Walk alone

Volume Three Chapter 1,281 Jiulan Mountain Cliff Protects Good Fortune! (Thanks to the leader for ha

Luo Li released all the hundreds of monks from the Creation Sect.

The highest level of these monks is no more than Nascent Soul, and none of them has a true god of transformation, but they can be said to be the most elite remaining disciples of the Creation Sect.

They were taken into the Taichu Cave Heaven by Luo Li, and the Cave Heaven was reshaped. They had no idea about everything that happened. They were locked there, isolated from the world, and now they were released.

After being released, they looked around and suddenly found that they had returned to the world of Zhongtian Lord, and they were all overjoyed.

But soon, they knew their situation. Among the crowd, an old man slowly stood up, named Zhenjun Cangyun.

The leader he introduced for everyone bowed to Luo Li and said:

"Senior Huode, what is going on in the great world of Qilin? How is our ancestor now?"

Luo Li replied: "The great world of Qilin suffered this disaster and mutated, automatically cutting off the passage to the main world of Zhongtian.

All of you, the founders, will self-destruct and use the unique magic of the Creation Sect to perish together with the immortals and demons!

At the end of the catastrophe, the creation sect released the immortals and demons, but they did not hit the world of God and caused no harm! "

As soon as these words were said, everyone let out a sigh of relief. Some people couldn't help but shed tears when they heard all the ancestors self-destructing.

But True Lord Cangyun opened his mouth and said slowly: "All the ancestors are dead?

Our creation sect has now completely destroyed all its gods, leaving only our ancestor alone guarding the mountain gate! "

After saying this, everyone remembered the current situation of the Creation Sect.

At this point of the catastrophe, the creation sect, the true god of transformation, was completely destroyed, and the true one of returning to the void was completely destroyed. The only one left was Lao Huixu, but he was about to die and could not even leave the Creation Sect, so he did not go to the Kirin World to participate in the experiment.

As a result, all the powerful members of the Creation Sect were wiped out, and the resources controlled by the Creation Sect, their own wealth, especially the various methods of changing the human body, were coveted by countless sects, and this was the end of the disaster!

Suddenly everyone turned pale. The future is unpredictable. The catastrophe has not begun yet.

True Lord Cangyun said: "Could it be that our Creation Sect is going to perish here?"

There are countless precedents before our eyes. Shenwei Sect did not return to the true one. Destroy the whole family!

Everyone was suddenly in panic.

at this time. Luo Li continued:

"You, the founder of the Creation Sect, can destroy yourself and break the catastrophe. I admire this spirit. In addition, I am entrusted by the Sword God to send you back to the Creation Sect and take charge of your Creation Sect!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone's eyes suddenly lit up. With Luo Li's words, standing up for the Good Fortune Sect would at least solve the urgent needs of the Good Fortune Sect!

Immediately, True Lord Cangyun knelt down and said, "Thank you, senior, for protecting our sect. I will never forget this!"

With him taking the lead, countless monks from the Creation Sect immediately knelt down to thank him!

Luo Li shook his head and said: "I won't protect you for too long, I'll give you a hundred years!

In a hundred years, if there is no Huixu born in your sect, then I’m sorry, your time is up! "

True Lord Cangyun said excitedly: "Thank you, senior, thank you so much, senior!"

Luo Li nodded and said, "Okay, I hope you won't disappoint me!"

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and saw the universe in his sleeves. All these monks were placed in the Taichu Cave, and then he flew up and headed to the Creation Sect.

Along the way, he sent flying talismans towards the sect to explain the matter.

He protected the Creation Sect only for a while. Later, when a sect returned to the throne, he came to help in times of crisis to take over the alliance.

The creation method of the Creation Sect and the elixir for cleansing the marrow and cutting the sutras are famous all over the world, but they are of little use to Luo Li. They are valuable to the disciples of the Hunyuan Sect.

The Creation Sect is located in the Jiulan Mountain in the Mobei region. Luo Li fled all the way, traveling through the prefectures and prefectures, in addition to the Miaoxiang region, to the Mobei region.

Then all the way along Liuguang Avenue, passing through Pingzhou, Yizhou, Pantian Grand Canyon, Zhenning, and Guizhou, then eastward from Zhenyuan, passing Zhijiang, Shenli and other places to reach Songzhou.

This is Jiulan Mountain, where the Creation Sect is located. Luo Li frowned when he arrived at Songzhou. There are endless peaks here, some of which can be as high as clouds. The cold mountain wind is biting, and the roads are rugged and winding, extremely steep and sparse. On this continent, there are few people.

Throughout Songzhou, the mountains are dangerous, with jumbled peaks and ridges, thickets of thorns, and mountains covering the wilderness; venomous snakes and beasts come and go in groups. Looking up again, I saw wild smoke and mist billowing between the sludge swamps, ravines and plains. It was the everlasting and sinister atmosphere that had accumulated forever. From a distance, it looked like piles of clouds. It floats from the ground, reflecting the setting sun on the mountain, creating layers of phantom colors. If humans and animals touch it, they will immediately die.

Luo Li couldn't help but ask: "Why is this place where the Creation Sect is so dangerous?"

True Lord Cangyun replied: "Creating heaven and earth, finding another way outside of heaven and earth is not tolerated by heaven and earth. Therefore, we are in this land of bad water in Bashan. The more dangerous the place, the more miracles of creation there are."

"Although this Songzhou is dangerous, senior, you will know it when you reach Jiulan Mountain of our Creation Sect!"

Soon Luo Li came to Jiulan Mountain and immediately discovered the difference here.

The smoke and clouds gathered here, the fog filled the air, and the scenery we just passed through was no longer visible.

