Walk alone

Volume 3 Chapter 1,282 The mountain god protects the devil!

Luo Li did not see the origin of this person when he returned to the void, but Luo Li knew that this person was definitely not an unknown person.

This person disguised his identity. He must be a reputable person who came to loot the Creation Sect, so he disguised his identity.

A person who can avoid a blow from his own sword, only to have his arm cut off by himself, is a very strong person.

However, after cutting off his arm, Luo Li ignored him and continued to sit down and guard the Creation Sect.

Another three days passed!

Suddenly, seven figures appeared in front of the cliff, and behind them, there were six or seven figures, looming.

The leader, one with a bald head and the other with a full beard, slowly approached Luo Li.

One of them said:

"Friend Huode, you are blocking the door of the Creation Sect. Do you want to eat all the benefits by yourself?"

"Huo De, you are a bit too greedy, and the benefits are not shared at all. Do you think you can eat it alone?"

"Huo De, please step aside, the mountains and rivers will change, so that we can meet again in the future!"

"Boy, you are just one person, and there are sixteen of us. As long as you step aside, we will not forget your benefits. What is yours is yours!"

These relapses slowly came over, trying to force Luo Li to leave, enter the Creation Sect, and loot.

In the distance, the true energy is vast, and countless monks are waiting silently.

As long as Luo Li avoids it, thousands of monks will rush into the Creation Sect and loot everything.

All the monks from the Creation Sect gathered together and were on guard. They looked at Luo Li worriedly. The Creation Sect was facing an unprecedented disaster. Right before your eyes.

But Luo Li sat there, saying nothing, just looking at them with a smile!

The bald man couldn't help but said: "Shameless, everyone, he's the only one!"

"Kill him. That Hualingzi is too old. The wealth accumulated by the Creation Sect over hundreds of thousands of years is right in front of us!"

"Everyone, come on, he is alone, there are so many of us. We are dragging him to death!"

Hear this. Luo Li shook his head and said:

"To be a human being, you have to be upright, why should you be so secretive?"

These relapses have obscured the face. Did not appear as his original identity.

After saying this. There was a bang. Behind Luo Li, a puppy appeared, that puppy. His whole body was white as snow, and when he opened his mouth to swallow it, it was as if the whole world had been swallowed by him!

When Xiao Bai appeared, everyone on the other side was shocked. Someone said: "Return, the magic spirit of the realm of returning to the virtual world!"

The beard-faced Huixu Zhenyi said: "It's okay, he is just a Huixu magic spirit. There are so many of us, why are we afraid of him?"

Boom, another firebird appeared, and suddenly the whole world seemed to flash with flames, and the God of Fire came to the world!

Xiaohong appeared, and everyone couldn't help but someone else said: "Second, the second Void-Returning Spirit!"

Then, boom, a fierce tiger appeared, exuding endless murderous intent. A stone dragon appears. Although it doesn't move, its power is endless!

Then Xiao Hui, Xiao Jin, Xiao Qing, Xiao Hei...

The True Void Returning Spirits appeared one by one, and in the blink of an eye, all twelve Returning to the Void True Spirits appeared.

Seeing these returning spirits, the bald man wanted to say something, but the bearded man sighed, turned around and left.

The other party was not alone. The monk saw that these twelve returning true spirits were not good and left immediately.

The bald man mumbled a few words, then looked around him. Most of the Huixu people had gone. He sighed and said:

"What a fireman Shinichi, he is indeed amazing!

I will remember this kindness, the green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever. See you again in the future! "

After saying that, he turned around and left.

This person spoke loudly and spoke rudely, but Luo Li could feel that he was actually a female cultivator, pretending to be like this. In order to hide her true face, she would not hesitate to pretend to be bald.

In the blink of an eye, these returning spirits all left, and the monks gathered in the distance had to disperse.

Everyone dispersed, and it was quiet for another three days.

On the eighteenth day, at sunset, I suddenly felt like the whole world was silent!

Then the dark wind came from all directions!

There was a loud roar, and in an instant Luo Li felt countless blurry gray shadows appear in front of him, besieging him!

These shadows, gusty winds, came suddenly!

Luo Li struck out, and under the power, the shadow let out a sharp howl and dispersed, but there were still thousands of shadows around, and such shadows swept over quickly!

Luo Li yelled: "How brave!"

Boom, a roar, a sea of ​​light appeared on Luo Li, and all the shadows suddenly screamed, being refined by this sea of ​​light!

