Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,282 Xian Qin Relics Get Merit!

That night, the Five Great Returners attacked together, trapped Luo Li, and invaded the Creation Sect. {

Luo Li came to the rescue and killed the three major Huixu, and the two escaped, saving the Creation Sect.

However, in this attack, the Creation Sect was also severely damaged. Eleven people were killed by Nascent Soul Lord, and thousands of ordinary monks were affected by the battle with Hui Xu Zhenyi. Several of the main halls were attacked, and a treasure house was robbed.

After that night, there was another cry in the Creation Sect.

Luo Li said nothing and continued to guard the cliff.

The three worlds of scattered spirits who returned to the void and died are still there, and no more accidents have happened so far!

In fact, during the war at that time, although there was entanglement from the other party, Luo Li could have prevented these things from happening, but Luo Li did not take action with all his strength.

People are forgetful. Only when they are hurt or lost can they know how much something is cherished.

If the Creation Sect is not allowed to know the horror of the crisis and feel the pain, how will they know how much Luo Li protects them and how kind he is to them!

At this point, no one came to attack anymore, but many allies of the Creation Sect came to support.

Several of them had returned to this place, but Luo Li knew that they were just pretending to be bald and others. The reason why they chose to rob instead of supporting them before was because Luo Li got there before them.

Even if they come here to be good people, they won't get any benefits. Moreover, what they need is not simple things, but the foundation of the Creation Sect. Even if you save the Creation Sect, the Creation Sect will not give it to you!

In fact, the Creation Sect had this ending because they blamed themselves, as they had no real allies. At critical moments, you can step forward.

But this is normal. No one dares to be true friends with a lunatic sect who dares to modify their bodies at will.

Luo Li continued to guard here. Three months passed in the blink of an eye, and the crisis in the Creation Sect was resolved.

During these three months, the Creation Sect licked its wounds, changed the mountain-protecting formation, and activated its foundation, even though the only spirit that returned to the void was already very old. But he is still alive!

these three months. Many Nascent Soul True Lords from the Creation Sect broke through and were promoted to the True Lord of Transformation God.

Within three months, seventy-three transformation gods were born, among which the powerful mountain guarding ban of the Creation Sect was activated. Seven or eight transformed gods rely on this magic circle to restrain them. Can block a return to void. The Creation Sect is no longer a mercenary, and the most dangerous time is over.

The background of this visit is very powerful. Especially the Creation Sect, which is famous all over the world for transforming the human body.

However, it is not that easy to transform into a god, advance to the void, and return to the void. It depends entirely on chance, accumulation, and luck. There is no quick way.

Three months later, Hunyuan Sect Shuang Feng Zhenyi led 625 Hunyuan Sect disciples everywhere. With this Hunyuan Sect formation, the Creation Sect was even safer.

Luo Li smiled and handed over the responsibility of guarding the Creation Sect to Shuang Feng Zhenyi, who will guard the Creation Sect here.

However, Shuangfeng Zhenyi was different from Luo Li. He started interviews with the Huixu Zhenyihua Lingzi of the Creation Sect to study the alliance between the Creation Sect and the Hunyuan Sect.

At this point, Luo Li's tasks here have been completed. He smiled, now that the official business is over, he can do some personal things!

On this night, Luo Li was sitting there, but the fake body that had been transformed by Xiaobai sneaked into the Creation Sect.

The reason why the Creation Sect established the ancestral court and opened the mountain gate in Songzhou is, to put it nicely, this dangerous place has great fortune.

In fact, they are all lies. The real reason is because there is an Xian Qin ruins here.

This Xian Qin relic is said to be the Xian Qin Creation Immortal Body Research Institute. In the Xian Qin era, creation biochemical research was conducted. Later, Xian Qin collapsed. The researchers here formed the Creation Sect and inherited the inheritance of Xian Qin.

This Xian Qin relic has gone through countless catastrophes for countless thousands of years, and some of its buildings have collapsed.

This is the foundation of the Creation Sect, and this is what those who return to the void want to get.

The Hualingzi never appeared at any time. Even if the last time the other party sneaked into the Creation Sect and the sect suffered a great calamity, he would not move, just to protect this place.

But this time there was really no other way. Hunyuan Zong Shuang Fengzhen made a clear plan and came to negotiate. If the negotiation was successful, the Creation Sect would not be in danger. In addition, with Luo Li guarding him, Hualingzi felt relieved and left his guard. The ruins of Xian Qin!

