the ferryman's flying escape method, but at this moment he feels that there is still a little bit left!

So Luo Li meditated hard and came up with the answer immediately.

The ferryman's method of ferrying is to rely on force and move with the waves.

In the final analysis, it is better to rely on the power of heaven and earth, not your own strength.

Although this point is insignificant, for Luo Li, who pursues eternal power, anything less is a difference!

Since there is a gap, then make up for it. Isn’t it the same as controlling the world?

Luo Li took a long breath and moved slightly.

In an instant, the golden virtue that was born in the body shattered and turned into a strange light, which was injected into the sea. As this golden virtue was injected into the sea, the originally roaring waves gradually disappeared, and the huge waves continued to surge into the sea. gradually calmed down,

The world became stable. This was an invisible stability. The ferryman looked at the world in surprise, and then looked at Luo Li with incomparable admiration in his eyes.

In the silence, he actually knelt down on one knee silently towards Luo Li and handed over the authority of the ferry boat to Luo Li.

At this time, the boat Luo Li sat on gradually became calm, and seemed to be at rest on the sea.

Countless creatures chased Luo Li from behind. Immediately happy. The other party is slow!

They accelerated as fast as they could to catch up with Luo Li.

"Chase, chase, catch up with him!"

"This kid doesn't know why. It's so slow!"

"Catch him. Kill him. Lord Dragon God will reward you!"

"Catch him, Lord Brahma God, and you will be rewarded heavily!

time. Dozens of ferry boats rushed in front of Luo Li's ferry boat. They formed the shape of fan blades and surrounded him, trying to capture Luo Li alive.

The ferry boat was getting closer and closer. It was less than ten feet away from Luo Li. The eyes of those evil spirits were greedy and filled with endless murderous intent.

At this time Luo Li said softly: "Get up, get up, get up!"

Suddenly those evil spirits realized that the distance between them and Luo Li seemed to be gradually getting farther and farther. It was originally only ten feet, but it seemed to have become eleven or twelve feet. What was going on?

They looked down and were shocked.

At Luo Li's feet, a huge wave emerged out of thin air, rising into the sky like a mountain. Luo Li was on the peak of that mountain, and they were on the back of that mountain. The more they chased Luo Li, the more It is unattainable, the harder it is, the farther away it is!

Boom, the huge wave on the mountain peak reached its highest point, Luo Li shouted: "Move!"

No longer needing the ferryman to control the ferry boat, Luo Li used his true energy and began to control the ferry boat. Suddenly, the boat flew up, above the huge waves on the mountain peak, and rushed down into the sky.

As he charged, the huge waves on the mountain peak changed, like the sky tilting, like the tide of the sea, and blasted away into the distance with a bang.

The huge waves rolled, and the evil spirits chasing Luo Li suddenly screamed one by one. When they were hit by the huge waves, the ferry boat turned over, reversed, and flew in the big waves.

As the ferry boat turned over, everyone on the boat rolled into the spiritual sea.

No matter how powerful they are, some of them can't even scream and fall into the spiritual sea.

It is impossible to fly within the spiritual sea. Treasures below the ninth level will collapse if taken out. Even if they are strong, except for some who are very lucky and can be rescued, the rest will drown in the spiritual sea.

Although the ferry boat rolled over, it quickly returned to normal one by one. The so-called ferry people are actually the boat spirits, which are intact, but they will not go around rescuing people. The boat rental has been collected anyway!

At this time, Luo Li lifted the huge tidal wave and moved forward.

Luo Li asked: "It's strange, I seem to hear screams. We didn't affect others, right?"

The ferryman smiled and replied: "No, Lord Immortal!"

The title changed quietly!

Luo Li looked back and saw that all the ferry boats were there. Only the ferrymen were left on them. There were no guests in sight. It should be fine!

Forget it, forget about it and move on!

Target fish washing station!

Luo Li controls the tide of the sea, controls the endless waves, and rushes into the distance.

This golden virtue could change the Heavenly Tribulation Thunder, and here it could change the direction of the spiritual mist of the sea, very easily.

Huge waves are surging, and a small boat is moving forward crazily!

No need to take advantage of the situation anymore, my power, my sea, my thoughts, my heart, move with me!

That huge wave was Luo Li's ferry boat, carrying him straight into the distance, traveling unimpeded!

After a long time, the sea in the distance gradually changed. The sea was no longer blue, but turned into blood red, and in the distance, a huge stone continent appeared.


Entering the end of the month, entering double, please vote for me!

There is also an annual starting point selection. I don’t ask for a high ranking. At least I don’t fall too low. I can catch up with the book friends here. Everyone knows what my book is like. It’s not good. It’s almost 4 million words. I lost it a long time ago, everyone seems to have free tickets, please vote. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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