Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,286: Return to the Void and Enlightenment to Seek Beichen!

"Zizzizi..." The blue and white electric light shone again with a terrifying low sound. The huge and dense power grid appeared again, and as the electric light circulated, it immediately turned into thunder and lightning when it touched any object. Under this endless thunder and lightning that covers the sky and the earth, there are no blind spots or gaps.

Luo Li was hit hard by this lightning!

The first strike, the second strike, the third strike, the fourth strike, the fifth strike, the thunder and lightning are like the roaring waves of the sea, one wave after another.

But the golden light on Luo Li's body is still the same, and the golden morning light of the Eternal Buddha. After returning to the void, his divine power changes drastically, as if the universe is immovable, and the towering Mount Tai protects Luo Li's whole body. The thunder and lightning, no matter how ferocious, are like passing clouds, without any harm. !

The thunder and lightning roared, but it was meaningless to Luo Li. Luo Li carried the endless thunder and lightning to the stone staircase.

But the stone staircase cannot be climbed. The stone staircase is looming, as if it leads to another world.

That world is illusive and ghostly, true and false, so confusing that it is impossible to see clearly!

Luo Li could only stand still, looking at the stone staircase, but could not enter. Standing there, he could only watch, being struck by lightning!

But Luo Li was stagnant here, as if he had some realization!

On the other side of the stone staircase is another world!

But on this side of the stone staircase is the real world!

Two worlds, each on one side, which one really exists?

It seems virtual and illusory, time and space change, yin and yang are uncertain, light and darkness change, one wrong step, life or death is unpredictable!

At the same time, in the void. Endless thunder and lightning struck Luo Li, streaks of golden morning light rose up, and golden thunder flashed!

In this special environment, Luo Li suddenly had endless insights!

These insights are actually the opportunities accumulated by Luo Li during his five hundred years of sleep.

Five hundred years of vicissitudes, countless lives and deaths, changes in the earth, everything. Convergence into opportunity. In Luo Li's body, as long as there is a chance, it will explode. This is the use of the immortal fate.

Today's opportunity. Another outburst. Luo Li is enlightened!

This place was originally a dangerous place. That law of Tao is visible to the naked eye, and in this special environment, it is stimulated by this stone staircase. Suddenly, the laws of heaven that Luo Li mastered burst out!

One day and one place, one true and one false, one time and one empty, one yin and one yang, one light and one dark, life and death, one part and one union, one movement and one stillness, one thunder and one gold!

These eighteen heavenly paths correspond to one side of the stone staircase. There is heaven and earth, illusion, yin and yang, light and darkness, life and death!

Here Luo Li begins to watch his Eighteen Heavenly Ways!

Just looking at it like this, under the thunder, boom, boom, boom!

After a long time, suddenly, Luo Li roared fiercely!

A long roar that penetrated the clouds and cracked the rocks resounded through the sky, and the dark clouds of endless thunder and lightning suddenly rolled violently under the vast power, and the roar broke through the sky! Faintly, the deep blue starry sky behind the dark clouds was revealed.

At this moment, Luo Li forgot about any natural dangers, the brothers who needed rescue, and everything in the past. There is only a free heart, beating wantonly under the endless starry sky.

All the constraints, all the rules and orders, all the beliefs, all the persistence, are all dissipated in the endless starry sky.

At this moment, there is only an inexplicable and heartfelt joy. In this realization, Luo Li suddenly felt that he was as if he had become an immortal and had achieved the true meaning of supreme freedom.

One day and one place, one true and one false, one time and one empty, one yin and one yang, one light and one dark, life and death, one part and one union, one movement and one stillness, one thunder and one metal!

The Eighteen Heavenly Ways move with the Hunyuan, I understand, I understand!

That’s it, that’s it!

It turns out that this is heaven and earth, it turns out that this is truth and falsehood, it turns out that this is time and space, it turns out that this is Yin and Yang!

I get it, I really get it!

As Luo Li understood these heavenly ways, a little light emerged from the five holy places. They turned into one, like a dream, but chaotic, and then suddenly exploded silently.

Suddenly, the explosion illuminated everything in his heart, and the chaotic feeling was immediately shattered!

The endless light air slowly rises to become the sky, and the endless heavy air slowly descends to the earth. The heaven and earth are divided, the universe is formed, yin is generated and yang is transformed, vitality is distributed, and all things are born.

It seemed like an instant, and it seemed like an eternity. When Luo Li couldn't think of it but the light in his heart was not extinguished, he witnessed the grand opening of the world in the chaos.

He seemed to realize something, but he couldn't say anything. In front of Luo Li's eyes, the world seemed to have turned into another appearance. The island, the sea, the stone stairs, the moonlight, and the dark clouds all changed into billions of strands. Dotted lines, these dotted lines are both virtual and real!

The virtual one is the one-yuan law, and the real one is the three thousand heavenly ways!

Heaven transforms into laws, and laws make up the world!

Slowly, other heavenly ways that Luo Li understood moved and were injected into it!

Heaven, earth, sun, moon, spring, autumn, summer, winter, time, space, yin, yang, life, death, light, darkness, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, hardness, softness, Light, heavy, dynamic, still, withered, glorious, divided, combined, true and false!

Thirty-five Heavenly Dao was moving clearly, Luo Li had never understood them so well before!

The laws of heaven are criss-crossing to form all things in the world. The colorful laws of heaven are jumping or steady, strong or supple. For the first time, Luo Li felt the existence of the laws of heaven so clearly.

These laws of heaven that seemed to be within reach gave Luo Li the illusion that the world was under his control. As soon as my heart moved, what I saw in front of me suddenly rippled like water waves. When I looked at it, the heaven and earth were still the same. Could it be that what is presented in front of you is the essence of this world? Luo Li was confused, he seemed to have gained something, but it also seemed like a dream.

At this moment, a bright red sun in the east jumped out of the sea. Thousands of golden lights erupted from the rising sun rolled and shimmered in the waves of the sea. It was difficult to tell where the light was and where the water was. There was only brilliance.

On this great day, this dream-like realization was suddenly shattered.

With a loud bang, all the laws of heaven disappeared, and only Luo Li stood here.

Looking around, the island is still there, but the stone staircase has disappeared, never to be seen again!

Luo Li had a feeling that even if he destroyed the island, the stone staircase would not appear. The opportunity had passed and he missed going to the world where Qizhu Tiandu and the others were trapped.

But there are gains. Unknowingly, Luo Li has been promoted from the fourth level of returning to void to the fifth level of returning to void!

His realm improved, but Luo Li didn't smile.

This realm has improved too quickly! He was promoted to the fourth level of Void Returning. Within a few months, he thought of being promoted again.

However, if you feel it carefully, the foundation for your promotion to Luoli is extremely solid, and there is nothing false about it. It is just a coincidence and the favor of heaven.

Luo Li took a deep breath, stopped thinking about this matter, and continued to study how to find Tiandu Qizhu and others.

After Luo Li was here for another day and night, the island was destroyed by Luo Li. It was born, and then destroyed and shattered, but there was no progress.

In the end, Luo Li gave up completely. With his own strength, he could no longer find the ladder here.

Luo Li could only look to the east. There was really no other way. There was only one last way!

That is to go to Changjin Island, a hundred thousand miles away, and ask for help from the Beichen Sect. They are the local snakes here, so they must have a way! (To be continued...)

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