Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 158: Driving the tiger and swallowing the wolf!

Ouchi masters and palace officials came from the tunnel. They first used stone piers to cushion the door-sealing stone, and then passed four iron rods as thick as forearms through them. Eight Ouchi masters inside and outside worked together to lift up the huge stone blocking the door. Lifted up.

The Queen Mother and Dongfang Liren left under the escort of palace officials, while Ye Jingtang and several secret guards came to the vicinity of the collapsed tunnel again to check the situation.

The tunnels collapsed in series. According to Ye Jingtang's estimation, the tunnels collapsed by more than ten feet, more than forty meters, which is not too long.

However, the soil above has been loosened, and if the work was started without support and reinforcement, it would be buried alive within a few meters of digging.

Digging upwards is also risky. If the moat is penetrated, everyone in the tunnel will be drowned.

After studying for a while, Ye Jingtang felt that the job of drilling holes, exploring and opening tunnels had to be left to skilled craftsmen. He immediately turned around and left the tunnel.

After working underground for a long time, it was already noon.

Ye Jingtang jumped out of the room in the side hall of Fushou Palace. It could be seen that there were all the palace people outside, except for the inner secret guards and several black yamen chief arresters.

Dongfang Liren was standing in the corridor, arranging tasks for the chief arrester of the black office. When he saw the night terror coming out of the hall, he came to him:

"We have arranged for people to search the streets and alleys around the Imperial City, and we have also asked the Ministry of Industry to dispatch craftsmen to survey the tunnels. It will probably take some time to find out clearly."

As he spoke, he took a robe from the palace maid and handed it to the Night Terror Hall.

Ye Jingtang tore off half of his cassock-like clothes, put the palace guard's robe on himself, and asked:

"The entrance at the other end is definitely not on the street."

Dongfang Liren might be afraid that the Night Terror Hall would be exposed, so he still stood in front of him and helped tie his belt:

"Of course I know this, but the residences of princes, generals and ministers are gathered around the imperial city, and the tunnels are searched from house to house. If there is nothing wrong, there must be something wrong..."

Dongfang Liren's demeanor is still very noble, but the action of lowering her head to tie the man's belt is full of girlishness. Her heroic eyebrows and seductive red lips are only a short distance from the man's chin.

Ye Jingtang was stunned by Benben's sudden initiative. Just as he was about to politely refuse to come, he found that Benben's face was stained with some dust from running wildly in the dusty tunnel just now, so he raised his finger and rubbed it on his face. The child was scratched.


There was a sudden silence in the verandah.

Dongfang Liren paused in the movement of tying his belt, raised his eyes, and looked at the handsome young man who was blatantly teasing her, with some disbelief in his eyes.

Ye Jingtang paused with his fingers and wiped Cunben's face with his sleeve:

"There is dust, let me wipe it away for Your Highness..."

Dongfang Liren grabbed the hand that was wiping his face. The fat-headed dragon in front of him bulged and said in a deep voice:

"Ye Jingtang, you are lawless, aren't you? If you take the opportunity to offend me, do you really think that I will not deal with you?"

Ye Jingtang signaled to the palace maid’s secret guard behind:

"There are many people here, please pay attention to your manners, Your Highness."

Do you still know that people have many eyes and are confused?

Touch my face in public...

Dongfang Liren looked back, suppressed the anger in his eyes, and said coldly:

"Next time, don't blame me for being unkind!"

Ye Jingtang nodded: "Understood."

Dongfang Liren gave up and continued to ask:

"Do you have any plans next?"

Ye Jingtang put his clothes in order and thought about it:

"It will take time to dig the tunnel. The thieves may escape at any time. I will remember the general route of the tunnel and first touch it from the surface to have a look. As for Prince Wu, His Highness will send someone to investigate. If necessary, please inform me at any time."

Dongfang Liren actually wanted Ye Jingtang to take a rest, but the current situation was unclear, and Ye Jingtang was very capable, so she wanted Ye Jingtang to rest. She couldn't expect a bunch of gangsters from the black office to investigate the case, so she warned:

"Be careful. If something happens, don't force yourself. Please inform me first."

