Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,287 Old friends meet again!

Hearing Xin Chenzi say so firmly, Luo Li moved his mouth but did not say the last word. . .

Because Luo Li knew that no matter what he said, he could not convince Xin Chenzi. Even if the catastrophe of heaven and earth was in front of him, Xin Chenzi might not believe that he was wrong.

This is not stubbornness, this is the power and support generated by Taoist heart and belief.

Led by Xin Chenzi, they arrived at Beichen Sect.

Beichen Sect is located on an island. It is said to be an island, but the island is thousands of miles away. It is not wrong to say it is a continent.

Looking at the Beichen Sect on the island, there are countless pavilions and pavilions on the island, and there are groups of carved railings and jade masonry, making it a prosperous scene.

But Luo Li frowned. Luo Li was proficient in the art of talismans. He relied on drawing talismans to make his fortune back then. In Luo Li's eyes, the Beichen Sect immediately discovered a problem.

The entire Beichen Sect, the mountains, rivers, land, pavilions and stone platforms are actually integrated into a powerful defense system. The mountains, rivers and pavilions are actually a talisman!

Using the earth as paper and buildings as pen, the entire Beichen Sect is like a talisman.

If this talisman is really activated, its power will be so frightening that even the Earth Fire Dragon's ground artillery can't compare with it.

However, in Luo Li's eyes, there was something wrong with this talisman!

Yes, there is a big problem, Fu Lu has no eyes!

The talisman has no eyes and has no apparent power. The power of the entire talisman formation was immediately reduced by half.

Luo Li watched carefully and shook his head. This was not even half the level of the entire talisman formation. Because the talisman eye disappears, it cannot be activated at all.

In other words, this is when Beichen Sect is at its weakest, and their mountain-protecting formation is useless!

Therefore, the five major Huixu are working hard to make talismans, and the three major Huixu are out looking for treasures!

Just when Luo Li was thinking, Xin Chenzi pulled Luo Li and the situation was critical. A flash. It is to enter the core position of Beichen Sect.

Suddenly, a vast expanse of clear water appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes. The water was clear and the bottom could be seen. Pieces of pink lotus flowers were dotted in the clear water. Groups of small golden fish swam freely among the flowers and leaves.

Look around and compare with the Beichen Sect's formation. Luo Li suddenly thought that this place was the talisman bone of the Beichen Sect's talisman array!

at this point. Crucial. Although the entire talisman array cannot be activated due to the lack of talisman eyes, this talisman bone. You can also activate part of the power of the talisman array.

There are zigzag water corridors here, connected to the central platform of the pool. There was a beautiful female cultivator playing the piano on the platform. The sound of the piano was elegant and resounded throughout the space.

The melodious sound of the piano is like a spring traveling high in the mountains, and its clanging sound penetrates people's hearts. People's minds can't help but travel leisurely to the sound of the piano, and they are separated from the mundane world in a trance, riding on the wind, indifferent, quiet and comfortable.

On the platform in the center, there was drizzle falling, falling on the translucent glazed tiles, gathering into water droplets and flowing down like a curtain of water. Faintly visible, the woman in white playing the piano is as ethereal as a fairy, and even the sound of the piano is a little more fairy-like.

Surrounding the platform, there are more than ten benches and tables, where more than ten people are drinking and having fun, in a relaxed and leisurely manner.

These people may have majestic talents or immortal demeanor. Looking at them, none of them are ordinary!

Surrounding the clear water, there are snow-white beaches, steep cliffs, splendid peach groves, and large reed marshes. Inside, there are pavilions, platforms, buildings, pavilions, halls and other buildings interspersed according to the topography and scenery. The architecture and scenery Very harmoniously blended together.

Above there are clear blue skies and white clouds, and from time to time there are flying cranes and goshawks flying past in the sky. The slightly salty but fresh smell blowing in the wind makes people relax.

Its ancient style and charm blend into the scenery, and there is nothing stiff or artificial at all. Just like an ink painting, even though the colors are simple, the artistic conception is far-reaching.

In an instant, Luo Li and Xin Chenzi arrived.

Seeing the two of them here, many people drinking and having fun on the stone platform immediately stopped and looked here.

One of them stood up slowly when he saw Luo Li and said:

"Hunyuan Sect, Huode Zhenyi? I didn't expect to see you again!"

Luo Li looked at this person, immediately smiled and said, "It turns out to be fellow Taoist Tang Zong of the Daluo Jinxian Sect, please come and be fine!"

