Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,283 Returning Spiritual Void Wind God Inscription!

"Didi didi, Luo Li, Yongyi Viscount of Xian Qin, killed the clone of the Wusheng Ancestor of Xian Qin, saved the two worlds of Qilin and Zhongtian, and rewarded Xian Qin with three million for his meritorious service.

Didi Didi, Immortal Qin Yongyi Viscount Luo Li destroyed Tianhe and saved the world of Zhongtian, and was rewarded with three million for his meritorious service. "

Luo Li's Xian Qin achievements began to skyrocket, and his title began to rise. He was promoted from the 14th Viscount Yongyi to the 13th Viscount Yunqi.

Then Xian Qin's meritorious deeds continued to play a role, and Luo Li was promoted to the next level, from the thirteenth-level Viscount Yunqi to the twelfth-level Uncle Taichang.

The title of Xian Qin is divided into twenty levels, divided into dukes, uncles and sons. Every fourth level of title is promoted by one level. At the twelfth level, the person is promoted from viscount to earl.

Luo Li waited silently for more rewards, but there was no sound, and then there was no more.

Luo Li asked hesitantly:

"Where's the reward?"

The cave magic spirit replied: "The rewards have been awarded, Luo Li, you have been promoted from Viscount Yongyi to Earl Taichang!"

Luo Li said: "That's all?"

The magic spirit of the cave said: "Yes, that's all. This is the normal merit distribution of the Xian Qin organization. Please leave here, Lord Earl."

Luo Li was speechless. The reward was the same whether he had it or not. He had worked so hard to save the world, so this was just a small reward?

Luo Li was very angry, with a fierce look on his face. The cave magic spirit also seemed to sense the danger and said hurriedly:

"Lord Earl, this is a normal reward method. If you want other rewards, I can continue to issue them for you!


Luo Li was stunned, but it seemed that he still had a chance, and asked: "But what?"

The cave magic spirit said: "But we need your lord, the earl, to invest.

One share of material, one share of merit.

This meritorious service is due to me violating the system of the Xian Qin Empire and risking the announcement. If the network connection of the Xian Qin Empire is successful, I will be discovered immediately. I have violated the laws of the Xian Qin Empire and will be evaporated and eliminated!

In addition, I can only promulgate meritorious deeds and upgrade your title for you without any material reward. Please note that this meritorious title is just a false name and has no material value!

You must know that the great Xian Qin Empire has completely disappeared and will never appear again! "

There was endless sadness in his last words.

Luo Li immediately understood that this title was of no use to this cave magic spirit.

But for Luo Li, it was different. If he didn't have a title, he wouldn't be able to get the seventeen-edge crystal at all!

This is exchanging material things for meritorious deeds. These meritorious deeds were given to me by the cave magic spirit in violation of the laws of Xian Qin. This is an act of overdraft.

This cave magic spirit has existed for countless thousands of years and has completely mutated and has its own personality. He believed that the Xian Qin Empire would never be around, so that was why it was like this.

In fact, this cave magic spirit is pretty good. The most terrifying example is Old Man Qiankun, who directly reincarnated into a human being and controlled the world.

Luo Li thought about it and realized that he had nothing else but Taichufang City. He couldn't help but ask: "Do other Xian Qin relics recognize this feat?"

The Dongfu magic spirit replied: "Please return to your own Earth Fire Dragon for identification first, and then all other Immortal Qin relics will be identified!

By the way, Lord Earl, the Earth Fire Dragon is a strategic fortress and will always break away from the Xian Qin system to fight. In order to prevent some of them from pretending to be military meritorious service, the Earth Fire Fortress itself issues meritorious deeds and enhances the title function. It can only reach the 13th level Cloud Rider. Viscount.

The promotion of titles after the 13th grade must be issued by the provincial-level Xianqin Dongfu in mainland China! "

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, what kind of material do you want?"

Suddenly, an exchange table appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes, which contained all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

Some are extremely cherished, some are very common, and some have accumulated like mountains in Taichufang City.

Luo Li started to check, and then took out various materials he had in Taichufang City and exchanged them with the cave magic spirit.

