Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,284 Beihai Yuanjin Zichen Sect!

Luo Li wore the Fanlingxu Fengshen inscription robe inside, the Dazhoutian Zhengang Xingdou robe outside, the Zhenxuanhuan ice wheel on his chest, the Ligui Jinlinyu on his waist, and the floating gold Kunwu Feiying crown on his head.

This set of ninth-level magic weapons made Luo Li look like a fairy standing in the wind.

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, let's say goodbye. The green mountains remain unchanged and the green water flows forever!"

In a flash, Luo Li left this place.

With the help of the magic spirit of this cave, there is no need to come out of the Xianqin ruins at the entrance. Luo Li returned directly to the cliff, put away his fake body, and sat there.

The negotiation between Shuangfeng Zhenyi and Hualingzi over there has not yet ended.

After waiting for a long time, three hours later, Shuangfeng Zhenyi slowly came here and completed the negotiation with Hualingzi.

Luo Li looked at him and said, "Master Shuang Feng, is everything going well?" Shuang Feng Zhenyi thought, "Everything went well, the negotiations are completed. With the help of the Creation Sect, our Hunyuan Sect can be said to be full of bodies in the future. If my sect is not prosperous, it will be my own fault!" Luo Li smiled. This time he had made another great contribution. Shuang Feng Zhenyi suddenly said, "Luo Li, I will guard this place. There is something that requires you to leave immediately!" Luo Li was stunned and said, "What is it?" Shuang Feng Zhenyi said, "When you left Hunyuan Sect and went to Miaoxiang area, your master and the three elders and others also had something to do and left Hunyuan Sect. Then your senior brother Qizhu suddenly sent a secret letter requesting support. I sent Tiandu, San Kuang and others, a total of ten great gods, to quietly move over to support! However, a month ago, they sent another secret letter, still requesting support." Luo Li frowned and said, "What happened? Are there any casualties?" Shuang Feng Zhenyi said, "There are no casualties, but they seem to be trapped somewhere, but the others who returned Xudu is outside the sect, and what they are planning has also reached a critical moment!

At that time, I was the only one guarding Hunyuan Sect. Fortunately, Fan Wujie from Hunyuan Courtyard came here and he went there to rescue! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Fan Wujie has passed. With him, there should be no problem!"

Shuang Feng Zhenyi did not speak for a long time, and then said, "The incident originated from Qizhu's discovery of the traces of Jiutian Dimension Island."

Luo Li was shocked and said, "Jiutian Dimension Island!"

Jiutian Dimension Island, the first revival ancestor of Hunyuan Sect, Yan Kuangtu, went from Taoism to magic, practiced the true magic strategy, and gave birth to the complete Hunyuan Sixth Law, becoming one of the supreme demon sects, fighting against the siege of Seventeen, and snatching Jiutian Dimension Island, using it as the sect's mountain gate.

Later, Wang Yangming rose, Hunyuan Sect was in chaos, internal strife and war, and Jiutian Dimension Island collapsed.

Later, after the battle, the ancestor Wang Yangming finished, became the world's number one master, found the remnants of Jiutian Dimension Island, and led the five illusions to this Xuanzhou Continent.

However, there are still some remnants of the Nine Heavens Dimension Island, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Luo Li looked at Shuang Feng Zhenyi and asked:

"Didn't they say last time that Xin Yuan and Fan Wujie discovered the movements of the Nine Heavens Dimension Island in Suiyuan area, and they took this opportunity to establish the Hunyuan Courtyard there?"

Shuang Feng Zhenyi nodded and said:

"Yes, Xin Yuan and Fan Wujie have always claimed that they have discovered the movements of the Nine Heavens Dimension Island. Among them, the Tuhuang Patriarch has been with them. It is said that they have found the edge of the remnants of the Nine Heavens Dimension Island.

So when your senior brother wrote to them, they didn't believe it at all. You and your master were not there, so Tiandu and others had to help.

Later, Fan Wujie suddenly returned, and Tiandao Others are asking for help again, so he has to go!

Finally, the three elders have completed their mission and returned to the sect. I will come here to support you, so Luo Li, I want you to set off immediately to rescue Tiandu Qizhu and others! ”

Luo Li said: "Okay, I'll go right away!"

Suddenly Luo Li was stunned, looked at Shuang Feng Zhenyi, and said: "Ancestor, don't you believe in Fan Wujie?"

Shuang Feng Zhenyi looked at Luo Li, did not answer directly, but said:

"Well, be careful!

These evil gods..."

When he said this, Luo Li immediately heard the implication of Shuang Feng Zhenyi's words, he did not believe in evil gods!

Luo Li looked at Shuang Feng Zhenyi hesitantly, waiting for him to continue speaking, he needed an explanation, because the more Luo Li is evil gods!

Shuang Feng Zhenyi continued, "Among these evil gods, only you, Luo Li, are my true disciple of Hunyuan Sect. As for the others, oh, it's so sad!

In fact, Fan Wujie has another identity, Canghai Zhenyi, the controller of Guangmo Sect.