He left with his front foot, and Luo Li immediately sneaked in. This was his purpose here.

This Xianqin relic is the foundation of the Creation Sect. The Creation Sect has mastered four of the worlds, but the core fifth world has never been mastered by the Creation Sect and cannot even be opened.

Before the accident, the Xian Qin relics were in the Holy Palace of Creation Sect. After the accident, Hualingzi immediately introduced the entrance of the relics into his cave and guarded it personally, so that there would never be any problems.

The entrance to the ruins is now located in Hualingzi Cave, which has thousands of guardians.

However, Luo Li possessed the God of Thieves, and under the operation of this ancient god, he easily came to this cave. Although Hualingzi left, there were still twelve transformed gods to protect him.

However, Luo Li easily passed through their guards, uncovered the futon that Hualingzi had been sitting on, opened the secret passage, and entered the ruins of Xian Qin.

The first floor of the Immortal Qin ruins is a silver-white hall. Everything in it seems to be refined from mithril, emitting a pure white light.

The walls of the same hall are engraved with all kinds of biochemical knowledge, which is also the origin of the knowledge of Creation Sect.

This world has countless passages, numerous terrifying mechanisms, and millions of biochemical guards cultivated by the Creation Sect. Even if you return to the void and your consciousness is confused, you may be destroyed by this place.

But Luo Li was not worried at all. He took out his Xian Qin seal and pressed it on the silver-white wall!

Suddenly, a voice appeared in the void!

"The first commander of the Earth Fire Dragon Fortress! The fourteenth-class Viscount of Yongyi of Xian Qin! Luo Li is here!"

Boom, the wall that has not changed for thousands of years immediately opened a door and a passage appeared. This passage went straight to the fifth core world!

This is the magic of the Xian Qin seal. Any Xian Qin cave, any Xian Qin mechanism restriction, once this seal is pressed, Luo Li immediately gains control of these Xian Qin.

Unless the controller of this place is higher than Luo Li's title, otherwise, all Xian Qin ruins are his home for Luo Li!

Soon, Luo Li came to a hall. In the hall, there was a ball of light, emitting infinite brilliance.

Luo Li was very familiar with this, it was the immortal Qin cave mansion spirit!

Luo Li came to the spirit, stretched out his hand and took out the seal, and printed it on the ball of light!

The light ball sent a divine sense:

"Ding Ding Ding, confirm the first commander of the Fire Dragon Fortress! The fourteenth-class Viscount Yongyi of the immortal Qin! Luo Li's identity!"

"Ding Ding Ding, warning, warning, this immortal Qin's immortal body research institute is a special institution of the immortal Qin, and Viscount Yongyi cannot obtain the control authority of the institute!"

"Ding Ding Ding, the authority of this institute belongs to the disciples of the Creation Sect. If Viscount Yongyi wants to forcibly deprive it, the institute will immediately collapse and shatter!"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "What benefits did the Creation Sect give you to be so loyal?"

The cave mansion spirit replied:

"Ding Ding Ding, warning, warning, this immortal Qin's immortal body research institute is a special institution of the immortal Qin. Qin Special Institution, Viscount Yongyi cannot obtain the control authority of the institute! "

"Beep beep, the authority of this institute belongs to the disciples of the Creation Sect. If Viscount Yongyi wants to forcibly deprive it, the institute will immediately collapse and shatter!"

Luo Li said: "I don't want any institute authority!

I just come here to collect my credit. I have made great contributions to Xian Qin, so naturally there should be rewards. After getting the rewards, I will leave!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the light ball immediately sent a divine consciousness:

"Beep beep, it is certain, please show the proof of great merit?"

Luo Li once again imprinted the seal on the light ball, and immediately the seal transmitted divine consciousness, which is also the function of the Xian Qin seal!

Immediately, the cave spirit said:

"Ding ding ding, Xian Qin Yongyi Viscount Luo Li, killed the clone of Xian Qin Zhi Xuan Wusheng Patriarch, saved the two worlds of Qilin Zhongtian, and his achievements are confirmed!"

"Ding ding ding, Xian Qin Yongyi Viscount Luo Li, destroyed Tianhe and saved the Zhongtian world, and his achievements are confirmed!"

"Ding ding ding, hereby reward as follows!"


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