The shadows are not actually strong, they are just unclear ghosts that circulate quickly, sucking in Yang Qi and disrupting time and space. Even if they return to the void, they will be trapped by them.

But Luo Li's Ling Ding Yang happened to be their nemesis and restrained them. During Guang Hai's lifetime, they were all collected by Guang Hai.

The sea of ​​light refines all demons, and all the Yin demons in the outer realm are immediately refined.

However, these Yin Demons from the outer realm are weak, and their purpose is to attract Luo Li's attention. At the same time, the formation of the mountain gate of the Creation Sect was immediately opened with several holes, allowing Huixu to sneak in in the dark. Creation Sect.

Luo Li dissipated thousands of demons from the outer world with one strike, and then escaped and entered the mountain gate of the Creation Sect.

Suddenly, in the mountain gate, there were endless explosions, the sound of proverbs, and the Wutu Divine Thunder hitting Luo Li one after another.

When this thunder is released, the whole world becomes hot, with high temperature, distorted light, and the whistling of the expanding flames. It contains the evil way. Once it touches, it will immediately spread into the six senses and seven orifices, the five internal organs, triggering all kinds of illusions in the mind, and inducing Yin fire in the body, burning it. If it is combined in one place, it will be unbearable even if it returns to the void!

At the same time, there is also endless Tiangang Bing Fire, which devours the soul and rushes towards Luo Li.

Whether it is Wu Tu Shen Lei or Tiangang Bing Fire, they have one characteristic, trouble!

The power is not strong, but it seems to be troublesome if it touches. It is dedicated to destroying people's cultivation and filthy the opponent's heavenly way. All things cannot touch it. The opponent's goal is not to defeat Luo Li, but to hold Luo Li back!

Luo Li sneered, stretched out his hand, and suddenly the sound of Sanskrit sounded:

"The heaven and earth are hidden inside, according to the three talents, and the universe and the four seas are contained!"

The golden bowl is one foot in size, carved with gold and jade, and is extremely luxurious. It is used to weigh all things in the world. Suddenly, all the Wu Earth Divine Thunder and Tian Gang Bing Fire are collected.

Then Luo Li made a move, and the endless true fire was released, and the red lotus sea of ​​fire appeared in front of him!

In the Creation Sect, several Fanxu made a move immediately, and suddenly a sword light appeared, and it was in front of Luo Li in an instant!

This person was dressed in brocade clothes and held a blood sword in his hand. The blood light of the sword flashed, and when it was used, a bloody smell was like substance, making people feel dizzy and nauseous.

This person came close and swung a sword. Luo Li waved it lightly, and the Hunyuan Golden Lamp was lit!

Clang! Clang clang clang... A series of sword lights cut the light, but Luo Li was unharmed. The man turned around, his body turned into red light, and suddenly increased his strength, and escaped!

Luo Li smiled and said, "Don't leave, stay!"

Just chase!

In this Creation Sect, boom, boom!

Endless battles broke out!

The cultivators in the distance stretched their necks and watched from afar.

In the Creation Sect, a blazing fire rose, and suddenly, above the flames, there was a huge roar!

At the moment when the roar sounded, the whole sky was reflected as day by the waterfall-like lightning, and millions of thunders exploded together, instantly tearing the Creation Sect's formation of thousands of miles into pieces.

This sound was like the roar of millions of thunders, but it was not the overbearing sound of thunder, but it lingered in people's ears and shook their hearts.

In the criss-crossing electric light, the power that was about to annihilate the world made the cultivators amazed one by one!

The next moment, the vibration stopped abruptly!

A cultivator immediately said: "Nine thunders roared, this is Fanxu fighting desperately!"

"Ah, Fanxu fell!"

"Is it Luo Li, it would be better if he died!"

"No, ah, I don't know one, but there are two!"

"No, no, there are three!"

"This, this is definitely the breath of Gu Ye Zhenyi of Yemo Sect!"

"Ah, I can also feel that it is Jiang Xun Zhenyi of Jiuyang Sect!"

"No way, they all fell into Luo Li's hands so quickly!"

"Isn't this Luo Li too strong?"

Luo Li let out a long roar, his voice was clear, his figure appeared on the cliff, standing proudly on the top of the creation, his eyes were everywhere, and it was as bright as lightning.

Under his gaze, all the discussions disappeared, people knew that the three Fanxu died in battle, and the Creation Sect was defended!

So far, no Fanxu has ever spied on the Creation Sect! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novels are better and updated faster!

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