Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,291 Xiyutai Jade Tower and Golden Tower!

Luo Li fell down and looked over, seeing the three immortals of Kunlun disappearing.

Everyone gathered around the place where the Kunlun Three Immortals disappeared, silently. Everyone could see what the Kunlun Three Immortals were up to.

After a long time, Xin Chenzi said: "It turns out that there are three immortals like this. Three immortals fight one. How can they transform the three pure beings in one breath and seek fame and reputation? Damn!"

Kanjing Zhenyi frowned and said, "It's hard to handle now. The three immortals of Kunlun died in your Beichen Sect. I don't know what to say when I go back!"

Xin Chenzi said loudly: "Everyone has seen it. They made a life-and-death promise, but then their skills were inferior to others and they were killed by fellow Taoist Luo Li. Don't blame others!"

"If Kunlun doesn't agree, then let Kunlun do it. I, the Beichen Sect, will wait here. If you have anything, just come to me, the Beichen Sect!"

Xin Chenzi took up this responsibility resolutely.

Qin Wanru stood up slowly, as if thinking about something, and then said, "I'm leaving too!"

Then she looked at Luo Li and said, "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, you are really powerful. He vented his anger for the Sword God and killed the three immortals of Kunlun in one fell swoop.

After I go back, I will definitely promote it to you. These Kunlun Three Immortals rely on their old age to sell themselves, but they don’t actually have any real knowledge. However, they are the subordinates of Kunlun Taiyi. The Kunlun Taiyi has been suppressed by the Sword God and the Queen Mother of the West for so many years.

The Queen Mother of the West was seriously injured in the last Peach Club, and the Sword God has been traveling around the world recently, so Kunlun Taiyi may have a chance to rise.

Fellow Taoist Luo Li, after I go back, I will give you countless good words and let you enjoy endless wind and rain from now on! "

This guy's last words were simply announcing that he was going to stir up trouble and cause endless trouble for Luo Li.

But Luo Li didn't care at all. The soldiers came to cover up the water and earth. What's so scary!

Qin Wanru was not surprised at all when she saw Luo Li. She thought about it and then said, "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, that bronze mirror just now seems to be a supreme treasure, right? Why does it feel like it's a Kunlun mirror to me?"

As soon as he said this, everyone present felt weak and their eyes lit up!

Kunlun Mirror, the eleventh level magic weapon, the foundation of Kunlun Mountain, the supreme treasure!

Luo Li laughed and said, "What Kunlun Mirror? That's nonsense!"

Qin Wanru smiled and said, "Really? I misjudged it. Well, I'll just say a few words. The fewer people who know, the better!"

After saying this, she disappeared in an instant, just escaped, but Luo Li had no chance to make a move!

When Luo Li heard what she said, he was furious. This Qin Wanru was the one who found fault with her when he saw her, causing countless disputes, and he was almost killed by Lingmiao Valley.

At that time, she was pretending to be Qingcheng Zhenjun, and she didn't know what she wanted to do here. Fortunately, she completely ignored her and was not fooled.

During the last battle in Kunlun, I came to help, but when I saw that the situation was not good, I was the first to turn around and run away.

This time he is stirring up trouble again, leaking the news about the Kunlun Mirror to frame himself, how irritating it is!

As soon as he thought this, Luo Li had a strange feeling, as if he could harm the disappeared Qin Wanru.

Luo Li just snorted coldly, just hit her, how could it hurt her, how could it hurt her!

Following Luo Li's thought, he felt something move in his heart, and then in his tinnitus, he seemed to hear Qin Wanru's scream in the distance.

Luo Li frowned and looked around. No one heard the scream, as if he heard it.

Tang Zongzhen, who had been silent all this time, stood up, looked at Luo Li as if he were looking at some supreme treasure, and then said: "This matter is not a small matter, I will resign and report it to the superior, and let other people in charge make the decision! Farewell "

After saying that, he just flashed and disappeared without a trace.

With the disappearance of Tang Zong Zhenyi,

At this time, seeing everyone leaving, Kan Jing Zhenyi and Demon Killer Zhenyi also said goodbye. In the blink of an eye, all the nine returning to the void who had arrived here left.

Xin Chenzi looked at Luo Li and said, "Thank you, fellow Taoist Luo Li, for your help!

However, they all think that the Kunlun Mirror is in your hands, and fellow Taoist Luo Li is afraid that this will happen too much. "

Luo Li laughed and said: "The Kunlun Mirror is the eleventh-level treasure of Kunlun and a magic weapon of the Sect. How can it be carried by the three Kunlun immortals?

Besides, that is the eleventh level treasure, Kunlun Luck, how could I possibly regain it? Nonsense! "

Xin Chenzi nodded and said, "That's true!"

Xin Chenzi thought for a while and said, "By the way, fellow Taoist Luo Li, are you okay with your visit to our Beichen Sect?

When I saw you, I just thought about asking you to come over for help and forgot to ask if you were okay? "

Luo Li smiled and said: "I really have something to do, come here for help!

The thing is like this, I have a senior brother, Qizhu, who is wandering around here. I don’t know what he is trapped in. He uses magic symbols to ask for help.

I received a request for help from the Flying Talisman and came to rescue me. However, where my senior brother disappeared, I only saw a stone staircase, but it was a dangerous place. I could not enter. The stone staircase disappeared but never appeared again! "

Hearing what Luo Li said, Xin Chenzi asked, "Did he disappear more than a month ago?"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Yes!"

Xin Chenzi said: "Alas, your senior brother is in trouble!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "Why?"

