Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 157 What are you doing?


Inside the deep tunnel, the sound of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking could be heard far away.

Ye Jingtang held Benben in his left hand and the Queen Mother in his right hand. He ran with all his strength for more than ten feet before the chain of collapsed bricks behind him stopped, and the roar in the tunnel quickly subsided.

From the explosion of the wall to the collapse of the tunnel, it all happened in the blink of an eye. Under the huge changes, the two women were unable to figure out what happened. They just tensed up with fear and suspicion.

At this time, the light of Huozhezi also appeared in front, and a middle-aged palace maid carrying an official sword came towards her.

Secret guard Yang Lan followed, just to be on guard against Ye Jingtang's evil plans. He really didn't expect such a terrifying fight to suddenly break out in this tunnel that had been closed for two hundred years. He asked in surprise:

"what happened?"

Without stopping, Ye Jingtang handed the Queen Mother directly into Yang Lan's arms:

"There was an ambush on the other side of the tunnel and the tunnel collapsed. Get out quickly."

The Queen Mother kept her eyes tightly closed. When she heard the voice, she realized that she was not dead and quickly hugged Yang Lan's neck.

When Dongfang Liren heard the voice, he suppressed the surprise on his face and looked back:

"Who's that over there?"

"I don't know, but my martial arts skills are extremely high, and my skills are impeccable but my skills are impeccable, but my stamina is lacking. I've never seen him before."

While Ye Jingtang was talking, he hugged Dongfang Liren and looked down at him:

"How's your injury?"

Dongfang Liren didn't pay attention to anything else. When she heard this, she realized that her leg hurt a little. She hugged Ye Jingtang's neck and said calmly:

"It was scratched by gravel, it's no big deal."

The four of them ran quickly, and after running for a while, they arrived at the stone room halfway.

Yang Lan carried the Queen Mother into the large room, and found that the door sealing stone at the exit had been smashed down. Her footsteps suddenly stopped, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Dongfang Liren was also startled when he saw that the exit was blocked, but when he looked carefully, he found that Ye Jingtang had placed stone pillars underneath in advance, and the way he looked at Ye Jingtang changed.

Ye Jingtang put Dongfang Liren down, took the fire seal, and half-crouched to look at it. He was sure that the vibration just now was too great, causing the door-sealing stone to fall.

The door-sealing stone was three feet wide, and it was blocked by a stone pier. The stone pier was smashed open, but there was still a gap of about two feet, and I could barely climb out.

Night Terror Hall thought about it and prepared to go in and check.

But when Dongfang Liren saw Ye Jingtang preparing to dig under the huge boulder, he quickly grabbed him:

"Come back. This stone probably weighs tens of thousands of pounds. If it falls down, you will be cut in half on the spot. Don't take the chance."

Ye Jingtang looked at the cracks on the ground. Although he felt that the risk was not high, it was indeed there. Prince Jing and the Queen Mother moved slowly and did not dare to let them get through, so they said:

"I'll go over first to check the situation and ask someone to remove the sealing stone."


Yang Lan is the young commander of the secret guards. He is very skilled in martial arts, but he doesn't think he can destroy a tunnel that is more than ten feet long in two blows.

Originally, she followed behind to prevent Ye Jingtang from taking advantage of him, but judging from the short fight just now, Ye Jingtang really wanted to take them all. She probably even solved the problem with her, an old lady. None are very big.

Yang Lan knew that her martial arts skills were not as good as those at Night Terror Hall. If a powerful enemy from the other end of the tunnel came to attack, it would be difficult for her to stop her, so she put down the Queen Mother, turned over and dodged under the door stone:

"You are here to protect your two highnesses. I will call someone over."

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang stopped following him and looked up. After confirming that the structure of the stone chamber was extremely solid, he turned to look at the situation of the two of them.

Dongfang Liren was wearing a silver fat-headed dragon python skirt. The upper body of her clothes was intact, but there were many holes in the skirt. The same was true for the Queen Mother, but she was protected by two people, so her situation was much better.