Suddenly, Luo Li's achievements began to increase!

"In exchange for the Xuanhuo Tianjing, one share will be rewarded with twelve points of Xian Qin meritorious service!"

"In exchange for the Golden Horn, one share will be rewarded with thirty-six points of Immortal Qin meritorious deeds!"

"In exchange for three thousand pieces of Flowing Fire Purple Gold Sand, I will be rewarded with three thousand points of Immortal Qin meritorious deeds!"

So far, Luo Li's achievements have been greatly improved!

Countless treasures of heaven and earth were taken out in Taichufang City. Some of them had high merits, and Taichufang City directly purchased and exchanged them.

Luo Li started to exchange at this point.

Soon there was a sound!

"Didi Didi, Luo Li, has been promoted from the twelfth-level Tai Chang Bo to the eleventh-level Zhongyong Bo!"

During the battle that year, the Sword God was the eleventh-level Zhongyong Bo. She should be the monk with the highest rank of Immortal Qin in the Zhongtian Lord World. Now Luo Li has surpassed her.

"Di di di di, Luo Li has been promoted from the 11th-level Zhongyong Bo to the 10th-level Zongzheng Bo!"

"Beep beep beep..."

In this way, Luo Li's title skyrocketed, from the twelfth-ranking Uncle Taichang to the seventh-ranking Xiaoyao Hou in a short time.

But after that, the notification sound completely disappeared!

The magic spirit of the cave said: "Your promotion is complete, congratulations, Lord Xian Qin Xiaoyao Hou Luoli, this is all the merits I can advance, and it is also the biggest Duke I can promote!

In the higher position of Duke, one can only ascend to the fairy world, and can no longer ascend in the human world! "

Luo Li nodded, that's fine, he is leaving!

Suddenly the cave magic spirit said:

"Wait a minute, Mr. Xiaoyao Hou Luoli, just now, under the stimulation of your material supply, part of my sealing function was activated, which can provide Mr. Xiaoyao Hou with two ninth-level treasures!"

Hearing this, Luo Li's eyes lit up and he said, "This is so true! What kind of ninth-level treasures are there?"

The ninth-level magical sword is different from other magical swords. It contains the laws of heaven and is the only one in the world. There may be more or less but no more!

Suddenly, a water mirror appeared in front of Luo Li's eyes, and countless magical swords immediately appeared inside!

Dinghai Divine Bead, Jie Yin Bao Banner, Nine Color Divine Light, Xing Tian Ax Shield, Hunyuan Divine Dou, Golden Dragon Scissors, Soaring Sword, Treasure Golden Basin, Emerald Light Liang Yi Lamp, Taiyin Extinction Divine Sphere, Purple Electric Hammer, Vibration Sky hammer, bone lock heart hammer, whale saliva hammer, powerful Vajra pestle, three light pestle, Wuding axe, jade ax to ward off evil spirits, five-star divine axe, Shura chisel, thunder sound golden light chisel, wind and thunder chisel, thousand silkworms golden bowl, soul return Xufeng Shen Mingyi, Shenmu Bowl, Purple Jun Basket, Dulong Zen Staff, Red Jade Staff, Soul Capturing Bottle, Seven Treasures Amethyst Bottle, Liuliu Zhenyuan Gourd, Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, Xuanguang Ruler, Shuanglong Scissors, Zhenru Scissors, Golden Mandarin Duck Divine Scissors, Li Gui Golden Scale Jade, Oolong Scissors, Liuyang Jue, Tianyi Zhenshui, Du'e Immortal Clothes, Demon-proof God's Light Mask, Qingning Fan, Qisha Dharma Altar, Blood Temple Banner, Big Thunder Sound Fire God Banner, The Hunyuan Banner, the Heavenly Demon Gathering Poison Banner, the Mud Plow Falling Soul Banner, the Yin Wind Bagua Banner, the Six Yang Fixed Wind Banner...

