Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,285 Fire and Thunder Tribulation in a Dangerous Land!

Luo Li jumped into the air and headed straight for Yuanjin Island in the North Sea.

He rises in the air, his escape skills are like light, he can escape thousands of miles, passing thousands of mountains and rivers at his feet.

Soon they crossed the Mobei region, entered the North Sea, and then surged away on the sea without stopping one step at a time.

The North Sea region is an endless ocean. In this ocean, there are occasionally one or two small islands. Humans are very rare in this area, and there are more sea tribes and water monsters.

The sea tribe, headed by the dragon tribe, includes fishmen, shrimp tribe, crab tribe, whale tribe, shark tribe and countless other races. They form groups of the same tribe and believe in the dragon god. They are the masters of the ocean.

Water monsters refer to those powerful individual monsters, such as giant turtles and sea emperors. They have powerful bodies and survive for countless years. They are the masters of this area. Some of these powerful water monsters can even surpass the ability to return to the virtual world. The presence of monks.

There are endless storms in the North Sea. Half of the year, it is a cold winter climate. Especially in the northernmost part of the North Sea, a fifth of the sea area is often hit by snowstorms every severe winter, turning hundreds of thousands or millions of miles of sea into ice sheets.

However, Yuanjin Island did not suffer from the harsh environment, so Luo Li hurried here.

To be honest, Luo Li is not in a hurry, because he believes that Qizhu and Tiandu, with the two of them here, will not necessarily be their opponents even if they return to the void normally.

Finally, one day, after comparing the chart, Luo Li was sure that he had arrived at Yuanjin Island.

It was dusk at this time, and the golden light of the setting sun rendered the sea brilliant and dazzling. The red sun and golden waves complemented each other, making Luo Li dazzled and unable to control himself.

"It's such a beautiful scenery. The sunset over the sea is really good, not bad!"

Luo Li couldn't help but sigh.

Then he followed the address coordinates on the flying talisman for help sent from Qizhu, and compared it with the sea map bit by bit to find the coordinates.

This is not the first time Luo Li has been to the North Sea. As early as when he and Nie Qian were following the footsteps of Immortal Sect Zhenyi, Luo Li had collected enough charts of the four sea areas in the southeast, northwest and northwest.

According to the chart, not far away is the place where Qizhu sent out a signal for advice.

Luo Li immediately flew over, which was near the offshore strait of Yuanjin Island.

Luo Li came here, observed carefully, and suddenly frowned. This Yuanjin Island is about a hundred miles in size, but for some reason there is no water source in it, and no spirit can live here. It is completely a desert island.

There are no traces of the human race here, let alone the human race. Even within a thousand miles, there are no traces of the sea clan or water monsters. There is not even any ordinary fish, turtle, shrimp, or crab here. It is extremely clean.

Pure and strange!

Moreover, there are no traces of any battle, and there is not a trace of battle aftermath left in the world.

Luo Li shook his head and said, "Go and find it for me!

If you want to see people alive, if you want to see corpses if you are dead, find them for me! "

Immediately, Luo Li's twelve Yuanlings, as well as the other gods, all flew out and began to search for Qizhu's whereabouts.

Many clones began to search here, diving into the seabed, looking for ruins, flying to the island, looking for traces. In this thousand-mile area, Luo Li quickly turned upside down.

But nothing was gained, nothing was gained, not to mention Qizhu, even the ten great gods who came here later, Brahma Wujie, there was no trace.

Luo Li frowned, what's going on, how is it possible!

He searched again, but still there was no trace, as if they disappeared out of thin air and were never seen again.

Luo Li immediately shook his head and said, "It seems the only thing left is to give it a try!"

After he finished speaking, he hummed softly. With this hum, it was like a thunderous thunder sounded between the heaven and the earth. The huge roar shook countless sea water and was stirred up into the sky. Formation formed within a hundred miles of Yuanjin Island. A huge tsunami.

Luo Li took action, but there were really no traces. If he made his own traces, the worst he could do would be to destroy this place and see if there were any traces!

As Luo Li took action, the huge waves rolled and rushed towards the island. The roar continued, and the island was about to be turned into ruins under Luo Li's spell.

Suddenly Luo Li discovered that there seemed to be a stone staircase on the island that could lead to an unknown space.

The stone staircase appeared, and at the same time, silently, in the north, a small fire cloud appeared in the sky, coming slowly, it looked very slow, but in fact it was very fast, and in less than a moment, it filled the entire sky.