Ye Jingtang looked at it carefully, squatted down and lifted up Benben's skirt.

Dongfang Liren was stunned, and quickly took half a step back, holding down his skirt:

"what you do?"

The Queen Mother said softly: "What else can I do to treat your injury?" After saying that, she took Dongfang Liren and sat down beside the small stone platform in the stone room.

Dongfang Liren pursed his lips: "Just let the medical girl come over later. You are not a doctor..."

Ye Jingtang placed the fire folder on the edge of the stone platform, held Dongfang Liren's white boots, and lifted up his skirt to check.

Dongfang Liren always dressed very formally, with white boots and thin pants underneath.

At this time, there were several holes in the white trouser legs, a few bruises on the sides of the legs, and a few bruises caused by the stones.

This kind of injury, not talking about warriors, would be nothing to worry about on an ordinary citizen; but on a princess who had been prosperous since she was a child, it would look a bit shocking.

Ye Jingtang carefully took off his shoes and untied the socks. Before he could pull them down, Dongfang Liren's face turned red and his feet arched slightly:


Ye Jingtang blinked his eyes and looked towards Benben. He didn’t say anything, but his guess was that he could see all over his body and was rubbed by fur...

Dongfang Liren's eyes were full of strangeness. It would be fine if he was touched by Ye Jingtang in private; now the Queen Mother is here...

Ye Jingtang pulled down the stockings, and a crystal clear foot appeared in front of him. The whole foot looked like it was carved from mutton fat jade. Through the fair skin, he could faintly see the veins and lines. When his hand touched it, the toes shrank. shrink.

Dongfang Liren maintained her noble and majestic air as a queen, but her eyes were obviously a little embarrassed. Seeing Ye Jingtang squatting in front of her, helping her roll up her trouser legs, she pursed her lips and wanted to say a few words to break this. Weird atmosphere.

But before Dongfang Liren opened her mouth, she found that Ye Jingtang had taken out a small bottle from his waist and was about to pour it into her lap...


The charm in Dongfang Liren's heart was gone, and he quickly said:

"Does this hurt?"

Ye Jingtang paused and said frankly:

"Jin Chuang Powder, disinfects, stops bleeding and removes blood stasis, it hurts a bit."

Dongfang Liren originally wanted to put on a strong person's attitude and resist, but he was afraid that he would lose his manners by shouting and yelling later, so he raised his hand and tapped his chest twice, and then he fell limply on the Queen Mother's shoulders.

Ye Jingtang held the white and cool feet, sprinkled the white powder on the calf, and tore off a section of skirt to wrap the leg, the same with the left leg, and then looked at the thigh.

Dongfang Liren's face turned red, his limbs were paralyzed and he couldn't move. Seeing this, he quickly said:

"The thigh is not injured."

Ye Jingtang checked the surface of the skirt and found that there were indeed no holes. He looked at the Queen Mother.

? !

The Queen Mother supported Li Ren and kept looking at Ye Jingtang touching Li Ren's feet, her face was a little hot, and she could see the two people's darting glances, and she found it quite interesting in her heart.

Realizing that the unparalleledly handsome and gentle guard looked over and seemed to want to do the same to her, the Queen Mother sat up a little straighter and said:

"Well...I'm fine."

"Why is everything okay? The skirt is torn..."

Dongfang Liren's eyes were serious. Seeing that his limbs were almost recovered, he bent down and picked up the Queen Mother's legs and placed them on his lap.

Ye Jingtang stood up and looked away.

Dongfang Liren lifted up the hem of her red skirt, and her snow-white and soft calves and ankles appeared in front of her eyes. She paused, frowned and said:

"Queen Mother, are you not wearing pants?"

? ?

The Queen Mother originally thought Ye Jingtang was a good gentleman, but when she heard these words, her face immediately turned red, and she patted Dongfang Liren on the shoulder:

"What nonsense are you talking about? I'm wearing it!"

