Walk alone

Volume 3, Chapter 1,290 The Three Pure Ones Kunlun Mirror!

Endless sword light, in an instant, five colors of light appeared between heaven and earth!

Red, yellow, green, white, black!

The red fire bursts, the yellow earth is calm, the green wood is agile, the white gold is sharp, the black water is deep, the five colors of strange light complement each other, and the five elements unite to form the Great Five Elements Divine Sword of Fortune.

East Kunlun's supreme swordsmanship appears, the Great Five Elements Divine Sword!

The five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other, and are enough to evolve all changes in the world.

As soon as the sword came out, the five-color sword light transformed into a five-color sword light hundreds of feet long during the change of the five elements in the blink of an eye, slashing towards Luo Li in the void!

The Great Five Elements Sword Light looks domineering, but in fact the changes are extremely clever. Like five petals in full bloom, it explodes with power that destroys everything.

Luo Li took a long breath, and a golden light suddenly appeared on Luo Li's body!

Golden Dawn of Eternal Pagoda!

This golden light rose, extremely bright, turning into layers of golden light, facing the opponent's Great Five Elements Divine Sword of Creation.

The Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi, which was originally just for defense, turned into a golden light and thousands of golden swords and golden thorns in Luo Li's hands!

This divine power also evolves and becomes stronger! Switch from defense to offense!

This Great Five Elements Divine Sword of Creation is the limit of the five elements of heaven and earth, with endless changes. The most powerful thing is the evolution of heaven and earth. Once this sword comes out, no matter what spell you practice, as long as you absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, as long as it is related to the five elements, under this sword, it will be immediately disturbed, all dissipated, and unable to be used!

However, Luo Li's Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi relies on the vitality of the Five Dharma Holy Land and has nothing to do with the outside world. So far, the Great Five Elements Divine Sword has no effect.

And Luo Li's Eternal Pagoda Jin Chenxi operates with the magic power of gold, the purest power of gold!

He is using his essence to break through the miscellaneous. Break the whole situation with one!

In an instant, the two of them fought, like two lightning bolts, in the void. They suddenly advanced from left to right, fighting endlessly. The many monks on the earth could not even tell where their true bodies were.

The fight between the two seems simple, but it contains all kinds of subtle changes.

This is their understanding of the Five Elements of Heaven and their insights from years of practice!

"Boom..." The golden light and the five elements of light continued to shine and explode between the heaven and the earth. Countless qi machines burst out and entangled between the heaven and the earth, and huge power exploded. Stirring the nine clouds under the void, forming a huge whirlpool.

Gradually, Xianli Zhenyi began to change his color. For some reason, he felt that he could not suppress Luo Li's Jin Chenxi, and he no longer had the original harmonious feeling!

He snorted coldly and suddenly changed into a sword!

As soon as the sword light moved, the five elements were reversed instantly!

Going with it is good fortune, going against it is extinction!

This is the Great Invisible Extermination Divine Sword!

Suddenly the sword light changed immediately. The light of birth and extinction reduced the golden light of Luo Li’s golden morning sun layer by layer!

The sharp sword whistle of the Great Five Elements Divine Sword pierced the air, resounding throughout the world!

That endless golden light. It was broken by the five-color sword rainbow of the Great Five Elements Extermination Sword. "Buzz buzz..."

Jin Chenxi was broken, but Luo Li just smiled. He stretched out his hand and the remaining golden light gathered on his right hand. In an instant, it turned into the light of a divine sword!

Then Luo Li said softly: "My sword is sharp, my sword is supreme, my sword is indestructible, my sword cuts through thorns and thorns. My sword is proud of the world, my sword cuts through everything!"

Luo Li used the Divine Power of God. Give birth to the Excalibur!

Then it's a slash!

With one strike of the sword, a golden light fell instantly. Under this golden light, the five elements of light suddenly extinguished for a moment, and then there was another golden light, and another golden light...

Luo Li sent out seventeen golden lights in succession. Seventeen rays of golden light came in a series, one on top of the other, the second, the third, the fourth...the golden rays fell densely, never giving the opponent any chance to breathe.

The power in the golden light is also getting higher and higher. Under such a powerful and wonderful divine sword, the Great Five Elements Exterminating Divine Sword dissipated and was cut through by Luo Li!

Xianliong's expression immediately changed, and he shouted fiercely:

"Look at my Kunlun secret method, one breath can transform the three pure beings!

Please bring me Taiqing Dharmakaya! Immortal Emperor Armor! "

In an instant, a shadow appeared in the void, which looked exactly like Xianli. The figure fell down, and when he stretched out his hand, it seemed like a strange armor appeared, protecting him!

As soon as the armor came out, Luo Li's golden light hit the armor, "Boom, boom, boom..."

Endless explosions sounded, but the armor was unbroken and unscathed!

On that earth, Xin Chenzi couldn't help but said: "No! One Qi turns three pure things!

This is how the Three Immortals of Kunlun became famous. It was through this that they achieved great fame! "

Kong Chenzi couldn't help but ask: "Is this method so powerful?"

Xin Chenzi said: "Yes, it's quite scary. The Five Elements Sword Technique restricts the energy of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth. The Immortal Emperor Armor defends against all attacks. There is also a Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder, which is the most terrifying!

As soon as this thunder comes out, a total of 129,600 immortal thunders will spread all over the world. Under this thunder light, even if you return to the void, your wings will be broken!

This is the most powerful place among the Kunlun Three Immortals! "

At this moment, Xianliong shouted again:

"Look at my Kunlun secret method, one breath can transform the three pure beings!

Please pray for the Dharmakaya! Nine Heavens Immortal Thunder! "

Immediately, another phantom appeared, and it looked exactly like Xianli. The figure fell down, stretched out his hand, and boom!

