Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,298 Be patient when you first come to your place! (Double, please vote!)

The fish washing platform was right in front of him. Luo Li couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. The huge waves immediately dissipated and everything returned to calm. He returned the control of the ferry boat to the ferryman.

The ferryman showed great respect to Luo Li and said:

"Lord Immortal, this fish washing platform is not used for the Jade Tower and Golden Tower. In the past, there was a god here who killed the supreme divine fish in the water elemental world and built a platform here to wash the fish.

As he washed the fish, the bloody aura and unwillingness of the fish remained in the spiritual water world, transforming into countless strange spirits and demons to attack all living beings.

This place is a place of chaos, sir, please be careful! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "I understand!"

The ferryman continues the ferry, and he will ferry the boat to the shore and then leave.

But this time in the blood-red sea, he was particularly cautious.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise thousands of feet away, and a huge whale jumped out of the sea of ​​blood!

The whale was a hundred feet in size, and it had four pairs of flying wings on its body. It flapped up and down, and then with a roar, it fell into the water, causing huge waves.

Luo Li looked at the giant whale and couldn't help but said:

"What a big whale, with a lot of meat! Will it be as delicious as the lotus fish meat?"

The ferryman shook his head and said: "This fish meat contains the resentment of the divine fish. It is best not to taste it easily, otherwise you will be affected by the resentment and lose yourself."

"That lotus fish meat is only available to us at Yulou Jinque, as well as the spirit turtle meat from Diao'ao Island, the bitter melon forest fairy winter melon, and the spirit fairy grass from Taisui Mountain. These are the only four kinds of living beings in the spiritual water world that can be eaten. Delicious and harmless!”

The ferryman continued the ferry. After walking another hundred miles, a battlefield suddenly appeared in front of them.

I saw a group of golden strange fish-men, riding the waves, and a group of black fish-men on the other side, fighting crazily.

The waves they controlled were golden on one side and black on the other. The gold and black collided, forming waves that blocked the road ahead. Make it impossible to pass.

See them fighting. The ferryman frowned and turned around to bypass this place.

At this time, it was still a hundred miles away from the fish washing platform. Luo Li shook his head. said:

"No need. Just stop here!"

The ferryman was stunned and said, "But it's still so far from here..."

Luo Li laughed. Said: "Is it going to be a ferry trip soon, or use the strength to escape?".

After saying that, he stood up, took a gentle step, and stepped into the sea of ​​blood.

When I stepped in, I stepped directly into the water, and the water reached my knees.

Luo Li's other foot also stepped into the water, reaching his knees.

It looks like walking, but in fact it is flying in the air, which is impossible above the spiritual sea.

But just now, Luo Li realized the power of the ferryman and released his golden virtue to control the spiritual sea.

Gradually, he mastered the method of flying in this spiritual sea.

As the saying goes, one Dharma can be understood and all Dharmas can be understood!

This impossible thing gradually became possible in Luo Li's hands!

He continued to step forward. For the first few steps, his legs were still inserted into the water, directly to his knees.

But as he walked, he gradually entered the water more and more shallowly, and soon reached his ankles!

Continuing forward, after taking a few steps, the water reached the soles of his feet!

The ferryman looked at Luo Li, opened his mouth and couldn't close it for a long time, and then said softly:

"Immortal Lord, Immortal Lord, it is indeed the Immortal Lord. The spiritual water world can be saved! The spiritual water world can be saved!"

Luo Li walked on the sea, moving forward far away, passing the two groups of fighting fishmen.

When the fishmen saw Luo Li walking by, they were all shocked.

Luo Li was definitely not a creature from the spiritual sea world, and entering and traveling across the sea was hard for them to believe.

All the fishmen stopped fighting and looked at Luo Li. Some fishmen clenched their knives and forks and looked hostile to Luo Li!

But Luo Li didn't care. He started to speed up. He took one step and immediately rose into the sky. Another step, soaring into the clouds and mist, a hundred feet at a time.

"God man!"

"This is a man of God!"

"Flying in the sky, the Immortal Lord!"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

The fishmen were all dumbfounded by this flight. None of the thousands of fishmen dared to block Luo Li. They obediently made way for Luo Li to stride forward and pass through the battlefield.

In the blink of an eye, Luo Li passed the battlefield and headed straight for the fish washing platform. The fishmen were still watching stupidly from behind.

When Luo Li disappeared, they looked at each other, shouted, picked up their knives and forks, and continued fighting.

Luo Li walked forward slowly, and the fish washing platform in the distance was in his eyes.

This fish washing platform is said to be a stone platform, but it is better to say it is a continent.

The entire fish washing platform is circular and is hundreds of miles away. Looking at it, it looks like a snow-white round stone.

However, I don’t know why, but for a full three miles close to the seaside, there are snow-white stones, and beyond this distance, there is a forest area with countless green grass and trees.

There is no living thing on this snow-white stone.

Luo Li frowned, always having a strange feeling, as if the white spot was not naturally formed, but was caused by man.

Just as he was thinking, a snow-white tentacle suddenly stretched out from the sea, soared into the sky, and grabbed Luo Li.

At this time, Luo Li was in the air for a hundred feet, and the tentacles arrived in an instant, as if Luo Li was caught in the sea.

Luo Li snorted coldly, and a golden light rose from his body, the Hunyuan Golden Lantern!

Immediately, thousands of defenses were formed in this world, and the tentacles were immediately blocked, but the tentacles were still unwilling and began to slap.

This power was super powerful, far beyond the power of Return to the Void True One. One blow caused the golden light to tremble, but the golden light still protected Luo Li.