Dongfang Liren looked at the small feet that were not even wearing socks, and knew that the Queen Mother must not be wearing pants like her sister, but Ye Jingtang was present, so it was not easy to say anything, and she just explained to the Queen Mother:

"It's hot in the summer, and the palace's underwear is relatively short. Don't think so wildly."

Ye Jingtang knew that he was most likely wearing the same bow-tie pants as Luo Nuxia and Yuhu Girl. They would fall off when pulled from the side. He sighed inwardly, but did not look back.

Dongfang Liren held the palace shoes and carefully inspected the Queen Mother's calf. He found that there were only some dark red and very shallow abrasions. He didn't even need any medicine. He breathed a sigh of relief and gently rubbed them with his hands.

The Queen Mother was still a little hurt, but she didn't say anything. She maintained a dignified manner and looked at Ye Jingtang:

"Your injuries are not serious, are they?"

Ye Jingtang looked at the tattered robes:

"I'm fine, not hurt at all."

Dongfang Liren gestured to his side: "You should also bandage it. If you have time to apply medicine, what's going on?"

Seeing that no one had come over yet, Ye Jingtang sat down next to Benben, crossed his legs, tore open his trouser legs, and applied the medicine himself.

Dongfang Liren rubbed the Queen Mother's calf, thought for a while and said:

"Night Terror Hall, did you find something? The tunnel was recorded in an old book. How could there be someone inside, and we happened to bump into it..."

Although the source of the information from Night Terror Hall is difficult to explain, meeting people in the tunnel can already be used as evidence. He explained:

"I have been investigating the murder case on Zhuji Street for the past two days. I wanted to find books related to architecture, but when I was chatting with the bookstore owner, I found this book. I also heard that Prince Wu is also a fan of the same thing..."


The Queen Mother blinked her eyes: "Dongfang Yin is delicious, but I haven't heard of her being lustful... Could it be that he has longing for me?"

Dongfang Liren held down the musing Queen Mother and said seriously:

"Then what? Did you go to Prince Wu's Mansion yesterday?"

Ye Jingtang nodded: "I had no direction, so I ran to Prince Wu's Mansion to have a look, and found that there was indeed this book in Prince Wu's study. The page with the tunnel was also creased..."

Dongfang Liren felt that Ye Jingtang was a little too courageous, so he frowned and said:

"What does this mean?"

"I just had a suspicion. When I was searching around, I found traces of molten oil outside the observation building of Prince Wu's Mansion, and I wondered if Prince Wu was secretly plotting something evil..."

The Empress Dowager said inexplicably: "Because Dongfang Yin reads pornographic literature and has different ambitions, do you suspect him of evil intentions?"

Ye Jingtang was not very good at explaining the reasoning path, so he explained casually:

"I have always been so unreasonable in investigating cases. I was just suspicious at first. I thought that this tunnel had been abandoned long ago and Prince Wu was digging another tunnel. But today I came in and found that someone was working on the tunnel that had been sealed for two hundred years. That tunnel It can mean that Prince Wu discovered this place and was doing some shady things secretly..."

Dongfang Liren listened for a moment, looked solemn, thought about it and said:

"It's not that I don't believe you, but these news, except that there are traces of molten oil on the house, are all unfounded conjectures. If it were an ordinary official, I could arrest and torture him without reason, but Dongfang Yin is a vassal Your Majesty, the imperial court tortured and extorted a confession without any evidence, just to force him to rebel against King Wu, even if the emperor issued an edict, he would be stopped by the courtiers."

Ye Jingtang knew this, and turned to look at the collapsed tunnel, feeling a little headache:

"We have already alerted the enemy. By the time the tunnel is dug out, the other party will have already cleaned up the traces. It may not be easy to find any more evidence."

Dongfang Liren said: "As long as Dongfang Yin is plotting something evil secretly, there will always be clues. When I go out, I will arrange for people to investigate secretly. If this matter is really found out, I will record your first contribution..."

During the chat, dense footsteps came from behind the door-sealing stone.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang got up and communicated with the palace people who came over...

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