But, I don't know why Senior Brother Xin Yuan still trusts him so much, and would rather break with the sect to protect him!

Ning Qianxue, for revenge, triggered the Anti-Yuan War and almost destroyed our Hunyuan Sect.

Bai Youyou, that disaster, injured his own master, destroyed his own land, and finally left our Hunyuan Sect. Now he has become the controller of the Meimo Sect.

If it weren't for you, Lu Zhou almost turned into a dark demon god, and he has been missing recently. His sister Lu Qing has completely disappeared, whether it is the soul lamp or the tree of life and death, all disappeared, but we know that she is in the Daluo Jinxian Sect, and she has betrayed our Hunyuan Sect.

Douliang, that child, has always been dissatisfied with the death of his parents. He, alas...

Back then, Senior Brother Xin Yuan supported the Shen Nie Plan and created them. Now look, it is not a blessing for our Hunyuan Sect. You have brought evil upon yourself, and now you are beginning to taste the bitter fruit.

Fortunately, I accepted you as a disciple back then. Although you are also a Shen Nie, you were born in the most primitive and natural way, completely different from them, which is a blessing for our Hunyuan Sect! "

After hearing these words, Luo Li remained silent for a long time and said:

"Dou Liang is the supreme god of the Shenwei Sect, right?"

Luo Li had the same feeling when he met the Snow God last time. The Snow God was exactly the same as Ning Qianxue. He liked Ning Qianxue at first glance, and among his friends, Li Douliang showed signs of this.

Shuang Fengzhen nodded and said, "Yes!

In fact, Douliang has always been a good boy, but later, he returned to his hometown and brought back countless life-extending pills, but found that his parents had died of old age.

Later, he discovered that his dead master was actually the Jin Sheng Patriarch. He felt depressed and complained about why the Patriarch didn't save his parents.

This matter turned into a demonic thought and has always been in my mind.

In addition, we did not discover that the Shenwei Sect was actually not without counterattacks. When we originally trained Li Douliang, the remaining monks from the Shenwei Sect quietly entered and planted the divine power and demonic thoughts in Douliang's heart.

Over the years when Dou Liang went out to practice, the Shenwei Sect had always been by his side, influencing him and making him support the Shenwei Sect's purpose.

Finally, four hundred years ago, the three great masters of the Shenwei Sect, Dao Yuanzhen, returned to the void. With his own death, he completely awakened the demonic thoughts in Dou Liang's heart, and he became the supreme god of the Shenwei Sect! "

Luo Li couldn't help but shake his head when he heard this and said: "Dou Liang, dou Liang!"

Shuang Feng Zhenyi looked at Luo Li and suddenly said: "Actually, you are also trying to measure the evil thoughts in your heart!"

Luo Li was stunned and said, "What does it have to do with me?"

Shuang Feng Zhenyi said: "I have always regarded you as my big brother and my idol in Dou Liang!

As a result, his most beloved Ning Qianxue chose you instead of him!

This was extremely hateful to him. He hated his own weakness for not helping Ning Qianxue get revenge at the most critical moment!

Your transformation into a god is the tenth in the world, and every step of your success is torture to him.

Finally, you are promoted to return to the void. He has been working hard for a hundred years and is still at the third level of God Transformation. He cannot be promoted to the middle stage of God Transformation. Therefore, Shenwei Sect entered quietly and succeeded!

You have to be careful and avoid you now, but sooner or later, his inner demon will break out and he will have a fight with you! "

Luo Li was speechless and said for a long time: "What, what is this!"

Shuang Fengzhen looked at Luo Li and said, "Ning Qianxue chose you, and you slept with her, so you have to bear the grudges she left behind!"

Luo Li was immediately speechless!

Shuang Feng Zhenyi continued: "So, I want you to go over immediately to support Qizhu and others!

However, you have to go there secretly, because the Third Elder, like Xin Yuan, completely believes in Fanwujie, but I don’t believe him!

Go for it! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, where are they?"

Shuang Feng Shinichi said: "They are on Yuanjin Island in the North Sea!"

Luo Li frowned and said, "Beihai Yuanjin Island, that's not near Changjin Island!"

Shuang Fengzhen let out a long sigh and said, "Yes, we are only a hundred thousand miles away from Beichen Sect!"

Beichen Sect, come to Beihai to gather Xuan Xingji, Zichen Sect, poem number, hundreds of rivers go to the huge sea, stars surround Beichen. The sun burns to death in Han Dynasty, and the distant descendants rise from Changjin.

This sect is the only one among the 108 sects that uses talismans to establish its sect. It is located on Changjin Island in the North Sea. The sect is proficient in twelve talismans and can sense the star palace. It is said that when they practice, they breathe out like thunder. Waving the talisman is like rain, and the wind and clouds thousands of miles away change their color.

Although the Beichen Sect is an ally of the Hunyuan Sect, the Jiutian Dimension Island is the supreme blessed land. It is so close to there. The fall of Senior Brother Qizhu and others may have a close relationship with the Beichen Sect!

So Shuang Fengzhen let out a long sigh!

Luo Li also let out a long breath and said, "Okay, I'm leaving!" r1152


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