Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,289 Life and death under An Tianming’s sword!

Luo Li rose into the air, followed closely by the great monk of Leiyin Temple!

The two of them flew into the sky, traveled through the nine heavens, and arrived in the void of the outer realm, the Qingming Universe.

When fighting here, you can let go of your hands and feet at will. There will be no natural disasters, and you are not afraid of causing all kinds of heavenly disasters and harming the common people.

Looking at the great monk opposite, Luo Li exhaled and said, "Master, don't you know which Leiyin Temple you are from?"

Leiyin Temple is very powerful, but I don’t know why, it is divided into two courtyards, the upper courtyard is the Big Leiyin Temple, and the lower courtyard is the Small Leiyin Temple.

The reason for the distinction between big and small is that Daleiyin Temple believes in the way to save all living beings. If evil demons and ghosts cause chaos in the world, there must be disciples of Daleiyin Temple to subjugate the demons.

Whether it was the Lingdie Sect or the Hunyuan Sect back then, especially during the battle between the Hunyuan Sect, there were disciples from the Great Leiyin Temple who came to save the souls of the dead.

But Xiaoleiyin Temple is different. The purpose of Xiaoleiyin Temple is to save only yourself and not care about others!

If you only seek to become a Buddha yourself, the life and death of others will not matter. Each has its own destiny.

The Leiyin Temple that everyone knows is actually the Great Leiyin Temple, but the real powerhouse of Leiyin Temple is the eminent monk of the Little Leiyin Temple.

When the great monk heard Luo Li ask, he said:

"I am Cizhen of the Great Leiyin Temple!"

The voice is so loud that even in the void of the universe, the voice can be transmitted with spiritual consciousness!

This secret method is called the Great Thunder Sound, but it is said that when the Buddha of the Ten Thousand Realms preaches the Dharma, his sound is like thunder, which spreads throughout the heavens, so it is called the Thunder Sound. This secret method is magnificent and upright, and can restrain all evils. At the beginning, the sound of thunder was powerful, using the sound to defeat the enemy and use the sound to refine the body. When the practice reaches a deeper level, the sound of thunder becomes invisible and breathless, and the sound of thunder turns into a majestic and upright divine will of thunder. It rotates with the spiritual consciousness, and its power is so powerful that it is difficult to prevent it.

Then he looked at Luo Li and said:

"Fellow Daoist Luo Li. No matter what the grievances between you and the Three Immortals of Kunlun are. But as a member of the alliance, I must fulfill my obligations!

So I accept it, please enlighten me! "

After saying that, golden light flashed on his body, and his true body disappeared on the spot.

When he reappeared, he had transformed into a giant Buddha, a hundred feet tall, sitting cross-legged in the void. Exude endless brilliance!

This giant Buddha held a mantra in one hand and chanted the mantra in a low voice, "Paraparamita..."

Boom, the entire universe is like thunder flashing endlessly. There is no air and the sound cannot spread, but you just feel the endless thunder sound ringing in your ears. This is the divine intention of the thunder sound. The gods and Buddhas over there are chanting sutras, under the sound of thunder. All the heavens and the earth hear it, and the sound of thunder contains something that can wash away all evil thoughts in people, and make people suddenly have the heart to worship the Buddha.

This spell is not just as simple as washing away evil thoughts. The secret method of the Great Thunder Sound is originally the method used by the Buddha to preach the sutras. With just one thought of the Buddha, the sound of the Buddha can spread throughout the thirty-three days. The secret method of the Great Thunder Sound has infinite power to penetrate all existence.

Luo Li suddenly felt severe pain in his ears, and the sound of Buddha penetrated his ears!

He smiled coldly. Said: "Dharma image? I have it too!"

Boom, Luo Li is also missing. In the void, a huge divine form suddenly appeared. It’s also a hundred feet long, so there’s no need for the gods and Buddhas to be much smaller!

As soon as this appearance appeared, the gods and Buddhas seemed to frown.

At the same time, amid the solemn and sacred chanting of sutras, countless Vajra Arhats were silently born in the void!

