Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,296 The ferryman makes waves in the spiritual sea!

Ye Tingyuan continued: "Our sect has a secret passage to this place. We have been operating here for countless years and have our own spiritual stone refining workshop. Here we can absorb the spiritual energy here and refine the low-grade spiritual stones into high-grade ones. Spiritual stone!”

Luo Li immediately exclaimed: "Good guy, this is a huge profit!"

Ye Tingyuan shook his head and said: "With such a high profit, the Lingshi workshop here has to pay taxes to the Yusan people, and there is also a loss, and there is a share. You can either refine as much as you want! It is equivalent to a large-scale Lingshi mine!”

Luo Li nodded. He hadn't seen how prosperous Dian Cang had been over the years. It seemed like what he said was true!

If there is really a big profit, the Beichen Sect will not let go of those who come to visit!

Luo Li asked: "Who is that Yu Sanren here, so powerful?"

Ye Tingyuan smiled, pointed to the ground, and said, "This Yu Sanren is right under our feet!"

Ah, Luo Li immediately knew that the entire Jade Tower Golden Tower was actually a Yu Sanren!

At this time, the fish man came over with a smile, holding a big plate in his hand, and said: "You two, the best lotus fish meat is here!"

After saying that, he brought over a big plate.

Luo Li looked at it and shook his head immediately. The plate was a full foot in size. There were countless snow and ice on it, but there were only less than seven or eight pieces of real lotus fish meat. They were sliced ​​thinly and placed on the plate.

The fish fillets were exquisitely arranged, and it looked like they were still alive just now. After being cut, they exuded bursts of vitality.

Ye Tingyuan took a slice and couldn't help but sigh!


Luo Li also took a piece and ate it in his mouth.

The fish fillet melts in your mouth, just like a clear spring, melting into your mouth. There is an aroma between the mouth and tongue, which makes people feel extremely delicious.

The only shortcoming is that it has a fishy smell of flesh and blood, and the fatness of the fish, which somewhat ruins the delicious taste of the fish.

Luo Li nodded and said: "What a pity, it just smells of blood and is too fat and tender!"

Ye Tingyuan immediately frowned and said: "No, no, no, Luo Li, you are wrong, this is the real deliciousness of lotus fish meat!"

Hearing this, Luo Li was stunned, looked at Ye Tingyuan again, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Suddenly, he understood what Ye Tingyuan meant. This guy had been locked up here for too long. The only thing he could eat here was the lotus fish meat. The bloody smell and fat feeling that destroyed his taste made him feel this. It's food, feel the aroma between your mouth and tongue, and feel like you're alive after eating.

Maybe that's what made him so happy to see himself. This guy is so lonely here!

poor guy!

Luo Li smiled and nodded, agreeing with what the other party said.

Ye Tingyuan laughed and said: "Continue, continue, don't waste this delicious food!"

You two take one bite, and I take one bite, and eat up all the lotus fish meat.

Ye Tingyuan said with emotion: "It's so cool, it would be even better if I could drink a glass of fairy wine!

It would be more comfortable if I could have some fairy fruit and fairy meat! "

There he closed his eyes and began to fantasize.

Luo Li shook his head, reached out and took out a bottle of fairy wine that he had saved, and said:

"Here, I have it right here!"

Seeing the fairy wine, Ye Tingyuan shook his head and said, "You will know after you try it!"

Luo Li opened it and took a sip, and immediately spat it out. There was no taste of wine at all, it was completely mutated!

Ye Tingyuan said: "Except for ninth-level magic weapons and spiritual stones, everything else will be assimilated by the existence of the water elemental world in this world.

This fairy wine will immediately turn into swill as soon as you take it out! "

Luo Li nodded, looked at Ye Tingyuan, and said, "Brother, you are suffering too much. Please go back and rest for a while!"

Ye Tingyuan sighed and said: "There is no one in Diancang. If I am not here, the spiritual stone conversion workshop will be scrapped. No one else in Diancang can do it except me.

There is no other way. For the sake of my sect and my homeland, I can only hold on. "

There is a sense of reluctance and desolation in the words, but it is also a sense of responsibility and persistence!

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, I will definitely give you the fairy wine that you can drink here in the future!"

Ye Tingyuan said: "Thank you very much!

By the way, Fellow Daoist Luo Li, you have to be extremely careful when going to the fish washing platform. It is the most chaotic place. There are no laws and regulations. Unlike here, there are Yusan people guarding it, and no one dares to do so. Take action, otherwise the Jade Tower and Golden Tower will be driven away directly.


Ye Tingyuan began to talk about his understanding of the fish washing platform. Luo Li listened carefully and gained a detailed understanding of it.

After talking for a while, Ye Tingyuan looked at the time and said:

"Okay, it's almost time. The ferryman should appear soon. Let's go and get a good spot first!"

"Fellow Daoist Luo Li, although ferrymen can transport living beings from one area to another on this spiritual sea.

But the ferryman is only responsible for escorting. Sometimes, there are monsters invading this spiritual sea, and sometimes outside creatures will attack you secretly.

On the spiritual sea, although flying is completely impossible, they can control the spiritual sea boat controlled by the ferryman, connect to your spiritual sea boat, and come over to attack you! You have to be careful! "

Luo Li nodded, indicating that he understood.

The two left here, led by Ye Tingyuan, and went straight to the highest point of the Jade Tower Golden Tower, waiting at one of the external ladders.

They arrived very early and were the first wave of creatures to arrive. Behind them, more creatures arrived one after another.

After waiting for about half an hour, I saw black shadows falling down from the nine heavens.

The black shadow flew here quickly, and when it got close, it was immediately discovered that it was a strange ship like a flat boat flying on the spiritual sea.

The flying boat is half illusory, half illusory, and blurry. However, the center of the flying boat is only about three feet square, and is a piece of solid land, but only one person can stand there, either standing or sitting.

Soon a ship flew to Luo Li. Behind the ship, there was an incorporeal being, like a fisherman controlling a ship, controlling the airship here. He looked at Luo Li and said through a cold voice:

"Sir, where are you going?"

Luo Li said: "Fish washing table!"

"Okay, one billion spiritual stones!"

With the previous example, Luo Li knew that he really wanted one billion low-grade spiritual stones, only for quantity, not quality.

In fact, Hunyuan Sect's favorite waste mine fake stone also meets this requirement.

Luo Li immediately tilted towards the flying boat. Some of the large spirit stone ores found in the spirit stone veins, one ore can hold hundreds of thousands of low-grade spirit stones. And there is no need to cut or polish, which is much more convenient.

Strangely enough, no matter how many spiritual stones were poured into the boat, there was no change.

With a rumble, the billions of spirit stones were tilted, and the ferryman said: "Okay, sir, please get on the boat!"

Luo Li boarded the solid place, and the boat disappeared instantly. Luo Li and Ye Tingyuan waved goodbye!

After Luo Li left, the second person who boarded the boat carefully compared the direction in which Luo Li disappeared.

He said softly: "It seems that this guy is the enemy that Master Ghost Saint has offered a reward for. He is so prosperous and prosperous that I actually met him!"

Among the spiritual stones he paid, he pointed in the direction where Luo Li disappeared and sneered:

"Chase him!"

The third, the fourth, the fifth...

Some of the people who got on the boat were from the ghost tribe, some from the dragon tribe, and some from the flame tribe, but they had one purpose, to chase Luo Li! r1152

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