This person is none other than Tang Zong Zhenyi, the Returning to the Void Zhenyi of Daluo Jinxian Sect. This guy has been enemies with Hunyuan Sect several times, but every time he was defeated, he immediately ran away. Luo Li chased him several times but failed to catch up.

This man and Luo Li were old acquaintances. He looked at Luo Li and smiled:

"Fellow Taoist Xinchenzi, you are really unwise. It's not a good idea to ask for help. I found this guy. Before he became famous, he was called the Star of Disaster. Wherever he went, everything collapsed. If you don't believe me, ask Taoist Kan Jing. , I think your Beichen Sect deserves a disaster!"

After hearing this, a person beside Tang Zongzhen stood up slowly. This man is dressed in Confucian attire, a white Confucian shirt, and a square gentleman's hat. He has an upright face and square eyes. At first glance, he is an old Taoist.

He didn't say a word, and his whole person gave people a sense of stability. There are four long slender black beards, two above the lips and two below, which look majestic and calm. This person looks like a well-educated scholar, rigorous and majestic, with a very obvious meticulous temperament.

This man just didn't say anything, Zongkan Jingzhenyi, he nodded and said:

"Luo Li, Huode Zhenyi, was known as the disaster star in the sky. Wherever he goes, there will be disaster!"

Luo Li didn't reply. Xin Chenzi was a little dissatisfied and was about to fight back.

Kanjing Zhenyi looked at Luo Li and said:

"Fellow Daoist Luo Li, we won't talk about the past, it's too long ago!

Let me ask fellow Taoist Luo Li, have you been to Hanging Island in the past year? Then have you been to Huantianhai? "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Been there! But..."

Kanjing Zhenyi interrupted Luo Li and said:

"On the Hanging Island, you sent the pirate sect Nie Qian to ascend and defeat the heroes of the world. After Nie Qian ascended, he exhausted the vitality of the world and the Taizhen Immortal Mansion collapsed, causing the Taiyuan Sword Sect's 120,000-year plan to be destroyed. torch!

Fellow Daoist Luo Li, although you did not sabotage the Taiyuan Sword Sect plan intentionally, it was just accidental. But is this possible? "

Everyone has returned to the void, and the world has returned to its true state. They lied in front of the retreat and asked for trouble.

Luo Li couldn't help but nodded and said, "Yes!"

This Kanjing Zhenyi is Fuyan Zongzhenyi, and the news is the first, but he does not know that the Taiyuan Sword Sect incident was actually sabotaged by himself, but Luo Li will not admit it even if he is beaten to death.

Kanjing Shinichi said so. Just don’t talk about the sectarian nature. So Luo Li will only admit it!

Kanjing Shinichi said again: "After the matter on Hanging Island is over, you go to Huantianhai, the cave that my apprentice worked so hard to open!

As a result, the passage from Huantianhai to Qilin World collapsed due to you. The Jiutian Tianhe of the Huantian Sea. Was he also chopped into pieces with your sword?

Result leads to your disciples. After years of hard work, the cave finally collapsed. Is this happening? "

Indeed. Luo Li had to nod and said, "Yes!"

As soon as the two said yes, Kan Jing Zhenyi stopped talking, just looked at Xin Chenzi meaningfully, and then sat down slowly!

Xin Chenzi's expression suddenly changed. He looked at the three Huixu here. They were all his fellow sects, Yuan Chenzi, Kong Chenzi, and Lingchenzi!

One of the old men nodded slightly, and Xin Chenzi suddenly became determined and said:

"Fellow Taoist Kan Jing, don't be alarmist!

What kind of evil star is there? How can we be deceived by such rumors? Even because of fellow Taoist Luo Li, I am willing to destroy Beichen Sect!

Because Luo Li is my friend, he came to help me at the critical moment, and our Beichen Sect recognizes me! "

This is Beichen Sect. As long as they believe in what they are sure of, nothing can be changed.

Hearing this, everyone was speechless.

Xin Chenzi hurriedly broke the awkwardness and began to introduce Luo Li to the monks present.

Although Tang Zongzhen and Luo Li knew each other, according to the procedure, Xin Chenzi, the first person on his left, still introduced him!

The two of them bowed to each other, even though they were enemies in the past, the etiquette was not bad!

There is a female cultivator next to Tang Zongzhenyi. She wears a colorful crown of light, her hair is on her shoulders, her eyebrows are curved and her eyes are bright, her eyes are as green as the sea, her nose is straight and her lips are red, her complexion is as bright as a layer of light powder. , extremely beautiful.