In the world here, there is no trace of poisonous mist and miasma. I saw the blue peaks and the sky opening, the clear springs gushing from the ground, the distant peaks covered with dark green, the nearby mountains green, the water color and the sky light all the way, complementing each other, the lush forests and beautiful flowers everywhere, as bright as clouds and brocade. Just far away from the horizon, there is a high ridge spanning the sky, reaching up to the sky.

The scenery here is completely different from that of Songzhou. Birds jump and chirp among the big branches, and the world suddenly becomes lively.

That cliff is the mountain gate of the Creation Sect. This cliff is straight and steep, and it is extremely steep. The mountain is full of rugged and strange rocks, stacked one on top of another, suspended without any path, and the rock walls are as smooth as a knife.

Luo Li flew to the cliff, released many disciples of the Creation Sect, and then said:

"Okay, you can return to the sect!"

True Lord Cangyun said: "Senior, please come into the sect and rest!"

Luo Li shook his head and said, "No, I said I would protect your sect, and I will do what I say!"

After saying that, Luo Li released a stone platform on the cliff. Slowly sat down, with all directions in sight, and said: "Go, I'm right here. Anyone who wants to touch your Creation Sect must pass through me first!"

Luo Li did not enter the Creation Sect, lest they think that he was greedy for the Creation Sect.

Seeing Luo Li like this, all the disciples of the Creation Sect on the spot knelt down and worshiped. Thank you Luo Li.

They entered the sect. Immediately there were various crying sounds inside.

At this point of the catastrophe, the strength of the Creation Sect was greatly reduced, countless monks died, and the remaining disciples in the sect were left behind. Such a change had been discovered a long time ago. Panic and anxiety. Seeing these monks returning, I felt relieved immediately.

When these monks returned, they immediately reorganized the Creation Sect. The disciples of the Creation Sect who were outside were recalled, and a funeral was held to commemorate the deceased fellow disciples. Various activities began in an orderly manner.

The news of the catastrophe of the Good Fortune Sect spread quickly throughout the world of immortality. At first, no one believed it, but soon it was verified by all aspects, and it was immediately confirmed that countless strong men of the Good Fortune Sect had fallen, and the sect was the weakest.

On the third day after Luo Li sat down here, Huixu came to this place from a distance, following the instructions of Peeping at the Creation Sect.

He has accumulated countless wealth in the Creation Sect, and has the elixir to cleanse the marrow and cut down the sutras, and countless people covet him.

But when those returning to the void arrived here and saw Luo Li sitting at the door, they were all stunned!

During this period, the reputation of Luo Li's battle on Hanging Island spread throughout the world. When he saw Luo Li, he would consider whether it was worth the risk to have him here.

On the seventh day, a figure appeared in the distance, with endless coercion rushing towards here looming.

At the beginning, there were only three or five, but later, there were more than ten. The auras shot up to the sky and filled the sky. All the living creatures within thousands of miles of Jiulan Mountain fled far away, and the entire mountain peak seemed dead.

Within the Creation Sect, countless disciples suddenly felt this terrible crisis, but they were helpless.

Luo Li is here, motionless, sitting on the cliff, as if he has no feeling, sitting here to control the creation sect and support the creation sect!

On the twelfth day, there were dozens and hundreds of void-returning fluctuations around them, making people feel as if the sky was falling. In the void, because their breaths attracted each other, the sky became dark and endless thunderstorms fell.

But the cliff where Luo Li was located seemed to be in another world, without any wind, thunder, clouds or lightning. In this terrifying world, it gave the disciples of the Creation Sect a peaceful world and sky.

On the thirteenth day, a man in black robe slowly ascended the peak. This Huixu Zhenyi showed arrogance and pride in his bones, his eyes shone brightly, and a real awe-inspiring Xiao Su murderous intention burst out.

But Luo Li is here, the clouds are calm and the wind is light, and he doesn't care!

He looked at Luo Li and said:

"Luo Li, this is a matter of the Creation Sect, what does it have to do with you?

Please get out of the way, otherwise, with so many fellow Taoists here, even if you are tenth in the world, today will be the day of your death!

Seeing that you are still practicing Taoism, please listen to my advice..."

Luo Li raised his hand, and the tenth-level divine sword slowly flew out!

The Hunyuan Golden Whip was shot twice. Only the Sword God knew that Luo Li would not send it out easily. It was Luo Li's last trump card.

Seeing Luo Li's divine sword, Na Huixu couldn't help but frown and said, "Luo Li, do you really want to continue in front of us?"

Luo Li didn't answer, just a sword!

Raising his hand, a sword came out, the sacred sword, the light of the sword was cold!

The Returning to the Void Realm snorted coldly, and immediately emitted a rainbow light, covering an area of ​​ten thousand feet, hiding himself within it.

But under the sword light, the rainbow light was easily penetrated. The returning sword flashed in front of him, but turned into a flash of white light and flew away. However, in the void, an arm suddenly fell down. Luo Li cut off the arm and fled far away!

Luo Li smiled and continued to sit here to protect the Creation Sect!


Thank you to the leader for someone just now. I should add an update today, but I haven’t planned the next big plot yet. Xuemei is supposed to return. I’m stuck here. There is only one update today. I will add an update tomorrow!

Thanks! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

ps: Thank you: That Year Mingyue Xiaoyaoirrever Private Book Friends 130302121idabeidehfking forced tch Pure Heart as Clear Sky Book Friends 140105021843724 Guo Feiyi Wang Boss Book Friends 141213194436544ivanyu Guzi Road Yu Xiaolei Just Now I Have Personal Ability 128 Book Friends 141002072019258 Xian Yun Bu, thank you all for playing reward!

Thank you for the reward from a certain leader just now, and thank you to the leader with 128 abilities for the reward!

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