Dharma Vajra Arhat, eliminates demons and protects the way! Each Vajra Arhat is thirty feet tall, mighty and unyielding, holds a Buddhist weapon, and has endless power.

In an instant, eight hundred vajra arhats formed a large array of arhats and rushed towards Luo Li.

Luo Li's divine form violently clasped his palms together, then stretched out his hand and palmed the universe.

A golden giant palm suddenly flew out. This giant palm was a thousand feet in size, containing eighteen heavenly principles, and pressed towards the opponent!

The palm of the hand is one of the seventy-two unique skills of Landa Temple. Legend has it that it is the supreme Buddhist method that the eminent monk realized after observing the Lord Buddha.

Although those Vajra Arhats were powerful, they immediately dissipated when they encountered the Buddha's palm. Boom, with one palm strike, all the Vajra Arhats were smashed to pieces!

In fact, many Vajra Arhats avoided this palm at a distance, but under the true meaning of this palm, even if they were hundreds of miles away, their heads would explode and they would dissipate on the spot.

The Buddha's palm continued to move forward, heading straight for the Giant Buddha of Cizhen!

At this moment, the giant Buddha of Cizhen suddenly chanted loudly:

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, saw that the five aggregates are all empty, and survived all the hardships..."

Suddenly, the incantation sounded, spreading throughout the world with an incomparably loud sound. The sound was like rolling thunder, traveling across the sky.

Every time Cizhen uttered a word, the sound did not disappear. Instead, it kept buzzing and echoing. After reciting the Great Prajna Mantra of just a few hundred words, it seemed as if hundreds of giant Buddhas were spitting thunder from their mouths in the sky. sound. Hundreds of sounds superimposed together, roaring endlessly. Gradually, it seemed that the heaven and earth disappeared in the sound of chanting.

It looks very slow, but everything is done in an instant.

In this roar, Luo Li's palm was directly shattered and turned into thousands of fragments, dissipating in all directions!

The Buddha's sound continued to roar towards Luo Li's divine form, like a thunderstorm that was about to shatter Luo Li's divine form into countless pieces.

Seeing the storm of Buddha's sound coming, Luo Li's heart suddenly moved!

Under Luo Li's appearance, a shadow quietly appeared!

Originally, this divine form was an illusory thing with no shadow at all, but it was born silently out of thin air.

The shadow appeared and seemed to be looking at the other party. Then the shadow suddenly changed and turned into the appearance of the other party's giant Buddha. It suddenly opened its mouth and began to chant sutras!

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, saw that the five aggregates are empty, and survived all the hardships..."

This is the shadow of Luo Li's former mighty god, standing alone in the Shadow Cave of Hunyuan Sect, with shadow as his companion! At this point, he has evolved again, no longer copying Luo Li's spells, but starting to copy the opponent's spells!

At the same time, shadows continued to appear next to the shadow, and the shadow also changed, turning into the appearance of the other giant Buddha, chanting the same sutra!

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,..."

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,..."

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva,..."

In an instant, nine shadows appeared around Luo Li's appearance. They simultaneously transformed into the appearance of the Giant Buddha of Cizhen, and then chanted sutras.

However, four of the shadows. Automatically collapsed, leaving only five, and then five giant Cizhen Buddhas chanted sutras at the same time!

boom. Boom, boom. Boom, boom!

It's too late to say it, but it's soon!

Every roar is the birth of a thunderstorm that is as powerful as the giant Buddha on the other side, and then it is transformed into five paths, which are one, and blasts towards the giant Buddha of Cizhen!

At the same time, those shadows. Automatically crush.

Just like that, two thunderstorms collided in the void, boom boom boom, five against one!

The thunderstorm of the Cizhen Giant Buddha immediately dissipated, and then the remaining terrifying thunderstorm blasted towards the giant Buddha!

Treat others the same way they treat you!

This blow was equivalent to several times the counterattack of Master Cizhen's blow. Roared away.

The thunderstorm is about to hit the giant Buddha!