Hongni Sword, Qingni Sword, Golden Rhinoceros Sword, Nine Sons of Shadow Soul Sword, Fiery Thunder Sound Sword, Buddhist Heart Sword, Jukui Sword, Divine Infant Sword, Sanyuan Sword, Golden Light Fiery Sword, Wuling Sword, Taiyi Split Light Sword, Xuanyin Liuyang Mysterious Divine Sword, Lei Ze Divine Sword, Ice Soul Divine Light Sword...

Looking down, the next item is elixir:

Nine-turn elixir of Baicao, Jade Ointment for Ten Thousand Years of Breaking Bones and Strengthening Muscles, Nine-turn Life-Destroying Pill, Jade Glass Ointment, Bai Xin Huan Yang Pill, Five Elements Extermination Powder, Nine-turn True Essence Rebuilding Pill, and the Golden Pill of Due …

There are really countless magic weapons and a dazzling array of them!

Luo Li looked at them and said, "I can choose any two?"

The cave magic spirit said: "Yes, but you need to provide the corresponding materials!"

Luo Li laughed and said, "Let me tell you, how can you give me good things for nothing!"

After saying that, he started to look at it. To be honest, Luo Li really had no shortage of the magic weapon and the divine sword. However, Luo Li only had three ninth-level magic weapons such as the protective robes, robes and shoe crowns.

In the past, Luo Li had nothing, that was all.

Now that I have three pieces, it seems that I have become interested and want to collect them if I have the chance.

So Luo Li only looked at these types of protective robes.

In the end, Luo Li chose two magic weapons.

One is the Soul-returning Fengshen Mingyi, and the other is the Li Gui Golden Scale Jade.

This spirit-returning wind god inscription is a robe, which matches Luo Li's Great Zhou Zhenzhengangxingdou robe. One is a robe, worn inside, and the other is a robe, draped outside.

The Wind God Inscription Clothes of the Returning Spiritual Void, with its narrow sleeves and tight waist, are transformed from the essence of the Wind Mother. With a single thought, eighteen spiritual winds will form around you to protect your body.

These spiritual winds can block the full blow of the ninth-level divine sword, and can also deflect the opponent's various attacks.

The Li Gui Golden Scale Jade is a jade pendant, shaped like a carp, with golden scale patterns and sparkling brilliance.

This Li Gui Golden Scale Jade is a spiritual jade transformed from the Nine Heavens Golden Scale Fish in the Immortal Realm. It has practiced for thousands of years and flew into nirvana. When this treasure is carried on the body, a stream of Li Gui Golden Scale Qi is randomly generated, which can be secretly attached to the attack, specifically destroying the opponent's Nine Heavens. The laws of heaven contained in the magic weapon Divine Sword.

So far, Luo Li has five body-protecting magic weapons, including the Great Zhou Tianzhen Gangxing Dou Magic Robe, the Soul-Returning Void Wind God Inscription Clothes, the Floating Gold Kunwu Flying Shadow Crown, the Li Gui Golden Scale Jade, and the True Fantasy Ice Wheel.

In fact, what Luo Li wanted most was boots with such protective magic weapons, but they were not available there. In the end, he had no choice but to choose this Li Gui Golden Scale Jade.

After making the selection, all kinds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures that Luo Li needed to take out suddenly appeared on the water mirror, including twelve heaven-level spiritual objects alone.

Luo Li shook his head. Fortunately, he had all these materials, so he took them out one by one.

After the cave magic spirit was collected, the light ball immediately shook, and the ninth-level magic weapon was not taken out for a long time.

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Tell me, are you collecting all the materials from me and then refining them for me?"

The cave spirit took a long time to answer: "Correct!

I'm using your materials and my experience in refining treasures, and I'm refining them for you immediately!

However, to refine this ninth-level magic weapon, what is most needed is immortal energy!

Only by rejecting it can the essence of the wind mother be transformed and the spirit-returning wind god inscription can be refined.

The Nine Heavens Golden Scale Fish was born, cultivated, evolved, and finally transformed into the Li Gui Golden Scale Jade.

With my immortal energy, I only have enough for two ninth-level magic weapons! "

After saying that, there was a roar and a robe flew out! In addition to the robe, there is also a jade, which also flies out! r1152

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