Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,288 It’s not enough to talk about speculation!

Luo Li looked at Qin Wanru, nodded and said:

"Yes, we knew each other a long, long time ago!"

When Luo Li just debuted and left Tianzhu Island, he met Qin Wanru.

Qin Wanru looked at Luo Li proudly, with strange divine light in her eyes, and said:

"Back then, there were countless young heroes in the world, hum, where are they now?

Some died, some died, and now in the world, only you and I have existed until now, and have reached the highest peak of this world!"

There was endless pride in the words.

Looking at Luo Li, her eyes moved, and she wanted to do something, to make this Luo Li disappear, leaving only her own Heart Demon Sect cultivator, who liked to gossip and play tricks the most.

As soon as the thought came up, she suddenly covered her chest and could no longer say a word.

Luo Li didn't care. After the introduction of the nine Return to the Void was completed, Xin Chenzi began to introduce several people here.

Three of them were the three Return to the Void of Beichen Sect, Yuan Chenzi, Kong Chenzi, and Ling Chenzi!

The remaining four were two people and two beasts.

Both of them are from the North Sea, and one of the two beasts is the emperor of the North Sea giant whale clan, and the other is the ten thousand year cold leech. They all came here to help Beichen Sect!

Although the four strong men came to help, they were far inferior to the other party, and they were not confident enough to speak.

Luo Li shook his head. No wonder Beichenzi was so happy to see him here. There was really no one here who could fight against the other party.

After the introduction, Luo Li sat down on this stone platform and listened to the continuous sound of the piano on the stone. Soon the piano sound ended.

A female cultivator slowly came up to the stage and filled everyone with tea.

After watching the piano sound, one of the Kunlun Three Immortals, Xianli Zi, looked at Xin Chenzi and asked:

"Fellow Daoist Xin Chenzi, what do you think of what we talked about last time?

Is Beichen Sect willing to join our Zhongtian Alliance?"

These Kunlun Three Immortals. They are called the Three Immortals. They look very old, but they are not that old. It's just that the secret method of cultivation has led to their white hair and youthful appearance!

Xin Chenzi said, "It's a big deal. I can't decide. I need to wait for my master to come out of retreat before I can make a decision!"

Xian Lizi stopped talking, and Xian Caizi next to him said, "Well, then wait for your sect's fellow Daoist Beichenzi to come out of retreat!

However, we came this time knowing that your sect is in crisis, so we specially invited Daoist Zhumo to come.

Among all the cultivators in the world, Daoist Zhumo's formation can be said to be the best in the world. With his help, he will definitely be able to solve your sect's problems and repair the mountain protection formation for your sect!"

It seems to be a help, but Xin Chenzi doesn't want to accept this help. If he accepts it, with the open-minded personalities of many returning to the void in the Beichen Sect, he will definitely agree to join the Zhongtian Alliance.

But if he refuses, this Zhumo Zhenyi is really one of the best formation cultivators in the world. If his sect fails to repair the formation, he will have to rely on him.

Xin Chenzi himself doesn't know what to do!

Xin Chenzi opened his mouth but didn't answer yet, Luo Li took over and asked:

"Zhongtian Alliance, what a big name! It directly represents all the cultivators in Zhongtian Main World?

My Hunyuan Sect is also a door in Zhongtian Main World, why, we are not included? What is this alliance about?"

The voice was clear and he asked!

Luo Li changed the subject to avoid embarrassing Xin Chenzi.

This question made the other party speechless, Xianli Zi, Xiancai Zi, and Xianchao Zi didn't say anything!

They were speechless, and at this time Qin Wanru said:

"Daoyou Luo Li, I'm really sorry about this. As a member of the alliance, the alliance has rules, and we can't reveal any information to you!

In fact, you can ask the world's number one great sword god. You are a good friend of the little princess of the sword god, and you have the best relationship with him. He should tell you."

When Qin Wanru talked about the sword god, she deliberately added the words "the world's number one great". Although the words were plain, they implied a kind of devilish thought. This is the secret method of the heart devil, which can evoke the devilish thoughts in people's subconscious.

When the word "Sword God" was mentioned, Luo Li suddenly found that the faces of the three Kunlun Immortals turned cold, with a strange contemptuous expression.

You have to know that the other party is the three returning to the void, and Taishan collapsed, but they were not surprised at all. The magic of the Heart Demon Sect has no effect on them at all.

But when they heard the word "Sword God", they behaved like this, which shows that their hatred for the Sword God has been suppressed for many years and how deep it is!

Luo Li didn't know, but Qin Wanru must know, so she deliberately aroused their hatred.

Seeing their behavior, Luo Li snorted coldly. It is impossible for everyone in a sect to be as close as brothers. There is also Fan Wujie in Hunyuan. It seems that they are the Fan Wujie of the Sword God in Kunlun.

The enemy of the Sword God is his enemy. He dared to be an enemy of Zhenyi. Luo Li immediately sneered in his heart!

He immediately said in cooperation: "Yes, the Sword God is really the best in the world, unparalleled!

At that time, I was still a teenager, and I saw the Sword God's sword split the sky and the sea, and I really admired him!

Later, I followed the Sword God and fought against Zi Nanda. The power of the Sword God will always be remembered in my heart..."

Here Luo Li began to talk about the power of the Sword God, praising him.

Hearing Luo Li say this, Qin Wanru was stunned, then smiled, and then cooperated, the two sang in unison, as if this place was a meeting to praise the Sword God.