Luo Li snorted coldly: "What the hell!"

With a flash of sword light, the tenth-level divine sword slashed, and all of a sudden the tentacle was chopped off by Luo Li.

The chopped off tentacles actually scattered in the air, turning into nothingness and dissipating in all directions.

Suddenly there was a scream from the sea, and a huge octopus rose from the sea.

The octopus, which was a hundred feet in size, looked at Luo Li intently. With hatred in its eyes, it roared:

"If you dare to cut off my tentacles, if you don't want to live anymore, just die!"

In an instant, hundreds or thousands of tentacles erupted on his body, thrusting towards Luo Li.

In an instant, the endless dense tentacles came over fiercely.

Luo Li snorted coldly and chopped. cut. cut!

The Hunyuan Golden Sword flashed, and Sanskrit sounds sounded in the sky:

"Hunyuan hides the universe, and the divine edge cuts through the calamity cloud!"

The sharp edge of Hunyuan Golden Sword truly explodes. The power of the tenth level divine sword. Real display. Nothing is indestructible, nothing is invincible.

Those tentacles are under this golden sword. Cut them all off one by one!

After these tentacles were cut off, they immediately disappeared in the void.

In the blink of an eye, all the thousands of tentacles were cut off by Luo Li. The octopus roared loudly. Looking over, there were tears in its eyes and he shouted:

"Human, just wait, I will make you pay the price!"

It slowly disappeared and sank into the water.

Luo Li snorted, overestimating his own abilities and looking for death.

However, this octopus is actually very powerful. If it hadn't been for meeting Luo Li, the others would have died by now!

Because Luo Li can fly in the air above the spiritual sea, has the Hunyuan Golden Lamp, which can defend against all attacks, and has the Hunyuan Golden Sword, which can cut through all defenses. Otherwise, the ordinary Return to the Void True One would have a ninth-level magic weapon. Here If you encounter this octopus, you will inevitably die.

Luo Li continued to move forward. With one chop of the octopus, there was no obstacle in front of him. He soon came to the fish washing platform. He moved slightly and stood firmly on the platform.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Luo Li smiled. He could fly in the air, so there would be no need for a ferryman when he went back. He could just fly back by himself. Now he would have at least one billion spiritual stones left.

Looking in all directions, the fish washing platform near the sea below is made of white stones, with no grass clippings at all.

Touching the ground lightly, Luo Li suddenly realized why the fish washing platform three miles away from the sea was so white. It was that octopus!

The octopus's tentacles can stretch out for three miles. It should always be fine, surrounding the fish washing platform, stretching out its long tentacles to catch objects on the fish washing platform.

So he took away all the trees and turf on the ground on Xiyutai Island, exposing the snow-white rocks.

Luo Li couldn't help but said: "What a good guy, so domineering!"

Arriving at the island, Luo Li opened his mouth and began to cast spells and call! Using his mind, he shouted loudly at the sky:

"One breath generates all kinds of magic, Hunyuan destroys the universe!"

Everyone around Luo Li couldn't hear this roar at all. The sound was so loud that the elephant was invisible!

It is the power of the seventh sense of the Hunyuan Sect. Except for the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect, no monks from other sects can hear it.

After shouting out, Luo Li calculated silently. After about forty-seven breaths, he shouted again:

"One breath generates all kinds of magic, Hunyuan destroys the universe!"

Then recalculate, this time after seventy-nine breaths, shout again!

It is also said that the interval between shouts is not just a random shout. The Hunyuan Sect has a special calculation formula for the time. It calculates the interval between shouts based on the local time, weather conditions, and wind strength.

In order to prevent anyone from pretending to be a disciple of the Hunyuan Sect, the sect specially devised various methods. This is what this disciple calls out wherever he goes.

If Qizhu Tiandu and the others were here, they would all answer the call!

But Luo Li waited for a long time, but there was no response. There was deathly silence on the island.

Luo Li frowned, shook his body, and his forest clone suddenly appeared. Luo Li pointed and said:


Immediately, the clones went out frantically to look for the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect on the island.

However, one by one, the clones returned, and the island was completely silent, without any living beings.

Luo Li frowned, and instantly used the Great Divine Mind Technique to penetrate the air and cross the boundary, and began to search.

But I was still disappointed. The island was extremely quiet and there was no one at all. Qizhu, Tiandu and Fanwujie could not be found.

How is this going? Luo Li couldn't stop scratching his head!

After thinking about it, if you can't find it yourself, just ask others. If the octopus can talk about it, he should know it!

He rose up in the air and headed straight for the sea. His great spiritual power penetrated the air and crossed the boundary, penetrating into the sea water. Soon Luo Li found the octopus.

The huge octopus seemed to be resting in the depths of the sea. Countless tentacles were cut off. It seemed to be in pain. It was stained with tears and rolling from time to time!

Luo Li smiled, released his true energy, and pressed down crazily towards the place where the octopus was.

Then he took out the Hunyuan Golden Whip and pointed it at the sea, boom!

With one blow, the sea water splashed out, and the octopus on the bottom of the sea screamed and was brought to the surface by the sea water.

Luo Li locked on it from a distance, and a powerful spiritual force came to him. If he moved, he would die with just one whip!

The octopus immediately became obedient and did not dare to move on the sea surface. The remaining tentacles covered their heads and were extremely obedient!

Luo Li flew over, looked at it, and said slowly:

"I'm new to your place, please be patient!"

"Um, fellow Taoist, let me ask you something. Where have all the living people on this island gone?" (To be continued...)

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