Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,286 Beichen’s dim color!

Soaring in the sky, a hundred thousand miles away, it only took Luo Li a moment to arrive.

There were still thousands of miles away from Changjin Island. Luo Li stopped and flew forward, which was the core area of ​​Beichen Sect. All allies were not allowed to enter rashly.

Luo Li stretched out his hand, and a flying talisman appeared, and he said slowly:

"One breath generates all kinds of magic, Hunyuan destroys the universe, Huoyuan Sect Huodezhenyi Luoli comes to visit!"

Then with a movement, the flying talisman flew out and flew towards the Beichen Sect, waiting for the other party's response.

In less than a moment, someone came through the air and heard a message!

"But Fellow Taoist Luo Li of the Hunyuan Sect, come to our Beichen Sect, and you will be radiant. Welcome, welcome!"

There was an auspicious light in the distance, flying towards here. In an instant, it was like the world changed, and a monk appeared in front of Luo Li.

Luo Li frowned, this kind of movement and flight was not a normal monk's flight, but the universe moved, and the talisman escaped here.

In fact, only a close friend would greet him like this, but I have no friendship with him. According to common sense, the gongs and drums should be loud, the red carpet should be paved, and the return to the void will appear after completing some etiquette.

But I didn't expect that when I got here, the other party would return to reality in an instant, as if he was really looking forward to his arrival. What was going on?

This man was wearing a pale white Taoist robe, thick linen shoes on his feet, and holding a fly whisk in his hand. He looked very young, with an elegant face and a small face, and a tall and straight body, giving him the appearance of a true Taoist.

When he saw Luo Li, he raised his hands and said:

"Hundred rivers flow to the vast sea, and stars surround Beichen. The sun burns to the sky, and descendants from Changjin are descended from Changjin. Son of Xinchen of the Beichen Sect. I have met fellow Taoist Luo Li!"

There was endless joy in his words, as if Luo Li was extremely happy to be here.

The aura of Xin Chenzi's whole body blends into nature, the emperor of heaven, at first glance, he is the true one of returning to the void!

Luo Li frowned. To be honest, he really didn't have much contact with many monks of Beichen Sect.

Beichen Sect is an ally of Hunyuan Sect, and it is really helpful at critical moments. The last Hunyuan catastrophe. Beichen's three great masters went out to return to the void, but unfortunately they were triggered by the other party's beast tide, and the sect was in crisis, so they had to return to the sect.

But this friendship. All the disciples of Hunyuan Sect remember it.

Luo Li cupped his fists and said, "I've met fellow Taoist Xin Chenzi!"

Look at this person. Luo Li felt familiar there. Seem like seen there?

Xin Chenzi looked at Luo Li, nodded slightly, and said:

"Luo Li. Luo Li, I have long admired your name! How is your senior sister Ruotong doing now?"

To Luo Li's surprise, the first person he asked about was Ruotong World.

Suddenly, Luo Li knew that when he met Ruotong for the second time, he fought four of his clones, and one of them was a disciple of Beichen.

Looking back from afar, I look very much like the Xin Chenzi in front of me!

That clone was actually constructed from Xinchenzi's bloodline, so no wonder it looked familiar.

Luo Li replied: "Senior Sister Ruotong, she has now reached the fifth level of divine transformation and is practicing hard in the sect!"

Xin Chenzi nodded and said, "Is she still so stubborn? She has suffered a lot in these years, right?"

Before Luo Li could answer, he shook his head and said:

"Stop talking about it, what she decides is beyond our control!

I haven’t seen her for many, many years, when we were still in the Qi refining period..."

Xin Chenzi fell into recollection, but soon returned to normal and continued:

"Luo Li, although I don't know why you came to our Beichen Sect today, our Beichen Sect has a difficult problem right now. We urgently need allies to help fill the scene. I want to ask for your help!"

This Xin Chenzi is very direct and asks for help directly!

Luo Li was stunned. Before he could ask for help, the other party asked for help first.

However, the Beichen Sect immediately came to help during the last catastrophe. Now that they were in danger, how could I not help them?

Luo Li said immediately:

"If you need anything, fellow Taoist, just speak up!"

Xin Chenzi nodded and said: "This matter involves a wide range of things. Some things happened in our sect some time ago, which caused the five majors to return to the void and practice the Tianheng True Talisman in seclusion. The three major retreats went out to look for treasures and were not in the sect.

There are only four of us in the sect. Suddenly, Kunlun, Daluo Jinxian Sect, Heart Demon Sect, Wu Yan Sect and other nine majors came to my sect.

They are coming fiercely and try to force me, Beichen Sect, to join their alliance. I, Beichen, will never join them.

But there are only four of us, and the Great Elder and the others are at a critical moment and cannot easily escape. During the negotiation, they need allies to support the scene!

At least we have to gather nine Void Returns to qualify for a showdown with the other party!

Originally there were several allies of our Beichen in this Beihai area, but after Feifu invited them and heard that it was Kunlun and Daluo Jinxian who came here, those allies disappeared immediately, and only two people and two beasts came to help.

Just when you arrived, we gathered together as a force of nine people, and we were evenly matched with each other.

This matter is very troublesome and involves Kunlun and other top ten people coming to visit. If you don’t want to offend them, please turn around and leave immediately. "

Luo Li laughed and said, "Fellow Taoist Xin Chenzi, you underestimate me!

What Kunlun, inner demon, let's go, I will accompany you to meet them! "

Hearing Luo Li's answer, Xin Chenzi immediately smiled and said:

"Okay, I know that the allies of Hunyuan Sect will never let us down, so I feel relieved! Let's go!"

After saying that, he took Luo Li and returned to Beichen Sect.

Luo Li asked on the road: "Fellow Daoist Xinchen, what kind of alliance is this?"

Xin Chenzi sneered, "They said that a great catastrophe is about to happen, and asked us to join Beichen Sect and work together to overcome the catastrophe!

It's just nonsense, it's just a trick used by this gang to control us!

You Hunyuan Sect haven't joined yet, and you still want to trick us into joining, dreaming!

What great catastrophe? As early as 2,300 years ago, our Beichen Sect determined that this great catastrophe does not exist, it is just an illusion of cultivation caused by the rising tide of vitality!"

Hearing this, Luo Li was speechless. This alliance that excluded Hunyuan Sect came to invite Beichen Sect.

But Beichen Sect had long determined that there was no great catastrophe and did not believe them at all.

Luo Li couldn't help but say: "In fact, this great catastrophe of heaven and earth still exists! I once fought with the Moran clan among the Ten Thousand Clans..."

Xin Chenzi shook his head and said: "Daoyou Luo Li, that is actually just an individual phenomenon, a very small number!"

Luo Li said again: "I also fought with the Dark Death Dragon! He said that the Ten Thousand Clans gathered to invade the Zhongtian Lord World!"

Xin Chenzi said: "That's nonsense, fooling you, what Ten Thousand Clans, there is no such thing!

This is the result obtained after our Beichen Sect spent 500 years, countless deductions, calculations, searches and searches.

Don't worry, the so-called great catastrophe of heaven and earth does not exist at all!"

The Beichen Sect entered the Dao with the talisman method. They practiced talismans every day. The talismans could not be wrong at all. As long as there was a mistake, it would be a complete collapse.

So the disciples of the Beichen Sect are the most rigorous and firmly believe in their own judgment. Similarly, as long as they are determined, no matter what you say, they will not believe it.

Without this spirit, this extremely confident character who only believes in their own judgment, they cannot write the talisman well, and use it to advance step by step to reach the Return to Void Realm! (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!

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