Tang Zong Zhenyi, who was standing aside, suddenly spoke up and joined in. He also realized that if he could provoke the Kunlun Three Immortals and Luo Li to fight, it would be a good thing for the Daluo Jinxian Sect.

As the three of them said "you" and "me", the faces of the three immortals of Kunlun became increasingly gloomy.

At this time Luo Li said: "This sword god is the best in the world, making Kunlun famous everywhere, saving Kunlun from danger, and for Kunlun..."

The Xian Chaozi finally couldn't bear it any longer and said, "I have so many talented people in Kunlun!

Even without the Sword God, my Kunlun reputation is not weak! "

After hearing what Xian Chaozi said, Xianli immediately spoke and interrupted Xian Chaozi's words:

"Okay, let's get down to business. Fellow Daoist Beichen, Fellow Daoist Demon Killer's formations are the best in the world. If he takes action, he will definitely be able to repair the Beichen Sect completely!"

Luo Li grabbed it again and said: "We can talk about this later. Even though the Beichen Sect does not have a mountain-protecting formation, it is still in the Beihai area and is safe and sound!"

Xian Chaozi pointed at Luo Li and said, "Junior, we are talking to Beichen Sect, how can you speak here? Do you represent Beichen Sect?"

All fools know. He took advantage of this to get angry. It was for the sake of the Sword God just now!

Luo Li suddenly stood up and said, "Old man, I've long disliked you!

Return to the Zhongtian Alliance, bah! There is no Hunyuan Sect. I want to see how powerful your Zhongtian Alliance is! "

Xianli sneered: "With or without you Hunyuan Sect, the Zhongtian Alliance is just as powerful!"

Luo Li laughed. Said: "Hahaha, when our founder Wang Yangming was there, you Kunlun did not participate in some Zhongtian Alliance. But the one who took the lead at that time was the Qiankun Demon Sect!"

As soon as he said this, it was a slap in the face, and all three of them were speechless!

Xianliong finally said coldly: "For monks like us, ascension is the real thing!

At that time, my ancestor, Qian Daozi, had already ascended to the throne. I wonder where the ancestor of your sect, Wang Yangming, is now?

It's a pity, it's a pity that no matter how strong the sect is, each generation is not as good as the last! "

Hearing this, Luo Li also looked gloomy and said: "It is indeed Kunlun, each generation is stronger than the next. It's a pity that when I fought in Kunlun, I didn't see anyone who was stronger than me!"

The three immortals of Kunlun frowned. They didn't know what Luo Li was doing in Kunlun.

Qin Wanru immediately said: "Back then, fellow Taoist Luo Li arrived in Kunlun, but at the Nascent Soul realm, he fought in all directions in Kunlun and defeated all the Kunlun monks..."

Luo Li said: "It's not that we were completely defeated, we just defeated 8,316 Nascent Souls, and 300 of them didn't show up!"

In fact, under normal circumstances, Luo Li would not say this, but when it comes to the design of the ancestor and the sect's honor, Luo Li just said it!

Qin Wanru added: "Then fellow Taoist Luo Li smashed the Nantianmen..."

Having said this, the immortal lion slapped the table and cursed:

"Zhuzi is incompetent and ruins my reputation in Kunlun!"

Xian Caizi also said: "It's a pity that I'm not here, otherwise, boy, you wouldn't survive today!"

Luo Li laughed and said, "I am living well!

On the contrary, you, your bullshit alliance, colluded with outsiders, and plotted to sell out the interests of all the monks in the Central God World. Who are you? "

Demon Killer Zhenyi said: "Fellow Taoist Luo Li, don't talk nonsense!"

Luo Li said: "I didn't say anything nonsense, and whether I did it or not, if you ask the three of them, I'm afraid they will know everything!"

Demon Killer Zhenyi looked at the Kunlun Three Immortals suspiciously!

Luo Li said again: "The Black Dragon of the Death Abyss!"

As soon as he said this, the three Kunlun immortals were immediately furious!

Among them, Xian Chaozi looked at Luo Li, his eyes were like fire, and shouted:

"It turns out you did it!"

Luo Li looked directly at him and said, "What, don't you accept it?

Those who collude with foreign races and betray the human race will be killed by everyone!

If you, Kunlun, are really like this, knocking down the Kunlun Mountains and destroying the Nine Rens of Kunlun, so what? "

Xian Li scolded: "You are talking nonsense! You, you, you are ruining our human race's affairs!"

Luo Li laughed loudly and said, "I'll ruin your important task of surrendering to survive!

Why don't you accept it?

We are all monks. If you are not convinced, then give it a try, fight with your magic, and fight with your sword!

Everyone, if you have any objections to me, let’s give it a try and see who has the stronger fist and whose voice is louder! "

Xianliong said: "Do you really think that just because you are tenth in the world, you are invincible? Okay, let me give it a try!"

Luo Li said: "Okay, let's go!"

After saying that, Luo Li slowly flew up!

The immortal was about to take action when suddenly the great monk from Leiyin Temple next to him said:

"My Buddha is merciful, so let me do it!"

Xian Lili saw the great monk taking action and was about to speak when Xian Caizi pulled him and let the great monk test Luo Li's depth!

The great monk rose up slowly, but when he was halfway up, he suddenly looked at the Three Immortals of Kunlun and said:

"If the Grand Alliance really seduces foreign enemies and betrays the human race, I, Leiyin Temple, will withdraw from the Grand Alliance now!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better and faster novels!

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