She wore a glazed robe made of sparkling glazed crystals, and she held a dazzling white jade scabbard sword under her waist.

At first glance, all he saw was the jade scabbard sword, as if the sword was the person, and the person was just a companion to the sword.

As the female monk sat there, Luo Li felt the endless spiritual energy from the surrounding world, gathering towards her. These spiritual energy seemed to have souls, and he particularly liked her.

This person, this sword, and this atmosphere must be the True One of Returning to the Void!

"This fellow Taoist is the Chenxian Zhenyi of Daluo Jinxian Sect!"

The woman stood up and saluted Luo Li, and Luo Li returned the salute!

Then Xin Chenzi continued to introduce, Fuyan Zongkan Jingzhenyi, and there was a big monk beside him!

"This is Master Wanjun of Leiyin Temple!"

Shangmen Leiyin Temple is one of the top ten Buddhist gates in the world. It is located in the extreme west of Gaozang. The poem in the gate is called "Three Realms Wind and Rain Listen to the Sound of Thunder," and the Xumi Seat worships the true Buddha!

"You are Luo Li, and the Sa family is polite!"

This monk roared like thunder. From a distance, he looked a bit like an eminent monk, with a head that was almost twice as big as an ordinary person's. However, the bald head was not shaved very cleanly, and the roots of the hair sticking out of the scalp were tangled. Like a mace, those two eyebrows formed a big horoscope. At first glance, he looked like a sloppy monk.

He was tall and tall, with huge fists and round arms. When he looked over, he saw that there was some kind of eminent monk here, and he was clearly a rogue.

Luo Li returned the gift immediately!

On the side of the monk, there is a Taoist wearing a golden crane with wings spread on his head, a bright green Taoist master's robe, a red tassel on his back and purple tassels. He has his sleeves folded with his hands and has a leisurely attitude. His eyebrows are purple, and his eyes are also purple, especially The most surprising thing is that three feet above his head, there is also the same purple light flowing, with a faint aura of treasure, and the appearance of an immortal all over his body. It is so outstanding that it is unforgettable at first sight.

Luo Li knows this person!

Luo Li had seen Zhenyi, the demon-killing master of Tongtian Xuanji Valley, when Chu Nan Heroes Association fought against Zi Nanda!

In the gate of Tongtian Xuanji Valley, the formation is the first. The poem name in the gate is Ziwei Beidou, which predicts destiny. The mystery and mystery appear in the heart. Everything is ever-changing, people are unpredictable, ghosts and gods are frightened.

Luo Li saluted, Demon Killer Shinichi still remembered Luo Li back then and said:

"The young boy back then has surpassed us today. We are all old. There should be young people galloping in this world. It is really a new generation replacing the old!"

As soon as Demon Killer Shinichi said this, an old man beside him frowned and said:

"Destroy the devil, we three old guys have not surrendered yet, but you have surrendered. This is not okay!"

They were three old men who looked very ordinary, but there was an indescribable sense of calmness and simplicity about them.

Seeing the three of them, Xin Chenzi said respectfully:

"Luo Li, these are the Three Immortals of Kunlun!"

Luo Li didn't pay attention and passed by with a salute to the three of them.

Then I saw that the last person of the Nine Great Masters had returned to the void.

Seeing this person, Luo Li frowned and said:

"why you?"

That person was clearly the Alluring Lord of Jiutian Zizai Sect when Luo Li went to Kunlun back then and never gave up on him.

She was still so beautiful, but there was a kind of charm in her eyes. She looked at Luo Li and said:

"It seems that fellow Taoist Luo Li has not forgotten me!

However, I was forced to do so at that time, so I could only do this. Later, I broke the inner demons of Huan Xin, the old guy, and replaced him, so I no longer have to pursue you!

By the way, let me introduce myself again, Qin Wanru of the slave family, Qingxin Zhenyi of the Heart Demon Sect, and fellow Taoist Luo Li. In fact, we met before when you and I were together! "

Following her words, countless past events from that year suddenly appeared in Luo Li's mind!

To be honest, I'm stuck!

This fish washing platform drama is a very important story.

Among the characters, there will be many legendary powerhouses, such as Brahma, Ghost Saint, Dragon God, Seven Servers of God Lord, and Demon Lord Baimei. But how to appear and how to proceed, I thought about it for a long time, and there was no very satisfying process.

Kavin, the stuck is so uncomfortable!

Sorry everyone, there is still one update today! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster! u

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