Ye Jingtang nodded and was about to set off when his heart moved and he asked again:

"By the way, Your Highness, where is the eldest son of the emperor being held?"

Dongfang Liren asked doubtfully: "Do you doubt the traitor's intention to beat the emperor's eldest son?"

"Just think of the worst in everything."

Dongfang Liren looked back and whispered:

"He is under house arrest in the Marquis Yunning's Mansion in the west of the city. The surrounding area is the camp of the Royal Guards of the Imperial City. Qin Wenli has been staying close to him."

"Who is Qin Wenli?"

"Eight-armed Ksitigarbha."

When Ye Jingtang heard this, he nodded slightly, feeling that he might indeed be worrying too much.

The Eight-Armed Ksitigarbha is the leader of the imperial court's violent organization. Only the Eight Great Leaders can be pinned to death with certainty. The remaining warriors are basically unable to shake him, not to mention the imperial guards to assist him in defense.

Moreover, no matter how unclear the direction of the tunnel was, it was still in the east of the city. The emperor's eldest son was in the west of the city, so his location was completely opposite.

Since the true target is not the emperor's eldest son, it is more difficult to guess.

Ye Jingtang couldn't guess the intention, so he said goodbye to Benben, hung the knife on his waist, flew up, jumped onto the palace pavilion, and groped outside to investigate according to his memory. Just after passing a few houses, before leaving the confines of the dormitory, I suddenly found myself in the back garden of Fushou Palace.

Ye Jingtang stopped at the wall and glanced around. The thousand-year-old ginkgo tree that he had longed for was in the corner of the garden behind the dormitory. There was a swing hanging on the branches. Below was a tree altar with large bluestone bricks around it.

And the picture of the singing dragon that the adoptive father mentioned is under the big brick!

Ye Jingtang's heart moved, and he really wanted to take this opportunity to fish in troubled waters for personal gain and dig out the Singing Dragon Picture.

But when I looked carefully, I saw the Queen Mother, who was wearing a deep red phoenix skirt, and the palace maid Hong Yu standing in front of the ginkgo tree, holding three sticks of incense in their hands, bowing in a decent manner.


Ye Jingtang's eyes were blank, and he didn't know why the Queen Mother was worshiping a tree here.

The Queen Mother, who was holding incense and praying, noticed someone moving on the wall, so she turned around and looked over. Her eyes were slightly bright, and she seemed to be waving him over.

In the absence of Benben, Ye Jingtang did not dare to come into contact with the beautiful Queen Mother, so he bowed her hands first:

"In this humble position, I am investigating the direction of the tunnel and looking for the thief. Please forgive me for disturbing the Queen Mother."

When the Queen Mother heard this, she naturally couldn't help but ask Ye Jingtang to express her condolences, and said with concern:

"Thank you for your hard work, please pay attention to safety. You have done a good job in escorting me today, and I will reward you in the future."

"Thank you, Queen Mother."

After Ye Jingtang bowed at the wall, he flew over the wall and headed towards the edge of the imperial city.

The Queen Mother held three sticks of incense, stood under the ginkgo tree that had lasted for thousands of years, and looked up. It was not until the red jade beside her waved her hand in front of her that she came back to her senses and continued to worship the person who could bestow her with good things. Lucky tree master...

The imperial city is very large, with countless palaces and pavilions connected to each other. Unfamiliar palace residents may get lost.

Night Terror Hall walked through the palace, which seemed a bit treasonous, but holding the badge that allowed him to enter and leave the palace freely, he did not encounter any obstruction. Following the route in his memory, he turned left and right in the imperial city for a while, and soon arrived. East wall.

Outside the city wall is Yuhe, and then there is the east area of ​​the city. Wutong Street, Wende Bridge, and even the residences of princes and generals are all in this area of ​​the city.

Even if Ye Jingtang possesses a black government card, he cannot be so lawless as to pass through the back house of the Prime Minister of the dynasty without notification, so he can only act secretly.

According to memory, after searching for about half an hour, Ye Jingtang stopped at a minister's house. He could see many servants in the house inspecting the house, while the master's family was standing in the yard discussing.