The fire cloud appeared, and the stone staircase seemed to be completely blocked, making it difficult to see the direction.

Luo Li immediately raised his head, looked at the flaming clouds in the sky, frowned and said:

"What a strange anger!"

There was a strange flame power in the burning cloud. This flame power was vaguely resistant to Luo Li's real fire.

Luo Li tasted it carefully and suddenly said: "This is not fire, this is a variant of the ultimate water. It looks like fire, but in essence it is the profound power of water!"

In Luo Li's words, in a moment, the burning clouds suddenly covered the sky with red clouds covering thousands of miles, and then it seemed as if there were falling rain falling!

It's raining, but it's not rain, it's fire!

Fire falls from the sky. This flame is like raindrops, falling drop by drop, with the momentum of burning all things, falling from the sky!

In an instant, within a thousand miles, it was as if a different world had changed. Heaven and earth were separated, and the whole world began to heat up rapidly.

Luo Li tried, but even if he was afraid of returning to the void, he couldn't leave this place thousands of miles away!

Under his divine eyes, eighteen strange dotted lines appeared that were invisible to the naked eye. These were all the laws of heaven and water. They colluded repeatedly back and forth to form a giant web covering a thousand miles in radius.

Luo Li was trapped in this giant net. Luo Li frowned, not because the magic circle that trapped Luo Li was powerful, but because of this law, there was no trace of artificiality.

In the world of cultivation, no matter which sect sets up the magic circle, it has its own traces, and the same is true for Tongtian Xuanji Valley.

But this magic circle has no traces of man-made artifacts. This is either a magic circle or a dangerous place, with its own terrifying traps of natural restrictions in the world!

As Luo Li was thinking, the water turned into fire and gradually occupied the entire world. The blazing fire was everywhere, and the world in Luo Li's eyes was steaming.

The sea beneath his feet began to boil. Burnt by the fire, it also began to turn into white mist, flying into the air. The white mist that rises to a certain height will be absorbed by the fire in a blink of an eye and disappear without a trace.

Under the thousands of miles of fire clouds, the sky and the earth were red. The invisible red flames billowing in the air contained an atmosphere that made all living beings restless.

In the sky, the terrible falling rain no longer fell drop by drop, but began to turn from rain to snow!

Pieces of flaming snow that were more than ten feet in size began to fall, like snowflakes, but a little bigger, falling towards the sea!

Blossoms of flaming snow, with the heat of burning the sea and burning the sky, floated down like snowflakes, seemingly slow but actually urgent!

In an instant, a flower fell on Luo Li and was immediately blocked by Luo Li's true energy. However, the fiery flying snow did not go out. Instead, it became more and more intense, burning fiercely without any sign of decay.

Luo Li frowned. No wonder Qizhu Tiandu and others were trapped. The restriction of heaven and earth here is so powerful!

In an instant, a real fire appeared!

Luo Li's true fire can be said to be the master of all fires. Even if you are water turned into fire, you will still have to kneel when you encounter this true fire!

Immediately, the fire cloud and flying snow disappeared immediately, and were eaten by the real fire on Luo Li's body. The endless fire-colored flying snow that slowly fell was meaningless.

Luo Li looked at the sky and waited silently. If it was a man-made formation, the formation would change immediately.

But this meaningless flaming snow fell for another half an hour before it changed.

Luo Li nodded, he was sure, this was a dangerous place, with only terrible restrictions, Qizhu and the others were trapped in the depths of this dangerous place!

The snow fire fell for half an hour and began to change. Suddenly a huge blue and white lightning flashed in the dark clouds in the sky. Amidst the breathtaking wild thunder, endless blue and white lightning crisscrossed and formed a line in the void. The thunder net covers the sky and the earth!

The blue and white electric light was extremely dazzling. Under this lightning, the snow fire disappeared!

Then boom boom boom!

Thunder and lightning fell one after another, heading towards Luo Li!

This dangerous place has begun its second round of changes!

But Luo Li smiled, and he rose up into the sky, and the golden morning light of the Eternal Pagoda suddenly rose. With the protection of this golden light, it would not be hurt by any thunder!

He headed towards the stone staircase. Even though the thunder and lightning was fierce and terrifying, it was nothing to Luo Li!

The stone staircase was right in front of him, and thunder and lightning struck Luo Li, but they couldn't block Luo Li's way! r1152


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