Suddenly the giant Buddha stretched out his hand, covered his mouth, and said, "Shut up!"

between heaven and earth. All of a sudden, all the Buddhist sounds disappeared, and Luo Li's counterattack also dissipated.

Leiyin Temple controls the supreme Buddhist dharma and is proficient in Buddhist sound attacks, so they can block the sounds of heaven and earth in such an instant, and the attack will be self-defeating.

However, as soon as this method comes out, there is no sound from heaven and earth. The eminent monk of Leiyin Temple is now scrapped. Without any means of attack, he has been defeated!

Luo Li smiled. Going to take action again!

Suddenly the giant Buddha began to decompose and disappeared. Monk Cizhen appeared, bowed to Luo Li and said:

"My Buddha is merciful, and the Sa family has been defeated!"

Then he looked towards the earth and said:

“My skills are inferior to others, I have already lost, and I am not worthy of the big league!

The poor monk has returned to Daleiyin Temple to practice cultivation, but you won’t accompany him anymore! "

After saying that, he was leaving.

Suddenly Tang Zongzhenyi shouted: "Master Cizhen, don't leave!"

The great monk didn't answer, but just said:

"If the Grand Alliance really seduces foreign enemies and betrays the human race, I, Leiyin Temple, will withdraw from the Grand Alliance now!"

Then he flashed instantly, turned into a sound of thunder, and disappeared without a trace!

This monk is quite happy!

Luo Li bowed slightly, then looked at Tang Zong Zhenyi who was flying up, and said:

"But Fellow Taoist Tang Zong, will you fight me for the second time?"

As soon as Tang Zongzhen looked at Luo Li, he immediately backed away and said:

“My old arms and legs are no match for you, the tenth best in the world!

However, if my Junior Sister Chen Xian takes action, you will definitely lose! "

Luo Li looked at Chen Xian Zhenyi of Daluo Jinxian Sect in the distance and said slowly:

"Okay, fellow Taoist Chenxian, can you give me some advice? I think your sword seems to be very sharp!"

Chen Xian Zhenyi had never said a word to Luo Li since she saw her. When Luo Li looked at her, she took a step back, then disappeared without a trace and ran away!

Luo Li frowned and looked at Tang Zong Zhenyi.

There seemed to be a sneer on Tang Zong's true face as he said:

"My junior sister is not easy to fight with, and she is still entangled in the past!

But don’t worry, hum, she will fight you sooner or later!

If you want to banish an immortal, you have to pay the price! "

The great monk Cizhen was defeated and left. Tang Zongzhen avoided the fight, and Junior Sister Chenxian fled far away. Demon-killing Zhenyi was proficient in formations, so he would not take action. Qin Wanru looked at it with a smile, even if a human head hit a dog's head, she would not take action.

As soon as Kan Jingzhen took a deep breath, he would escape and fight Luo Li.

Suddenly, the immortal ions of the Three Kunlun Immortals looked at Jing Zhenyi and said:

"I'll do it!"

He slowly flew up, looked at Luo Li, and said:

"Luo Li, I'm here to meet you! In case you underestimate me, there is no one in Kunlun!"

Luo Li looked at him, nodded and said, "Okay, please enlighten me!"

Xianliong said again:

"Luo Li, my sword is ruthless and ruthless. I can't control it. It may kill me if I strike!

Therefore, before you fight with me, you have to say something to avoid dying by my sword. The Sword God loves his daughter and is causing trouble for me! "

As soon as he said this, Luo Li laughed and said:

"Okay, fellow Taoist Xianli, I am the one who deserves to die by your sword!"

However, fellow Taoist Xianli, please tell me, if you die in my hands, you Kunlun disciples and grandsons, please don’t trouble me, I will kill a few more! "

Xian Li said coldly: "Okay, everyone, listen up, today I will fight with fellow Taoist Luo Li, and we will live and die according to our destiny. Others are not allowed to take revenge!"

Luo Li also shouted: "Today I will fight with fellow Taoist Xianli, and we will live and die according to our destiny. Others are not allowed to take revenge!"

Then Luo Li said: "Okay, please enlighten me!"

In an instant, endless sword light rose! (To be continued)

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