Judging from the conversation, it was the vibration from the tunnel collapse that spread to the ground, frightening the residents on the ground.

The tunnel broke off when it reached this point. It was not clear where it would lead next. The only way to find it was to dig up the ground. The amount of work was greater than rebuilding the collapsed tunnel. By the time it was completed, the traces would have been wiped away.

The clues ended here. Ye Jingtang stood on the top of the tall building, looking around at the endless buildings in the capital, frowning...


At the same time, a small street in the east of the city.

The small street is adjacent to the East Market, and the Cross Avenue is nearby, with dense pedestrian traffic.

The Collapsing Mountain Tiger King Cheng Jing, dressed as a normal business traveler, was wandering on the street, his eyes occasionally glancing at the young warriors passing by on horseback; his younger brother Wang Er was walking not far away.

Brother Wang Chengjing took over the murder business from the Zhou family. Ye Silang has already lost his hand. If Ye Jingtang doesn't solve it, it will be equivalent to a wasted work and injury.

But Ye Jingtang is not a simple person. Although he knows his name, age and other information, it is difficult to find him. Through interviews and inquiries in the past two days, we only know that Ye Jingtang is the young master of a merchant family in the capital.

Wang Chengjing originally wanted to go and block the road, but found that Ye Jingtang didn't go back to Tianshui Bridge at all, and relied on kidnapping to lure the snake out of the cave. Ye Jingtang must have brought a group of black government masters here. How to get Ye Jingtang out alone would be a troublesome matter.

With no clue, Wang Chengjing could only adopt a stupid method, wait and see, wandering around the streets near Hei Yamen to see if he could see Ye Jingtang passing by, and then follow him and look for opportunities to kill him.

But he didn't even have a portrait of Ye Jingtang. He only knew that he was in his twenties, quite tall, very handsome, and carrying a knife. This method was tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Wandering aimlessly along the street, when Wang Chengjing was frowning, the sound of a carriage came from ahead.


He casually leaned to the street to avoid it, but when the carriage passed by, his ears twitched slightly and he faintly caught a sentence:

"How could it be the Night Terror Hall..."

"That knife can't go wrong..."

The sound of old and young people talking.

Wang Chengjing suddenly came back to his senses and looked calmly out of the corner of his eye, only to see a small carriage driven by an ordinary businessman passing by.

The carriage was not big, and there was a middle-aged coachman sitting outside. He had a very well-proportioned figure. He seemed to be a martial arts practitioner, and he was extremely alert. The moment he reacted, he turned his head.

Wang Chengjing was secretly frightened, but he had been walking around the world all year round, and he didn't have the slightest objection in his expression. He just looked around the street casually. After the carriage was far away, he frowned, turned around and followed slowly.

Wang Er leaned forward and asked doubtfully:

"Have you found someone?"

"No. But in that carriage, there should be someone wanted by the government. Judging from the tone, he had just fought against the Night Terror Hall."

Wang Er didn't see anything special about the carriage going away, so he asked:

"Let's follow the carriage and wait for Night Terror Hall to come and catch the thief?"

Wang Chengjing nodded: "The people on the carriage are very skilled in martial arts, and they may be able to complete their errands without losing any blood."

Wang Er thought for a moment, shook his head and said:

"Hei Yamen arrests people. They don't necessarily come to the Night Terror Hall. There will definitely be a lot of people coming. It's difficult for us to fish in troubled waters. And if the people on the carriage are too skilled in martial arts, the Night Terror Hall may not be able to find them."

Wang Chengjing thought for a moment: "This is not a problem. Let's see where the carriage is staying first, and find a way to send the news to the Night Terror Hall. The Night Terror Hall received the tip, and for the sake of credit, we will definitely come in person and wait for them. Fight, let’s wait until the time comes..."

"Good strategy..."


Thank you to [Black Tongue Candy] [Wangshiyue] boss for the reward!

Thank you [Bi Ge Mo Wu] [Flying Chocobo] [Sakura Walnut] [Jun Xuanji] [Little Little Confused] for the big reward!

Thank you to the big guys for recommending monthly passes!

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