Xin Chenzi said: "That stone staircase there is a passage to the outside world!

That outer domain passage leads to the unknown void world. It turns out that it has always existed there, and only the transformed gods can pass through.

That place is not in line with my Beichen Sect practice, so we didn’t care and left it there. Whoever wants to go to that outer realm can go there by himself.

A few months ago, the passage suddenly became unstable and chaotic. Especially a month ago, the demon from the outer realm suddenly appeared in the passage.

He actually sneaked into my world of God through that passage with the intention of destroying my world.

We, the Beichen Sect, received the warning and immediately took action to kill all the demons from the outside world.

Among them was an Outland Demon God, who was very powerful. In the end, we, the Beichen Sect, had no choice but to activate the Mountain-Suppressing Talisman Array, destroy the world with one talisman, and kill the Outland God and Demon.

But once this talisman was removed, the passage completely collapsed, and all the monks who had used this passage to escape were trapped in the outer realm. "

Luo Li calculated carefully that when the demon from the outside world appeared, it was when Fan Wujie sent out the flying talisman. Maybe it was Fan Wujie and the others who led them to the Zhongtian Lord World, but Luo Li would not say that.

What should we do? The passage to the outside world is so useless?

Is there any news about the loss of Senior Brother Qizhu and the others so far?

At this moment, Kongchenzi was overjoyed and said:

"Come out, the Patriarch is out! The talisman is ready!"

In the midst of his cheers, the five great voids appeared here.

One of them is wearing a plain white Taoist robe and a white sun and moon Taoist crown. His face is pale and blue, with only one pair of eyes exposed. He wears white Mang Luzu shoes, has black hair and a black beard, and is lined with white. The robes and white Taoist crown make his hair and beard black and shiny, and he has an immortal air and Taoist bones, which makes him feel a little bit ethereal.

This person is Beichenzi, the Supreme Patriarch of Beichen Sect, the true controller of Beichen Sect!

He said: "Okay, I have finally mastered it. My Beichen Sect Talisman Formation will be restored soon!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand, and a piece of yellow talisman flew into the sky, and suddenly turned into a yellow cloud the size of a thousand miles.

The old man stretched out his hand to write something, as if he was writing something. As he wrote, the talisman paper began to change endlessly.

Finally, the old man shouted: "Sure!"

Boom, the sky and the earth shook, and the whole world suddenly turned into a silvery color, that silvery white supreme holiness!

Then there was another change, turning into a blood-red color, this blood-red color was endlessly ferocious!

Then it turned into a piece of gold, and the golden light shone!

Then it changes to black, green, green, and purple!

One color changed seven times, and finally all the colors disappeared. Luo Li suddenly felt as if the whole world had become extremely pure. The Beichen Sect's mountain gate formation suddenly came alive, as if it had life again!

At this point, Beichen Sect's talisman array that was destroyed last time has been repaired.

All the Beichen Sect monks were extremely happy.

Xin Chenzi said: "Great, the formation has been restored. If Kunlun dares to come over again, pull us into the group, we will be driven out directly!"

The old man Beichenzi frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Xin Chenzi came over to report back. Bei Chenzi kept frowning and finally shouted:

"I, the Beichen Sect, are upright and upright, and I am least afraid of being bullied by others!

They are looking at the destruction of my mountain-protecting formation and want to bully us!

Okay, well done, I, the Beichen Sect, want to live with a strong character, even if the sect is destroyed, we will not give in! "

Then he looked at Luo Li, cupped his fists and said:

"Thank you, little friend Luo Li, for your help!

The place you are going to is called Fish Washing Platform, and it is a magical world!

Although the passage for our Beichen Sect to go there has been damaged, I have a way to send you there! "

Luo Li was immediately overjoyed and said, "Thank you, senior!"

Beichenzi reached out and wrote three talismans and said: "Take this talisman, return to Chunan, and go to the ghost market!

Remember, when you enter the ghost market, don’t buy anything, and don’t talk to anyone. If you activate a talisman of mine, you can change the world. You can leave the ghost market immediately.

You will find yourself in a strange world called Jade Tower and Golden Tower!

The Jade Tower, Golden Tower and Fish Washing Platform are both above the spiritual sea and form a world of their own!

Then you go there, find a ferryman, give him spiritual stones, at least one billion, and he will ferry you to the fish washing platform! "

Luo Li nodded, remember all these!

Bei Chenzi said: "Do you have any spirit stones? Xiao Xin went to get two billion spirit stones and gave them to Luo Li!"

If you go out for a billion, you will still need a billion when you come back!

Luo Li smiled and said: "No need, senior, nothing else, I just have more spiritual stones!"

Knowing how to get to the fish washing platform, Luo Li set off immediately.

Beichenzi said: "You have to be careful. Do you know why it is called the Fish Washing Platform?"

Luo Li shook his head,

Beichenzi continued: "Legend has it that there was an ancient divine man who killed the divine fish and washed them there.

The divine fish stayed there unwillingly, and combined with the remaining bloodline left when washing the fish, countless monsters were born, which was very troublesome!

You have to be extremely careful, the transformed gods there are just the weakest children, and the reborn ones are just vulnerable!

Be careful, be careful! "

Luo Li was grateful and left now!

Less than a moment after Luo Li left, a blue-eyed golden eagle flew from the distance, with golden wings, golden feathers, blue eyes, and golden horns. It was extremely powerful!

On top of the golden eagle, someone shouted:

"Luo Li, where is Luo Li? Kill my Kunlun disciples and get out of here!" r1152


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