In the void, thousands of golden divine thunders suddenly roared and exploded, blasting towards Luo Li!

The shape of that terrifying golden divine thunder was almost indistinguishable. But the infinite majesty and thunder power contained in the golden divine thunder is impossible to avoid!

Amidst the continuous thunder, the golden divine thunder blasted towards Luo Li with the power to destroy the world.

The golden thunder light was as terrifying as a dragon or a snake, and Luo Li's endless golden light suddenly dissipated here.

Luo Li abandoned all distracting thoughts, his mind was calm, he understood everything, his heart was like an iceberg, calm and deep, facing the golden light, Luo Li's feet began to move.

God's escape!

The lightning was like an avalanche in the Tianshan Mountains or like a raging sea tide, but Luo Li could easily avoid it the moment it reached him.

Like divine help!

Luo Li was floating in the void like lightning, relaxed and at ease!

After a long time, thousands of lightnings passed. Watching Luo Li, unscathed, avoiding the bombardment of endless thunder and lightning!

The immortal ion in the void suddenly turned pale. He said:

"How is it possible, how is it possible to hide away?"

Taiqing Dharma Body on the side said: "I can't control it anymore. Come up with a trick! Use the Kunlun Mirror!"

Shangqing Dharmakaya said: "This, this, can it be done? This Kunlun Mirror cannot be seen in our hands!"

I'm afraid if I use it, the news will be leaked! "

Taiqing Dharmakaya said: "I can't control it anymore! Either he dies or we die. Kill him and let the sword god know how powerful our three brothers are!"

Expose it. Expose it. With the Kunlun Mirror in hand, what else do we have to fear! "

Xianli said: "Well, in that case, this is the only way!"

After speaking, he stretched out his hand, and a mirror appeared in his hand. The mirror was simple in shape. Although it was only three inches in size, it had a majesty that could overwhelm heaven and earth.

As soon as the mirror came out, there was a fairy cry. In an instant, the bodies of the three people opposite were radiating with precious light, and even the supreme ceiling loomed faintly, falling from the sky. There is a faint scent of fairy fragrance that refreshes the heart and lungs. All over heaven and earth.

Xianliong took the mirror and sprayed blood on the mirror with the two incarnations. Then he took a look at Luo Li and shouted:

"Looking at life and death, the Kunlun Mirror shows my divine power."

Astonishingly, this is the supreme treasure of Kunlun Mountain, the Kunlun Mirror!

As soon as the mirror came out, the light inside suddenly flashed. When the light shined on Luo Li, Luo Li felt his whole body stagnate. For a moment, it seemed as if he was broken into billions of parts by this light. This light makes people feel extremely relaxed and calm, as if they have gained true freedom, and it is like their final destination.

Billions of copies of Luo Li were gradually assimilated by the pure light. All the self, my soul, all the memories and emotions dissipated in the pure light and turned into ashes!

Not good, Luo Li knew immediately, it was dangerous!

He roared fiercely, and thousands of Luo Li took action at the same time. A golden light rose and a divine whip appeared!

Whip it down!

This whip was struck without any noise or brilliance. It was extremely simple and simple, and it hit the mirror light that shone on me all at once!

Only a click was heard!

The mirror light stagnated for a moment, and then began to shatter!

This shattering light reached Xianlion's hands, and Xianlion immediately shouted:

"It's impossible, it doesn't make sense!"

His eyes bulged, and he heard words of silence ringing in his ears!

"One beats the gods, the other beats the immortals, the third beats the universe, the fourth beats the sky, beat! Beat! Beat!"

With a bang, everything in Xianlion's body immediately exploded and turned into thousands of fragments, flying everywhere!

At the same time, the two incarnations exploded themselves, turning into thousands of flesh and blood, flying everywhere!

But before these fragments could fly even one foot, they automatically disappeared into nothingness, as if they had never appeared in this world!

If you whip this whip, the path to immortality will be cut off, the gods will be destroyed, and you will die!

In an instant, Luo Li's feeling of transforming into thousands and about to die disappeared, and he returned to normal.

In the void, only the bronze mirror is left. If it loses its owner, it will run away.

Luo Li immediately grabbed it and held the world in his palm!

But to Luo Li's surprise, the bronze mirror broke through the palm and continued to fly away.

Luo Li yelled: "Suppress!"

In an instant, Hunyuan Jindou appeared, and the golden light locked, suppressing the bronze mirror, but the bronze mirror was about to break through the golden light and escape.

The Hunyuan Golden Lantern appears, the light flashes, the Hunyuan Golden Sword appears, and the sword light shines across the sky!

But still hold on!

At the critical moment, there was a loud roar from the Hunyuan Golden Whip, and a giant dragon appeared. With a twist, it suppressed the Kunlun Mirror.

This giant dragon is the treasure spirit of the Hunyuan Golden Whip. It has never appeared, and it just appeared today.

Four tenth-level magic weapons suppressed the mirror. Luo Li stretched out his hand and put the mirror into the Taichu Cave. He couldn't help but gasp for air!

Just now, I almost died. What kind of magic weapon is this? It seems to be far higher than the tenth level!

At this moment, someone below screamed.

Looking at the three immortals of Kunlun and the other two old men who did not take action, their bodies dispersed with the wind and turned into endless nothingness, death!

Suddenly, Luo Li knew that turning three pure things into one thing with one breath was completely bullshit and a fake trick.

No wonder that Xianlion was betting back and forth with himself before the battle. He just wanted to create an illusion, challenge him to a one-on-one fight, and then use the so-called one energy to transform the three pure beings.

In fact, they were transformed by the other two people, Xian Caizi and Xian Chaozi. Three of them returned to the void and one of them was beaten. It was extremely shameless! (To be continued)

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